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Post time 26-1-2013 01:09 PM | Show all posts
beta_carotene posted on 25-1-2013 04:00 PM
worth it.. aku tgk 2x

gigih.. den tak sanggup.. boleh sakit jantung.. haha

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Post time 26-1-2013 09:41 PM | Show all posts

MAMA 2013

A man kills several of his business partners and his estranged ex-wife then runs away with his children: a young Victoria and baby Lilly. After speeding on a remote, snowy road, he crashes into the woods and takes the children to an abandoned cabin he wanders upon nearby. Realizing the mistakes he has made, he prepares to commit murder suicide but at the last moment is killed by a strange figure in the cabin. Victoria looks at the figure but only sees a blur as her glasses were broken in the crash.

Five years later, their Uncle Lucas (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and his girlfriend Annabel (Jessica Chastain) have been madly searching for his brother and nieces using the inheritance of his brother. The searchers stumble upon the crashed car and find the two children in the cabin. In this time, they have become completely like animals, with Victoria physically shielding Lilly in a defensive stance to the intruders. They are put under the care of a psychiatrist, Dr. Dreyfuss. There is a legal dispute over custody of the children between Lucas and a rich aunt on the childrens' mother's side, while the court questions the ability of Lucas and Annabel to raise the children in a small apartment with little income given their special needs. Dr. Dreyfuss agrees to recommend Lucas and Annabel as the childrens' legal guardians as long as they agree to move into a special home used to perform case studies, knowing that he would not be able to monitor their progress if their aunt, who lives on the other side of the country, were to obtain custody.

It quickly becomes apparent that the strange figure, who the children repeatedly refer to as "Mama", is in the new home with the children. Her history is given throughout the movie through a combination of dreams Anabelle has (induced by Mama), research by Dr. Dreyfuss, and conversations with Victoria. "Mama" was a former patient at a mental asylum in the 1800's; her appearance and simple actions imply she had Down Syndrome, though this is never officially stated. She breaks out of the asylum and stabs a nun who had taken Mama's baby (also named Lily) into her care then steals the baby back. Chased by the authorities, she ends up at the edge of a cliff overlooking the lake; seeing no other path, she jumps and hits a tree branch on the way down. While Mama fell into the lake, the baby (killed by the impact) was stuck to the tree trunk and was recovered by the pursuers. Mama becomes a ghost, twisted by the sad emotions of not knowing where her child is (she is unaware of why the baby was not in the lake with her). This causes her to take a form of physically being twisted, with body parts askew and many joints bending the wrong way. She searched the woods for centuries trying to find her baby, until she stumbled upon Victoria and Lily about to be killed in the cabin, and began taking care of the children as her own.

Mama's presence is generally signaled by black butterflies and electrical problems. She plays with the children but hides from sight of anyone else; Victoria always takes off her glasses when she looks at Mama and tells Dr. Dreyfuss she won't come where she can be seen. Early in the movie, Lucas is pushed down the stairs by Mama and ends up in a coma. This forces Annabel, who does not want the children, to take care of them. Over time, Victoria becomes more like a normal child, but Lilly retains her animalistic nature; this is attributed to the fact that Victoria was older and thus had socially developed before their abandonment in the woods. Over time, Annabel becomes attached to the children, and later, Victoria begins to prefer her over Mama, but Lilly still remains completely loyal to Mama. Annabel becomes aware there is something wrong and that Mama may indeed be real. Victoria worries for her safety, saying Mama gets very jealous.

Dr. Dreyfuss begins to believe the stories of Mama, first because Victoria is able to tell stories with information she shouldn't be able to know, and later because he actually sees Mama. In the course of the investigation, he obtains custody of the corpse of Mama's baby. Dr. Dreyfuss comes to believe that Mama is located in the cabin in the woods and goes to investigate but is killed by Mama there. The aunt believes Annabel is abusing the children (due to bruises Lilly has from her animalistic tendencies) and begins to spy on the house for proof. Lucas has a dream induced by his dead brother while in a coma, asking him to save his children and pointing him to a location in the woods. Annabel visits Dr. Dreyfuss's office after another supernatural night at the house but finds out he is missing; she steals his objects related to the case. At this point, she learns of the aspects of the case which the doctor had found out about and finds the baby's corpse. At the same time, Mama becomes angry and attacks the children and Annabel; Victoria tries hard to defend Annabel and pleads for Mama to stop, but Lilly is still clearly loyal to Mama. Annabel is knocked out, but at the last moment the aunt breaks into the house and has her body possessed by Mama. Mama uses this body to take the children to the cabin.

Annabel wakes up, grabs the baby's corpse, and drives to the lake, finding Lucas along the way, who has left the hospital and gone to the site his brother told him about in his coma dream. They arrive at the cabin, finding the aunt's corpse but neither Lilly nor Victoria. Annabel sees the cliff that Mama had originally jumped from; remembering the warning that ghosts are twisted souls doomed to repeat their mistakes, she realizes Mama's intentions to jump off the cliff with the children. Lucas and Annabel arrive in time to stop the children from jumping, but Mama attacks them. The assault is stopped when Mama finds her baby's corpse, begins crying, and prepares to jump off the cliff with it, her twisted appearance reverting to a more human one. However, as they are leaving, Lilly shouts to Mama and she regains her twisted appearance and attacks again, knocking out Lucas. She grabs the kids and walks to the edge of the cliff. Annabel tries desparately to stop Mama, eventually beaten to the point that she can only hold onto Victoria. Once at the edge of the cliff, Victoria tries to convince Lilly not to go, and Lilly cries that Lilly, Victoria, and Mama should all be together. Mama jumps off the cliff with just Lilly, and upon hitting the branch, Mama and Lilly turn into a shower of butterflies. The movie ends with Victoria realizing that one of the butterflies watching over her is in fact Lilly, perhaps referencing a ghostly regret of Victoria not going with her.

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Post time 26-1-2013 09:42 PM | Show all posts


Last edited by FNA_AZHANI on 26-1-2013 09:44 PM



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Post time 26-1-2013 10:51 PM | Show all posts
wpon ada unsur yg menyalahi law of ghos/horror movies..aku tetap list kan muvi ni antara best horror movie uth beberapa tahun keblkngan ni....

p/s: satu panggung gelak masa auntie Jean kena terkam di Mama tu..hehe..aku pon gelak.x tahu nape..hehe..kesian org tua tu..

btw muka MAMA tu mcm muka Sarah jessica Parker ..hehe..muka panjnag dagu runcing gitu

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Post time 27-1-2013 11:38 AM | Show all posts
thread ini dah ada
saya akan merge

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Post time 27-1-2013 12:33 PM | Show all posts
eddlisa_uyuk posted on 27-1-2013 11:38 AM
thread ini dah ada
saya akan merge

La iya ke..
minx maaf byk2

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Post time 27-1-2013 09:38 PM | Show all posts
FNA_AZHANI posted on 27-1-2013 12:33 PM
La iya ke..
minx maaf byk2

ooo tak peee.......


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Post time 30-1-2013 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Mama... Hantu yg masih ada sifat kemanusiaan

Tengok kat Setia City Mall minggu lepas, nasib baik duduk sebelah dgn org2 kuat semangat. tak mcm thn lepas duduk ngan sorg pompuan yg tak abis2 menjerit masa tgk Don't be afraid of the dark. pas tu bleh pulak jwb telepon kwn dia dlm panggung hokehh. Sebijik mcm adegan Scary Movie.
Back to 'Mama', filem ni memang seram tapi tak la se-horror Insidious - My fave part adlh bila Victoria, ayah dan adiknya sampai kat kabin tu, dan Victoria pergi tgk kat luar tingkap sambil berkata dgn innocent nya lebih kurang cenggini," Ayah, ada seorang perempuan kat luar... Kaki dia tak jejak tanah..."

[SPOILER ALERT] Pada pandangan I, Lily ni di bawa Mama nya mati bersama sbb dia yg paling rapat dan payah nak adapt dgn kehidupan barunya, tak seperti Victoria.

What I love about Mama as a project, and it was there in the short from the beginning, is a great construction of a character, not just a ghost.  We do three stages of Mama.  We do one where the girls talk about her, before you see her like they did in the short. 'Don’t look at her. Mama is back.'  It implies a lot. It implies a will and a personality on the ghost, before you show it.  The second stage is the speech with the old lady saying, 'A ghost is a twisted emotion, like a corpse desecrated in the sun.'  That is the second stage of construction of Mama.  Then, you do it through the process of action, where you see a shadow, you hear a noise, a closet door opens. And then the doctor makes the investigation, she was a mother... By the time you reveal Mama, you already have so many emotions and ideas about her, when that is personified in that scarecrow figure, it’s super scary because you’re not just dealing with a scary figure, you’re dealing with a full-blown character.  That’s much more satisfying.

Guillermo del Toro



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Post time 30-1-2013 11:29 AM | Show all posts
takde link nak tgk online ke??
downlod ke?
aku tgk GSC tadi takde orang book pun lagi
takut laa tengok sorang2 huhuhuhu
teringin betul nak tengok cite ni

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Post time 30-1-2013 08:21 PM | Show all posts
atas rekemendesen beberape org porumer, dan lps bace komen/riviu uolss, iolss pon tgk la cite neh ptg td..

sbenanyer iolss nk tgk muvi ni sbb "pan's labirinth" del toro..


nape 5 taun? 5 taon br dpt trace bebudak tu sbb mase time eksiden tu kan ke time salji, so mmg susah nk trace kesan eksiden...tu mkn mase yg lame..

nape MAMA x bunoh je PI/org upahan LUKE yg jompe 2 org budak tu?...

mase nk last, mcm mane MAMA bwk/kidnap budak2 tu g umah kat utan/kabin tepi tasik tu?...naek ape?..mcm cepat jah smpi...

kalu MAMA x suke org amek 2 budak tu (ala2 jeles la khen), pesal die x kidnap dr awal jah budak2 tu?...sorok kt mane2 tempat laen...

LUKE g utan mase nk last tu mcm xde mohtep jah (konon2 nk siasat lps dpt vision psl abg die mase kt hospital), last2 jumpe annabel jugek, br deolss g cari budak2 tu kt umah tepi tasik tu...

kalu MAMA x puas ati /marah dgn dokter yg siasat psl sheolss, pesal bunoh mase kt umah tepi kabin tu, nape x bunoh dr awal...


cite ni bnyk suspens, elemen bile da mule nmpk bentuk MAMA tu mase last2, elemen seram/takut jd kureng...stil seram, tp x mcm mase mule2 la...

iolss pon rekemen cite ni kt sape2 yg blom tgk, x rugi abes RM12 (2D)..x tau bebaloi ke x kalu tgk 3D...

rating: 3.5/5



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Post time 31-1-2013 01:51 AM | Show all posts
Citer Mama ni tarikan pertama dia sebab producer dia Guillermo Del Toro, yang buat cerita Pan Labrynth.So aku dahexpect cerita Mama ni best ,based on Del Toro record, cerita horror,...kalu  dia mesti buat....ending sedih .walaupun bukan dia yang pi director cerita ini....btw..Anyway this pelem is based on 2008 spanish language short pelem oleh andres muschietti serti yg ak tepekan  dlm post yg terdahuluAku kasihan laa danbagi 3/5 bintang untuk Mama. 1 bintang extra sebab Mama pandai buat lawak bodo dan boleh buat double job. Rambut dia boleh buat vakum automatik . Haha.dan Ak memang akan compare seram ke tak cerita antu  dengan cerita Insidiousyg mana kemunculan "antu" nya yg tidak dpat dijangkakan...tapi dlm cerita ini korang akan tahu...Bila muzik senyap je, dalam bilik samar-samar, kau pun dah boleh agak "antu"nak keluarlaaaaa tu!!.
Kisahnya Mama ni antu yang kehilangan anak. Datang pulak dua orang budak ni kat rumah dia sebab mak diaorang kene kiok. Tapi apak bebudak ni cuba bunuh anak dia ni tapi Mama ni halang. Baekkan "antu" ni? So Mama ni jagalah budak ni.antu jaga anak orang. Tak ke jadi anak antu budak tu nanti?tentang ending cerita ini..."like a kind of sad"..tapi cikit ada anti climatic,..sebab "antu" mama
amik lily...the youngest girl, and dives off a cliff, and then...they explode into moths..kupupu/rerama...and for me moths are kind of a symbol in tis pelem, not so much for evil, but.....simbol for lost souls.



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Post time 31-1-2013 08:57 AM | Show all posts
nama del toro skang mmg laku kn. just as producer je n letak nama dia, sure ramai org nak tengok.
director dia salu anak didik del toro, tu yg org ala2 letak kepercayaan tinggi bhw cter tu best.
mcm cter the orphanage dlu, kire takla menghampakan.
tp mama ni mcm rendah sket kualitinya. apa2pon dh dpt pon no 1 kt box office chart minggu ni. Last edited by sayangidaku on 31-1-2013 09:02 AM


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Post time 4-2-2013 12:15 PM | Show all posts
thril, sedih, seram, loving etc sume feel ade dlm citer ni..mmg best..victoria n lily sgt chomel..aku bg 3.5/5..

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Post time 4-2-2013 12:50 PM | Show all posts
gjoy_chester posted on 21-1-2013 08:25 AM
dah tengok citer ni, memang best coz penonton tertunggu2 nak tengok kelibat Mama..unsur suspen tu ya ...

Dah jln citer/plot dia camtu..nak wat camne gamaknyer..
Last edited by tagas on 4-2-2013 12:53 PM


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Post time 4-2-2013 01:27 PM | Show all posts
I saw the trailer & loved the movie!!! Cant wait to see this movie!!!

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Post time 5-2-2013 12:00 PM | Show all posts
aku sbnrnya nak tengok The Impossible.
Tapi kwn2 aku nak tengok MAMA..
aku yg mmg x tahu apa2 psl citer ni redah jer..

Bagi aku yg bukanlah jenis minat kisah seram2 sgt ni.. bg aku? BEST la gak.. byk gak la unsur terkejut2 walopun aku x terkejut.. maybe sbb aku dah leh agak time nak kuar.. and sbb aku ni kalo terkejut pun bukan react dgn body.. badan stay tp hati ni.. mmg la terkejut..

aku dok jerit pun masa bapak dia say "Shut up victoria!" then accident.. sbb aku part accident2 mmg trauma sikit tengok..

Mmmg beest rupernyer layan citer seram kat wayang ni.. kelakor.. sbb penonton2 nyer leh buat mcm2 gak tok aku ketawa or seram..

Masa ada hantu tu kuar mcm senyap2 kat blkg.. dia mcm kekonon kalo ko x tengok bebetul.. ko x nampak la hantu tu.. means saper focus tengok.. nampak la hantu tu... boleh plak apek mana dok jerit

"I saw! I saw!" dah la masa tu senyap.. semua org dlm panggung mcm senyap sbb memula igtkan "I saw! I saw!" tu dialog movie tu.. 2-3 second satu panggung gelak sbb baru pasan.. tu penonton punya suara.. buahaha! bengong apek nih buat lawak plak..

okay.. citer ni okay.. tpai mcm forumer lain ckp.. ada holes dia..

Persoalan/komen aku.

1. Kenapa bapak dia psycho sampai bunuh bini dia, bunuh rakan sekerja and siap nak bunuh anak and diri dia sendiri? Dorg x citer jelas sbb2 bapak dia leh bertindak camtu.. nak tau gak sbb apa? bisnes teruk ker.. bini dia curang ker..

2. Lucas~ mcm x der fungsi.. lepas jumpa anak buah dia.. terus kena belasah ngn hantu MAMA.. pastu koma.. nampak vision.. lps kuar spital.. masuk hutan mlm2.. mcm  x leh pi siang.. pastu?? tetiber leh jumpa ANnabelle kat jalan.. means? mcm x berguna jer tindakan dia.. ending dia annabelle gak yg berguna.. dia? haprak..

3. Dua founder Victoria ngn Lily x mati ms jumpa bdk2 tu.. serious aku igtkan dorg akan mati. rupanya tak.. okay.. anggap jer la masa tu MAMA x der.. pi cari buah berry tok bebudak tu..

4. Nak tau apsal MAMA tu jadi gila asalnya.. masa dia hidup apsal dia gila? sejak lahir? ada kes2 tertentu? kena rogol?

5. Doctor x fer function sbb akhirnya mati gak kat rumah tgh hutan tu.. sama cam Jeff (bpk victoria). and sama gak mcm auntie Jean..

6. Tengkorak baby MAMA tu.. pun x der function si Annabelle beriya bawak nak bg dia.. last2 dia leh baling and hancurkan tengkorak tuh.. jenuh kot Annabelle bawak.. senget itu hantu.. sib baik sbb ko gila.. so .. aku accept la..

7. Apsal auntie Jean beriya sgt nak jaga bdk2 tu? And naper Jeff pun nak jaga bdk2 tu? adakah bdk2 tu mmg adalah harta tok boleh wariskan aset JEFF?

8. Perlu ke Jeff nak kuar dr bawah tunnel tu? nak masuk dlm vision Luke.. tapi mcm x der fungsi jer.. kan senang kuar jer terus dr signboard tpt tu.. main teka teki bagai plak.. melainkan dia mmg ada something berlaku kat tunnel tu.. kira mcm ada la related bg aku kan..

ok, maaf la persoalan aku ni byk ngarut2 ni.. biasalah.. persoalan kan? kekeke!



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Post time 5-2-2013 02:23 PM | Show all posts
citer mama ni best....sedih bagi pihak mama dan jugak maknusia huhu

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Post time 5-2-2013 02:24 PM | Show all posts
JUSTcircle posted on 5-2-2013 12:00 PM
aku sbnrnya nak tengok The Impossible.
Tapi kwn2 aku nak tengok MAMA..
aku yg mmg x tahu apa2 psl  ...

hubby i sampai skrg tak puas ati kat mama tu... dia ckp dah dpt tengkorak anak ko tu dahla yg sibuk nak bawak lilly tu pehal ??????

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Post time 5-2-2013 03:30 PM | Show all posts
akassmalynn posted on 5-2-2013 02:24 PM
hubby i sampai skrg tak puas ati kat mama tu... dia ckp dah dpt tengkorak anak ko tu dahla yg sibu ...

betul betul betul   sedih tengok victoria dan lily terpaksa berpisah last tu. tapi i paham la mesej dia, kononnya lily membesar dengan mama tu, so dia kenal mama as her dia tak reti berfikir matang macam victoria yang memang dah kenal original mother and father dia.memang meruntun hati jugak ending citer ni. i suke citer ni tapi tak suka ending je

and i pon setuju uncle Luke dia ni takde function langsung lepas sedar dari koma tu, agaknya saje nak memanjangkan citer je kot...ape pon citer ni kategori best laa jugak


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Post time 5-2-2013 04:47 PM | Show all posts
JUSTcircle posted on 5-2-2013 12:00 PM
aku sbnrnya nak tengok The Impossible.
Tapi kwn2 aku nak tengok MAMA..
aku yg mmg x tahu apa2 psl  ...

meh sini aktlong jwb skit...
1. mmg ada mention dlm movie...bpak victoria & lily bnuh business partner and his wife skali sbb businnes n financial crisis...dia nak bnuh the whole family before commit suicide tpi xsmpt sbb mama hlang
2.hahahh prsan x the father jeff n lucas are played by the same dia dlm hospital bwh jmbtn tuh dkt dgn cabin tu rsanya...xpelikla role dia kecik je sbb focus crita ni dkt dua beradik n annabelle
3.diorng xkena bnuh sbb msa tu mama xmengamuk lgi...lgipun diorg cuma bwa diorng prgi je tpi still xrapat ngan budak2 tuh...mama start menggila sbb victoria mula open up n rapat dgn annabelle smpi mama rsa threatened mcm ada orang cuba rmps ank dia
4.edith aka mama mmg inmate asylum...pastu pregnant n lahirkn anak lpas tu dipisahkn...dia lpaskn dri asylum sbb nak cri ank dia...mama become restless soul sbb bila dia terjun air...ank dia mati terkena n tersangkut ranting kayu dkt msa dia mati dlm air ank dia xde skali...that's why dia berkenan kat dua beradik tu n cuba relive that moment dia bnuh dri kat cliff
5.mula2 mmg dia aman dpt tengkorak ank dia....tpi bila lily panggil mama dia mengamukla blik
7.aunt jean tu relative belah mak...kan belah bpak punca semuanya...mestilah dia berebut nak jga

mmg guillermo sndri dah mention diorg exposed mama in three diff stages...mula2 bdak2 tu je sbut psal mama tpi xde sapa nmpk(suspense)...pstu bru start pnampakn mama(horror+thriller)...lastly bru dia tnjukkn the whole figure to show the emotion of the character...the last scene tu rsanya diorg mmg saja tinggalkn elemen seram n fokus kpd emotion of the character...lgipun scene last2 dgn music n the scenery pun dah xmcm filem seram but more to fantasy...skian



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