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Author: Introvert

Masalah Pemalu

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Post time 11-9-2013 10:55 PM | Show all posts
jd pemalu x salah jgn plak jd x tahu malu...yg tu problem

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Post time 11-9-2013 11:03 PM | Show all posts
Introvert posted on 11-9-2013 10:48 PM
Akhirnya ada someone yg sedang merasi situasi aku sekarang. Aku boleh kata antara paling muda dlm  ...

tu la..opis lame aku ramai gila rakan sebaya...orang tua takde langsung..tpi environment tak ok...
opis baru ni environment macam ok..
tapi takde geng nak bercakap..
sebenarnye ade..aku pon bole jek wat2 ramah dengan akak tuh..
tp aku rase mcm...zzzzz lagi2 akak tuh asik emo..
arini aku rehat dengan akak lain..ok sket..
tp still tak jumpe geng yg betul2 masuk coz sini mmg ramai orang tua..diorang jenis keje bertahun2 tak reti nak tukar agaknye..department n floor aku la

tah2 kite sama company tak..jomla lunch same aku boring takde geng lunch yg sesuai

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Post time 11-9-2013 11:10 PM | Show all posts
Introvert posted on 11-9-2013 10:49 PM
Asalkn boleh tambah level of confidence

sila mintak pandangan  ngn @cik_kiah  ..dier tgh buat master dalam bidang saikologi..

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Post time 11-9-2013 11:14 PM | Show all posts
tambah lagi satu..

department aku kecik..tapi floor tuh ade different2 department..
cina2 mmg p makan tak halal la..
aku nak mengajak akak2 tu makan kene jalan jauh sket nk p make frenss..kakak2 tuh sumer floor yg sama
tapi diff department..n kene jalan jauh nak p mengajak..goshh...gigih ke idakk aku..haaa...

kakak yg aku maksudkan disini berumur 40 lebih ke atas..

Last edited by awoks on 11-9-2013 11:15 PM


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Post time 12-9-2013 12:02 AM | Show all posts
blazzard posted on 11-9-2013 11:10 PM
sila mintak pandangan  ngn @cik_kiah  ..dier tgh buat master dalam bidang saikologi..

ceh..bagia btl ko neh

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Post time 12-9-2013 08:05 AM | Show all posts
awoks posted on 11-9-2013 10:30 PM
aku pon pemalu gak

da la aku baru tukar opis bulan ni..

heh siannnyer...hehehehe
aku dapat bygkan camner bergaul ngn akak2 umor 40an ni..
tp mmg baye2 tu suke cite bab2 politik opis..

ohhh sorry.. serius aku tak suke...
pehtu kang + cite mengumpat2 org....

aku ni takde la kategori peramah sgt... tp boleh la....
tp kengkawan aku lagi peramah.. klu lepak sekali.. mmg aku akan jadi kurang bercakap..
sbb yg lain2 berebut2 nak cakap...
tp tu la.. bile da ramai2 ni... mule la kuar part2 mengumpat.. huhu.

so skrg ni.. mmg aku klu mkn.. bekpes or lunch.. mmg lepak kt tmpt sendiri jer...
dah rase cem sombong lak... hahahaha mmg aku prefer sorang2 jer..
tp kwn2 aku salu je datang bertenggek kat meja aku ni...


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Post time 12-9-2013 08:07 AM | Show all posts
Introvert posted on 11-9-2013 10:48 PM
Akhirnya ada someone yg sedang merasi situasi aku sekarang. Aku boleh kata antara paling muda dlm  ...

haa tak pun ko joint la aktiviti kat opis tu..

mcm kat opis aku ni.. ade kelab sukan..
so diaorg ni salu la main bola .. badminton..
so ko rajinkan2 la diri joint mende2 cemtu..
secara tak langsung ko mesti akan kenai ramai org..
so boleh la start2 bercerita bab2 tu... nti da rase ok, dgn sendiri ko akan boleh sembang bab2 lain..
takpun joint aktiviti surau.. mcm ceramah ker..
tp biase la.. golongan muda maybe kurang gemar..heheheheehhe

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Post time 12-9-2013 08:35 AM | Show all posts
Introvert posted on 11-9-2013 06:24 PM
Masih mencuba dan terus mencuba walaupun perasaan malu selalu menghantui

belum cuba belum tahu lets try bro. kalau tak nanti anda akan dihantui misteriiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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Post time 12-9-2013 08:52 AM | Show all posts
awoks posted on 11-9-2013 10:30 PM
aku pon pemalu gak

da la aku baru tukar opis bulan ni..

kalu gi makan sorang2 tak bole ker? makan pun kena berteman yer.....


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Post time 12-9-2013 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Malas nk bebel ekau baca la artikel ni

What causes shyness?

There are many reasons that might cause shyness but the most famous ones are lack of self confidence, fear of rejection, perfectionism and excessive self consciousness.

You might think that dealing with shyness involves dealing with these internal problems by fixing the way you think. While part of this statement is true still it’s completely wrong to assume that shyness can be dealt with without developing your social skills and training yourself to deal with the external world. Yes the change starts from within but for shyness the change has to come from the outside world and not just from changing your thinking patterns.

Getting over shyness

Getting over shyness in few weeks requires doing the following steps:
•Force yourself to interact with people: This is the most important advice. if you can't do the rest just do this one and you will get over your shyness. Talk to strangers and force yourself to have long conversations with people. This is going to be extremely hard in the beginning but each time you do it the difficulty will decrease until it will become a piece of cake.
&#8226repare the script: If you didn't find anything to say make sure you have a small list in your mind which lists the main subjects you’re going to talk about. When I used to be shy I used to study by hard the whole conversation before I talked to someone.
•Confident people vs. shy people: Both confident and shy people face rejections. However, what makes confident people happy and not shy is that they forget about these rejections and never give them a big weight. Everyone faces rejections but shy people become obsessed with these rejections and so their shyness increases.
&#8226erfectionism: Most shy people think that they must say everything right without making a single mistake. This belief results in an intense fear of failure and the desire to avoid making mistakes. Getting rid of perfectionism is a crucial step in dealing with shyness.

What if you ignored this problem?

Ignoring a problem that you have or acting as if it wasn’t there will definitely result in depression. In my book, The ultimate guide to getting over depression I explained how depression can be the result of burying your problems instead of dealing with them.

Some people have mastered the bad habit of fooling themselves into thinking that they are fine when they are not. A shy person might fool himself into thinking that he doesn’t have any problems by convincing himself that he loves computers or that he loves staying in his room. While this is an intelligent way to distract himself from the real problem the subconscious mind will discover the trick and respond back with depression.

One last thing you should know

In summary, forcing yourself to talk to people, training yourself well and developing your social skills by force is a 100% guaranteed method for getting over shyness.

However, after getting rid of shyness traces of perfectionism, lack of self confidence or fear of failure might still be there. You must not ignore these issues and deal with them as fast as you can. While they won’t result in making you shy again they will still bother you and prevent you from reaching your full potential when dealing with people.

kredit to



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Post time 12-9-2013 09:08 AM | Show all posts
Introvert posted on 10-9-2013 08:58 PM
Ada ke yg betul2 nk brkawan dalam ini? Sebab forum ini bukan mcm chatting

Tgh slow2 ber ...

forum ni ok sebenarnya..aku dh kumpul ramai kawan dari forum ni..diorg pn selalu ada gathering cuma aku x join sbb duk jauh

kalau ko nk cepat, join la umah borak

kalau sebelum ni silent reader, ko try la komen2..pastu lama2 ko akan perasan nick forumer2 yg biasa komen, dari situ, kalau ko rasa sesuai nk berkawan/suka topik yg dia komen, PM pun boleh, sambung borak sana

aku dulu lepak umah borak, kaut ada la dlm 20++ kawan kenal, tp almost semua ppuan mcm aku la..siap ada sorg tu dh jadi mcm kawan rapat la jgk kat tu zaman aku study la..skrg ni just catch up kat fb and wasap je..yg rapat dgn aku still baik sampai skrg..aku pn x sangka..padahal join forum ni sebab forum ni ramai org join and topik byk nk sampuk

tapi ko kena ingt la, kekdg attitude yg diorg tunjuk kat dlm forum ni lain bila dh in real life..mcm kawan rapat aku dr forum ni, dia suka buat jokes dlm ayat2 dia dlm forum/sengal suka bagi aku gelak tp bila jumpa, mak aih, lemah lembut gila dan jenis pemikir sebenarnya..ada sorg tu hyper dlm forum, kat luar pn sama jgk hyper

Last edited by dark_chocolate on 11-9-2013 01:10 PM



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Post time 12-9-2013 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Introvert posted on 11-9-2013 10:49 PM
Asalkn boleh tambah level of confidence

yela tgkla dulu sbb ai ni pemalu

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Post time 12-9-2013 10:21 AM | Show all posts
awoks posted on 11-9-2013 10:30 PM
aku pon pemalu gak

da la aku baru tukar opis bulan ni..


normal la... makcik2x kat opis ni mmg suka buat ketupat... bergosip2x artist... it's normal...

tapi pakcik2x kat opis lagi parah... ayat confirm ala2 gatal aje... kalau sehari tak de cakap double meaning tak leh ke...

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Post time 12-9-2013 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Innrukia posted on 12-9-2013 09:00 AM
Malas nk bebel ekau baca la artikel ni

What causes shyness?

great article tq for sharing
ehemmm,hi kak inn
saya pun pemalu jgk hehe

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Post time 12-9-2013 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Cuba la kau bual2 benda basic je dengan kawan2 ofis kau.

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Post time 12-9-2013 11:50 AM | Show all posts
TT ko ni bukan teruk sngat, cuma low self confident.
Ko boleh jer bork pasal isu2 semasa, redah jer.
Aku zaman sekolah ade juga sifat malu.
Aku lebih malu dngn 2 golongn jer, mereka yg senior dngn gadis yg lawa2
Sebb tu masa sekola susah dapt awek
Ade juga pengalamn cinta monyet, itu pon membe tolong ngejas.
Sampi laa aku berubah dari zaman u hingga ke tmpat keje.
Senng jer nk mulakan perbualan.
Ko kene pandai celah mana ko nk mula.
Kalau diorng borak pasal isu2 terkini ko kene tau mana ko nk bagi pendapat.
So banyakkan membaca.
Ko kene bnykkan bercampur dngn orng yg pelbagai level umo.
Macm2 cite ko bole dngar
Bermula dari orng2 rapat pakcik2,pak2 sedara dan sebagainya.
Masa hari raya xkan ko xbercmpur kot?
Layan jer borak cite dieorng
Dalam offis pulak
Ko orng baru kan, ko tnya laa pasal tempat makan ker ape.
Enviroment ker.
Dieorng ajak makn ikut jer selamber.
Kita memang mudah rapat dngn kawn sebaya, tapi perlu juga bercampur dengn pelbagai jenis golongn
Minda kita xla sempit
kalau asik2 dngn rakan sebaya jer sampai bila nk berkembng.
Manusia ni macm2 jenis dn perangai, perluaskan pergaulan
Benda2 ni laa jadi pengalaman.
Just pendapat aku.
Ko lelaki aku pon lelaki.
Come on bro tonjolkan kejantanan anda.



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Post time 12-9-2013 11:58 AM | Show all posts
jom join aku menebas.....

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 Author| Post time 12-9-2013 07:08 PM | Show all posts
Terima kasih yg byk memberikan pendapat dan sokongan trhadap sy.
Byk perkara sy telah belajar dalam ini dan skrang paling penting sy nak kurangkn sifat malu dan menjad lebih berani.
Sy dah mula brtanya sedikit dlm meeting dan menegur rakan2 office.
Mungkin cara sy agak slow brbnding org biasa tapi itu yg mampu sy lakukn dri skrang.
Bukan mudah utk mengurangkn sifat malu dalam 1 malam.
Skarang ini sy lebih kpd berlakon yg pura2 sy tidak malu hehehe.


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Post time 12-9-2013 08:51 PM | Show all posts
Aisyazurina posted on 12-9-2013 10:21 AM

normal la... makcik2x kat opis ni mmg suka buat ketupat... bergosip2x artist... it's n ...

ade aritu mase aku tak join akak2 opis n tak kenal lagi derang..aku join abang2 n pakcik2 rehat skali..haha
suprisingly..aku lagi hepi rehat dgn abang2 n pakcik nih..drg mane ade gosip sgt..makan...n terus balik

akak2 kemain politik opiss..yawnnnnnnnn...sampai impact dia pon kene kat aku terus rase tak best bile dngar..

arini aku tapau n makan kat pantry..kat pantry jumpe akak lain pulak n borak..ade few akak ok sket

err..aku rase aku tak pemalu sgt kot macam TT..


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Post time 12-9-2013 08:55 PM | Show all posts
khailya posted on 12-9-2013 08:05 AM
heh siannnyer...hehehehe
aku dapat bygkan camner bergaul ngn akak2 umor 40an ni..
tp mmg baye2 t ...

kannn..tapi blasah je la..sini environment ok ...orang pon ok x kekwat..

takat makcik2 layankan je la uols

tips untok TT...ko gi la surau semayang..kat sane nanti jumpe org gak..
macam semayang jumaat kan..ko lelaki kan..tanye la laki2 weh korang slalu semayang mane..macam tu..patu tag along la


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