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Author: Truth.8

Which Animals Does the Bible Designate as 'Clean' and 'Unclean'

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Post time 16-11-2014 01:41 PM | Show all posts
All meats, regardless it is chicken, pork, beef or mutton can cause zoonotic diseases if it contains harmful pathogen, one good example is cestode in fish....

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2014 10:20 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 16-11-2014 01:26 PM
What Are the Health Benefits of Pork Chops?

Nutrition BasicsOne serving of pork is 3 ounces, or a ...

that what you think....your view rather Bible....go ahead eat that shit and you see what happened within few yrs...good luck with your piggy meats


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 Author| Post time 17-11-2014 10:22 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 16-11-2014 01:41 PM
All meats, regardless it is chicken, pork, beef or mutton can cause zoonotic diseases if it contains ...

....that why  I told you go was veges in begining when God made adam and eve...after noah  humans went to greed to eat meats...than God made list of meats that are suitable for human consumption.....

you agruing here....hence you going pig virus goin wipe  out humans...make up my words


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Post time 17-11-2014 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 17-11-2014 10:20 AM
that what you think....your view rather Bible....go ahead eat that shit and you see what happened  ...

Thank you very much but the pork eating population in Far East and Mediteranean enjoy the longest lifespan of all races. ... life-expectancy/21/


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 Author| Post time 17-11-2014 10:41 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 16-11-2014 01:29 PM ...

Pork:  Did Leviticus 11:7 Have It Right?

By Dr. Mercola
Levitical guidelines label the pig an "unclean" animal, and prohibit the consumption of pork.
Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, there may be good reason to carefully consider your decision to include pork as part of your diet, as despite advertising campaigns trying to paint pork as a "healthy" alternative to beef, research suggests it may be hazardous to your health on multiple levels.
Pork consumption has a strong epidemiological association with cirrhosis of the liver -- in fact, it may be more strongly associated with cirrhosis than alcohol (although some have questioned the studies that indicate this, and point out that countries with high pork consumption tend to have low obesity rates.)
Other studies also show an association between pork consumption and liver cancer as well as multiple sclerosis.
What's behind this data?
Most U.S. Pigs are Fed Grains, Making Them High in Inflammatory Omega-6 Fats
One contributing factor is the diet upon which the pigs are raised, which will impact the level of polyunsaturated omega-6 fat it contains.
Too many polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) contribute to chronic inflammation, which causes all sorts of problems over the long-term. Inflammation is at the source of just about every chronic disease we see today.
Most pigs raised in the United States are fed grains and possibly seed oils, which dramatically increase their omega-6 content, as well as the highly inflammatory byproduct of omega-6 fatty acid metabolism: arachadonic acid. According to the Weston A. Price Foundation, lard from pigs fed this type of diet may be 32 percent PUFAs. On the other hand, lard from pigs raised on pasture and acorns had a much lower PUFA content, at 8.7 percent, while those fed a Pacific Island diet rich in coconut had even less, only 3.1 percent.i
About one third of the staff at is based in the Philippines where pork is a very popular part of their diet. However, unlike the U.S. in which most of the pigs are fed grains, most of the pig diet in the Philippines is vegetable based. My staff tells me that there is a dramatic difference in the taste. So it is possible that many of the adverse consequences being ascribed to pork may be related to the pigs' diet.
As reported by Dr. Paul Jaminet, a trained astrophysicist and his wife Shou-Ching, a Harvard biomedical scientist, who together authored the book Perfect Health Diet:
"So the omega-6 content can cover a 10-fold range, 3% to 32%, with the highest omega-6 content in corn- and wheat-fed pigs who have been caged for fattening. Corn oil and wheat germ oil are 90% PUFA, and caging prevents exercise and thus inhibits the disposal of excess PUFA. Caging is a common practice in industrial food production."
Consumption of this PUFA-rich meat may very well be a factor in liver disease, as studies show feeding mice corn oil (rich in omega-6) and alcohol (which is metabolically similar to fructose) induces liver disease,ii and omega-6 fats have also been linked to cirrhosis of the liver.
However, even though most pork in the United States is likely to be high in omega-6 fats, it is not the largest contributor of omega-6 fats in the U.S. diet -- this honor goes to vegetable oils. Dr. Jaminet continues:
"Either fructose or alcohol can react with polyunsaturated fat to produce liver disease. Sugar consumption, for example in soft drinks, may be just as likely to combine with pork to cause a cirrhotic liver as alcohol. But no other common dietary component can substitute for the role of polyunsaturated fat in causing liver disease.
… We would expect that if pork can cause liver cirrhosis it will also promote liver cancer, since injured and inflamed tissues are more likely to become cancerous. Indeed, there is an association between pork consumption and the primary liver cancer. … But fat composition is hardly likely to be the sole issue with pork. Most polyunsaturated fats in modern diets are derived from vegetable oils, not pork. It seems that there must be something else in pork besides polyunsaturated fat that is causing liver disease."
Most Pork is Consumed in Processed Form
Another reason to reconsider pork, in theory, would be the fact that most is consumed in processed form. Dr. Jaminet reports that in the U.S., pork consumption can be broken down as follows:
  • Smoked ham 28%
  • Sausage 13%
  • Bacon 6%
  • Processed lunchmeat 6%
  • Other forms of processed pork 10%
Processed meats are those preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or the addition of chemical preservatives. Particularly problematic are the nitrates that are added to these meats as a preservative, coloring and flavoring. The nitrates found in processed meats are frequently converted into nitrosamines, which are clearly associated with an increased risk of certain cancers. It's for this reason that the USDA actually requires adding ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or erythorbic acid to bacon cure, as it helps reduce the formation of nitrosamines.
Meat cooked at high temperatures, as many processed meats often are, can also contain as many as 20 different kinds of heterocyclic amines, or HCAs for short. These substances are also linked to cancer. Heating meat at high temperatures also appears to increase the formation of nitrosamines, with well-done or burned bacon having significantly more nitrosamines than less well-done bacon.
Many processed meats are also smoked as part of the curing process, and smoking is a well-known cause of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which enter your food during the smoking process.
So it's known that eating processed meats exposes you to at least three cancer-causing substances: nitrates and nitrites (leading to nitrosamines), heterocyclic amines, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Ironically, despite this known connection, Dr. Jaminet reports that liver cancer appears to be even more strongly associated with the consumption of fresh pork than processed pork, which suggests another causative factor.
Does Pork Contain an Infectious, Disease-Causing Pathogen?
This is the conclusion reached by Dr. Jaminet, who suggests that an infectious pathogen in pork is responsible for the associated health conditions including liver disease and multiple sclerosis:
"Consider: Traditional methods of processing pork, such as salting, smoking, and curing, are antimicrobial. They were developed to help preserve pork from pathogens. So if processed pork is less risky than fresh pork, we should look for a pathogen that is reduced in number by processing.
If a pathogen is the cause, then it makes sense that fiber would be protective [fiber consumption is protective against pork-induced cancer]. Fiber increases gut bacterial populations. Gut bacteria get "first crack" at food and release proteases and other compounds that can kill pathogens. Also, a large gut bacterial population makes for a vigilant immune system at the gut barrier, making it more likely that pathogens will fail to enter the body. The gut flora are a valuable part of the gut's immune defenses."
So while pork is arguably "good" meat from a biochemical perspective, I believe there is enough scientific evidence to justify the reservations or outright prohibitions in many cultures against consuming it. Pigs are scavenger animals and will eat just about anything, alive, sick or dead. Their appetite for less-than-wholesome foods makes pigs a breeding ground for potentially dangerous infections. Even cooking pork for long periods is not enough to kill many of the retroviruses and other parasites that many of them harbor.
This is why my nutrition plan recommends consciously avoiding pork whenever possible.
Granted, the occasional consumption of pork might be fine, but it's a risk, and the more you consume it the more likely it is that you will eventually acquire some type of infection. The pork and swine industry has been continually plagued, and continues to be so to this day, by a wide variety of hazardous and deadly infections and diseases, including:
  • PRRS -- A horrendous disease, which I first reported on in 2001, but which had been a nightmare for many nations since the mid-1980s, is still alive and kicking today. At one point referred to as "swine mystery disease," "blue abortion," and "swine infertility," the disease was finally named "Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome" (PRRS), and may afflict about 75 percent of American pig herds.
        The PRRS virus primarily attacks the pig's immune system, leaving its body open to a host of infections, particularly in the lungs. Initial research revealed that the virus was transmitted via semen, saliva and blood, leaving pigs herded closely together and transported in close quarters by trucks more susceptible to infection.
        However, according to research presented at the 2007 International PRRS Symposium, the disease is also airborne, making eradication efforts very difficult.
  • The Nipah Virus – Discovered in 1999, the Nipah virus has caused disease in both animals and humans, through contact with infected animals. In humans, the virus can lead to deadly encephalitis (an acute inflammation of your brain). I originally reported on this virus in 2000, but according to CDC data, the Nipah virus reemerged again in 2004.iii
  • Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus (PERV) – According to a study in the journal Lancet, this virus can spread to people receiving pig organ transplants, and according to test tube studies, PERV strains do have the ability to infect human cells.iv    PERV genes are scattered throughout pigs' genetic material, and researchers have found that pig heart, spleen and kidney cells release various strains of the virus.  
  • Menangle Virus – In 1998, it was reported that a new virus infecting pigs was able to jump to humans. The menangle virus was discovered in August 1997 when sows at an Australian piggery began giving birth to deformed and mummified piglets.
Is Organic, Pastured Pork Healthy?
If you choose to eat pork, I would recommend seeking a naturally raised, pastured source, as there's no question that pigs raised on CAFOs will not only be higher in omega-6 fats, but also may be more likely to harbor disease, not to mention be treated inhumanely.  
That said, I can't even safely recommend consuming pasture-raised pork, because of a study in Emerging Infectious Diseases citing concerns about pastured pigs being vulnerable to Trichinella spiralis infection, due to their exposure to wild hosts that carry the disease.v
I would also seek out pork that was raised primarily on vegetables rather than grains. Pasture-raised pig farming has expanded with increased demand from health conscious consumers, and that study noted 28 U.S. farms were located within 50 kilometers of a previously infected site.
If you still want to continue buying pasture-raised pork, I'd advise you to at least take a look at this CDC map, which details areas where outbreaks have occurred, to avoid purchasing meat from a potentially unsafe location. Other than that, I would simply recommend you consider avoiding pork altogether, even organic pasture-raised versions, in favor of healthier and safer protein sources, like organic grass-fed beef, lamb, bison and chicken.


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Post time 17-11-2014 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 17-11-2014 10:22 AM
....that why  I told you go was veges in begining when God made adam and eve...after ...

Not only the zoonotic virus in pig can kill human, those in chicken can kill human too, so you don't eat chicken ???

One good example is flu viruses, H1N1 in pigs can kills human but similarly H5N1 in chicken can too, so chicken is unclean too ???

Be scientific minded and not a religious zombie who can't think with logical mind, ok ?


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Post time 17-11-2014 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 17-11-2014 10:41 AM
Pork:  Did Leviticus 11:7 Have It Right?

By Dr. Mercola

PRRS .....????

Seems that you don't even understand what is zoonotic diseases !

PRRS is a pig specific disease and it doesn't infect human being !

Why copy and paste the consequences of pig reared with extensive farming( on pasture) ???? Didn't i tell you before, all type of livestock are equally susceptible to be infected with zoonotic diseases if one is not careful with it's farming method.

For example,

1. Pig with extensive system - risk of Trichinella spiralis
2. Poultry with exposure to migratory water fowl -  Avian Flu H5N1 and H7N7
3. Cattle fed on protein sources of meat/bone meal - Mad Cow Diseases or BSE
4. Sheep fed on protein sources of meat/bone meal - Scrapie.

Do you have any idea what the above zoonotic diseases are and their consequences ???
I don't have to copy and paste without understanding the diseases and i write this all base on my professional knowledge on diseases in livestock.


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 Author| Post time 17-11-2014 11:30 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 17-11-2014 11:05 AM
PRRS .....????

Seems that you don't even understand what is zoonotic diseases !

Well, I keep God words rather yours...I have proof according to Bible verses base  on the clean and unclean meats...

here is another :

Is it true that a pig is a filthy animal that should not be eaten


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 Author| Post time 17-11-2014 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 17-11-2014 11:30 AM
Well, I keep God words rather yours...I have proof according to Bible verses base  on the clean an ...


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Post time 17-11-2014 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Cngratulation, you have officially declare youself as anti-Christ who reject grace of God but uphold the sinful law of old covenant .......

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2014 12:31 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 17-11-2014 12:20 PM
Cngratulation, you have officially declare youself as anti-Christ who reject grace of God but uphold ...

me anti christ? u mean  i reject son of God , HIS Divinity and reject his Laws?


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Post time 18-11-2014 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 17-11-2014 12:31 PM
me anti christ? u mean  i reject son of God , HIS Divinity and reject his Laws?

Yes, you are a anti-Christ no doubt if you still pig headedly sticking to that doctrine of prophetess, Ellen G White.

Think....If pork is really such a harmful meat, imagine the Chinese races who have been eating it for more than 5000 years and instead of affected adversely by it, Chinese races prosper and procreate magnificently and healthily and become the most populous nation in the world. How many brilliant minds from Chinese civilization not nurtured by pork ???? From philosopher Confucius to inventor of compass....

The same is true for Germans, Japanese and many many more races who have contributed tremendously to advancement of modern civilization, majority of these people are pork eaters and this is fact and nothing but the fact.

So use that God created brain of yours to think logically and not believe blindly in any man made fallacies, especially it is of cult origin.


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 Author| Post time 19-11-2014 05:00 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 18-11-2014 11:39 AM
Yes, you are a anti-Christ no doubt if you still pig headedly sticking to that doctrine of prophet ...

before nipah virus strike malaysia....I posted about pork usual pork lovers counter attacked my posting...within few weeks after the attacked on my topic....nipah virus spread....That how God showin HIS words.....

now you  argued  on this news:

'Perokok bermasalah mental, ada darah babi'

Golongan perokok dikategorikan dalam kelompok pesakit yang mengalami masalah mental kerana ketagihan yang sangat tinggi.

Perkara itu dinyatakan oleh Dekan Fakulti Farmasi, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) cawangan Kuantan, Prof Dr Mohamad Haniki Nik Mohamed, lapor Utusan Online.

Beliau dilapor sebagai berkata, perokok mempunyai masalah mental kerana mengalami ketagihan berpanjangan yang berulang.

Sementara itu, Mohamad Haniki juga mengingatkan perokok bahawa merokok bukan sahaja membawa kesan buruk kepada kesihatan malah kajian pada 2010 mendapati ia mengandungi darah babi.

“Selain itu, sebagai seorang Islam, kita juga perlu sedar bahawa hasil kajian pada 2010 menunjukkan penggunaan darah babi dalam penghasilan rokok,” jelasnya seperti yang dilaporkan Utusan Online.

Menurutnya lagi, dalam kajian terbaru menunjukkan rokok mengandungi kira-kira 7,000 bahan kimia berbahaya dan 70 daripada bahan itu adalah penyebab bagi penyakit kanser.

Jelasnya lagi, penyakit berbahaya seperti sakit jantung, kanser dan strok juga adalah disebabkan oleh tabiat merokok, lapor akhbar Umno itu.


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Post time 20-11-2014 09:08 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 19-11-2014 05:00 PM
before nipah virus strike malaysia....I posted about pork usual pork lovers counter at ...

Fallacy.8, you have no hope, do you even know which virus family does the Nipah virus belongs to ??? Ever heard of Paramyxoviridae ??? It is the same virus causing Newcastle disease in chicken albeit different strain. Does it mean chicken is also unclean ???

Now you are quoting something from Utusan, the UMNO controlled extreme racist cum islamic bigot paper to second your imbecilic point. How stupid can you get ??? You have officially become useful idiot for extremist muslims in UMNO !

Do you really believe swine blood is used in manufacturing cigarrete ??? Worse still it is from unknown pseudo academic from Universiti Islam Antarabangsa, Prof Dr Mohamad Haniki Nik Mohamed. I challenge you to post this finding in international medical journal, i want to see the mocking and whack to head you going to get from the international medical community which includes me.

From now on, you better stop posting anything related to Christianity because you don't do any favour to the Christianity but instead you are just subtilely promoting the vile Islamic teaching under the guise of Christianity.

You are nothing more than an useful idiot for Islamist

Last edited by wkk5159 on 20-11-2014 10:05 AM


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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 10:14 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 20-11-2014 09:08 AM
Fallacy.8, you have no hope, do you even know which virus family does the Nipah virus belongs to ? ...

always bad words from you?  i hve seen this before...mostly from peoples eating unclean meat...there is  no purity in them...go and eat all pork and see how you goind ended up your life in bed rest of your life..


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Post time 20-11-2014 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 20-11-2014 10:14 AM
always bad words from you?  i hve seen this before...mostly from peoples eating unclean meat...the ...

When refuted with facts and too enbarrassed to admit your mistake, you resort to curse me ??? Bingo, i'm right all this while, you are truly a cult follower cum nothing more than an useful idiot for Islamist.

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 11:14 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 20-11-2014 10:44 AM
When refuted with facts and too enbarrassed to admit your mistake, you resort to curse me ??? Bing ...

Pig are sturborn you eat you becoming just like one...never listen...go ahead eat the shit...and sooner u see getting urself sick.
Among all animal meats pork is the filthiest diet to consume by human beings. Pig is the cradle of harmful germs. Scientific evidences prove that pig meat is least healthy having different harmful agents like Cholesterol and Fatty Acids, Bacteria and Toxins and a number of parasites. The pig meat is high in fat and cholesterol that causes the cardiovascular diseases, obesity, the incidence of large intestine cancer. Bacteria and Toxins associated with pigs spread many diseases like salmonellosis, which leads to the acute gastroenteritis and diarrhea. Many other diseases like, Tuberculosis, Yersiniosis, Listeriosis, Leptospirosis, Brucellosis, Small Pox, Influenza, Anthrax, Balantidial dysentery, Foot rot, Cholera and Erysipeloid are attributed to pork consumption. Parasitic Diseases Ascaris, Ancylostomiasis, Toxoplasmosis, Trichinellosis, Cysticercosis showing signs of mental disorders, pneumonia, bleeding of the lungs (haemoptysis), which may lead to death or madness. The patient may become blind and deaf. Nitrates used in pork and pork products as additives are converted into nitrosamines which cause hepatic cell tumors. Flesh of the pork is hard to digest and may lead to chronic digestive disturbances. Pimples, boils, cysts are common in pork eaters. The pig excretory system secretes 2 percent of its uric acid that is injurious for the human health. Pork consumption seriously affects human health and adversely injurious one’s moral values. A person gets pig like characteristics by eating pork, Indecency, obscenity and vanished honour of women. that remind me about alvin and her girl friend nude in fb use vulgar words...Pork lovers


By         Greg Ciola
October         20, 2007      
      This topic is one         that some will disagree with, others may not want to hear, or in some         cases with Christians, they will take offense with because they believe         Jesus doesn’t care what we eat. I’m not trying to be legalistic when it         comes to why we should avoid pork and shellfish. I’m trying to be realistic         and share some health insights into why these foods could be dangerous         to your health. If you want to live a long, disease-free life while you’re         occupying your body, then this issue is one you need to pay close attention         to.       
The cold hard truth         is consuming pork and shellfish regularly can guarantee you an early trip         to the grave. Pork and shellfish rank near the top of the list as some         of the worst foods you can put into your body right along with trans fats,         refined sugar, and artificial sweeteners. Consumption of these foods was         forbidden to the ancient Israelites in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy         because they were considered unclean. To this day Orthodox Jews and Muslims         avoid pork and shellfish.       
There’s a very simple         reason why God wanted the Israelites to avoid these foods and it wasn’t         because He wanted to make arbitrary rules just to test their obedience.         Here’s what the passage from Leviticus says:       
        “And the swine,           though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the           cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their           carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you. These shall ye           eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in           the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. And all           that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all           that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters,           they shall be an abomination unto you: They shall be even an abomination           unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases           in abomination. Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that           shall be an abomination unto you.” (Leviticus 11:7-12)
      From pigs we get         pork, pork chops, ribs, ham, bacon, pepperoni, sausage, Chitterlings (chitlins),         and other by-products. Let’s examine a few of the reasons why God considered         a pig an unclean animal and why He said they shouldn’t be eaten.       
Pigs are scavengers.         They are notorious for eating anything, including their own waste and         garbage. A pig will eat sick and infected animals, including its own piglets         that die from disease. Pigs also have one the quickest, yet poorest digestive         systems of any animal. On average a pig can completely digest its food         in four hours. Since it processes everything so fast, many times the toxins         aren’t removed and they are stored in the pig’s fat. Many pigs are traumatized         physically before being slaughtered. Under these conditions, which are         generally the case in large factory operations, pigs will release toxins         and hormones into their muscles that affect the quality of their meat.               
Pigs are also notorious         for being infected with parasites and tapeworms because they roll around         in poop most of their lives. Anyone that knows anything about cooking         pork knows that it is important to cook it long enough and warm enough         to make sure all the parasites and tapeworms have been killed off. If         not, you could become infected.       
Somehow eating pork         containing cooked, dead parasites doesn’t sound much better either. All         parasites lay eggs to create more parasites. Just because a parasite dies         during cooking doesn’t mean that you can’t become contaminated by the         eggs. Some health experts believe that over 90 percent of our population         today has parasites in their body that reside primarily in the intestinal         system. Certainly our society’s desire for pork products has played a         major factor in this. People that consume pork products all the time tend         to be overweight and unhealthy. Body odor is usually a problem too.       
A doctor that I know         personally says that pig fat is the best medium there is for cancer growth.         He runs a high-tech laboratory where all sorts of microbiological research         and tests are conducted. Their lab puts a lot of emphasis on diagnosing         and treating cancer naturally. They actually have the ability to isolate         cancer viruses from a patient’s blood and view them under a microscope         to determine the strain and then develop herbs to help rid the body of         that specific virus. They also have the ability to replicate the cancer         virus in a Petri dish. What he told me is that the best medium he works         with for growing cancer viruses is pig fat.       
If they can do that         in a lab, what’s all the pig fat doing to your body internally if you’re         eating high amounts of pork products regularly? It would be interesting         to see a study where that question was asked of cancer patients. My guess         is we would find that many cancer patients and people with poor health         are pork eaters.       
Did you know that         all of the clean animals God said we could eat live only on vegetation?         They also digest their food much slower and more effectively so they aren’t         storing all these toxins and wastes in their body. Would you rather eat         an animal that eats filth and waste and is potentially contaminated with         parasites or would you rather eat an animal that processes its food properly         and eliminates the toxins from its body?      
Don’t Gamble Your         Health On Shellfish Either       
Now let’s examine         why you should avoid shellfish. Shellfish consists of lobster, shrimp,         oysters, clams, crabs, scallops, and mussels. All shellfish can be a serious         health risk. Like pigs, they are scavengers that live at the bottom of         the ocean and eat the waste of other animals and the pollutants that man         dumps into the ocean. Although only 0.1 % of all shellfish consumed is         eaten raw, that tiny percentage is responsible for a large proportion         of reported food-caused illnesses. Poisoning from shellfish can come from         bacterial or viral contamination. Generally adequate cooking eliminates         this danger, but is it worth the risks in the long run. Poisoning can         also arise from heat-stable toxins derived from the food that the shellfish         have been eating. Shellfish are notorious for being high in mercury, heavy         metals, and industrial contaminants in the environment because they’re         bottom feeders that eat the ocean’s waste. I’m sure I don’t have to explain         in detail how damaging these heavy metals and toxins can be to your health.
God didn’t give the         Israelites dietary laws because he was a mean, restrictive God that didn’t         want them to enjoy their food. He gave them these laws because He knew         best how the human body functions and that by following His dietary laws         they would live their best without succumbing to disease and pre-mature         death so they can serve Him. God knows far more than we can understand         or comprehend. While things definitely changed after Jesus came to the         earth, we should examine the Old Testament scriptures further to try and         understand why God wanted things done a certain way, especially with the         foods we eat.

Last edited by Truth.8 on 20-11-2014 11:21 AM


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Post time 20-11-2014 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Still showing no remorse and unrepenting ??? You are officially enacting yourself as an useful idiot for Islam and a certified cult who is good at nothing besides cursing.....

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2014 11:50 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 20-11-2014 11:41 AM
Still showing no remorse and unrepenting ??? You are officially enacting yourself as an useful idiot ...

You are what you eat


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Post time 20-11-2014 12:28 PM | Show all posts

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