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Author: Dzunnun

[Jenayah] HUDUD: Putera Saud Dihukum Bunuh Atas Kesalahan Membunuh

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 03:34 PM | Show all posts
Ekau sumo neh...baco botul2 hak? Hak? Hak?

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2013 03:44 PM | Show all posts

Saudi religious police chief rejects repression to enforce Shariah codeSheikh Abdulatif Al al-Sheikh said Saudi Arabia’s religious police do not seek to clamp down on individual freedom in a way that violates the Islamic Shariah. (Al Arabiya)

[size=0.83em]Monday, 30 December 2013
The head of Saudi Arabia’s controversial religious police, officially referred to as the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, has denied that his forces are using repression to enforce the Shariah code in public.
Sheikh Abdulatif Al al-Sheikh told Al Arabiya News Channel in a special interview aired on Monday that there are ultra-conservative members within the committee who espouse a tougher approach to enforcing the Shariah code.
“We are neither extremists nor too lenient. We follow the course of the Prophet Mohammad and we don’t seek to be repressive or brutal because this is not part of Islamic Shariah,’ he said.
While touring a mall in Riyadh with Al Arabiya reporter Ahmad Altowayan, the religious police chief found a young man working at a women’s clothing shop.
“This is a shop for women only and all the customers are women. Do you think that there is a need for a man to be here selling women’s accessories… to be honest?” the sheikh asked.
The young man replied: “It’s best if women sell women’s clothes.”
“This is a violation, but we are giving them chances to abide by regulations so we don’t hear that the committee is being repressive,” the sheikh told Al Arabiya reporter Altowayan.
He said the committee is also in the process of drafting measures to better regulate businesses during prayer times. He said businesses will be required to shut down for only briefly during prayer times.
Members of the committee will carry out surprise checks and if a business is found open during prayer time the salesman could be subject to punishment.
Dealing with women in public places is another challenge that the committee seeks to address.
Al-Sheikh said women are prohibited from revealing their faces “when there is a clear violation of public decency.”
He said it would be up to committee members working on the field to judge whether a woman violates public decency by uncovering her face.
The religious police chief asked a woman inside the mall if she supports the idea of walking in public without the face veil.
“No, no, never, I reject this,” the woman replied, but complained that some committee members overstep their responsibilities in “advising” women.
Another woman complained that the number of the committee members has decreased in public due to pressures. “We want more of them, they are important and have stature,” she said.
The head of the religious police, which is comprised of 6,000 members, criticized “activists with special agendas” who seek to create unrest in Saudi Arabia with their “irrational demands.”
“The government is strong and the state is strong and our leaders are supported by all the people,” he said. “No doubt there are activists and those with special agendas disguised in religious clothing …who grew up like a malicious and corrupt plant unfortunately in Saudi Arabia.”
“But this is a weak plant, has no value and will vanish,” he added.


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Post time 31-12-2013 04:06 PM | Show all posts
kes dah tak boleh nak cover kot?

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Post time 31-12-2013 04:40 PM | Show all posts
BlueHand posted on 31-12-2013 10:48 AM
Inilah berlaku bila golongan jahil nak jadi pemimpin dan nak jadi hakim..

Dah la xtau ape keb ...

Ntah ntah maksud "hasyafah" yang merupakan sesuatu yang penting dalam mendalami hukum hudud mudud pon depa tak tahu Blue.....

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Post time 31-12-2013 04:43 PM | Show all posts
kepala takuk batang zakar

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Post time 31-12-2013 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 31-12-2013 04:40 PM
Ntah ntah maksud "hasyafah" yang merupakan sesuatu yang penting dalam mendalami hukum hudud mudud  ...

Prffthhh... Depa tak pedulik tu suma meden.. Meden pandai sangat persoal hudud ni, siap la jap lagi kena tanya meden ni islam ke tidak..

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Post time 31-12-2013 07:13 PM | Show all posts
BlueHand posted on 31-12-2013 05:14 PM
Prffthhh... Depa tak pedulik tu suma meden.. Meden pandai sangat persoal hudud ni, siap la jap ...

Hahahahah.....dah lama tak dengar lobai dan lobainita pakar hukum Allah bertanya, " Maideen ni Isle ka? "

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Post time 31-12-2013 07:37 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 31-12-2013 04:40 PM
Ntah ntah maksud "hasyafah" yang merupakan sesuatu yang penting dalam mendalami hukum hudud mudud  ...

Maideen, nak sebut perkataan tu pun otak aku lengoh.... padia tu Deen?


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Post time 31-12-2013 10:22 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 31-12-2013 07:37 PM
Maideen, nak sebut perkataan tu pun otak aku lengoh.... padia tu Deen?

Haaaa....tu lah hang. Cara nak mensabitkan kesalahan zina ni ialah apabila orang kena tuduh menaku atau pendakwa membawa 4 orang saksi yang layak yang melihat kejadian itu.

Perlu diingat, penakuan itu boleh ditarik balik pada bila bila masa. E.g. Setelah disabitan kesalahan dengan cara penakuan, orang itu dah diikat atau ditanam separuh badan diperkarangan masjid selepas sembahyang jumaat. Orang ramai telah berkumpul...separuh dari mereka jadi tukang rejam dan telah membawa batu rejam dari rumah mereka. Di belakang cina jual ais krim dan keling jual kacang puteh pula sekumpulan lagi sudah bersedia untuk bertakbir....

Imam pula sudah bersedia untuk countdown, " Satu, dua....raaaaj...", Tetiba orang yang menaku tadi berkata ' Cop cop Mam....ana tak jadi menaku lah.", Maka Imam terpaksalah membuka ikatan orang itu dan melepaskannya....

Satu lagi cara ialah dengan mengambil kira keterangan saksi yang layak. Apa kah kelayakan itu? Ianya ialah 1. Lelaki, Merdeka, Sembahyang punya orang, tidak melakukan perkara perkara yang harom.

Baik kita ambil contoh berikut: Pendakwa telah bersedia dengan saksi pertamanya untuk sessi examination-in-chief. Tetiba peguambela bagun dan berkata, "Yang Arif Tuan Kadi, saya ingin membuat bantahan terhadap kelayakan saksi pertama pihak pendakwa ini." "Hah, apasal pulak ni counsel?", tanya kadi. " Pihak kami ingin mencabar kelayakan saksi ini kerana beliau sering melakukan perkara yang harom. Di sini kami kemukakan gambar saksi ini sedang menari poco-poco ajuran kelab sukan pejabatnya Yang Arif! "

"Ish ishhh ishhhhh....astagrfirullah ul azeeem!", kata kadi setelah melihat gambar itu. "Betul ini gambar kamu Lobai Dol?", tanya Kadi kepada saksi itu. " Betul, Yang Arif", jawab Lobai Dol sesambil tunduk insof! " Kamu tak tahu ka, menari poco-poco ini harom seperti yang di fatwakan oleh seorang Ulamak terkenal...Haramsanasini ka apa nama dia", kata Kadi itu......

"Yang Arif, selain dari itu kami juga ada bukti bahawa saksi pendakwa ini tiap tahun menghantar chokolates dan Valentine's day card kepada aweknya. Ini salah satu Card hari valentine yang kami jumpa pada aweknya, Yang Arif!" tambah peguam bela itu!

" Ish ish ishhhhhhh, tsk tsk tskkkkkkkkk." , kata kadi itu setelah melihat Valentine's day Card yang ditunjukan oleh peguambela. "Apa nak jadi dengan kamu di lobai Dol? " tanya kadi itu sambil menahan marahnya. "Boleh rosak akidah tawwwwwwwww!", tambahnya lagi!

"Inilah tanda akhir zaman", kedegaran interpreter yang duduk di depan Kadi itu, berkata perlahan.

Kadi pon bertanya kepada pendakwa samada dia ada saksi lain. Bila pendakwa kata tak ada, maka mahkamah syariah pon membebaskan yang tertuduh sebab hanya ada 3 saksi yang layak setelah mahkamah mendapati lobai dol tidak layak menjadi saksi!

Now, katakan pendakwa ada saksi spare yang layak atau lobai dol tidak pernah menari poco poco atau menyambut Valentine's day. Apa akan terjadi?

Kita terus pergi ke sessi "cross-examanitaion" dimana peguambela menyoal balas saksi pendakwa. (Perhatian: Oleh kerana ini adalah membabitkan pertuduhan zina, penerangan berikutnya terpaksalah graphic sikit. Kalau Sorpian lemah semangat, jangan teruskan pembacaan. Tapi untuk penjelasan yang terang ianya terpaksa di buat- demi ilmu!" )

Peguambela: obai Dol, tadi semasa di soal oleh rakan bijaksana saya Pendakwa Raya, anda mengatakan bahawa bilik 121 dimana awak skodeng OKT itu tidak berhawa dingin betul?

Lobai Dol: Betul.

Peguambela: Di mana kah kamu berempat berada ketika tertuduh dikatakan melakukan zina itu?

Lobai Dol: Kami berempat diam diam skodeng dari belakang almari.

Peguambela: Dimanakah kedudukan lemari itu?

Lobai Dol: Kira kira 10 meter dari kaki katil.

Peguambela: Apakah posisi yang mereka gunakan semasa dikatakan melakukan zina itu?

Lobai Dol: Missionary position.

Peguambela: Bukan Cowgirl atau reverse cowgirl kah? Anda pasti missionary position?

Lobai Dol : Ya saya pasti.

Peguambela: Baiklah, sila bagi tahu mahkamah apa yang kamu nampak?

Lobai Dol: Saya nampak OKT mengepam pasangannya. Saya menyuruh kawan kawan senyap supaya mereka tak sedar kehadiran kami. Kira kira 4 minit kemudian saya terdengar OKT berkata " I'm cummming arrrrrrrrghhhhh!"

Peguambela: Lobai Dol, masa tu bilik tu panas tak.

Lobai Dol: Ya panas sebab  tak ada air cond. Lagi pon kami 4 orang berhimpit himpt di belakang almari itu.

Peguambela: Kamu nampak tak dengan jelas zakar OKT masuk kedalam faraj pasangannya sehingga tahap hasyafah zakar itu?

Lobai Dol: Nampak.

Peguambela: Lobai Dol, saya katakan kepada kamu bahawa kamu sebenarnya tidak nampak zakar masuk kedalam faraj dengan jelas sehingga tahap hasyafah zakar itu.

Lobai Dol:  Saya nampak.

Peguambela: Come come now lobai Dol, semua orang tahu apabila keadaan panas, kerandut akan melanjut kebawah. Saya katakan kepada kamu bahawa oleh kerana kerandut OKT melanjut kebawah sebab bilik itu panas, kamu hanya nampak kerandut OKT berbuai buai. Kamu Setuju?

Lobai Dol: Errrr......

Peguambela: Oleh kerana zakar OKT terlindung oleh kerandut nya yang melabuh kebawah, kamu sebenernya tidak nampak zakar OKT masuk kedalam faraj pasangannya sehingga tahap hasyafah zakar itu. Setuju?

Lobai Dol: Errrrrrr...

Peguambela: Tiada soalan lain Yang Arif!

Oleh kerana tiada saksi yang nampak dengan jelas zakar masuk kedalam faraj sehingga ketahap hasyafah zakar itu  (yang merupanan sine qua non bagi mensabitkan kesalahan zina) maka mahkamah terpaksa membebaskan OKT. Lobai Dol telah di anggap sebagai saksi pelesu dan menurut Shariah, persaksiannya tidak boleh di terima sampai bila bila.

Di harap scorpian faham maksud "hasyafah" dari keterangan di atas tadi.


Last edited by Maideen. on 31-12-2013 10:24 PM


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Post time 31-12-2013 10:52 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 31-12-2013 10:22 PM
Haaaa....tu lah hang. Cara nak mensabitkan kesalahan zina ni ialah apabila orang kena tuduh menaku ...

Woww, di malam mulia tahun baru ni... aku belajaq benda baru... terimakasih ya..

Tak sangka orang yg dok kena tuduh paderi ke hulu kehilir ni lagi terror dari yg dok pom pang sana sini hudud sana hudud sini tp bila tanya satu apa pun tak tau


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Post time 31-12-2013 11:14 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 31-12-2013 10:52 PM
Woww, di malam mulia tahun baru ni... aku belajaq benda baru... terimakasih ya..

Tak sangka ora ...

Selamat tahun baru bro.

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Post time 1-1-2014 07:11 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 31-12-2013 07:13 PM
Hahahahah.....dah lama tak dengar lobai dan lobainita pakar hukum Allah bertanya, " Maideen ni Isl ...

Hahaha.. Hang jangan lufer itu hujah ultimate geng2 lobaies tu


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Post time 1-1-2014 07:18 AM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 31-12-2013 10:22 PM
Haaaa....tu lah hang. Cara nak mensabitkan kesalahan zina ni ialah apabila orang kena tuduh menaku ...

Tahniah di atas usaha meden untuk memberi keterangan..

Ana yakin yang kebanyakan lobai dan lobainita ni tak tau pun pasal perlaksanaan sebab amenda hudud ni pun xtau

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Post time 1-1-2014 07:54 AM | Show all posts


Orang yang ANTI hudud = orang yang tak yakin dengan Allah SWT.

Mudah jer.

Hudud disebut dalam Al-Quran; tak payah la nak spin bagai.

Bimbang jadi murtad.

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Post time 1-1-2014 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Money can buy every thing .. also in Saudi Arabia .....

Tak akan ada pangeran keturunan Saud yang dipancung kecuali dia melakukan makar terhadap raja ... So, Hudud hanya berlaku untuk rakyat .. bukan untuk keluarga raja ....

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Post time 1-1-2014 03:48 PM | Show all posts
BlueHand posted on 1-1-2014 07:18 AM
Tahniah di atas usaha meden untuk memberi keterangan..

Ana yakin yang kebanyakan lobai dan ...

Semoga ianya memberi manfaat kepada yang mampu berfikir....

Apa apa pon Blue, bercakap masal Hudud Mudud ni, jangan sesekali kita lupakan tentang Hudud ala PAS versi Terengganu dulu. Dimana dalam Drafnya ada peruntukan dimana seorang wanita yang mengadu dirogol hendaklah mengemukakan 4 orang saksi yang nampak dia di rogol. Jika gagal wanita mangsa rogol itu boleh di hukum 80 sebatan kerana melakukan Qazaf (yakni fitnah)!

Apabila ramai yang mengritik termasuk Persatuan Sisters in Islam yang dianggotai oleh ramai wanita wanita yang berpelajaran, Professional dan mampu berfikir, Hadi Awang telah mengeluarkan statement yang Maideen rasa hanya akan diterima oleh spesis jenis  akal rendah yang mendengar ceramah ceramah PAS di kampong kampong dan ulu ulu, yakni " Manusia jangan tunjuk pandai, ini hukom Allah tawwwwwww!" Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrpfffftght

Ababila di tanya Nik Ajis pula telah berkata " Kito buleh Becky. Kito buleh Becky! " Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrpffftght

Apa apa pon setelah menghadapi lebih banyak kritikan termasuk oleh Mr. Lim Kit Siang, apa yang Hadi Awang kata Hukum Allah itu, telah pon di Becky (mungkin oleh Nik Ajis!)

Maideen~Hukum Allah habah eh........

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Post time 1-1-2014 04:04 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 1-1-2014 03:48 PM
Semoga ianya memberi manfaat kepada yang mampu berfikir....

Apa apa pon Blue, bercakap masal  ...

Prffthhh.. Kata hukum Allah, tapi boleh plak dia nak becky-becky..

Geng2 atas kuat kelentong, lobai bawah pun hangguk jer tadak usul periksa dah


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Post time 1-1-2014 06:45 PM | Show all posts
Maideen. posted on 31-12-2013 10:22 PM
Haaaa....tu lah hang. Cara nak mensabitkan kesalahan zina ni ialah apabila orang kena tuduh menaku ...

Wakakakaka...lawak siot

Kalau mcm tu
tak nak aku jadi saksi
nanti kena tanya posisi cow girl...reverse cow girl semua tu ..naya aku
yg aku tau..posisi kukur kelapa..tenun songket..tolak kereta sorong ja

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Post time 1-1-2014 09:29 PM | Show all posts
jetrofa posted on 1-1-2014 06:45 PM
Wakakakaka...lawak siot

Kalau mcm tu

Semoga ianya menjentik minda.......

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 Author| Post time 3-1-2014 03:17 AM | Show all posts
Bandar Bin Sultan: Is Saudi Arabia’s ‘Playboy Prince’ Behind Bomb Attacks In Lebanon?   
By Palash Ghosh
on January 02 2014 12:30 PM

Press reports out of Iran have accused Saudi Arabia’s intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, of masterminding the late November 2013 bomb attack on the Iranian Embassy in Beirut that killed more than two dozen people and wounded 150. (On Thursday, another attack in a Hezbollah-controlled suburb of Beirut killed at least two people).
Al-Alam, an Arabic news channel that is broadcast from Iran and owned by state-controlled media, reported that the two suicide bombers who launched deadly attacks on the Iranian Embassy in Beirut on Nov. 19 took their orders from Bandar, citing unnamed sources in Lebanon. The Lebanese source claimed to have uncovered information that Majed al-Majed, the Saudi leader of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, a group affiliated with al-Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the attacks, under Bandar’s direction.

Bandar has been a strong voice for military intervention in Syria to topple Iran’s ally, President Bashar al-Assad. Lebanese security forces have reportedly arrested al-Majed. The report asserted that al-Majed lived in a military camp in southern Lebanon, before leaving for Syria to help al-Qaeda’s al-Nusra Front fight against the military of Assad. Al Alam further noted that al-Majed returned to Lebanon, wounded, after a failed bid to seize leadership of al-Nusra. Al-Alam also indicated that al-Majed has committed “many terrorist attacks” and is a wanted man in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and the U.S.

At the time of the November attacks, the Azzam Bridges indeed took responsibility for them, tweeting: "It is a twin suicide operation by two heroes from the Sunni community in Lebanon.” The Brigades further warned that they would conduct more attacks until Hezbollah withdrew its fighters from Syria and Sunni Islamist prisoners in Lebanon were released.   

But both the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Ghazanfar Roknabadi, and Marzieh Afkham, spokeswoman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, blamed Israel for the November attack, according to the Daily Star newspaper of Lebanon. “[The bombings are] an inhumane crime and spiteful act done by Zionists and their mercenaries," Afkham told the IRNA news agency of Iran.

Iran, Syria and Hezbollah are led by Shia Muslims, while Saudi Arabia is a Sunni-dominated kingdom.

A few weeks after the Beirut bombing, the chief of the Iran-supported Hezbollah in Lebanon, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, pointed his finger at Saudi intelligence and accused it of having forged links with the Abdullah Azzam Brigades. It is not clear if Nasrallah connected Bandar himself to the bombings.

Some academics in the U.S. do not believe Iran’s latest claims about Bandar – but still hold out that the Saudis may indeed be involved in the Beirut violence, at least indirectly. “I think the Iranian regime is exaggerating that Saudi Prince Bandar was personally behind the attacks,” said Dilshod Achilov, a professor of political science at East Tennessee State University, in an interview. “Yet, in broad terms, the Saudi government is surely involved in a covert ‘cold-war’ type warfare with Hezbollah and the Iranian Al-Quds force.” Achilov added that it is unlikely that Prince Bandar personally orchestrated the bombings in Beirut. “But his money was definitely involved,” he added.

Similarly, Alex Vatanka, a Middle East analyst at the Jamestown Foundation, said Iran has not provided any “hard evidence” to link Bandar directly with the Beirut suicide bombings. “But having said that, it is not out of the realm of possibility that the Saudis had a role in the incident,” he said, given that Riyadh has financed a number of radical groups in the region, including Syrian rebels and other Sunni militant factions.

Achilov also adds that Iran rightly suspects the Saudis in such attacks, which target its proxies across the Middle East. “Iran is not entirely wrong to blame the Saudis, at least from financial sponsorship aspect,” he said. “The Iranian regime is blaming Bandar on the basis of the broad Sunni-Shia ‘cold-war’ rivalry that has existed for centuries in the region.” But he noted that Bandar himself does not have much to gain from complicity in the Lebanon attacks. “If implicated, Bandar’s international and regional reputation would be at stake. At the same time, however, he would gladly celebrate any damage done to Hezbollah,” Achilov stated.

Iran’s English-language broadcaster Press TV even accused Bandar of promoting “Zionism” in the Middle East by allying with Israel and the United States and seeking to destabilize Syria and Yemen. “Bandar and his brother, the Deputy Defense Minister Salman bin Sultan, have been actively supervising the establishment of a new special military unit: Mohammed Army, which will act as an extraterritorial military force to the [Saudi] Kingdom and by extension its Zionist allies,” an editorial in Press TV alleged. “As Saudi Arabia lines up its dominoes, it is bent on crushing any potential contender to its power and will in the region.”

But who is Prince Bandar? According to the Saudi Embassy, Bandar was appointed chief of Saudi intelligence by his uncle King Abdullah in July 2012, following seven years as head of the kingdom’s National Security Council. Now 64 years old, Bandar has had a long tenure in very high official posts. He served as the Saudi ambassador to the U.S. from late 1983 to late 2005, through four American presidencies, reportedly developing particularly close ties with the Bushes. Some called him "Bandar Bush."

Gen. Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser to President George H.W. Bush, described Bandar as “flamboyant, dramatic, personable, smart, canny and probably manipulative.” Prince Bandar’s biographer, David Ottaway, said he is the perfect man to lead the Saudi kingdom’s increasingly aggressive foreign policy in the Middle East. “They have a more hawkish foreign policy and he’s the leading hawk of the House of Saud,” Ottaway was quoted as saying, according to Gulf News.

Moreover, both Iran and Syria have long been concerned with how Bandar will drive Saudi foreign policy. “Damascus and Tehran are obsessed with the conspiracy theory that Gulf states are behind [the] planning and funding of such terror acts,” Ali Bluwi wrote in Arab News. “Moreover, the two countries are also obsessed with Bandar Bin Sultan. They think Prince Bandar has a firm stand against them and that his close relationship with Jeffrey Feltman [a U.S. diplomat for the Middle East] and the American political and security institutions posed a threat to them.”

Bandar has an interesting genealogy -- his mother was a black African slave, while his father was Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, who was crown prince before his death in 2011. Yet, despite the Saudis' extreme racism against blacks, he was able to rise very high in the kingdom’s hierarchy. Bandar has also led quite a charmed existence with much controversy, including allegations of adultery, high living and receiving massive bribes (which he has denied).  The so-called "layboy Prince" was once accused of having accepted a bribe in excess of £1 billion to help guarantee Britain gained a £43 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia – which hardly raised an eyebrow in the Middle East. “In an absolute monarchy flush with petrodollars where the line between state and royal finances is blurred, arms deals are assumed to carry lucrative commissions,” wrote Roula Khalaf in the Financial Times, adding that Bandar is seen as “a symbol of royal excess as well as submission to the U.S.”

Bandar also has a long history of successful diplomacy and covert activity – among other achievements, he helped to negotiate the end of the Lebanese civil war in 1991, he persuaded the Libyans to hand over two suspects in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing case, and even helped convince the Russians to withdraw from Afghanistan in the late 1980s.

As a final note, some Iranians also accused Bandar of complicity in the recent bombings in Volgograd in southern Russia, which killed 14 people. The website, citing reports from the Middle Eastern news agency Al Monitor, claimed  Bandar has demanded Russian President Vladimir Putin withdraw his support for Assad’s regime in Syria in exchange for certain concessions with respect to the Sochi Winter Olympics. “I can give you a guarantee [that we will help] protect the Winter Olympics next year,” Bandar allegedly told Putin, adding, “The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.” The implication was that if Putin did not pull back, Bandar (or his proxies) would escalate the Chechens' war against the Russian state.
Last edited by Dzunnun on 3-1-2014 03:21 AM


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