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Author: Acong

US/israel hijack MAS MH370 KL - Beijing [8 Mac 2014] ke Diego Garcia

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Post time 12-3-2014 11:15 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 12-3-2014 03:09 AM
fotoshop failed????

takde kena mengena dengan photoshop pun, takde sebab utama diorang nak photoshop..

ni pendapat aku tentang gambar tu.

berkemungkinan KLIA guna IP CCTV. (Internet Protocol CCTV)
Sebab tu gambar dari cctv tu lagging so terjadinya ada line putih di bawah gambar mamat iran tu dan
lagging tersebut menjadikan pixel dari 2 frames tercantum dalam satu frame.

"Because the image from an analogue CCTV camera is processed and compressed at the DVR (not the camera) it can be viewed live with no delay. IP cameras can experience ‘lag’ for up to 2-seconds which can cause issues in some situations."

di ambil dari sini


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Post time 12-3-2014 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
leenaz posted on 11-3-2014 11:32 PM
tadi borak2 dgn kapten kapal
teori kapal meletup x mungkin
sebab kalau kapal meletup ACARS akan  ...

pagi tadi aku pun borak2 dgn makcik jual kuih..

sori la beb.. teori hijackers still gua xboleh terima sebab ada byk error dan byk missing line kat situ..

umpama hang mencurik sebijik keta dan drive waktu malam kat highway yg giler sibuk sambil matikan lampu keta? serta pegi ke destinasi yg dituju tanpa bantuan gps?

jika nk merompak sebijik bank, perkara pertama yg perlu dibuat ialah jerit bgtau kat sume yg ada yg mana aku nk merompak! sila meniarap dan beri kerjasama.
bukannya aku just berbisik kat awek kaunter tu sahaje dan perbualan hanya berlangsung antara kitaorg berdua sahaje beb..

lagi bagus ATC tau sebab dia akan divertkan plane lain dari menganggu path 370 nie..

Pastu apa yg pihak military boleh buat beb?
Paling kuat pun dia akan hantar Mig 29 atau F16 utk mengiringi 370 ni jer..
berani dia nak tembak 200 penumpang?

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Post time 12-3-2014 11:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kotak itam Air France 447 keep sending pinging dkt sebulan dari dasar laut sehinga kehabisan bateri..
Ianya dijumpai 2 tahun kendian..
Org yg jumpa tu kata dah berkali2 dia round kat area situ tapi tak jumpa signal, Umpama heli yg search sukhoi yg crash kat indon tu, yg tersepit kat celah lurah dan dilitupi awan tebal..

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Post time 12-3-2014 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 12-3-2014 01:38 AM
Malaysian military now reveals it tracked MH370 to Malacca strait
MARCH 11, 2014

  • Kenyataan akhbar Panglima Tentera Udara Malaysia


    1. I refer to the Berita Harian news article dated 11th March 2014 on Search and Rescue Operations in the Straits of Malacca which (in Bahasa Malaysia) referred to me as making the following statements:

    "The RMAF Chief confirmed that  RMAF Butterworth airbase detected the location signal of the airliner as indicating that it turned back from its original heading to the direction of Kota Bahru, Kelantan, and was believed to have pass through the airspace of the East Coast of and Northern Peninsular Malaysia.

    The last time the plane was detected by the air control tower was in the vicinity of Pulau Perak in the Straits of Malacca at 2.40 in the morning before the signal disappeared without any trace, he said."

    2. I wish to state that I did not make any such statements as above, what occurred was that the Berita Harian journalist asked me if such an incident occurred as detailed in their story, however I did not give any answer to the question, instead what I said to the journalist was “Please refer to the statement which I have already made on 9 March 2014, during the press conference with the Chief of Defence Force at the Sama-Sama Hotel, Kuala Lumpur International Airport”.

    3. What I stated during that press conference was,

    "The RMAF has not ruled out the possibility of an air turn back on a reciprocal heading before the aircraft vanished from the radar and this resulted in the Search and Rescue Operations being widen to the vicinity of the waters of Pulau Pinang."

    4. I request this misreporting be amended and corrected to prevent further misinterpretations of what is clearly an inaccurate and incorrect report.

    5. Currently the RMAF is examining and analyzing all possibilities as regards to the airliner’s flight paths subsequent to its disappearance. However for the time being, it would not be appropriate for the RMAF to issue any official conclusions as to the aircraft’s flight path until a high amount of certainty and verification is achieved. However all ongoing search operations are at the moment being conducted to cover all possible areas where the aircraft could have gone down in order to ensure no possibility is overlooked.

    6. In addition, I would like to state to the media that all information and developments will be released via official statements and press conferences as soon as possible and when appropriate. Our current efforts are focused upon on finding the aircraft as soon as possible.

    Thank You

    Chief of Royal Malaysian Air Force

    Released On:
    11 March 14
    Kuala Lumpur


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 Author| Post time 13-3-2014 07:13 AM | Show all posts

(AFP) - Months before Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 mysteriously vanished, US regulators warned of a “cracking and corrosion” problem on Boeing 777s that could lead to a mid-air breakup and drastic drop in cabin pressure.

The revelation comes amid a desperate search for traces of the plane with 239 people on board, which lost contact with air traffic control about an hour after take-off from Kuala Lumpur en route to Beijing on Saturday morning.

“We are issuing this AD (Airworthiness Directive) to detect and correct cracking and corrosion in the fuselage skin, which could lead to rapid decompression and loss of structural integrity of the airplane,” the Federal Aviation Administration said.

During a sudden drop in cabin pressure, the crew and passengers can become unconscious, leaving no one at the controls of the affected aircraft.

In 1999, a Learjet carrying golfer Payne Stewart crashed into a field in the US state of South Dakota after flying uncontrolled for several hours after those on board apparently became unconscious due to a lack of oxygen brought on by a loss of cabin pressure.

Malaysia’s air force chief has raised the possibility that MH370 inexplicably turned back and was quoted as saying the jet had been tracked hundreds of miles from its intended flight path.

The FAA circulated a draft of the directive warning of the cracking and corrosion problem on Sept 26, 2013.

A final directive was issued March 5, three days before the Malaysia Airlines jet disappeared. The FAA directive is to take effect April 9.

The FAA said it was “prompted by a report of cracking in the fuselage skin underneath the satellite communication (SATCOM) antenna adapter.”

“This AD requires repetitive inspections of the visible fuselage skin and doubler if installed, for cracking, corrosion, and any indication of contact of a certain fastener to a bonding jumper, and repair if necessary,” it added.

The FAA said an estimated 120 US registered aircraft are affected by the directive.

A supporting document accompanying the directive indicates that one unidentified operator reported a “16-inch crack” (940.6 centimeter) of the fuselage skin in an aircraft that was 14 years old.

Boeing performed a “metallurgical fracture analysis” of the affected section of the fuselage skin, according to the document.

As the hunt for the missing plane dragged into its fifth day, Malaysian authorities said they were expanding their search zone off Vietnam’s South China Sea coast to the Andaman Sea north of Indonesia, hundreds of kilometers away.

Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation director general Azharuddin Abdul Rahman today told a press conference that his department was aware of the FFA directive but assured that all Malaysia Airlines planes were fit to fly.

Likewise Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya also vouched for the airworthiness of his Boeing fleet but could not confirm if MH370 had undergone specific checks in compliance with the FAA directive.


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Post time 13-3-2014 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Aircraft is missing is 9M-MRO.....

Di katakn,pc hari ini dijadual berlangsung pada pukul 5 petang nanti

****di sebbakkn,adanya petunjuk baru di bwh ni,imej itu dirakam satelite china dpd hri ahad (8/3/14) lg tp baru harini di announce  kan.. 140 batu nautika arah kanan dpd titik akhir pesawat dikesan radar..                adakah sebenarnya

New developments: This map shows the two areas where the search for flight MH370 was focused in green. The blue X marks the spot where the large debris has been spotted by Chinese satellites. The black circle is where the New Zealand oil worker witnessed a plane burning in the sky
Key to the images below:

1) the 3 Chinese satellite images (three objects, sized 13x18 meters, 14x19 meters, and 24x22 meteres)
2) wreckage location vs. last know location of plane (Only 144 miles away)
3) wreckage location versus that oil rig that reported burning plane at high altitude (about 240 miles)

China's State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense announced the discovery, including images of what it said were "three suspected floating objects."The objects aren't small: 13 by 18 meters (43 by 59 feet), 14 by 19 meters (46 by 62 feet) and 24 by 22 meters (79 feet by 72 feet). For reference, the wingspan of an intact*Boeing 777-200ER*like the one that disappeared is about 61 meters (200 feet) and its overall length is about 64 meters (210 feet).


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 Author| Post time 13-3-2014 09:49 PM | Show all posts
Kod tango bermaksud rampasan pesawat
13 Mac 2014

SHAH ALAM - Seseorang juruterbang hanya akan mengaktifkan kod rahsia 'tango' atau 'charlie' apabila berlaku kecemasan seperti rampasan pesawat di udara.

Ia disahkan juruterbang berpengalaman mengenai isyarat tango yang didakwa diaktifkan oleh juruterbang Kapten Zaharie Shah setelah pesawat MH370  hilang dari radar menara kawalan selepas 40 minit di udara.

"Setiap juruterbang akan diingatkan mengenai isyarat-isyarat ini. Ia hanya boleh diaktifkan jika rampasan dan tidak pernah menjadi mainan mana-mana juruterbang sebelum ini. Ini etika kami sebagai juruterbang," katanya kepada Sinar Harian, semalam.

Katanya, pengaktifan kod tersebut untuk memberitahu Pusat Kawalan Trafik Udara Nasional (NATCC) bahawa pesawat yang dikendalikan dalam masalah dan unit kawalan akan mengambil tindakan selanjutnya.

"Kita mempunyai kod rahsia masing-masing, tetapi tango atau charlie adalah sebagai pengenalan jika berlakunya rampasan," katanya.

Ditanya sama ada isyarat itu dikeluarkan menerusi komunikasi juruterbang dengan menara kawalan atau menerusi butang khas, beliau enggan mendedahkan mekanisme itu kerana maklumat itu sulit.

Katanya, NATCC akan memantau dan beritahu pihak keselamatan selain  menghubungi juruterbang untuk arahan seterusnya.

"Hanya dua perkataan itu digunakan sebagai isyarat. Ini perkara serius. Jika benar juruterbang telah mengaktifkan isyarat itu, pasti bukan main-main.

"Dua perkataan itu dikhaskan untuk kes-kes rampasan. Isyarat sama juga digunakan pusat kawalan yang akan menghubungi juruterbang jika berlaku kes seumpama itu," katanya.

Berkaitan kes kehilangan pesawat MH370 yang masuk hari kelima semalam, pelbagai spekulasi ditimbulkan termasuk Kapten Zaharie, juruterbang pesawat itu dikatakan menghidupkan isyarat tango bagi memaklumkan menara kawalan bahawa penerbangannya dalam situasi cemas.

Ia diperkuatkan lagi dengan kenyataan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar mengenai empat aspek tumpuan pihak berkuasa mengenai kehilangan pesawat itu, iaitu rampasan, sabotaj, masalah psikologi dan peribadi.

Polis juga tidak menolak kemungkinan berlakunya rampasan ke atas pesawat itu membabitkan perancangan rapi dan berkumpulan. ... an-pesawat-1.259803


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Post time 14-3-2014 08:06 AM | Show all posts
edoraixora posted on 12-3-2014 12:32 AM
So pendapat ko, mmg xde can la kebarangkalian kapal tenggelam ke dalam laut dgn kerosakan minima

aku ni bukan pakar konspirasi
tapi rasa2 aku

kapal kena hijack
and dah selamat mendarat
maybe 2 org US citizen tu
adalah agen CIA
dan 2 org yg guna passport palsu tu tersepit

sebab tiket dibeli menggunakan southern airlines (airline china)
tapi derang x tau..MAS ada code sharing which means passenger southern akan dipindah ke kapal MAS
so skrg ni MAS tersepit...kapal...kita punya
paham x...
ni adalah teori konspirasi sahaja


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Post time 14-3-2014 08:10 AM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 12-3-2014 11:26 AM
pagi tadi aku pun borak2 dgn makcik jual kuih..

sori la beb.. teori hijackers still gua xboleh  ...



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Post time 14-3-2014 08:11 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 13-3-2014 09:49 PM
Kod tango bermaksud rampasan pesawat
13 Mac 2014

cuba tanya system
apa nama device tu
diakan ada 5 hrs simulator flying time


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Post time 14-3-2014 10:30 AM | Show all posts
leenaz posted on 14-3-2014 08:06 AM
aku ni bukan pakar konspirasi
tapi rasa2 aku

Bro... Kalau nak wat teori sekalipun, check dulu boleh tak...
Ade 3 US citizen bro... 2 darinya adalah baby...
dan sorang lagi pakcik umur 51 tu kalau nak kejar awek pun mcm tak larat jer tgknye....

Aku tak pernah dengor CIA recruit baby menjadi ajen2 mereka....

Last edited by system_failure on 14-3-2014 10:31 AM


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Post time 14-3-2014 10:35 AM | Show all posts
leenaz posted on 14-3-2014 08:11 AM
cuba tanya system
apa nama device tu
diakan ada 5 hrs simulator flying time

Okay... Au tak tau pasal tango. Fullstop.
at least aku tak buat teori konspirasi...


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Post time 14-3-2014 11:53 AM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 14-3-2014 10:30 AM
Bro... Kalau nak wat teori sekalipun, check dulu boleh tak...
Ade 3 US citizen bro... 2 darinya ...

maksud leenaz tu 2 US citizen tu org dewasa je la kot
setahu aku 2 infant tu, 1 dr US, 1 lagi dr China

edited; ok, dah cek senarai penumpang US, sorang pakcik umo 51 tahun, 2 lg kanak2 umo 4 tahun & 2 tahun
Last edited by edoraixora on 14-3-2014 11:57 AM


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Post time 14-3-2014 11:57 AM | Show all posts
kapal terbang tu kene culik dek perisik tang mendarat kt ner tu hanya tentera jer tau...aku tanya laki aku tentera..dia xbg tau mendarat kt ner xper la janji depa sume idop g...

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Post time 14-3-2014 03:29 PM | Show all posts
system_failure posted on 14-3-2014 10:30 AM
Bro... Kalau nak wat teori sekalipun, check dulu boleh tak...
Ade 3 US citizen bro... 2 darinya ...

Baby Geniuses?

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2014 10:58 PM | Show all posts
Published: Friday March 14, 2014 MYT 3:06:00 PM
Updated: Friday March 14, 2014 MYT 4:21:28 PM
Missing MH370: Seismic activity detected after plane went off radar

BEIJING: A research team from China's University of Science and Technology detected tremors in the sea near the Malaysia Vietnam border on March 8 hours after MH370 disappeared from the radar screen.

In a report published on its website, the Wen Lianxing Research Team said it suspected the tremor to relate to the missing MAS plane because the area "is not within seismic zone."

"The incident happened at 2.55am on March 8, about one-and-a-half hours after MH370 lost contact at 1.30am.

"One of the two possible locations is (an area) about 116km to the northeast of MH370's last confirmed location," it said.

The research team said it detected the tremor with two seismographs located within the borders of Malaysia and identified the location with the signals.

"Many countries have deployed aircrafts, vessels and satellites to locate the missing flight to no avail.

"If this tremor was indeed caused by the plane crashing into the sea, the intensity of the seismicity indicated that the crashing process was disastrous," the report said.

The Wen Lianxing Research Team is part of the university's School of Earth and Space Sciences. Four researchers were involved in this  project.

When contacted by The Star, Meteorological Department deputy director-general (strategy and technical) Dr Mohd Rosaidi Che Abas confirmed that seismographs at the department's stations in Kulim and Ipoh detected "shaking" at 2.56am on that day.

He said further investigations are underway.

Flight MH370 on a Boeing777-200ER was carrying 239 passengers and crew enroute to Beijing.


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 Author| Post time 14-3-2014 11:24 PM | Show all posts
Some questions about Malaysia Air Flight 370
3/13/2014 5:56pm by John Aravosis

Now that there’s a growing theory that the missing Malaysia Air Flight 370 continued to fly for four hours after it was last spotted an hour northeast of Kuala Lumpur, there are still questions that I think need to be asked.

One of the earlier questions I had: Why was everyone so sure the plane went down near where that last radar ping was, the one that suggested the plane had done a u-turn?  Why couldn’t the plane have kept flying, transponderless, to the west, northwest, southwest?  Now it seems that question is more relevant.

But there are a few more questions some journalist should ask:

1. Has anyone checked the Internet records of the plane and its passengers?

I checked Malaysia Airlines, and they do have planes that offer a variety of minimal Internet services (at the very least).  This is from the Malaysia Airlines Web site:

Your in-flight entertainment controller doubles as an air-to-ground phone. Make calls or send text messages to anywhere using your credit card. You can also call your friends on the same flight.

Did anyone make calls, send text messages, surf the Web while in flight? When was the last moment in time that any of this occurred?  That would at least let us know whether the plane was still viable.

2. Credit card records of the passengers?

If passengers continued to use the Internet while the plane was flying, their credit cards might indicate that, since they’d have to buy the Internet access. And if the plane had Web access, someone could have bought something on Amazon while in flight.  Again, this gives us a sense of up until what hour the plane was operating normally.

3. Could the transponderless plane have flown over land?

How difficult would it be for the plane to fly north over Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh or India?  Would the plane have been intercepted, or could it have flown through other countries’ airspace?  If not, then that means it must be over the sea.  Though they’ve searched over land in Malaysia, suggesting radar coverage is spotty or they’d have seen it.

4. What about Diego Garcia?

As I’d noted earlier, there’s “nothing” west of Kuala Lumpur and Indonesia except the huge US naval base at Diego Garcia, in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Diego Garcia appears to fall near, but inside, the limits of the plane’s maximum travel distance.  That raise a few questions:

a. Could Diego Garcia have been the target of a terrorist plot using this plane?  Could you imagine a US naval base having to choose whether to shoot down a fully-loaded civilian airliner out of the sky?  There was a lot of discussion about how there were no “rich targets” in that area.  Diego Garcia is one such rich target.

b. What radar coverage does Diego Garcia have, and has it been checked?

c. What about our ships and subs in the area, would their radar and sonar potentially have picked up a plane heading in their direction or crashing in the seas?

d. Satellite coverage. I just saw an expert on CNN say there’s no reason for there to have been satellite coverage over the Indian Ocean, except that Diego Garcia is there.  So are we sure there’s no satellite coverage? ... air-flight-370.html

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2014 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Diversion more likely than catastrophic failure for Malaysian jet
Kuala Lumpur : Malaysia | Mar 13, 2014 at 2:12 AM PDT BY Robert Weller

New details provided by intelligence sources indicate the missing Malaysian Airlines jet was diverted, and did not crash because of a catastrophic failure.
ABC said the fact that the plane flew for four hours after disappearing, and the decision on board the plane to shut down the data transmitter and transponder separately, 14 minutes apart, make a disastrous mechanical failure less likely.

ABC was told the US investigating team is “convinced that there was manual intervention.”

US investigators, relying on data transmitted by a program monitoring the jet engines on the missing Malaysian Airlines 777, earlier had told other media they were considering the possibility it was diverted to an unknown location.

The Wall Street Journal quoted aviation investigators and national security officials saying the plane flew four more hours after it was last seen on radar.

The Washington Post confirmed the Wall Street Journal report, quoting senior sources. Their story said they did not know where it had flown. The Associated Press reported a satellite operated by Boeing picked up signals from the missing jet for four hours after it disappeared.

The plane had enough fuel, in theory, to fly to Somalia.

The White House said the US Navy was headed to the Indian Ocean, one of the destinations the plane could have reached if it kept flying. The Navy has a base at Diego Garcia, 967 nautical miles south-southwest of the tip of India.

Senior Pentagon officials told ABC the plane may have crashed in the Indian Ocean and it would take search ships 24 hours to reach the area where it may have crashed.

Veteran Boeing 777 pilots told media that aircraft has numerous devices on board that transmit data separate from the transponder.

As has become almost a tradition in this short-lived affair, Malaysian authorities denied the Wall Street Journal report and said the release of images of supposed debris by China was a mistake, BBC reported. Many of the reports withdrawn by Malaysia have been reported by media quoting Kuala Lumpur government sources by name.

The Journal was sticking by its story. Rolls Royce, manufacturer of the Trent engines used on the Boeing 777, declined comment.

That could mean the 250-ton plane, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew from 14 nations, could have flown up to 2,530 miles.

It means the plane could have reached the border of Pakistan, the Arabian Sea, even Somalia, or deep into the Indian Ocean.

The Vietnamese official daily Thanh Dien Daily said investigation sources determined the jet appeared to have been flying with its identifying transponder turned off.

Ten countries continued their search Thursday in the more conventional focus area, near Vietnam and Malaysia.

China revealed data Wednesday that had been found Sunday but took several days to analyze that showed possible wreckage in an area Vietnam said had already been thoroughly searched. But ships were sent to the area.

The New York Times said an American official said it was unlikely the debris was from the missing plane, partly because American satellite sensors detected no heat from an explosion.

"We are aware [of the Chinese report] and we sent planes to cover that area over the past three days," Deputy Transport Minister Pham Quy Tieu told Reuters.

"Today a [military] plane will search the area again," he said.

Vietnam consented for Chinese search vessels to enter its territorial waters.

China said it would not give the search.

"At present there's a lot of different information out there. It's very chaotic and very hard to verify. We've said as long as there is a shred of hope, you can't give up,” said foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang.

The Times said the search area is 27,000-square nautical miles, bigger than the US state of South Carolina.

Malaysian officials have been sharply criticized for conflicting information about the nearly five-day search. Kuala Lumpur has accused media of spreading false reports, causing confusion.

Malaysia has handed over its radar to the US.

It has been a torturous affair for kin of the passengers, some of whom desperately tried to call them on their cellphones. So far there have been no reports of anyone on board the plane making any calls during the events leading up to its disappearance, such as occurred on 9/11. ... -of-possible-debris

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2014 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Web site back up


Malaysian military BACKED DOWN, BUT


The engines on flight 377 remained connected to satellites as part of a Boeing maintenance routine, and Boeing has confirmed the aircraft remained flying for five full hours after it “vanished” from radar. Obviously the Malaysian military really did track this plane as they originally stated. Someone forced them to back down, only to have Boeing blow it wide open once and for all. And THIS is probably why the Malaysian military forgot all about how they tracked it to the strait of Malacca. Too late, the genie is OUT OF THE BOTTLE.



There is a lot of new stuff below this, don't miss it!

Malaysian airlines flight 377 has been provably hijacked by an AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below.


The Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military radar after it "vanished from civilian radar because "the transponders were switched off" (B.S.) radar is radar, it does not need a "transponder" to track a plane and they can eat dog poo. And Awacs would have shut down any transponder for a plane kidnapping anyway, it took no terrorist to do it.
ANYWAY, the plane did a u-turn and was "last spotted" on the other side of Malaysia. They made the mistake of saying it was "flying low" when it was still at 29,500 feet, far higher than needed to show on radar, to deceive people into believing THAT is why it "vanished" from radar. A whole bunch of lies were hatched about how it disappeared from civilian radar because "the transponder was switched off" but RADAR IS RADAR AND ONLY COMMERCIAL AIRLINERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS, PRIVATE PLANES ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS. Radar is there to prevent private planes that have no transponders from hitting commercial ones among other things, and if radar can see a private plane that has no transponder it certainly can see a huge jumbo jet. So you can take the transponder lies and trash them.

But the plane DID disappear from civilian radar even though military radar tracked it for a now admitted full hour longer.

What could make a plane disappear from civilian radar while at 36,000 feet yet still be visible on military radar? ONE THING, and it looks like a UFO (as some have speculated) only it's attached to a boeing jet - the antenna on a U.S. Air Force AWACS plane. The fact that this missing jet vanished from civilian radar yet remained visible on more robust military radars proves well enough for me that this indeed was an AWACS hijacking, just like we saw on 9/11 where AWACS planes were seen on video observing if not controlling the crashes into the twin towers. Once the plane flew far enough West, Awacs was obviously enough to jam both civilian and military radars, probably because they entered a zone where the angle of both incoming signals allowed for their simultaneous cancellation. That is where the plane finally "vanished" forever, an hour after the "official" vanishing act. The final vanish happened while at 29,500 feet. Though AWACS was originally released as a radar platform there are many variants of awacs type planes now that serve many types of radio oriented missions including jamming and takeover, and they all have the same antenna dome.
In this scenario, we now have: The plane did a u-turn and flew the other way for a now admitted full hour UPDATE: FIVE hours. THAT supports the Awacs story.

Obvious fake photoshopping of "terrorists". THAT supports the Awacs story.

Cell phones still ringing, which would only be possible with a safe landing. THAT supports the Awacs story

Missing black boxes. THAT supports the Awacs story (the plane is obviously intact)

A reason to electronically hijack the airplane - 20 top people from a semiconductor firm that works defense, with employees working for countries that are not allies yet VERY powerful - THAT supports the Awacs story

And the GRAND FINALE: PLANE DISAPPEARS FROM CIVILIAN RADARS WHILE REMAINING VISIBLE ON MILITARY RADARS. THAT supports the Awacs story and pushes it to the forefront of logic like a tsunami on a beach umbrella, if THAT does not raise a few eyebrows people are sleeping.

And I'd have to say the CIA's obvious pushing of B.S. regarding this supports the Awacs story as well; If this plane shows up somewhere in pieces now, it was electronically hijacked by an AWACS plane - the same type seen on 9/11, and the people were offloaded and questioned (engineers probably waterboarded for defense secrets). IF that plane shows up in pieces now it happened last night, not three days ago FINAL ANSWER.
UPDATE: Exact logic sequence for proving the U.S. air force hijacked the Malaysian airlines flight.

1. Absent an awacs type system which can precisely monitor a received signal and spoof a return signal (or phase cancel it) you cannot disappear a non stealth aluminum skinned plane from ANY radar system. After vanishing from civilian radars, it remained on military radars that would work better against AWACS. That pretty much says it all.

2. Iran is an ally of Russia. Russia has Awacs type systems, but would not try to frame up Iran in a terror plot with a fake passport story supported by idiotically faked photos. Russia did not do this.

3. China and Malaysia also have Awacs type systems. Since it was a Malaysian plane flying with Chinese engineers, it is safe to rationalize out that neither China nor Malaysia did this.

4. Though the engineers on the plane also worked with stealth technologies such as Awacs, it takes a huge UFO shaped antenna to make such systems work, and Malaysian passenger jets do not have them as a standard feature. This was not a stunt played by Freescale Semiconductors.

5. Israel wants war with Iran, and the CIA hatching a terror plot with horribly faked photos stands in the evidence pool against the U.S. air force, which is their sex slave.

6. The obvious motive was military, and a real tie in was the fact that the plane disappeared from civilian radar while at full cruising altitude, but not the military radars. In this case the air force had to choose which radar they would spoof with Awacs (there is extreme difficulty with spoofing more than one system simultaneously unless there is a lucky alignment of signals) and they just hoped the military would not catch on. ONE PROBLEM, the Malaysian military was not as inept as the Air Force thought. PLAN FAILURE.

7. The Iranian terror plot fits the logic tree well. Since the photos were obviously faked, WHO WOULD DO THAT? WHO WANTS WAR WITH IRAN? No brainer there.

8. The cell phones are ringing, and the only organization in the world that can say where they are is the NSA. WHY THE SILENCE?

logic sequence output: Because the plane was hijacked electronically by those who keep the NSA funded and the NSA has been told to SHUT UP. If those phones were in lost baggage, the NSA would have said so RIGHT AWAY, and even the airline company would have figured it out by now, found the bags, heard the phones ringing and said, OH, WE KNOW WHY THEY RING. And the phones are not dead ringing as can happen with some american carriers, because on one occasion one of the phones was picked up and hung up without anything being said. But NOPE, NOTHING on this from the NSA, which means those phones are ringing on a runway somewhere, and the NSA knows EXACTLY WHERE. Yet they still support the CIA, which is doing it's best to hatch a B.S. terror plot about a couple Iranians with fake photos and THERE IS YOUR ANSWER, AMERICA HAS THAT PLANE AND IS PROBABLY WATERBOARDING THE FREESCALE ENGINEERS RIGHT NOW, EXTRACTING CHINESE MILITARY SECRETS. If the plane is now "found" in pieces it will mean "they" gave up on the B.S. story line and decided to ditch it somewhere rather than use it on the Petronas towers or the Sears tower.

The hijacking story won't work now that we know the Malaysian military was able to track the plane because a hijacker cannot switch off a radar system 500 miles away and cannot prevent the plane from being found on radar wherever it went to, ONLY AWACS COULD.


The shills are panicking trying to prop up and support the "transponder" lie. Here is a response I posted to a shill that pretty much says it all:
I am not unaware of the situation with private aircraft. I have seen at least a dozen and NOT A SINGLE ONE had a transponder. Your claim that most private aircraft have transponders is a lie.

There was no "primary" or "secondary" radar. The transponder only identifies the craft that is being reflected on active radar.

I believe you told the most plausible lie people would ever believe, but you forgot something, I am former NSA and can call bullshit on practically anything.

You cannot tell me that the airport did not have primary active radar systems in Malaysia, we are not talking LaPaz Bolivia even, and even La Paz has active radar. Any city in America with a population over 50,000 will have an airport with active radar. You are implying that a 777 jet took off from an airstrip in an advanced country that was laid out on a dirt path intersecting goat trails and therefore had to transmit back to tell the airport where it was. What a load of B.S.

FOR THE RECORD: THE PLANE VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR. THE FACT THAT THE TRANSPONDER SWITCHED OFF AT THE SAME TIME IT VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR PROVES AWACS EVEN MORE, I KNOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT AWACS CAN'T JAM A TRANSPONDER BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY WORK DEFENSE YOURSELF BUT TRUTH BE TOLD, THAT OUTCOME IS AN OBVIOUS ONE and to the other shills, AWACS type planes have many functions and one of them is JAMMING EVERYTHING. AWACS planes have amazing signal jamming capabilities, this is so well established fact that you are going to have to shill even Pakistani agricultural web sites to front the lie that AWACS is not used for jamming. Give up on that one, even goat herders are not that stupid.

Blockbuster UPDATE:

BLOCKBUSTER UPDATE: FAKE PASSPORT GUYS WERE PHOTOSHOPPED. Take a look at their legs. HA HA HA - that's a bad screw up. Here is the original article this picture appeared in, Needless to say, I preserved this one.
Caption below original photo: "A Malaysian police official displays photographs of the two men who boarded the Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight using stolen European passports to the media at a hotel near Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on March 11, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP" Now that's an absolute LAUGH. That's as bad as the blood spatters going the wrong way at the bat man shooting.

Get while the getting is good, they are going to "fix this" ASAP.

Too late, this entire article including comments below is now preserved and will post tomorrow in it's full glory on this web site so you can just save it as a Jpeg tomorrow. That way the black hole of censorship won't suck this one beyond the event horizon.

My final word on Malaysia airlines

At least until the plane is found.
Freescale semiconductor is actually a large company with many divisions. The most credible information out there points to two possibilities with one central binding theme -

The central binding theme is that these employees did not work in the energy sector, they worked with advanced military technologies. One branch was for data security and may have been attempting to circumvent the NSA, and the other branch worked in cloaking technology for stealth applications.

When I was at the NSA, they very clearly stated that the best engineering teams out there consisted of 4 or 5 people and NO MORE. So the plane obviously would not have all people from freescale working on the same team. There would have been, with 20 employees, 4 or 5 separate engineering teams aboard assigned to different tasks. This could be why there are so many different explanations for what all the employees actually did, and you know they had to at least be engineers because Freescale would not load floor sweepers or assemblers onto a jet.

My best guess is that the people worked in defense. And I have a pretty good reason for thinking so - Malaysia is an amazingly advanced country. You might not think so because you have never been told but Malaysia is in fact so advanced a country that ever since the early 90's Malaysia has made many and at times ALL processors for both Intel and AMD. How much higher than that can you get?

So here we have two countries, Malaysia and China, with a top flight electronics engineering firm, Freescale semiconductor, and 20 missing engineers on a vanished plane. I'd say this was probably a military takedown by the United States. And I'd bet the plane was remote hijacked and flown to a runway somewhere. THAT is why the cell phones still ring and you can bet the black op NSA knows exactly where they are. All the modern planes can be taken over via remote, they all have back doors now and the NSA is there only to rape and rob you, they are NOT your friends, you will NOT be told where this plane is.

The plane vanishing from radar had nothing to do with the plane's electronics going dead, it most likely had a LOT more to do with an AWACS plane making it vanish from radar and taking it over. AWACS can do that. And if the plane's electronics went dead that would NOT make it vanish from radar, I don't know where all the stupidity on this topic evolved, MYLAR BALLOONS HAVE NO ELECTRONICS, AND THEY SHOW UP ON RADAR CLEAR AS DAY. AIRPLANES DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A TRANSPONDER FOR RADAR TO WORK AT ALL. THE TRANSPONDER IS ONLY FOR TELLING GROUND CONTROL THE NAME OF THE AIRPLANE. DEAD ELECTRONICS ON A PLANE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT BEING ON RADAR. if you read an article saying the plane vanished because it's transponder switched off, run from the writer as fast as your brain can move, that writer is either too stupid to pay attention to or fake.

SO, we have a plane that vanished from radar while at altitude. No tracking pieces falling, no descent into the sea, NADA, it just VANISHED. PIECES OR IT DID NOT HAPPEN AND IT WAS INSTEAD AWACS AND AN ELECTRONIC HIJACKING FOR MILITARY PURPOSES. Until this plane turns up in the jungle it's in once piece on a runway somewhere, probably an American runway on one of the many bases America has everywhere and the engineers are being debriefed and told about the new life they are going to have, their families are going to have, or they are dead.

And the punch line? If this is what really happened, the Zioclan just got a free plane they can use to hit the Sears Tower. NEVER FORGET THAT. ... d=81&tid=790446

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2014 01:00 AM | Show all posts
Exclusive: Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane deliberately flown way off course - sources
KUALA LUMPUR Fri Mar 14, 2014 6:01am EDT

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Kidd and USS Pinckney are seen en transit in the Pacific Ocean in this U.S. Navy picture taken May 18, 2011. Kidd and Pinkney have been searching for the missing Malaysian airliner and are being re-deployed to the Strait of Malacca of Malaysia's west coast as new search areas are opened in the Indian Ocean, according to officials on March 13, 2014.

(Reuters) - Military radar data suggests a Malaysia Airlines jetliner missing for nearly a week was deliberately flown hundreds of miles off course, heightening suspicions of foul play among investigators, sources told Reuters on Friday.

Analysis of the Malaysia data suggests the plane, with 239 people on board, diverted from its intended northeast route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing and flew west instead, using airline flight corridors normally employed for routes to the Middle East and Europe, said sources familiar with investigations into the Boeing 777's disappearance.

Two sources said an unidentified aircraft that investigators believe was Flight MH370 was following a route between navigational waypoints when it was last plotted on military radar off the country's northwest coast.

This indicates that it was either being flown by the pilots or someone with knowledge of those waypoints, the sources said.

The last plot on the military radar's tracking suggested the plane was flying toward India's Andaman Islands, a chain of isles between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, they said.

Waypoints are geographic locations, worked out by calculating longitude and latitude, that help pilots navigate along established air corridors.

A third source familiar with the investigation said inquiries were focusing increasingly on the theory that someone who knew how to fly a plane deliberately diverted the flight.


"What we can say is we are looking at sabotage, with hijack still on the cards," said that source, a senior Malaysian police official.

All three sources declined to be identified because they were not authorized to speak to the media and due to the sensitivity of the investigation.

Officials at Malaysia's Ministry of Transport, the official point of contact for information on the investigation, did not return calls seeking comment.

Malaysian police have previously said they were investigating whether any passengers or crew had personal or psychological problems that might shed light on the mystery, along with the possibility of a hijacking, sabotage or mechanical failure.

As a result of the new evidence, the sources said, multinational search efforts were being stepped up in the Andaman Sea and also the Indian Ocean.


In one of the most baffling mysteries in modern aviation, no trace of the plane nor any sign of wreckage has been found despite a search by the navies and military aircraft of more than a dozen countries.

The last sighting of the aircraft on civilian radar screens came shortly before 1:30 a.m. Malaysian time last Saturday (1730 GMT Friday), less than an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur, as the plane flew northeast across the mouth of the Gulf of Thailand. That put the plane on Malaysia's east coast.

Malaysia's air force chief said on Wednesday an aircraft that could have been the missing plane was plotted on military radar at 2:15 a.m., 200 miles northwest of Penang Island off Malaysia's west coast.

This position marks the limit of Malaysia's military radar in that part of the country, a fourth source familiar with the investigation told Reuters.

When asked about the range of military radar at a news conference on Thursday, Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said it was "a sensitive issue" that he was not going to reveal.

"Even if it doesn't extend beyond that, we can get the co-operation of the neighboring countries," he said.

The fact that the aircraft - if it was MH370 - had lost contact with air traffic control and was invisible to civilian radar suggested someone on board had turned off its communication systems, the first two sources said.

They also gave new details on the direction in which the unidentified aircraft was heading - following aviation corridors identified on maps used by pilots as N571 and P628. These routes are taken by commercial planes flying from Southeast Asia to the Middle East or Europe and can be found in public documents issued by regional aviation authorities.

In a far more detailed description of the military radar plotting than has been publicly revealed, the first two sources said the last confirmed position of MH370 was at 35,000 feet about 90 miles off the east coast of Malaysia, heading towards Vietnam, near a navigational waypoint called "Igari". The time was 1:21 a.m..

The military track suggests it then turned sharply westwards, heading towards a waypoint called "Vampi", northeast of Indonesia's Aceh province and a navigational point used for planes following route N571 to the Middle East.

From there, the plot indicates the plane flew towards a waypoint called "Gival", south of the Thai island of Phuket, and was last plotted heading northwest towards another waypoint called "Igrex", on route P628 that would take it over the Andaman Islands and which carriers use to fly towards Europe.

The time was then 2:15 a.m. That is the same time given by the air force chief on Wednesday, who gave no information on that plane's possible direction.

The sources said Malaysia was requesting raw radar data from neighbours Thailand, Indonesia and India, which has a naval base in the Andaman Islands.

(Additional reporting by Christine Chan in Singapore. Writing by Alex Richardson: Editing by Dean Yates) ... USBREA2D0DG20140314

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