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Author: naen

[3DS] Monster Hunter 4, 4G, 4 Ultimate

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Post time 16-7-2014 01:26 AM | Show all posts
naen posted on 15-7-2014 11:36 PM
bow damage formula : (raw) + (element)

untuk raw = (attack power x charge x arrow x range x criti ...

..........................................nyesal tanyer.

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Post time 16-7-2014 03:25 AM | Show all posts
dJaRuLeZ posted on 15-7-2014 10:33 PM
pehhhh. nanes lebat tngok.

jadahnyer jatoh terok abes raw n element tuh? ::: ...

aku kalau attach jewel pun setakat nak buang yg negative skill(s) je la. itu pun kadang2 tu malas nak fikir juga. sbb malas nak attach remove bila buat quest lain2. kecuali kalau nak farming or grinding monster/quest yg sama.

aku belum buat kira2 lagi pasal bow damage bila dah dikurangkan macam tu. dan kalau la attach jewel attack+ or element+. tapi buat masa ni memang aku prefer kalau raw & element sama macam (or lebih daripada) previous gen la. sbb aku bukan jewel/charm junkie. malas. malas. malas. haha.

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Post time 16-7-2014 03:30 AM | Show all posts
dJaRuLeZ posted on 15-7-2014 10:38 PM
n motip bnyak weapon end of path dlam 3u tader dalam 4? ::

mungkin sbb ada banyak monster yg tak ada dalam 3U, tapi ada dalam 4th gen? sbb 3U your 1st game kan. ada banyak monster yg ko tak tahu & tak pernah lawan. dengan monster2 baru lagi. so variasi weapon mungkin lagi banyak berbanding 3U.

kalau bandingkan pun, large monster dalam 4U lebih banyak daripada 3U. 3U ada 51. 4U ada 66. & kalau sistem trade ada dalam 4U (macam dalam 4), maka boleh juga buat weapon & armor daripada item yg dapat dari trade tu.

mungkin. haha.

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Post time 16-7-2014 03:36 AM | Show all posts
dJaRuLeZ posted on 15-7-2014 10:40 PM
eceli camner le kira damage kalu bow? raw/element per arrow? ker per shot?

per arrow.

tapi jujurnya, masa tengah main tu aku memang tak ada masa nak buat kira2. konsep mudahnya pilih bow yg sesuai, bawak & guna coating, eat for temper or specialist or apa2 kitchen skill yg dimahukan, terjah monster, berada dalam posisi/jarak yg terbaik, shoot body parts yg lemah kepada shot damage (kalau boleh/kalau sempat), make sure semua arrow kena pada monster & monster tu mati. memang tak ada kerja nak calculate segala tu. daripada fikir pasal maths bagai, baik aku fikir pasal cara untuk tidak failed the quest. haha.


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 Author| Post time 17-7-2014 12:04 PM | Show all posts
dJaRuLeZ posted on 16-7-2014 01:26 AM
..........................................nyesal tanyer.

motif "nyesal tanya"? ko ingat bow je ke ada damage formula? bhahaha .. ekceli semua weapon pun ada (d'uh) .. juz bow lagi leceh sbb kira setiap arrow damage per shot .. tu je aa bezanya

so .. kalau ko ada pemikiran yg hammer tu raw 1228 = 1228 attack power & element 480 = 480 element damage setiap attack maka ko silap besar aa damage yg ko buat takkan sebanyak itu setiap attack yg ko buat .. kena masuk kira hitzone, sharpness, attack type apa (swing, uppercut, pound, spin, unsheath, etc) - semua tu ada attack value & k.o value sendiri

formula hammer damage :

raw = (attack power x attack type x sharpness x hitzone) / class
*hammer class = 5.2
element = (element x sharpness x elementzone) / 10

so, damage (per attack) = raw + element

but then again - benda ni terlalu complicated kalau ko nak fikirkan SEMASA ko lawan dgn monster tu .. so, kalau ko nak - ko boleh kira siap2 sebelum ko terjah monster tu aa & then kaji weapon with raw/element mana yg paling sesuai+attack camne yg paling effective+hitzone mana yg ko target .. selain tu - make sure bab sharpness gak

memeningkan .. tapi amat membantu kalau ko nak lawan monster dgn efektif+berkesan .. kiranya takde aa main menonong je attack libas weapon sana sini kan .. ahahahaha


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Post time 21-7-2014 01:30 AM | Show all posts
actually. memang ramai yg ingat sebanyak mana raw, sebanyak itu la damage yg akan dibuat untuk setiap attack. termasuk la damage untuk element. padahal sebenarnya bergantung kepada attack type.

& actually. memang ramai yg menonong je attack monster. asalkan kena. tak kisah la pasal damage calculation. termasuk la aku sebenarnya. haha. asalkan monster mati. quest cleared. hal2 lain malas nak fikir. haha.

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Post time 21-7-2014 01:34 AM | Show all posts
Now We Know Who That Scary Dragon on Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Is

Both the latest trailer and the cover art released for upcoming 3DS game Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate featured the same scary-looking dragon. This week’s issue of Jump magazine from Japan lets us in on the identity and characteristics of the nasty-looking beast.

The behemoth’s name, according to the magazine, is Serlegios, with its full name, as it will be used in the game, being “Thousand Blade Dragon, Serlegios.” The monster is described as “powerful” and “gold-scaled” with sturdy legs that can literally destroy the lands he steps on. As depicted in the appearances, it looks like he’ll have a long horn and large claws, as well, though there’s no mention of whether the dragon will be breathing fire.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is slated for an October 11 release in Japan, while the U.S. and Europe will receive the game in early 2015. Japan is also getting a special limited edition of the game that’s exclusive to the e-Capcom store, which includes a copy of the game, along with four CFB action figures (complete with gear) and ten random Mon’nyan Party mini-mascots. The set will be priced at ¥8,990 ($88).



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Post time 21-7-2014 01:37 AM | Show all posts
so. dah announced nama untuk flagship monster in 4G & 4U. Seruregiosu in japanese (4G) & Serlegios in english (4U).

habitat/location adalah Old Desert.



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Post time 21-7-2014 01:41 AM | Show all posts

keratan dari shonen jump.



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Post time 21-7-2014 01:43 AM | Show all posts

serlegios armor & weapon.



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Post time 21-7-2014 02:17 AM | Show all posts
the new sub-species. ni semua monster baru. 1st time appear.

najarala sub-species.

zamtrios sub-species.

kecha wacha sub-species.

tetsucabra sub-species.

seltas queen sub-species.

seltas sub-species.

nerscylla sub-species.

credits. siliconera.
Last edited by NEMESIS on 21-7-2014 02:18 AM



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Post time 21-7-2014 02:28 AM | Show all posts
teostra returns. elder from MH2.

new attack(s) : Teostra’s can use his tail and claw swipes to spread explosive dust that latches on to you. Previously, he was only capable of doing this using his explosive area-of-effect attack.

teostra weapon. fire element in MH2. blast (previously known as slime) element in MH4/4G/4U.

teostra armor.



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Post time 21-7-2014 02:38 AM | Show all posts

If you’ve played Monster Hunter Tri or Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, you’re familiar with the concept of the Free Hunt mode, where you could simply venture out into the wild without taking on any specific quest. You could pluck mushrooms, mine for ore, go fishing, hunt whatever monsters you happened to come across, and generally take it easy. Free Hunt mode was fun because there was no specific goal or time limit—you could just get out there, have some fun, and return to the village once you’d had enough.

The downside was, you got no rewards from Free Hunt mode. However, that is no longer the case in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate takes a very different approach to Free Hunts. Free Hunts take place in an area called the Unknown Forest whose layout is randomized every single time you enter it. Monsters in this area have a chance of dropping “Guild Quests”. These can be taken on like regular quests in the game, but they’re actually rather different. In both the Unknown Forest and in Guild Quests, you can acquire “Excavated Equipment” with randomized properties (such as attack power or number of slots), similar to more regular loot-based action RPGs like Diablo or Torchlight.

Monster Hunter series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto said that the idea behind introducing these Guild Quests and their randomized loot to the game was to reward players for having fun, and to increase replayability as well as interaction between players.

“The big difference is that the standard quests are a little rigid in their structure,” Tsujimoto said. “You get a very specific task, and you go out and do that task—kill that monster and come right back. It feels a little bit like work in that sense.”

“What we wanted to do was have something a little lighter, where you can goof around a little bit. Maybe you don’t fulfil the objective you intended to, and just get some items or whatever and come back. It still feels like you did something. So it’s kind of a lighter affair, and this is where the Guild Quests come into play.”

“There’s an element of randomization to the Guild Quest system, where you’re not entirely sure what kind of map you’re going to get, and what’s going to be out there,” Tsujimoto explained. “Within this randomized system, there are maps we consider to be ‘good’ and maps that are ‘not so good,’ and you can actually exchange these back-and-forth with other players.”

So, what’s a good map as opposed to a bad map? That’s another area where the Guild Quest randomization comes into play, Tsujimoto says.

“The way it works is that you’ve got these pre-determined [map] parts, and all that really changes in the randomization is how they’re connected together, since the Monster Hunter maps are always a big ‘master map’ with smaller ones within,” Tsujimoto explained. “When we talk about the idea of there being good or advantageous maps versus bad ones, the best kind that you’re really after is where, as soon as you leave your camp—boom—there’s a big monster for you to fight. There’s lots of elevation shifts so you can do jump attacks. That sort of thing.”

Randomization adds a lot to Monster Hunter, which up until now has always had a very rigid structure. You’ve always known exactly what monster you would need to hunt for a particular crafting material, and what kind of equipment you would end up with after putting in hours of work. That isn’t the case any more, says Tsujimoto.

“Up until now, you could collect all the weapons in Monster Hunter, and once you’ve collected them all, you say, ‘Okay, now what? I’ve got all there is to get.’ No more. Because now there are randomly-generated parameters, so you will never truly have all of them, and there will always be something for you to get your hands on.”

It bears mentioning that Guild Quests do not replace regular quests in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate—you’ll be able to do both when the game comes our way in early 2015.

Note: A couple things to note: first, terms like “Excavated Equipment” and “Guild Quests” are not official localized names. Capcom are still working on those. Second, this feature originally debuted in Monster Hunter 4, but most western players will only see it beginning with 4 Ultimate.

credits. siliconera.



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 Author| Post time 23-7-2014 02:48 AM | Show all posts
HORI akan mengeluarkan new EXTENDED SLIDE PAD CONTROLLER/GRIP for 3DS+3DSXL sempena game Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (next year)

berbeza dengan "control pad pro", yg baru ni 2nd cpad berubah ke bahagian left shoulder .. manakala L button diubah ke bahagian bawah grip tu .. sama macam cpadpro - 2nd cpad ni adalah untuk camera control

design untuk 3DS & 3DS XL adalah berbeza

ni untuk 3DS :

ni untuk 3DS XL :


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Post time 25-7-2014 12:10 AM | Show all posts
^ est $32 for 3DS XL. $32 juga untuk 3DS. dalam RM101-105. available 11 oktober 2014. release sekali dgn 4G.



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Post time 25-7-2014 12:16 AM | Show all posts
tapi limited edition monster hunter 4 grip lagi mahal. walaupun tak ada 2nd cpad. cuma grip biasa sahaja.

3DS XL gore magara grip. $55. lebih kurang RM175.

3DS rathalos grip. $50. lebih kurang RM160.



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Post time 30-7-2014 10:17 PM | Show all posts
MH4U Weapon Design Contest Winners

EU - Emperor Speech (Hunting Horn)

US - Clockwork Contraption (Insect Glaive)



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Post time 30-7-2014 10:29 PM | Show all posts
MH4U Special Equipment - LINK (The Legend Of Zelda)

link's green tunic (hero armor).
sword & shield.

Hero's Armor (blademaster) & Hero's Sword (Sword & Shield)

rarity 7. 3 slots. 260 initial defense. 10 all element resistance. skills : awaken (freeelemnt), good luck (fate).

Hero's Armor (gunner) & Hero's Bow

rarity 7. 3 slots. 130 initial defense. 15 all element resistance. skills : awaken (freeelemnt), good luck (fate).



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 Author| Post time 6-8-2014 02:00 AM | Show all posts
4G boxart (JPN : seruregiosu/serlegios)

4U boxart (US/EU/AU : gore magala)


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 Author| Post time 6-8-2014 02:08 AM | Show all posts
the new snake wyvern : najarala

najarala armor

+opkos, najarala subspecies .. tidal najarala

"snake wyvern" adalah new monster group dalam 4th gen


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