the brits are clever u see. u want independence? sure. just be "civilized" like us. u learn like us, u work like us, talk like us, vote like us, even celebrate independence waving flags like us. malay leaders didnt wear the abaya or baju melayu, they wear suits. for a malay touch they throw in the songkok. malaysia become the almost perfect british colony. of course the brits couldnt make all the malays 100% carbon copies of themselves, but the resemblence is there. for those of us who resisted, never had power.
are u sure the baby boomers generation of malays leaders did a good job of running the country. for example tun mahathir. yes there were lots of development. klcc, putrajaya, etc etc. but guess who gets to pay for all of this. not mahathir. not his generation. and these problem are not spesific only to malaysia.
Your hatred towards "mat salleh' is very bad. You personally did not mix with Jews ....and you blame mosad and all those bad things....Remember, they are the contributer in this country : tesco, eseet lauder, mc donnal and few others . They provide oppportunity to humans to live. What does the Arabs or the muslims does in contribution to towards humatarians? None
If any disaster to happened, it were be USA -British-Australia will come to provide aid not google it ok
You brain wash the malays to hate the Brisith and the mat salleh because you self fish- greedy and need power to stay in your life...I think you are UMNO....PAS will never write or think such...if Nik Aziz to live now but at current situation run by Hadi...honestly I do not trust him...
one of the charachter of the malays is that we love islam.
you love islam? where is the love ? why so much hatred to kafir? why killing in name of that love is it?
but theres problem in the world of islam. we know british spies infiltrated the arab peninsula just like they did to us. and these spies did somethings that are not nice, thats why they operate in secrecy.
there is not proof for such peoples brain wash by IS owned by Arabs....arabs number one brain washer...they good with words ....they easily can brain wash the Malays.....I have many malays friends...honestly Malays are nice peoples....they willing to help others but sometimes they been brain wash either Arabs or UMNO... hence they become hostile towards to others...kind of mental tortured in very silent way.....instead doing such, they need to be train to love all.....
dont be fooled. even bin laden can claim he can demolished 4 buildings with only 3 airplanes. indeed there is a coalition of the saudis, mossad and cia. it connected during sept 11 2001, when islam is vilified and targeted. first casualty of war is always the truth so they say.
evidence proof it was Muslims not mosad or cia been brain wash by muslims...
the brits actually are not very nice, ask ghandi or the chinese during the opium war.
as i said. even before the brits bring in the chinese and the indians. the malays prospered.
ps:- i never trust people with impeccible suits. most of them are politicians and bankers. the two biggest assholes in the modern history
Lot peoples send their kids to UK-Australia and other for better education.....If I am sayings, if the british were to be around in this country, I can says, our currency can shoot up and beat singapore $$$$
Peoples immigrate to 'mat salleh' country because they open to all...hence they can improve oneself...
In here, we are limited ...if one has talent they cannot go far if were to stay, they decide to leave and leading to ' mat salleh' country for better life and provide thei talent...this is true ....I have seen many local talent living and immmigrate to USA .....
So, dont blame mat salleh ...the fault in muslims themselve...they need wake up and understand the reality of the of the world ...not blindly following their religion...
kalau u nak tau kelahiran semula...u can melawat negara india....India adalah negara mistik.....dpt kan pengalaman aja....
ada orang ckp saya kelahiran saya dulu adalah 'commander army" ....skg kelahiran kini , perangai saya mcm itu....yg ini saya setuju...sebab dlm semua 'aspect' saya tegas...x kira pangkat atau apa2....malah saya maki hamun semua sekiranya kerja yg di lakukan x betul....ia sedikit banyak mcm 'commander' gitu
truth8 u believe what u want to believe. i believe what i want to believe.
with commodities, stock markets, currencies getting hit, just a matter of time before war will broke out.
yes i dont mix with jews. but i find it funny that the christians reconciled with the jews. arent u guys suppose to hate each other? oh i forgot. the sin of killing god also can be forgiven.
wtc 7 brought down without being hit by an airplane, 3000 jews working at wtc and not a single casualty, all the hijackers are from the saudi but the american government refused to investigate saudi? .....
truth8 u believe what u want to believe. i believe what i want to believe.
with commodities, stock markets, currencies getting hit, just a matter of time before war will broke out.
yes i dont mix with jews. but i find it funny that the christians reconciled with the jews. arent u guys suppose to hate each other? oh i forgot. the sin of killing god also can be forgiven.
wtc 7 brought down without being hit by an airplane, 3000 jews working at wtc and not a single casualty, all the hijackers are from the saudi but the american government refused to investigate saudi? .....
war will break as per Bible will be the arabs...look at the present situation....worst than Jews here:OKT Sosma dakwa kena seksa, cium kaki, onani link:
the jews are without a country for what? 2000 year ...
any relevance to who holds power and religion?
who is managing this country? what is main religion here? so dont ask stupid questions
the jews are without a country for what? 2000 years?
no proof no talk
even the great pharoah lose to refugees.
yes but he did not worship true God
u see, truth8. we always knew the arabs would be sacrificed.
it does not matter who runs the country, or even the world
I have seen and experience the arabs...ask che det...arabs are most stingy...ask peoples work in hotel line
I dont trust arabs.....what contribution have they done? even the missing plane in malaysia, the most contribution done by mat salleh not arabs....
the arabs play cunning games....i am not stupid to buy their story
U need proof that the jews did not have a country for almost at least 2000 years? Really? It be a waste of time arguing with someone that is not on ur level. So kthxbai
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September 16 at 1:47pm · Putrajaya · PEMBUNUHAN ULAMA OLEH PEMERINTAH SAUDI
Fahaman Wahabi mencapai kemuncak pengaruhnya di Arab Saudi pada era 1970-an apabila kerajaan British menggabungkan fahaman itu dengan pentadbiran baru Ibnu Saud.
Penggabungan itu telah mencetuskan satu fenomena baru pemerintahan beraja berserta pemaksaan terhadap pengamalan ideologi ke atas keseluruhan masyarakat semenanjung Arab.
Oleh itu, beberapa siri kezaliman telah tercatat pada era awal pemerintahan keluarga Diraja Saud.
Seorang bekas penasihat perundangan kerajaan Arab Saudi iaitu Hafez Wahbi mendedahkan tentang tindakan zalim kerajaan Saudi di dalam bukunya yang bertajuk The Peninsula of Arabia.
Raja Abdul Aziz Al-Saud (Bapa Raja Faisal) pernah membuat pengakuan bahawa datuknya, Saud Awal pernah memberi hukuman pancung kepala beberapa syeikh dari kabilah Matheer yang dipenjarakan.
Raja Abd Aziz adalah punca kepada jatuhnnya Palestin ke tangan Zionis apabila beliau menandatangani satu dokumen pengisytiharaaan yang disediakan kerajaan British pada 1922.
Dokumen perjanjian itu menyatakan kerajaan Arab Saudi bersetuju memberikan tanah Palestin kepada penduduk Yahudi untuk penubuhan negara Israel pada masa akand datang (yakni 1945)
Seorang Syeikh dari Kabilah Matheer iaitu Shiekh Faisal Al-Darwih pernah berjumpa Raja Abd Aziz secara bersemuka dan mengkritik tindakan baginda yang melepaskan tanah Palestin kepada Rothschild.
Bagi membina sebuah negara Islam bertuankan Yahudi, Rothschild membebaskan Mekah dan Madinah dari pemerintahan Turki Uthmaniyah dengan memufliskan kerajaan khalifah tersebut dengan riba.
Apabila cengkaman hilang, Mekah dan Madinah diletakkan di bawah satu pentadbiran negara baru, yang diberi nama Arab Saudi (nama keluarga Ibnu Saud)
Sekarang, Arab Saudi betul-betul adalah kambing hitam Rothschild sama ada dari segi perlaksanaan dasar ekonomi, politik mahu pun perlaksanaan hukum-hakam Islam.
Tujuan penguasaan Rothschild ke atas Arab Saudi bukan soal minyak semata-mata. Rothschild telah pun menjadi manusia terkaya di dunia sebelum 1800 lagi, tetapi ia lebih kepada menubuhkan pusat penyelewengan akidah iaitu fahaman Wahabi.
Melalui dana Arab Saudi yang banyak, proses pendakwahan ajaran sesat Wahabi mudah dilakukan tambahan pula negara tersebut mempunyai dua tempat tumpuan umat Islam iaitu Mekah dan Madinah.
Persoalan penerapan nilai-nilai Wahabi kepada kerajaan Arab Saudi adalah lebih kompleks. Penggabungan fahaman itu dengan kerajaan baru Ibnu Saud berlaku pada 1744 iaitu ketika Mayer Amschel Rothschild baru dilahirkan.
Kemudian pada perancangan menaikkan kerajaan Saud diambil alih oleh Rothschlld sekitar 1800. Ini bermakna Dajjal terlebih dahulu mempersiapkan kerajaan Saud dan fahaman Wahabi kemudian menyerahkan tugas pengawalan kerajaan Saud kepada Rothschild.
Perlu kita ingat, Rothschild mampu membeli apa sahaja di dunia ini termasuk jiwa ulama Islam. Tetapi mereka gagal membeli ulama sufi.
Ulama sufi terhasil dari pengajian ilmu Tasawuf. Maka Tasawuf perlu dihapuskan, pengajiannya perlu dihentikan.
Oleh kerana, ulama sufi hasil ilmu tasawuf ini yang akan bangun menentang Dajjal bersama Imam Mahdi, maka Dajjal mahu pengajian ilmu Tasawuf dihapuskan dan memfitnahnya agar masyarakat dirasuk dengan fahaman Wahhabi.
Contohnya, fatwa dari ulama Sheikh Ibn Baaz yang mengharamkan pemakaian serban, mengharamkan sambutan Maulidur Rasul yang kononnya bida'ah, dan banyak lagi fatwa-fatwa sesat mereka. Sesiapa yang menentang akan dituduh 'kafir' oleh ulama-ulama Wahabi.
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U need proof that the jews did not have a country for almost at least 2000 years? Really? It be a waste of time arguing with someone that is not on ur level. So kthxbai
Jews has contribute to world wide inclued Malaysia. Hence, it provide good standard of living amoung humans regardless race and religion. Muslims around world include in Malaysia having good life working for Jews company. better life standard and benefits.....than comes the arabs to poision the mind of other muslims and others to hate them with their propaganda. The question muslims should ask, what the arabs muslims has contribute in economy growth in Malaysia? the jews brought investment in Malaysia and now all enjoying do the Jews bad or the arabs are bad??? u judge yourself.. again i repeat : if malaysia face disaster such missing plane, highland tragedy and list goes on...America, British-Austrlia and few mat salleh country come to help not arabs......who is bad and main culprit? The Bible warn : Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. Luke 20:46
Here I paste Jews owned company. this how muslims ask others to boycott....if muslims boy cott , than muslims should not work for them. can muslims here in malaysia can survie??
Post time 23-1-2016 02:12 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by monyet_2015 at 23-1-2016 11:57 AM
Melayu sebenarnya adalah yahudi..keturunan yahudi asli akhir zaman...nanti aku cerita kenapa melayu mesti Islam, dalam perlembagaan ada ini..melayu mesti Islam.
The Bible warn : Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. Luke 20:46
are u refering to the following prick?
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apa pula brain wash....??...Quran kalimah dari Tuhan, yg masih suci tak diubah cakap mcm tu....dunia ini syurga umat kapir......rasa lah bila di akhirat islam percaya kehidupan akhirat kekal abadi...