{ALL ABOUT ZUL ARIFFIN} : ZA's current project - Misteri Dilaila, Sangkar &
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cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 12:16 AM
Kaka...lps ti amo n scene sweet2 tulahh follower ZA tetiba naik 2m kan...b4 this...x naik2 nombony ...
It is so easy to noe if the person is lofa's fan. The person mesti panggil Zul "Dato" biler komen kat ig zul. Fans Zul yg lain tkde yg panggil "dato"..
jgn lah dorang singgah kat ig zul gaduh2. Kesian ig posts zul yg ada kucing2 dia tu dulu. Terok kene serang smpi zul remove both ig posts. |
cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 12:19 AM
Ame 2019 kompom ti amo yg menang sbb hjh
drama meletop- ti amo
Pelakon meletop- lopa(bukan zul tau)
Hos meletop- lopa
And the list goes on......

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Post time 10-4-2018 08:35 AM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 9-4-2018 11:28 PM
Kat ig lopa dah start promote jgk... mcm lah ti amo tu masterpiece yg sgt agung gitu..
Geli laaa baca caption "when isaac n melissa are together"....choii sangat!

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Post time 10-4-2018 08:37 AM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 9-4-2018 11:30 PM
Yg taksub sgt tu maybe dah dibeli?
Well that how the story goes....kaka rajin gak baca bodgos...panjar pagar baca benang hjh...now mana pegi tah benang tu..... |

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Post time 10-4-2018 08:39 AM
From the mobile phone
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cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 12:16 AM
Kaka...lps ti amo n scene sweet2 tulahh follower ZA tetiba naik 2m kan...b4 this...x naik2 nombony ...
Fattah punya followers naik pun dorang kata sbb hjh....sama kes lah dgn ZA...tp ZA ni once buat hal.dgn hjh.....abessslaaah...jd macam apa yg dorang buat kat FA skang....walaupun kisah sebenarnya hjh yg buat FA..... |

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Post time 10-4-2018 08:40 AM
From the mobile phone
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cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 12:19 AM
Ame 2019 kompom ti amo yg menang sbb hjh
Kompommmm! |

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Post time 10-4-2018 08:40 AM
From the mobile phone
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Siakapjantan replied at 10-4-2018 12:31 AM
Tgk tak inview fawaa ngn hanif tu..jwpn FN kemain membongkak, dia ckp ingtkan fan hannah n wany ku ...
Tengok! Poyo gila jawapan dia.....nyampahhhh! |

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Post time 10-4-2018 08:43 AM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by harumanis at 10-4-2018 09:48 AM
Nana_Man replied at 10-4-2018 06:31 AM
I rasa even if they are still together, ZAZM pun tkkn bertegur sapa kat events, and jgn harap jgk ...
But whyyyy???? Bab ni.I tak faham....why laa ZA? Gf cantik gilaa kot...tayang je laa....tell the whole world that she is mine! Takkan sebab nk jaga hati Kak G? If I were ZM, mmg boleh blah laaa.....I would want to show the world that this tall, sado, macho, handsome man is mine! Buat apa jadi kekasih gelap? Sakit jiwa taww..... |

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Post time 10-4-2018 08:45 AM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 10-4-2018 06:34 AM
Sbtlnyer ngan number of followers dia, dia memang senang jer nk memang ape2 pun. Lgpun dgn fans di ...
Kannn......kalau dh tahu siapa menamg buat apa nk calonkan org lain? Tak.payahh laaa buat anugerah poyo ni lenkali.... |
harumanis replied at 10-4-2018 08:45 AM
Kannn......kalau dh tahu siapa menamg buat apa nk calonkan org lain? Tak.payahh laaa buat anugerah ...
Too bad.. anugerah poyo ni tetap ada selagi ada meletop tu.. |
harumanis replied at 10-4-2018 08:43 AM
But whyyyy???? Bab ni.I tak faham....why laa ZA? Gf cantik gilaa kot...tayang je laa....tell the w ...
Mcm toxic relationship kan? Ni blm kawin. Hopefully kalau dorang ada jodoh, jgn lah mcn ni. Tk yah nk mcm fatzura lovey dovey all the time. Sikit2 pun ok. |
harumanis replied at 10-4-2018 08:40 AM
Tengok! Poyo gila jawapan dia.....nyampahhhh!
Dia ada interview kat radio ERA kan tadi? Ntah ape2 dia jawap. Kerek2 ni dah mcm ZA dulu.haha. |
Nana........profile pic you tu soo mengundanggg.........
harumanis replied at 10-4-2018 11:39 AM
Nana........profile pic you tu soo mengundanggg.........
Amek kat fb ZA lah sis.. u shuld see the full pic.. |
FB dia aktif ke?
BTW, fans hjh meroyan bila hjh komen kat ig ZA.....pas tu plak ZA respond..........haishhh...kaka tak puas hati betol laaa.........
harumanis replied at 10-4-2018 12:12 PM
FB dia aktif ke?
BTW, fans hjh meroyan bila hjh komen kat ig ZA.....pas tu plak ZA respond..... ...
Masih aktif, cumer ZA dah tk aktif kat situ. Last post pun pasal Tombiruo.
Fans si hajah ni melampau lah. Kesian ZA. |
Asal lah si ZA ni apologise kat lofa in his posts.. saje bukak opportunity jer. Just do it in private lah. Ntah nanti delete post ni ke tak. |
abis tu...show off kang bkan stakat kak G majuk...siap dgn pacit jenol pn ngamok agknya...tu psl kna keep hidden. sian depa tu...dah mcm pinang dibelah dua pn...tak dpt restu pulakkk
cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 01:22 PM
abis tu...show off kang bkan stakat kak G majuk...siap dgn pacit jenol pn ngamok agknya...tu psl k ...
Wah.. cheesepastry dah tukar profile pic lah.. muka zul in nora elena... muka jambu lg tu. |

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Post time 10-4-2018 03:13 PM
From the mobile phone
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Tengok laaa ...berbalas2 komen ZA vs Hjh....and fans pun meroyan....
Curious punya pasal....sanggup kaka scroll komen2 yg ribu reban tu....
#donemembawang #notozulofa
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