clara_nur posted on 24-8-2013 02:32 AM
buat mcm2 aktiviti..
aktiviti yg dibuat tu,utk bg ujian/dugaan/bala ke atau utk terima ujian/dugaan/bala?
modus operandi kita?
mr_evergreen posted on 24-8-2013 02:35 AM
aktiviti yg dibuat tu,utk bg ujian/dugaan/bala ke atau utk terima ujian/dugaan/bala?
modus operan ...
err..pening kepala dah..ok yg me paham,hari2 yg kita lalui kehidupan ni penuh dgn ujian dan liku..cuma kita tak tau bentuk ujian macamana yg bakal kita lalui..contoh hari ni me kuar rumah,dipertengahan jalan,siapa tahu tiba2 me bakal diragut?? or me plan nk balik kg,tiba2 kereta buat hal..boleh jadi hal2 yg me sebutkan tu ujian/bala kt diri me..
so kesimpulannya:-
bg ujian=tgk sejauh mana tindakan kita hadapi ujian..sabar or tidak..
bg bala= peringatan Allah kt kita..
terima ujian=kepasrahan/keredhaan kita terhadap ujian yg diberi/terjadi..
maaflah..me masih kurang arif hal2 cmni Last edited by clara_nur on 24-8-2013 03:10 AM
clara_nur posted on 24-8-2013 02:50 AM
err..pening kepala dah..ok yg me paham,hari2 yg kita lalui kehidupan ni penuh dgn ujian dan liku.. ...
dah jumpa kesimpulan,mcm mana kalau kesimpulan itu dijadikan pendakwaan?
clara_nur posted on 24-8-2013 01:19 PM
pendakwaan mcmana tu?? me xpaham la berkias2 ni
pendakwaan utk sesuatu kes yg mana pihak mendakwa blh menyaman.
Maaf... saja nak share
Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 153
"Hai orang orang yang beriman, minta tolonglah kamu dengan sabar dan sembahyang. Sesungguhnya Allah beserta dengan orang orang yang bersabar"
-saya sedang menghadapi masalah dan diuji dalam perniagaan. Rakan kongsi pecah amanah. Terasa "teruk" sangat sekarang,... (sedih) saya rasa kuat dalam hati bila baca ayat diatas. |
To learn to walk .. we must risk falling over.
To make a dollar .. we must risk losing it.
In loving and caring .. we risk breaking our hearts.
Getting a job is a risk.
Crossing the road is a risk.
Eating in the restaurant is a risk.
Starting a family is a risk.
Life is a risk.
Winners take more risk than losers.
That is why they win so much.
Necessarily then, winners lose more than losers,
but they are playing so often that their wins add up.
We have a choice between
living and merely existing
4 qualities of a righteous friend
1. When you see them, they remind you of Allah.

2. When you sit with them, it increases your Iman.

3. When they speak to you, it increases your knowledge.

4. When you see their actions, you remember the Akhirah .
Sabda Nabi;
Seseorang itu mengikut agama (cara hidup) sahabatnya,
oleh itu hendaklah kamu melihat terlebih dahulu siapakah yg patut djadikan sahabat
(riwayat Abu daud & tirmizi dan Baihaqi)
wassup posted on 26-8-2013 03:03 PM
Maaf... saja nak share
Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 153
ya...tak dinafikan..bila dgr ayat alquran ...jiwa kita tenang...
NorAddin posted on 22-8-2013 08:14 AM
Syukran Alhamdulillah ..
syukurla....takde apa ujian dan dugaan....
NorAddin posted on 27-8-2013 05:47 PM
tq...bukan sepasang tu...sebelah ja i letak mata i...
NorAddin posted on 27-8-2013 05:47 PM
lupa nak jawab..
NorAddin beraya di mana?
Some signs of the innovators:
Shaikh Muhammad ibn Saaleh al-`Uthaymeen رحمه الله said:
“The innovators have certain signs and from them are:
* They have the characteristic of following other than the Sunnah;
and this is evident from the number of Bid'ah (new things)
that they introduce (in the religion) through
their speech and
their actions and
their `Aqeedah (belief/creed).
* They are fanatic towards their opinions,
and will not accept the truth even if it has been made clear for them.
* They have hatred towards the scholars of this Deen.”
[Majmoo` al-Fataawaa (5/90)]
Last edited by NorAddin on 30-8-2013 06:57 AM
Forgive the ignorance of others ..
for you were once ignorant too ..
Educate them instead.
There are two types of people who are ignorant,
- one is ignorantly curious and
- another is ignorantly arrogant
Most people fall under the first category,
so educate them with love and kindness.
NorAddin posted on 3-9-2013 04:28 AM
Incorrigibly ignorant macam nko..penawar nya apa lak WAK DIN?
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