mmg x kn sampai kalau anta pn kn 
x de syg
keje mama anytime mama leh buat
x yah tunggu la
meh sini kan senang
yes opkos
dh tanya kena la jwp 
kalo anta tentulah smpai kalo addressnya betul
yes bos...........
pernah x mama anta apa2 pn x sampai 
jawab jgn lari topik taw |
ok pkl 8 nt sha remind k |
jauh sgt tu...mama byr tiket flight leh?
so kalo anta mekdi pun sampai lah.
wokey syg
mama tungguuuuuuuu
amboi siap bayar tiket bagai
dh la nk banja dia mkn 
mmg la best
but still malas la syg
mmg sampai cuma
maybe courier servis x terima la
Asik mls jer. teruk btul. |
mmg la teruk
tapi ada gak org sayang 
- 1.
a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal.
[color=#878787 !important]"a log fire was sending sparks on to the rug"
a small amount of a quality or intense feeling.
[color=#878787 !important]"a tiny spark of anger flared within her"
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