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Author: nizam_muse


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Post time 7-12-2006 05:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ohara at 7-12-2006 01:00 PM

saya mendoakan:pray:
semoga awak terus tabah dan kuat menghadapi kemelut ini
dan semoga ia akan berakhir dgn bahagia sesuai harapan kita
ya kan?

alhamdulillah.......berkat doa awak sumanya.....berakhir dgn aman... moga moga ia berlanjutan dengan tenang.....harap harap awak pun sama...

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Post time 7-12-2006 06:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by memories at 6-12-2006 10:42 AM

hey saine,

PDF version is ok too but since its costing RM80 I figured I coudnt ask for free from you. heheh. I will let you know once I read it.

as for virtual verses real........well I  ...

What are friends for :lol. I prefer to keep my foot firmly on the ground and sky above my head....knowing what is real and what is not. I can't live in a dream....2 years cukup laaa..


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Post time 7-12-2006 06:46 PM | Show all posts
Only Love

Never before that hour
I was struck by love so sweet.
Her face bloomed like flower  
And stole my heart away so complete.  

My face turned pale, a deadly pale.
My legs refused to walk away,
My whole body became so frail
My life and all seemed turned to clay.  

My blood rushed to my face,  
And took my eyesight away.
The trees and bushes round the place  
Seemed midnight at noonday.

I could not see a single thing,
Words from my mouth refuse to start.
They spoke as chords do from the string,
And blood burnt round my heart.  

She seemed to hear my silent voice  
Her voice rang inside my head
Every day my heart rejoiced
Every night and weekends my eyes would bleed

I have never known so sincere a face
My ego scattered all over the floor
My heart has left its dwelling place
And can return no more.



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Post time 8-12-2006 03:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ohara at 5-12-2006 09:45 PM
Yang kuinginkan
hanyalah sebuah jawaban
jawaban dari seorang yang kuimpikan
seseorang itulah engkau

aku bagaikan seorang yang bisu saat aku jatuh cinta
tak peduli ..........  

dan aku terpaksa membiarkanmu
resah menanti jawapan dariku
bukan aku tak mencintaimu
sungguh, kau tetap bertakhta di hatiku
namun aku tak mampu
tuk merealisasikan kehendakmu & aku

maafkan aku
kerna terpaksa meninggalkanmu
membiarkanmu terluka kerna cintaku
maafkan aku kerna hilang dan  membisu
bersembunyi dari panahan cintamu
mencari jawapan untukmu
namun aku tak mampu membahagiakanmu............

maafkan aku !



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Post time 8-12-2006 03:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by memories at 6-12-2006 11:10 AM


masuk nak reply awak tadi. lepas tu keluar, terlupa.....hehe.

entah dew, saya pun pening macam mana ya kalau nak jadi bini ke2 tapi lelaki tak boleh kawin 2? hehe. kita kena pk tu. mu ...

ehhhh, sapa yang nak jadi bini no. 2 tuh ? naper tak nak jadi no. 3 or 4?  hehehehehe........

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Post time 8-12-2006 09:08 AM | Show all posts
Have mercy on me, my Soul.
Have mercy on me, my Soul.
You have laden me with Love until I cannot carry my burden.
You and Love are inseparable might;
Substance and I are inseparable weakness.
Will ever the struggle cease between the strong and the weak?

Have mercy on me, my Soul.
You have shown me Fortune beyond my grasp.
You and Fortune abide on the mountain top;
Misery and I are abandoned together in the pit of the valley.
Will ever the mountain and the valley unite?

Have mercy on me, my Soul.
You have shown me Beauty,
But then concealed her.
You and Beauty live in the light;
Ignorance and I are bound together in the dark.
Will ever the light invade darkness?

Look upon me, my Soul;
I have consumed my full life heeding your teachings.
Think of how I suffer!
I have exhausted my life following you.

Why, my Soul, are you all-demanding?
I have denied myself pleasure
And deserted the joy of life
Following the course which you impelled me to pursue.
Be just to me,
Or call Death to unshackle me,
For justice is your glory.



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Post time 8-12-2006 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BingkaUbi at 8-12-2006 03:29 AM

dan aku terpaksa membiarkanmu
resah menanti jawapan dariku
bukan aku tak mencintaimu
sungguh, kau tetap bertakhta di hatiku
namun aku tak mampu
tuk merealisasikan kehendakmu & aku

tega bener kau BingkaUbi..:geram::cry::cry:

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Post time 8-12-2006 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Pengkhianat Yang Tertumpas

riang tidak terkata
kekasihku pulang dari kota
bila kita nak jumpa
banyak ni nak cerita

sepanjang kau tiada
pelbagai kisah sendiri terbuka
apa yg bukan kita duga
semua yang tiada kita jangka
membuat kita stress seketika
tapi kini berkahir segala
terpampang jelas nyata
terpamer pengkhianatan segala
sekian lama edisi siasat bermula
akhirnya... kebenaran muncul jua

sayang...kini kau dah ada
apa kata...kita sambal je mulut dia
ikat dia di pokok penuh kerengga
hahahahha seronotnya!
kita gelak guling-guling tengok dia
tidak la kejam mana
biar padan muka dia
kasi ajaran pada dia
lain kali jangan suka-suka
bz bodi tak tentu hala

aduhai sayang pujaan jiwa
bagaimana pendapat kanda?
bernas kah idea adinda?

pesanan ikhlas utk pengkhianat:  nak jadi orang jahat pun ilmu kena penuh di dada..berusaha dengan lebih gigih lagi supaya berjaya menjadi orang jahat yang digeruni...muahahahaha...

[ Last edited by  dewberry at 8-12-2006 01:42 PM ]



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Post time 8-12-2006 03:20 PM | Show all posts

indahnya rupamu
lemah gemalai tingkahmu
namun buruknya perilakumu
penuh irihati di hatimu
aku kecewa dengan sikapmu!

usah lagi bermuka-muka
berselindung di tabir bicara
menikam menusuk merobek binasa
menghunus bisa tersirat kata
demi tuhan aku tak percaya
hingga kini masih terpinga
kau buat hidupku porak poranda
mengkhianatiku di depan mata

di benak aku tertanya-tanya
tidak kah berasa bersalah berdosa
tidur malammu lena sentiasa
apakah kau dah memang biasa
demi kepentinganmu rela menganiaya?

benarlah bagai dikata
rupa manis dimanja berpada
kelak nanti merosak jiwa
aku sengsara menjadi mangsa
salahmu konon aku lah punca
tanpa prasangka tanpa sengketa
anggap kau baik sentiasa
ohhh betapa aku buta
terang-terangan aku diperdaya
keikhlasanku kau persenda
berubahlah..demi ketenangan jiwa
itu lah penyebab segala angkara
terumbang-ambing di badai gelora
hahahaha kini rasakan laaa...
kedukaan berlipat ganda!

[ Last edited by  dewberry at 8-12-2006 03:48 PM ]



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Post time 9-12-2006 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by saine_jude at 7-12-2006 06:17 PM

What are friends for :lol. I prefer to keep my foot firmly on the ground and sky above my head....knowing what is real and what is not. I can't live in a dream....2 years cukup laaa..

TAK MU ... that case, can I get the pdf version then? hehe..........Im a bit busy at the moment but when I have time I will read it.

the other day I was having a conversation with my friend, and I forgot what I was saying in a middle of a sentence.

me and my friend now have this theory that our brain can only take certain amount of informations. If we want to take more, we'll have to tip some out....

and thats why, the more I learn now, the more I forget the past!!! hehe.

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Post time 9-12-2006 06:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dewberry at 8-12-2006 03:20 PM

indahnya rupamu
lemah gemalai tingkahmu
namun buruknya perilakumu
penuh irihati di hatimu
aku kecewa dengan sikapmu!

usah lagi bermuka-muka
berselindung di tabir bicara
m ...

apa cerita ni Dew? ya lepas geram?

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Post time 9-12-2006 06:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by BingkaUbi at 8-12-2006 03:32 AM

ehhhh, sapa yang nak jadi bini no. 2 tuh ? naper tak nak jadi no. 3 or 4?  hehehehehe........

dew nak jadi bini ke2. saya pilih bini ke4 sebab boleh jadi bini paling muda. mesti laki saya sayang saya paling. dan juga ketika itu dia dah cukup kuota.

jadi, dia tak leh lagi kata kat saya......sayang, abang nak kawin lagi satu!!!'

saya berada dalam kedudukan paling selamat.

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Post time 10-12-2006 03:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by memories at 9-12-2006 06:33 PM

dew nak jadi bini ke2. saya pilih bini ke4 sebab boleh jadi bini paling muda. mesti laki saya sayang saya paling. dan juga ketika itu dia dah cukup kuota.

jadi, dia tak leh lagi kata kat say ...

:lol :lol

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Post time 10-12-2006 01:24 PM | Show all posts
For the New Year and the memories of us

The night we met
What else would you call it but fate?
When the grey colour of my life began to fade
Tears subside, and brightly rainbows fill my sight

My reality was a confusion
The surge of emotions rise and fallen
As I faced the nights alone
In a state I was so heart broken

Now we embrace the New Year and we say goodbye to the years passed by
I will bring the memories of you and I
The night we professed love that will not die
The night you and I reached for the sky

Will 2007 promise happiness?
Will we see each other again, not engulfed in sadness?
On the 21 of Nov or 18 of February?
Will you still be there besides me?

When I hold both of your hands close to my heart
I know we will never be apart

I promise you my life and dreams
Will you promise me the same?

Please remember me for I am at the crossroad
I need you to hold my hand and lead me
To my destination
To a place I can call home

~memories 10/12/06~

(catatan di kala rindu datang bertamu)



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Post time 10-12-2006 01:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by memories at 9/12/2006 06:31 PM

apa cerita ni Dew? ya lepas geram?

hahahaha..tau xpe...tu puisi edisi geram tahap gaban dh tuhhh...

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Post time 10-12-2006 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dewberry at 10-12-2006 01:36 PM

hahahaha..tau xpe...tu puisi edisi geram tahap gaban dh tuhhh...

thats the way to go dew......kalau dah geram luah kan.........hehe. jom wat puisi lagi banyak banyak.

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Post time 10-12-2006 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by memories at 9/12/2006 06:33 PM

dew nak jadi bini ke2. saya pilih bini ke4 sebab boleh jadi bini paling muda. mesti laki saya sayang saya paling. dan juga ketika itu dia dah cukup kuota.

jadi, dia tak leh lagi kata kat say ...

heh! jgn yakin sgt mem...air yg tenang jgn disangka tiada buaya...muahahah x selamat mane walaupun kedudukn dh no4 (pencukup quota)...tiba2 je dia diserang penyakit gatal kronik...tuppp menjunam terus jd bini pertama...ade 3 lak kosong klau bini pertama tiba2 nihhh harta dh x banyak dpt...lalalalala...

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Post time 10-12-2006 01:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dewberry at 10-12-2006 01:39 PM

heh! jgn yakin sgt mem...air yg tenang jgn disangka tiada buaya...muahahah x selamat mane walaupun kedudukn dh no4 (pencukup quota)...tiba2 je dia diserang penyakit gatal kronik...tuppp menjuna ...

ini lah orang kata kena research. awak ni Dew.

masa jadi bini no 4 tu, kita tau kita yg paling muda dan bergetah, masa tu kita suh dia sain segala surat untuk serah harta...lepas tu ok la dia nak jadikan kita bini pertama pun. dia nak kawin lain pun. ni dew kena belajar banyak lagi.

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Post time 10-12-2006 01:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by memories at 10/12/2006 01:39 PM

thats the way to go dew......kalau dah geram luah kan.........hehe. jom wat puisi lagi banyak banyak.

hehehehe...jum! mari meriahkan thread nihhh...aku baru balik wall climbing nihhh...kut2 ade ilham sbb instructor hensem woooo...hahahaha...

mod..dh ujung tahun ni xde bonus kredit ehhh?  hehehehe...

[ Last edited by  dewberry at 10-12-2006 01:46 PM ]

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Post time 10-12-2006 01:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dewberry at 10-12-2006 01:43 PM

hehehehe...jum! mari meriahkan thread nihhh...
mod..dh ujung tahun ni xde bonus kredit ehhh?  hehehehe...

hehe, mem baru jer wat satu poem, kena tunggu idea datang lagi lah...........dew wat lah yg geram lagi. mem nak tumpang sama.

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