Reply hitamputih
thanks ur advise...kalo bab dilahar ni terpaksa la terima..even x sggup! ...
fionamansor Post at 6-10-2011 16:37
owh sy dah kawin happily baru je lepas date tghari tadi. yg solo kat sini ramai wanita
nobody said it is easy.
and the softest way pun sometime cut the deepest
be cruel to be kind ok.
1. go, meet him, ckp bebetul. yg u dah cant go on with him.
2.dia akan tanya why
3.u just say, it is not your fault, i tak rasa kita ada chemistry.
4.dia akan ckp, can we at least try some more.
5.u akan ckp, nope, i dont want to hurt u anymore. plz. let me go.
6.dia aakan start merayu.
7.u be firm, jgn ckp apa apa.
8.dia akan start reverse psikologi - saying things like, takpe lah, apa pun i still syg u foreva bla bla, i hope u bahagia,, bla bla, if u are unhappy u come find me bla bla.
9.u jgn nangis.
10.dia akan abiskan air dia.
11.u just say thank you for the memories, halalkan makan minum, u are good guy, ull find another gurl, believe me, can we be fren?
12.dia akan ckp,
a- yes (proceed number 13)
b - no (then back to number 6)
13.finish ur drink and pay, and ckp u ada hal kena balik awal. if needed, ask ur fren to call u.
then move on. |