sadness .. is normal emotional state in respond to negative external events
such as ..
failing in exam .. breaking up . or death in family ..
However .. sadness is temporary ..
and often doez not interfere nor impair with daily functioning of individual ..
depression .. on d'other hand .. is more than sadness ..
and often impair daily functioning ..
It is a complex disorder ..
which involves d'disabling of one's physical and emotional well being ..
anger or irritability ..
feeling agitated .. restless or even violent .. due to decrease of tolerance ..
Nabi s.a.w. bersabda; ‘‘Barang siapa menempuh suatu jalan untuk mencari ilmu, maka Allah akan mempermudahkan baginya jalan ke Syurga.’’
Riwayat Muslim
Most of the time, the biggest problem is not the problem. It’s our perception of the problem ..
“Bukanlah kesulitan yang membuat kamu takut. Tetapi ketakutanlah yang membuat kamu kesulitan.” Ali Bin Abi Thalib
Allah said : “Don’t look around because you will be impressed. Don’t look down you will be depressed. Just look at ME all the time and you will be blessed”
Dan ketahuilah bahawa harta benda kamu dan anak-anak kamu itu hanyalah menjadi ujian, dan sesungguhnya di sisi Allah jualah pahala yang besar.
(Al-Anfaal 8:28)
saje nak share pengalaman..
manja..masa sihat x brape lame dulu..
& sakit..dh agak lame...skrg..
kadang2 masa manja sakit..
manja akan terfikir...knape...manja jadi mcm ni..& mcm2 soklan
yg bermain difikiran..manja..
pernah terlintas..sblum manja sakit dulu..
manja ni mcm mana? manja mcm mana??..
manja keje..mcm org lain..cari rezeki...x pernah goyang kaki duduk rumah jek..
manja bukan kaki tipu..
tp sejak sakit ni..mcm2 org mengata tentang manja..
tibe2...manja pulak dilayan mcm manja ni org jahat..mcm "enemy of the state"..gituww..
ape la yg manja melalut ni...
nnt2 jap..manja nak share pengalaman..manja..
sbb bile kite dh kite..mmg x mcm dulu lagi..
bukan manja sorg jek mcm tu..sbb lepas..berbual dgn org lain yg senasib dgn manja pun..
2 kali 5 jugak pengalaman we allz..cume bezanye..
ade yg support sistem kukuh..ade yg kurang..ade yg sumber kewangan kukuh...ade yg kurang..
ade yg kuat semangat ade yg lemah semangat..dll...
Dari Anas r.a, Rasulullah saw bersabda:" Apabila Allah menghendaki kebaikan pada seorang hamba-Nya maka Dia mensegerakan hukuman baginya di dunia; sedang apabila Allah menghendaki kejelekan pada seorang hamba-Nya maka Dia menangguhkan dosanya sampai Dia penuhi balasannya nanti di hari kiamat".
(Tiap-tiap balasan berdasarkan kaedah): Sesiapa yang mengerjakan amal soleh, maka faedahnya akan terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri; dan sesiapa yang berbuat kejahatan, maka bahayanya akan menimpa dirinya sendiri; kemudian kamu akan dikembalikan kepada Tuhan kamu.
(Al-Jaathiyah 45:15)
With e-mails being one of d'common
modes of communication in d'workplace these day ..
most of us don't put much though into
how we craft our e-mails before clicking the "send" button .
However .. a study has shown that disrespectful e-mails
have a more powerful effect than you might think .
A scathing e-mail from supervisor or co-workers
impact your mood and self-esteem
and can .. in turn .. negetively affect productivity .
Ensure that you don't contribute to feelings of unease
by checking yourself before you send out any e-mails .
1. No Shouty Caps
You may think that putting something in caps emphasises your point
and forces someone to pay attention .
sure .. but it's not d'most pleasant way to get your point across .
Even worse if you type everything in caps ..
then pepper it with multiple question marks
or exclamation point(that's akin to shouting).
If you need to emphasise a point ..
underline or bold d'words instead .
That way it'll come across as a sledgehammer to face .
2. Don't try too Hard to be Funny
Make sure your message gets across to d'intended party
in a concise and clear manner .
What was meant as a joke can be misconstrued
and lead to unnecessary misunderstanding .
It's better to be unfunny and clear ..
than funny and misunderstood .
3. Pick up d'Phone
Some people swear by e-mails as it offers black and white proof
to safeguard their interests should discussion go awry .
But when interacting with people from different cultures ..
or when dealing with an easily-misinterpreted subject ..
it might be best to speak over d'phone or in person .
A little legwork could go long way
in saving you d'hassle of undoing a wrong in future .
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky
you'll get by.
If you smile through your pain and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through
For you.
Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness.
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying.
You'll find that life is still worthwhile-
If you just smile.
Read more: Charlie Chaplin - Smile Lyrics | MetroLyrics Last edited by manjalara_01 on 28-10-2013 08:42 PM
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
Away above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?