Love Doc: Q & A Here (Especially for the Ladies)
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sue_0684 posted on 26-2-2013 04:19 PM
mmg lah dpt pahala tu yer dah..kalo ikhlas..
tapi kalo kita keje ni, nk dpt gaji..mn bleh keje ...
keje sebagai suri rumah...
sue_0684 posted on 27-2-2013 10:44 AM
salam..en.ipan..(bersopan sikit nk tnya soklan ni..)..
refer pd kisah yg sy citer tu dulu ka ...
hi cik sue...
first and foremost, cik sue dah explain kpd si dia...soal dier nak paham atau tidak, terpulang kpd dier...u have state your stand...some more he is a mature adult...he should have known better...
pendek kata, cik sue carik lain la...from our interaction, u are an interesting person...i believe u deserve someone better...tapi kena cari lelaki yg sesuai...kalau cik sue tak keberatan, tell me more about yourself...maybe i can help u find the right person...kalau malu, PM pun boleh...
sue_0684 posted on 27-2-2013 10:57 AM
alamak..en.ipan ni agen carik jodoh ke?....
sy ni biasa jer..x intersting pon except sy jump ...
personality tak sesuai la tu...tak ngam...tak secocok...kena cari yg sama kepala dgn u...sometime in life, we may feel that a certain someone sesuai dgn kita...tapi jgn lupa, kalau ade devine intervention, harapan yg di harapkan tidak kemana...
so harap2 cik sue jgn tangkap muat le...but in the other hand, jgn terlalu memilih...nanti jadi andartu...susah i nanti...
Last edited by ifanonline on 27-2-2013 11:32 AM
sue_0684 posted on 27-2-2013 11:18 AM
kena bersederhana en.ipan..
terima kekurangan yg ada..nobody is perfect..
sumtimes ada kekuranga ...
itu yg saya katakan tadi...personality tak sesuai...kena cari yg sekufu dgn cik sue...dlm amalan wassatiah pun jgn sampai diri sendiri merana...yes, u can be moderate...but jgn sampai maruah tergadai...
time is ticking...tick, tock, tick, tock...
hai korang.
kalau la korang ada gf/bf doktor, apa pandangan korang? |
wanawina posted on 23-3-2013 01:31 PM
hai korang.
kalau la korang ada gf/bf doktor, apa pandangan korang?
best pe dpt gf/bf doktor...knp awak tanya soalan itu?
hi mr.ifan...
sy baru jugak la berkenalan ngn one guy ni...
my friend yg kenalkan...
so ktorg start texting n calling coz die kerje kt utara sana while me at KL.
seriously dat time i felt like falling in love,debar xmenentu,makan x lalu..huhu
then 2 weeks after dat,die ajak jumpe parents die.
me tnya la my fren shud i jumpe his parent.atas nasihat my fren yg why not pergi jmpe n bile lg nk jmpe..
me pun pergi la..so far dorg ok...at dat time memang me rasa nk kawen ngn die...
tp after dat...my fren yg introduced me to him,dpt taw yg me pergi jmpe his parent,keluar berdua n such,
she posted alli slamic married related at her wall...
i know dat i've made mistake coz keluar berdue n such..
then i start reading all articles she posted...
after that i am not sure about my feelings anymore...
im confused...
tp deep down inside me ade lg rase syg kt dat guy...
die mmg serius ngn me n want to marry me..
it's me yg mcm acuh x acuh now...
please help.... |
vamplave posted on 25-3-2013 03:05 PM
hi mr.ifan...
sy baru jugak la berkenalan ngn one guy ni...
my friend yg kenalkan...
dalam islam amat2 menggalakkan perkahwinan antara lelaki dan wanita...nampaknya both of u r serious in wanting to get married...discuss the issue with him first and see how serious he is...let me know okay...
ifanonline posted on 25-3-2013 05:14 PM
dalam islam amat2 menggalakkan perkahwinan antara lelaki dan wanita...nampaknya both of u r seriou ...
ok...actly we have discussed...
cume after my friend da sedarkan me pasal tu sume...
me plan to x berjumpe selalu...
me nk perkahwinan yg diberkati,yg bukan sia2 n 1 penyesalan...
tp he still ask me if me want to meet him...
i do want to meet him...tp i want to jage dis relationship..
moreover me jenis yg cepat boring...huuuu my bad...
so how to make him understand yg though kite x jmpe but me still mcm ni...
xberubah hati n setia...
bukan bermaksud yg xjmpe x syg or x rindu...
wht do you think bout this?
vamplave posted on 25-3-2013 04:27 PM
ok...actly we have discussed...
cume after my friend da sedarkan me pasal tu sume...
me plan to ...
if u are really serious bout it, i suggest u get married...u dah kenal dier kan? ask him to make the neccessary preparation...talk to your parents, talk to his parents...the longer u wait, the more boring you'll become...put into perspective that marriage will bring u great wealth di dunia dan di akhirat...insyallah...
ifanonline posted on 25-3-2013 05:31 PM
if u are really serious bout it, i suggest u get married...u dah kenal dier kan? ask him to make t ...
i think the problem is me now...
masih takut n ragu2...(x cukup istikharah lg i think)
yup i da kenal die...
da jmpe parent die...
cume die x jmpe my parent lg...
tp my famliy sume da taw yg i kawan ngn die...
masa x mengizinkan coz jarak n kerja...
vamplave posted on 25-3-2013 04:38 PM
i think the problem is me now...
masih takut n ragu2...(x cukup istikharah lg i think)
yup i d ...
melaksanakan sesuatu benda yg baik memang mempunyai banyak dugaan...itu semua adalah bisikan syaitan yg tidak mahu manusia mengikut jalan yg lurus...lebih mudah bagi wanita memasuki ke syurga apabila wanita tersebut mendirikan rumahtangga dan menjadi isteri solehah...
wouldn't u want to go to heaven?
ifanonline posted on 25-3-2013 05:44 PM
melaksanakan sesuatu benda yg baik memang mempunyai banyak dugaan...itu semua adalah bisikan syait ...
oh you are so right bout dat!
mmg i feel like ragu tibe2...
rase mcm btol ke he is the one...
tp mmg i xpernah rase mcm when i with him rase mcm nk serve him as a wife...
coz i mmg ramai kwn lelaki...tp xpernah rase cmtu...
tp tu la pelik, skrg ni rase mcm xde perasaan pulak...
ifanonline posted on 25-3-2013 12:51 PM
best pe dpt gf/bf doktor...knp awak tanya soalan itu?
sbb saya ni bakal doktor. tapi my bf mcm susah nak terima dengan kesibukan saya lepas ni. T_T
wanawina posted on 25-3-2013 04:55 PM
sbb saya ni bakal doktor. tapi my bf mcm susah nak terima dengan kesibukan saya lepas ni. T_T
bf awak bakal doktor jugak ke?
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan