risau pulak...nak pi...sebab selsema babi dah merebak...
selesema babi |
1101# adie82
tulah pasai....banyak gak sekolah dah cuti seminggu...mirul seronok ler...hehehe |
sekolah aku x cuti!... |
dinasihatkan jgn pergi mana2 fair... selsema babi berleluaser....
kt skul aku x kuarentin la pulak... x de org yg kena pulak pun... {:3_81:} |
...berjangkit dgn mudah tuh....haku tak pi... |
aku mmg da lama decide x nk pegi... |
kuarantin 1 malaysia la camni!! |
1 malaysia, kena kuarentin... |
....haku rasa mesti murah sebab tak der org pi.... |
Sempron 140 can unlock to a dual-core
Wednesday, 12 August 2009 10:44
Five finger discount Athlon II
AMD is making a habit out of launching crippled CPUs that can easily be unlocked to provide access to a disabled core. We saw it with triple-cores, and now it appears you can get an extra core on the new Sempron 140 as well.
The Sempron 140 is a cheap single-core part, based on the Sargas core, which is in fact a crippled Regor dual-core. You just need a motherboard with an AMD SB710 or SB750 sourthbridge with support for the Advanced Clock Calibration and you should be able to turn your Sempron 140 into an Athlon II X2.
This basically means you can get a dual 45nm processor clocked at 2.7GHz for $39/ |
http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=643881 |
Sempron 140 can unlock to a dual-core
Wednesday, 12 August 2009 10:44
Five finger discount Athlon II
AMD is making a habit out of la ...
adie82 Post at 13-8-2009 08:51
dah ader dah ker kat msia nie...sempron 140??cam best jer...hehehe |
huhu... sempron X2...
ape2 pun phenom 2 x2 550be dalam kepala aku lg! |
budak baru lepas akil baligh!!!{:3_81:}
asik ngan L3 dia ajer!
biasala budak2...
x cukup umor lg.. |
oit! |
kanyaq lagi!!! |
cait! |
| |