Post time 25-11-2016 12:27 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
senyap ke rombongan ke sabah beza betul masa rombongan ke singapore bukan main meriah nila hasil bbnu takpela kita tunggu diorg sampai sabah mana tau da ada tunggu kat epot hailooo org sabah
Post time 25-11-2016 12:38 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Aciksss..boleh x if i want to give a recommendation here. Since we are all only spreading love n positive energies at this it possible if we do not use d word 'gossip'? If theres a positive update or news..kita ckp 'khabar gumbira' n if yg tut a bit we say 'khabar yg belum dpt disahihkan'..rasa lagi classy kan.
I was among yg hidupnya terbalik bongkang when lofattah wave first started. I missed d last 4 shmp episodes coz i had to follow my other half overseas. Haaaa
..muncung ok time packing...lebih panjang dr muncung tahtah gamaknya....hahaha. N for d 1st time i did not really enjoy being bcos i always wanted to make sure i did nit miss anything abt lofattah. Mmg hp berjahit kat tgn.
But i am truly back to normal now n wish for a better person i wld be perhaps..its all bcos i am at dis airport. So tq aciks semua..for d good vibes n thoughts..n tq Lofattah for d muhaya for d khimar/telekung talk...n d rest u know who u r kekdahnya
Nak type bnyk lagi but time doesnt permit. Anak menjerit dah...