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Anak comelku Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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Post time 17-1-2009 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 15-1-2009 03:48 PM
I nak mintak pendapat sikit. Anak I mcm I dah cerita dulu, bole baca, x leh tulis, can sit still dlm kelas, tapi dia kurang pay attention bila cikgu cakap di depan, masa recess I kena pi tengok d ...

mami, why not u try kat nasom..kat skolah kebangsaan tu ada tak program inclusive? nasom centre biasa ada MOU dgn mana2 skolah kebangsaan yg dipilih, biasanye terdekat dgn nasom centre..bile budak2 nasom ni difikirkan boleh urus diri, boleh tulis dan baca sikit, boleh copy dari blackboard, dia akan dimasukkan ke program inclusive maksudnye masuk kelas biasa dengan bantuan sorang cikgu dari centre nasom..cikgu tu akan duduk dalam kelas dengan murid tu sampai abis sesi sekolah..pastu petang dia akan masuk balik centre nasom..kat nasom ada OT and ST..OT covered dalam fees yg dibyr..ST kena byr kat ST tu asing..macam anak i, dia boleh tulis, bile i suruh tulis huruf apa2 contohnye G R E E N, satu2, dia akan tulis dan sebut huruf sambil tulis..walau pun tak cantik dan campur aduk huruf besar dan kecil, i happy..and i notice yg dia suka tulis pakai color pencil instead of pencil..dia tak kenal colors lagi..dia tau oren, tapi kuning pun dia sebut orange..tapi dia still suka conteng..bile i tak tengok dia, dia akan conteng kertas pakai color pecil..:@ dah seminggu dia kat kelas khas and dia suka..tiap2 hari setakat ni bangun pagi ok..sampai sekolah pun tak sabar nak turun..i tunggu dia 2 hari..pastu i tak cuti dah..ada cikgu nasom yg tunggu budak kat kelas inclusive tolong tengok2 kan dia jugak..and cikgu kat pend khas tu kata anak i boleh la jugak duduk tapi bile org tak tengok dia mula la dia buat keje dia..dia suka bukak tutup almari..macam kat rumah, itulah jugak yg dia suka buat bile org tak dan nak tengok dia..:@

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Post time 17-1-2009 10:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 14-1-2009 04:01 PM
hari ni, cikgu dah x benarkan ibu bapa tunggu anak2 waktu rehat, except me, 'coz I've explained my son is mildly autistic...bla, bla. So tadi ramai la parents tunggu kat pintu pagar sekolah x leh ...

kalau dia kata anak kite ada problem pun takpe lagi kan..instead of cacat..lagi satu i tak suka bile org tanye anak i lembab ke..i selalu jawab tak, dia hyper sikit so susah sket nak ajar dia disebabkan tu..bile kata autistic org tak paham pulak..pjg cite pulak nanti..lagi satu kalau citer panjang2 pasal anak i kat kawan2 yg tak berapa paham ni i boleh tersyahdu..malu la bile kata hyper tu lagi senang org nak paham..

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Post time 17-1-2009 10:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by miezamo at 15-1-2009 10:30 AM
anak saya lak dh 2nd year kt klas pendidikan khas. He's mild autise n ADHD. Alhamdulillah show improvement. Cume masih x boleh membaca, menulis dh ok. Paling suke klas lukisan. May be nk jadi pel ...

anak i kat skolah tak nangis. bile dekat2 nak sampai rumah balik dari sekolah baru la dia buat hal..merengek2..maybe nak mengadu letih kot..tapi tak dia merengek dan buat2 suara cam nak nangis..atau maybe dia tiru gaya adik dia yg suka merengek..wallahua'lam..pastu kadang dah dekat sampai rumah dia bukak seluar dalam keta dan terus masuk rumah..bile pi toilet bukan kencing sgt pun..saje je..pastu kat rumah asyik la bukak seluar nak pi bilik air..kadang terlepas sket dalam seluar..tapi kat sekolah tak pun buat hal..saje la nak pekena org kat rumah kot..hmm..emosi tak stabil gak tu..hehe..

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Post time 19-1-2009 02:31 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1161 suflin\ catat

hmmm...I've never been to nasom. Nak kena pegi la...weekend, saturday dia bukak dak? Kalau I pegi, nak jumpa siapa? Dia ada child psychiatrist dak? Nak juga assess my son, tahap autism dia. I rasa skrg dia lebih kpd ADHD la...I pun x tau...kat kelas dia masih duduk tapi dia x pay attention bila cikgu mengajar kat depan. So guru kelas dah komplen kat I. I suruh bagi dia peluang, sebab kat tadika cikgu ajar dia one on kat standard 1 environment berbeza,  kena la bagi dia peluang utk adjust. I'm still not sure whether let him stay kelas biasa, atau tukat ke kelas pendidikan khas...

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Post time 19-1-2009 10:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 19-1-2009 02:31 PM
hmmm...I've never been to nasom. Nak kena pegi la...weekend, saturday dia bukak dak? Kalau I pegi, nak jumpa siapa? Dia ada child psychiatrist dak? Nak juga assess my son, tahap autism dia. I ras ...

cube you pi site ni
cari the nearest nasom to your home, call dulu..before u go..kalau tak jumpe boleh call mrs liew dia punye boss kat kl..or email her..ada nombor dia kat site tu..dulu first2 i email nasom..cerita pasal anak i..tak lama pastu dia jawab balik kat email tu..dia bagi contact number and person tuk nasom centre yg terdekat dgn i..psychiatrist takde tapi u can explain to the head of the centre pasal anak u and dia akan observe dari situ..tak semestinye u nak terus register..i dulu masa bawak anak i pi nasom, anak i 4 thn..centre head nasom tu kata boleh ajar sendiri sebenarnye..dia bagi la pinjam buku..dia kata antar kindy biasa pun i try la for a year kat kindy biasa tapi i tak puas hati..tak nampak progress..masa umur 5 thn baru i antar nasom..diorg buat personal program tuk anak kite..tengok apa dia boleh buat dan tak boleh..contohnye anak i masa tu masih tak tengok org kalau panggil nama diorg start off with eye contact, mula 1 saat, pas tu diorg nampak la perubahan kat situ..pastu nampak la dia boleh main puzzle..dulu i nak ajak dia main puzzle asyik lari tangan dia tu digunakan la..naik bicycle pun pandai sejak antar diorg byk buat program tuk gross and fine motor skill..tulis pun i nampak dia boleh tulis sejak antar nasom..masa kindy biasa, i nak pegang tangan dia pun dia tepis..tak bagi pegang..

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Post time 19-1-2009 10:28 PM | Show all posts
boleh jugak pi site

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Post time 20-1-2009 02:29 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1165 suflin\ catat

I pi jumpa Dr Kadir tadi. Dia kata anak I dulu kan tadika cikgu ajar one to one dia boleh belajar, so dia suggest anak I stay kelas biasa mcm skrg, but during weekend go to one to one tuition class. Cari cikgu yg sabar dan boleh ngam dgn dia, so he can catch up with the syllabus. Kiranya pegi sekolah belajar berkawan dan berdikari je la. Pas tu dia suruh bawak anak I pegi refleksologi kat Jalan Ampang, ni utk improvekan fine motor skill dia. So I think lepas chinese new year I'll do that. Bagi peluang anak I 3,4 bln. Lepas tu dia kata assess balik, kalau rasa x puas hati, maybe I try other alternatif like going to NASOM. I rasa NASOM bagus, cuma I nak ulang alik hantar dia ke situ payah sket. So I nak cuba dulu cam Dr KAdir cadang ni, tengok la camne nanti. Btw, suflin anak u umur berapa thn?

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Post time 21-1-2009 03:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 20-1-2009 02:29 PM
I pi jumpa Dr Kadir tadi. Dia kata anak I dulu kan tadika cikgu ajar one to one dia boleh belajar, so dia suggest anak I stay kelas biasa mcm skrg, but during weekend go to one to one tuition cla ...

nak share pendapat la sikit ya...walaupun "anak2 istimewa" ( i suka this "term") ini dah ke sekolah & boleh membaca/menulis...they still need one to one teacher diluar waktu kelas.ini dapat membantu mereka to belajar apa yang mereka tak faham kat sekolah..

bukan tu saja, kena jugak ajar mereka social skills seperti playing with friends ke, no grabbing barang2 kawan ke,listen to teacher ke,asking for help ke dan macam2 lagi...sebab biasanya mereka lemah sikit dalam bab2 socializing,interacting with other people harus ditumpukan perhatian jugak untuk bab2 ini (interacting & socializing)..nanti kesian pulak,orang lain masa rehat main or makan sama2 tapi mereka main sorang2 etc.

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Post time 21-1-2009 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 20-1-2009 02:29 PM
I pi jumpa Dr Kadir tadi. Dia kata anak I dulu kan tadika cikgu ajar one to one dia boleh belajar, so dia suggest anak I stay kelas biasa mcm skrg, but during weekend go to one to one tuition cla ...

anak i 7..sama la kan dgn anak u kan? thn ni start skolah..anak i pun i dah start tuition 1 to 1..ada sorang indian teacher ni dia mmg amik student autistic/lambat cakap/seumpama dengannye..kalau yg dah ok dia akan form a group of students, dlm 4 org camtu utk belajar bersama2..stakat ni i dah antar dia 2 kali..sekali seminggu..2 jam each session..and it costs me 250 per month (8 hrs)...i antar kat rumah cikgu tu..tau dia pun dari kawan..dia tak attach dgn mana2 organization..dia buat sendiri2 dia..dulu dia penah ajar kat PDK kalau tak silap..cikgu tu bagi advise jugak and dia cakap apa anak i boleh buat dan tak boleh..dia tau anak i kenal huruf and numbers and boleh tulis..tapi dia notice motor skill still lemah..dia suruh nyanyi byk lagu2 sambil buat action dengan tangan untuk anak i...anak i bile suruh copy cikgu buat contohnye angkat tangan ke, stretch tangan ke tepi ke semua dia tak nak buat..bile suruh kire dengan jari pun dia tak leh nak gerak tangan dia sendiri .. tu semua perlu pertolongan cikgu..dia suruh practise byk2 utk hand movement..pensel dia suruh beli yg tiga segi tu..yg besar sket..i jumpe dah ..  brand stabilo..memang i notice benda2 tu semua anak i tak leh buat tapi bile cikgu tu kata dengan buat aksi dengan tangan sambil nyanyi, bile tangan tu bergerak sama, akan lebih memudahkan percakapan..sama jugak macam kite kan, bile bercakap tangan kite gerak la sekali kan..macam karam singh walia tu..hehe..cikgu tu kata paling penting skang ialah untuk dia boleh berkomunikasi dgn org..kena buang habit2 dia contohnye dia suka ketawa unnecessarily, kena stop benda tu..pastu dia cume akan sebut benda yg dia suka je..cikgu tu kata tak leh camtu je..kena paksa jugak dia sebut benda2 lain..
mami, i ada PM kat u..dapat tak?

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Post time 22-1-2009 05:28 PM | Show all posts
saya notice, budak autisme ni tak mengeja tapi dia tahu bagaimana nak sebut perkataan tu. eg: dia tengok cerita kartun tom & jerry. Bila saya tulis kat kertas, terus dia sebut perkataan tu. Dia akan sebut perkataan2 yg biasanya dia nampak kat tv. especially kartun.

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Post time 28-1-2009 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by suflin at 17-1-2009 10:08 PM

mami, why not u try kat nasom..kat skolah kebangsaan tu ada tak program inclusive? nasom centre biasa ada MOU dgn mana2 skolah kebangsaan yg dipilih, biasanye terdekat dgn nasom centre..bile bu ...

anak awk skolah mana ek ?....nak gak try inclusive program tu......anak saya tahun depan masuk darjah 1......risau pk camne la dia masa skolah nanti......

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Post time 28-1-2009 03:31 PM | Show all posts
berminat pulak ma nk katamkn thread ni..sbb ciri2 nya mcm ade je kat ank ma.
bnyknya pagess

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Post time 28-1-2009 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by muslyn at 10-9-2006 05:02 PM
for awhile i thought my son pun ASD based on symptoms you all discussed. Tapi the most important symptoms ie avoiding eye contact tu tak de..  but part suka trains/LRT sampai pencils/ruler anythi ...

ha yg ni same dgn ank ma..harus khatam thread ni.

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Post time 28-1-2009 03:51 PM | Show all posts

nak lepas geram sket

I'm a bit upset. Why bila kita cakap anak kita autistic they automatically nak masukkan dia dlm kelas pendidikan khas? Is it better for the kids or better for the teacher? Tadi ada lagi cikgu tanya I kenapa x masukkan anak I ke kelas pendidikan khas. Dia kata anak I slow. Yang normal kids yang sepatah pun x boleh baca tak pulak dia suruh masuk kelas pendidikan khas. Geram la jugak, anak I bukan buat perangai mengamuk ke, lari2 ke, jerit2 ke dalam kelas, dia duduk elok je kat meja dia. Biar je la dak...harapnya x lama lagi dia terikut la budak2 normal yang lain...Tuisyen one on one pun bulan feb ni dah I dunno whats the teachers' problems are... They think there's no hope for him kot...sedih2...sorry I membebel kat sini, I rasa ibu2 kat sini je yg boleh paham masalah saya nih...ada ka cikgu tu cakap  I kena terima la anak I cam tu. Ye la mmg I redha, I boleh accept, but at the same time I want him to be able to be independent and function like everybody else. I dont think he will be able to do that if I set low expectations for him, kena ikhtiar la, pulihkan dia sedaya mungkin. I know some parents yg cakap cukup lah anak saya bole jaga diri...x yah la amik UPSR. I'm not that kind of person. I know my son minat belajar, so I will do all I can to help him do well in school. Dia pun nak gak buat semua benda yg budak lain buat, so bagi la dia peluang...jgn tutup pintu depan muka dia dan give up.

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Post time 28-1-2009 04:39 PM | Show all posts
Just a little something I found to comfort myself. I thought I would share it with others:

When Asst Prof Daranee Utairatanakit began a programme for autistic children at Kasetsart University Demonstration School a decade ago, it opened up a whole new world both for her and her students and many others along the way too.

Locked in the world of autism, these kids do strange things such as repeating the same word or asking the same question 30 times a day, performing repetitive body movements, reversing the syntax in sentences, or showing unusual attachment to certain objects. They also tend to avoid eye contact and rarely smile.

Although there were only five children under her supervision when the programme began, she was overwhelmed by their problems; it seemed all they wanted to do in her class was cry, scream, run wild, lie down on the floor, knock over tables, or mess up the room by shredding paper.

Exhausted and discouraged, Daranee almost gave up. ``Sometimes when I'd approach a girl to help, she would suddenly hit me. She didn't mean to do it but she couldn't control herself,'' recalled this teacher and psychologist. ``Back then, all I was really hoping for was to be able to help them complete the period of compulsory education.''

Twelve years have since gone by.

One of Daranee's ``special students'' is now an outstanding sportsman, another's a talented painter, a third is a pianist, and yet another is an ``amateur'' historian who has a versatile grasp of matters of history and knows a bit about archaeology too.

In addition, armed with grade-point averages ranging from 2.00 to 3.50, some of these kids will graduate from secondary school in a few months' time, and are currently preparing for university entrance exams.

``I consider them to be geniuses of a different kind. If we help them develop their potential appropriately, they can turn out to be really special.''

Autism, she defines as a development disorder that can be diagnosed during the first three years of a child's life. It affects the normal development of social and communication skills. The main features of autism include impaired social interaction, cognitive abnormalities, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and/or repetitive patterns of behaviour.

``Most have difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communication,'' she explained. ``Some are aggressive with others or even with themselves. They experience unusual distress if their routine changes. Some are sensitive to certain sights, sounds, tactile sensations, smells and tastes. Others are withdrawn, solitary and lacking in empathy. Most interestingly, they can have extraordinary talents if they are treated appropriately,'' she said.

Twelve years ago, Daranee returned home with a doctorate in psychology and a strong determination to help kids with special needs. She launched a project to integrate autistic children into a normal school setting after learning that many of them were being treated at Yuwaprasart Hospital. She persuaded the hospital to enrol young autistic individuals, seven and eight years of age, in a special class she'd set up at Kasetsart University Demonstration School.

With help from another teacher, Daranee observed the children's behaviour, hoping to learn their likes and dislikes and come to know them as individuals, and to eventually penetrate their special world.

But parents of some ``normal'' students were not at all pleased that a programme like this had been launched at the school. ``What are you doing?'' some asked angrily. ``You are disgracing the school's reputation by allowing these disabled children to learn with our kids. You're making a big mistake!''

``I asked them to be sympathetic with the parents of autistic children,'' she said. ``I asked them whether or not they would want to have the same opportunity if their own children were afflicted with the same problems. I also asked them to use this chance to teach their children compassion and respect for autistic children because they have talents and dignity _ just like all kids.''

The autistic pupils showed marked improvement after being admitted to integrated classrooms. ``They learned to develop relationships with regular kids. Playing with talkative friends, they learned to speak more,'' she said.

The programme has attracted many parents with autistic children. Since the symptoms of autism vary from mild to severe, children with autism must take an IQ test before being accepted into the programme. Those with an IQ above 70 are accepted.

Daranee said the programme's priority was behavioural adjustment, including development of social-interaction and communication skills plus cognitive ability.

One of her dreams, she said, is to see the establishment of a college for autistic students that would allow them to pursue higher education without fear of discrimination.

That might seem like mission impossible, but Daranee insisted that forming teams comprising doctors, parents, teachers and friends of autistic children would help make the world a more beautiful place for autistic children.

``The changes I saw in the autistic children we have worked with have strengthened my belief that where there is great love, care, and empathy, there can be miracles,'' said Daranee.

``These kids have also taught me never to say the word `impossible' without first giving something a try.''

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Post time 29-1-2009 02:51 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1174 mami06\ catat

i sedey la dgr cite u..i pun geram gak ngan cikgu2 tu..
rasa nak nangis pun ada ni..diaorang ni memang x paham...
orang2 mcm kita je yg paham kan?? x pe la mami, sabo bebanyak ye..klu i msti seminggu terganggu "jadual" dek memikikan kata2 yg menghiris kalbu tu..

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Post time 29-1-2009 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mami06 at 28-1-2009 03:51 PM
I'm a bit upset. Why bila kita cakap anak kita autistic they automatically nak masukkan dia dlm kelas pendidikan khas? Is it better for the kids or better for the teacher? Tadi ada lagi cikgu tan ...


bersabar la ya..insyaallah akan dipermudahkan segalanya untuk anak u.

i akan sentiasa menyokong perjuangan u dan yag lain2 jugak :-)

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Post time 1-2-2009 04:55 PM | Show all posts

ANDI initiatiative and EAP Autism

Just want to share these  blog & website for our kids education & training.



The blogs belongs to a parent providing support services and training for parents
who wish to setup own ABA program at home. Parents can go for 6 months training, meeting every forthnightly and website belongs to a company that provides ABA program - Home based or Centre based. You guys can call them up for more information.

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Post time 2-2-2009 09:19 AM | Show all posts
huhhh..mendap lagilah page nih...

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Post time 2-2-2009 03:46 PM | Show all posts
Thank you so much for your support. Mmg kena sgt2 sabar, I pun jenis x reti marah org...cuma frust dan kesian kat anak I.

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