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Author: Terong Pipit

Family of beheaded American blame US govt for not helping him!

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Post time 17-5-2004 09:52 AM | Show all posts
by John Lennon

So does theists! Not only Muslims alone! Even Buddhists sometimes kill in the name of Buddha, although a very damned rarety compared to followers of Abrahamic religions.

Put the proof that Buddhist followers kills for sake of their religion.

About insults...we're equal. About your sword and your guts, I DARE you to try and thrust me NOW even if I don't say a thing about God. Perasan. When does God needs a ****ing bodyguard anyway? He doesn't need you and your irrational temper.

God don't need a boyguard and He doesn't need me. Then again, since it is my temper and I sure as hell don't need to listen to your crap, I might as well place my "irrational" temper on your pathetic little head. ;)

Please, please. You failed to realise that the same Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism you praised are one of the results. Now compare those followers to followers of Abrahamic religion and see which followers kill more people in the name of RELIGION. The FACTS are there.  

Once again ... show me example/wars which Buddhists and Hindus fought for sake of their religions/ beliefs. Don't just make assumptions or claims without proof.

Frankly, you confuse me. You despise Muslims who kill kafirs and blow innocents lives up, yet you do not blame religion. Wake up and smell the napalm (uh, I mean coffee). Muslims CANNOT give new definition to their religion before it becomes obsolete. The only way to do that is to choose a new religion. If prophets and the Holy Scriptures commit flaws and contradict itself, either God is screwed up or the religion imposes a wrong imposter God (or it's a wrong path to God). Tyring to twist a flawed scripture and present it as perfect won't do any good. A liar who fabricates truth gets tripped to his face.

No ... the way they redefine their religion is by studying it properly and give it new meaning with modern day situation, and not simply follow it blindly like what they are doing it now. Most Muslims now don't even know their religion and simply think that by praying 5 times a day and making sure that they don't equalize their God with anything else, they are saved.

Either now you have to accept that Abrahamic religions are a plague to humanity or accept that its God is a plague to humanity.

Abrahamic Religion is here with a purpose ... to close the last chapter of Man on this world. Everything that happens points to mass destruction in the near future.

I emphasize again; people do not need religion to believe in God.

But they do need Religion to live properly ... and they can only do that if they know what is good and what is bad and how to define it properly.

Combined force and laws that manifests the existing universe, not controlled by a single entity.

OK ... whatever.

or He gives you NOTHING at all. (okla, for respect, assuming)

You assume too much.

Your posts reveal as if you've got NOTHING to lose.

Except my Soul ... oh wait, you don't believe in Souls, do you? ;)

My favorite from
Santa Claus exists whether you believe Him or not.
The Invinsible Pink Unicorn exists whether you believe in It or not.
the Monkey Jackass King exists whether you believe in Him or not.
Cthulhu exists whether you believe in Him or not.
And it goes on...

And that's why one of your forumers blew his own head last time, remember. ;)

Then again ... being stupid is your choice, just like it is our choice to choose what we wish to believe.

Then quit lumping those religions with ALL religions that you claimed can guide humans. Baka.

That's my right as Theist ... who gave you the right to condemn us? As a theist to another theists, I have a right to comment about them but I don't see what right you have who believe Life just spurn from crap and evolved forward to comment about us.

What is worse, a puppet or a puppet who call others puppet?

What worse is a Puppet who doesn't even know he is a puppet for his own stupidity ... (meaning you). ;)

Sadly your posts reveal somebody who is otherwise. You assume a world of atheists is a catastrophe (, remember?) and you think that atheists who doesn't believe in God are hopeless idiots. You vehemently attack anyone who disagrees with your views.

I have no problem with such individuals. Individuals who rebuke a father whose son was beheaded and shown live on such person is worse than a dog!

It is catastrophical ... do you know why? A person who thinks he has no soul will not fear of doing bad things. He will sleep around, drink, make money even it means railroading others and he will put his own pleasure before all others.  Do you know why? Because he will not survive Death and since he will vanish with death, why should he waste his time caring for others?

We maybe hopeless idiots, but it is our belief which control us from commiting adultery (speaking about non-Muslims and Christians here), we care for others (even for selfish reasons like gain merits and heaven, despite of not proven it exists) and we control ourselves from not behaving like animals.

Buddha said something like truth doesn't need propaganda. If you're devoted to god, then the truth are yours and yours alone. You don't need to perceive, judge, generalise or assume what the hell others believe, even for "atheists" such as myself. That is how insecure people have killed others in the name of God.

Atheists means one who doesn't believe in anything supernatural or without proof, yet you willing to believe that you know how the Universe works by sitting in one corner of a space and imagining it all. That's like sitting in a cell and imagine how the prison looks like from outside.

Don't talk about Buddha ... people like you usually make your own assumptions just to get ahead ... that's why you assume that even Buddhists kills for their religion/belief.

Blah blah blah. Faith is something you don't need to be told of.

And what do you know about Faith? ;)

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Post time 17-5-2004 09:56 AM | Show all posts
As for Muslims who claims that We do not know about Islam, I still waiting for answers for this questions :

IF you do not level your prophet to be equal to God, then, answer me this :

1. WHY is it that Muhammad's name is in your Azan?

2. WHY is it that one has to accept Muhammad (ONLY) as a prophet of God when Islam itself is a composing of Taurat, Injil and message brought by Muhammad?

3. WHY is it that Muhammad's name is in the same level as Allah's in your holy places like Mosque?

4. DO you agree that Muhammad as a Man make mistakes or not? Or Is it true that as a Prophet, one doesn't make mistakes?

Remember ... the accusation of equalizing your God with anything (even a Man) is a VERY serious offense, one which you cannot be pardoned in Islam.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 17-5-2004 02:55 PM | Show all posts
Seph... I may not provide you with satisfactory answer  for all your above  questions   but I can provide you with URL Link why Muhammad's name is in our Azan or Shahadah, why of all the prophets Muhammad's name frequently mentioned but please be informed that we muslims consider god's position is higher than anyone or anything and we never consider Muhammad in the same position as god! I hope you can spare your time reading the content of the website to fully understand what ISLAM really is!


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Post time 17-5-2004 03:13 PM | Show all posts
So Muhammad's name is in the Azan because Muslim "reconfirming" their support for Muhammad 5 times a day ... is that right?

"Say (O Muhammad to mankind): 慖f you (really) love Allah, then follow me.

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 17-5-2004 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Im not so sure whether you really take your sweet time to read the link I've provided to question us What is the difference between this ("Say (O Muhammad to mankind): 慖f you (really) love Allah, then follow me.

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Post time 17-5-2004 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Dear MODes.... Is this board still about World Politics or it's the replacement for Board Religions???

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 17-5-2004 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Acong at 17-5-2004 03:51 PM:
Dear MODes.... Is this board still about World Politics or it's the replacement for Board Religions???

I know this board is about WP board but someone like Seph was questioning us  something related to our religion and when we left him without any answer he started  to question the credibility of our religion (please refer his writing on 揥hat is Hindu Nationalistic Ideology

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Post time 17-5-2004 04:20 PM | Show all posts
u dun worry.... i am going to report it too! :bgrin:

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 17-5-2004 04:32 PM | Show all posts
when people attack my religion should I become quiet? NO I CANT! It is my responsibility as a muslim to protect my religion. You better make a report now or never because to me as long as people attacking my religion I will never stop protecting it! I hope my message is very clear to everybody!


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Post time 17-5-2004 04:34 PM | Show all posts
Oh well ... to hell with you people. This column is not a Religion section so I will not continue anymore. ;)

Heaven or Hell ... Let God judge you all.

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_JC_ This user has been deleted
Post time 17-5-2004 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 17-5-2004 16:34:
Oh well ... to hell with you people. This column is not a Religion section so I will not continue anymore. ;)

Heaven or Hell ... Let God judge you all.

Hey dey Sephiroth.. to hell with you also... lu memang teruk punya orang.. lu gila punya orang sebab masa lu kecik lu kena abuse sama lu punya bapak dan lu punya emak..:pmuka: sebab tu sekarang lu banyak jahat, banyak busuk.. lu mana boleh cakap baik-baik sebab lu sudah tatak center.. lu punya brain sudah kena penyakit mad cow.. sebab tu lu itu macam...lollol

JC mau lu jawab ini post... sebab JC mahu study lu punya gilaaa dari lu punya jawapan.... okadeyy!! :pmuka::pmuka::pmuka:

[ Last edited by _JC_ on 17-5-2004 at 05:16 PM ]

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Post time 18-5-2004 01:56 AM | Show all posts
Put the proof that Buddhist followers kills for sake of their religion.

Buddhists aren't perfect beings, fren. There's definetely a small number of nutcases who'll kill even if the sutras and Buddha's teachings doesn't even hint a single thing towards that. Then again comparing to followers of Abrahamic religions, it isn't small number of nutcases any more.

I'm not trying to belittle Buddhists, just point out that your exclusivity towards Muslims is pure childish bigotry hatred.

God don't need a boyguard and He doesn't need me. Then again, since it is my temper and I sure as hell don't need to listen to your crap, I might as well place my "irrational" temper on your pathetic little head.

Looks like your telepatic powers failed. I'm waiting.

Once again ... show me example/wars which Buddhists and Hindus fought for sake of their religions/ beliefs. Don't just make assumptions or claims without proof.

Baka. Can't read properly? There is reason why my sentences are structured in a manner;

You failed to realise that the same Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism you praised are one of the results.

I said religion itself will determine which followers are more benificial. Check again.

Now compare those followers to followers of Abrahamic religion and see which followers kill more people in the name of RELIGION. The FACTS are there.  

You don't need to check history books to know that Christians and Muslims committed more genocide, opression and such and such COMPARED with hindus and Buddhists. I'm exposing eastern religions in a positive manner dude.

So, to sum it up I agree with you earlier about religion if ONLY you don't lump it up with Christianity and Islam.

No ... the way they redefine their religion is by studying it properly and give it new meaning with modern day situation, and not simply follow it blindly like what they are doing it now. Most Muslims now don't even know their religion and simply think that by praying 5 times a day and making sure that they don't equalize their God with anything else, they are saved.

Jesus Christ...this same attitude also apply to even atheists. grow up man, Muslims aren't the only PUPPETS out there.

- I know atheists who are simply anti-God and choose to believe since they begrude God. Atheists don't begrudge God because they DON'T believe in anything. Such belief just because of a grudge is stupidity.

- Christians? POORAH. Even better. They think they have instant salvation by believing in Jebus and pray to God like they're high on LSD. They want the government to be Christianised instead of be grateful they have freedom of speech for their anti-gay rallies and funds for their churches. they want govt to teach Creationism in schools and force non-Christians to pray in public.

Abrahamic Religion is here with a purpose ... to close the last chapter of Man on this world. Everything that happens points to mass destruction in the near future.

HAH!:spd: Because of Abrahamic religions, the world is moving towards apocalypse FASTER than you can think of.

But they do need Religion to live properly ... and they can only do that if they know what is good and what is bad and how to define it properly.

Elaborate and explain why atheism is not applicable to proper living.

And that's why one of your forumers blew his own head last time, remember.

You can't refute. Close case.

That's my right as Theist ... who gave you the right to condemn us? As a theist to another theists, I have a right to comment about them but I don't see what right you have who believe Life just spurn from crap and evolved forward to comment about us.

I'm here to balance the blame. They have the right and I have the right. Your bigotry to my atheism will not stop me from spouting my comments.

You continued shooting yourself to various strawmen, double-standards and numerous thingies I'm tired to mention because frankly...I don't think you're that smart. Even if I'm foolish as you think, in the end you're just another kettle calling pot black.

What worse is a Puppet who doesn't even know he is a puppet for his own stupidity ... (meaning you).

I'm a pupper for MY OWN  stupidity. Brilliant! That means I'm controlling my own strings!:spd:

It is catastrophical ... do you know why? A person who thinks he has no soul will not fear of doing bad things. He will sleep around, drink, make money even it means railroading others and he will put his own pleasure before all others.  Do you know why? Because he will not survive Death and since he will vanish with death, why should he waste his time caring for others?

Now talking about who IS assuming.

Now talking about who IS generalizing.

Gautama Buddha leaves his worldly live in his rich palace because he experiences suffering around him, not because he's afraid he's going to go to hell for being a spoilt rich brat! I assume a world full of Buddhists will be catastrophe if they do not believe in God?;)

Compare to person who does good because he sees suffering and only wishes it to go away, because he cannot live if he ignores it and compared to somebody who does good because he is desperate for a slice of heaven.  

Who is better?

We maybe hopeless idiots, but it is our belief which control us from commiting adultery (speaking about non-Muslims and Christians here), we care for others (even for selfish reasons like gain merits and heaven, despite of not proven it exists) and we control ourselves from not behaving like animals.

You're just...a puppet.:kant:

Atheists means one who doesn't believe in anything supernatural or without proof, yet you willing to believe that you know how the Universe works by sitting in one corner of a space and imagining it all. That's like sitting in a cell and imagine how the prison looks like from outside.

Pot calling kettle black
Pot calling kettle black
Pot calling kettle black
Pot calling kettle black
Pot calling kettle black

WTF are studying quantum physics for?

Don't talk about Buddha ... people like you usually make your own assumptions just to get ahead ... that's why you assume that even Buddhists kills for their religion/belief.

Let's hope Heaven isn't full of dumbasses like you.:spd:

[ Last edited by John Lennon on 18-5-2004 at 01:59 AM ]

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Post time 18-5-2004 02:02 AM | Show all posts
I think I'm being a bit too far...that's why I'm gonna close my account.:kant:

What this board is coming to when one of the forumites doesn't even know what he's attacking?

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Post time 18-5-2004 08:38 AM | Show all posts
DAR, U can lock this thread oledi..........

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 18-5-2004 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by _JC_ at 17-5-2004 05:14 PM:

Hey dey Sephiroth.. to hell with you also... lu memang teruk punya orang.. lu gila punya orang sebab masa lu kecik lu kena abuse sama lu punya bapak dan lu punya emak..:pmuka: sebab tu sekarang ...

_JC_ im not so sure whether you are my muslim brother...but i think u've gone too far. it shows how racist you are and if you are muslim please try to be a tolerant muslim. Do not show your anger if someone attacks your religion. all you need to do is to give explaination about Islam so that he has a clear picture what Islam really is!

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_JC_ This user has been deleted
Post time 18-5-2004 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 18-5-2004 08:45:
_JC_ im not so sure whether you are my muslim brother...but i think u've gone too far. it shows how racist you are and if you are muslim please try to be a tolerant muslim. Do not show your anger if someone attacks your religion. all you need to do is to give explaination about Islam so that he has a clear picture what Islam really is!...

Thank you for your sermon but to JC you just too kaypoh!! You just sit tight in your border and don't aim your gun to me.. JC don't need your support to fight this wicked Sephiroth!!! Did U dig?

JC don't give a damn whether you regards me as 'muslim brother' or not... b'coz JC see this idiotic Sephiroth just want to ridicule dan menghina my religion, Islam to the lowest... U think, this f**king Sephiroth don't know nothing about Islam.. U are damn wrong!!! This Sephiroth just like Salman Rusdhie, he know about Islam that why he try to ridicule Islam as much as possible... So! WICKED are better off away from me!!!

WICKED jangan perasan bahawa WICKED know more about Islam than this damned Sephiroth!!! this DAMNED Sephiroth know a lot about Islam BUT he had no MERCY atau HIDAYAH from Allah SWT. So be it!!! This Sephiroth just like Abu Lahab or Abu Jahal!

U fight the war your way and JC fight my own war!!!

I hope WICKED understand it.

[ Last edited by _JC_ on 18-5-2004 at 10:09 AM ]

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Mat Kampong This user has been deleted
Post time 18-5-2004 12:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by _JC_ at 18-505-2004 12:02:


Thank you for your sermon but to JC you just too kaypoh!! You just sit tight in your border and don't aim your gun to me.. JC don't need your support to fight this wicked Sephiro ...

Salam JC,

Banyakkan bersabar.. Istigfar banyak2 bro.. JC nak jadi suicide bomber ke?

Jangan bro, banyak cara lagi kita boleh beriktiar.. sabar please!

So wicked? Wat is your komen?

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WICKED This user has been deleted
Post time 18-5-2004 12:28 PM | Show all posts
No comment... as i dont want to fight with my muslim brother.

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Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 18-5-2004 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Mat Kampong at 2004-5-18 04:23:

Salam JC,

Banyakkan bersabar.. Istigfar banyak2 bro.. JC nak jadi suicide bomber ke?

Jangan bro, banyak cara lagi kita boleh beriktiar.. sabar please!

So wicked? Wat is your komen?

Salam bro MK,

How are U?
TP rasa, sekarang ni dah ada satu macam conspiracy nak hentam sama bro MK.... puak2 ni tersangat dendam sama bro MK sebab munkin ada puak yang ex-inteligensia yang masih menaruk kesumat terhadap MK.. jadi U take care dan kena berwaspada selalu...


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Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 18-5-2004 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WICKED at 2004-5-18 04:28:
No comment... as i dont want to fight with my muslim brother.

Salam bro WICKED,

Alhamdulillah, TP so happy b'coz bro WIC memilih jalan yang terbaik.
Tahniah dari TP sebab TP :malu::malu::malu: kalau melihat muslim brother bergaduh!!

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