back for good = pergi/balik utk selamanya(but not dead)
passed away = dead
take thing for granted = not concern about the thing |
get outta here: (sentence) You must be kidding!
da bomb: (adjective) Great; awesome; extremely cool.
pass the bone: (phrase) To share your knowledge and experience
phat: (adjective) 1. Cool; very good. 2. Attractive or nice. 3. Large; huge. 4. Big; high; especially used as a term by skateboarders, rollerbladers or snowboarders to describe a jump. 5. Someone who is respected, looked up to.
drop knowledge: (phrase) To share information or experience
bounce (verb) to leave, to go (sentence) Let's bounce. This party is boring
aaargh too many things, too lil time !!! later .. |
walking on sunshine (phrase) Really happy about something; in love (or really deep like). (sentence) She's been walking on sunshine since he asked her out.
What's the haps on the craps? (greeting) What's happening? (sentence) Yo, G, what's the haps on the craps?
say you swear (phrase) Are you tellng the truth?
shake the spot (verb) To be center of attention. (sentence) Aminah and Zainab really shook the spot at Tiff's birthday party.
sig (verb) To talk too much, never shut up. (sentence) Stop siggin'; we gotta study.
let me know if you are still interested !! |
continuation....if I'm not mistaken...correct me if I'm wrong...
being moonned = shown the bottom/buttock by someone
cheeks = can also refer to bottom
have the cheek/gall = have the boldness/ braveness... |
I just discover this thread, and it looks good so, I'm jumping on the bandwagon.
Jumping on the bandwagon - getting involved with the new trend or fad.
This antique clock that she found in the pawn shop is the real Mccoy not some cheap imitation -
The Real McCoy - The real thing
I take his comment with a pinch of salt because his ideas is always against what I have in mind.
Take with a pinch of salt - Accept a truth but with reservations.
Don't worry about it, I'm a teflon person what ever he did doesn't hurt me . -
Teflon - unscathed and no 'mud' sticking
This term was coined by President Jimmy Carter in the 1980's referring to the late President Ronald Reagan.
Did you know that okay is also a slang?
Some say, It is a shortened version of 'Oll Korrect'. Used by President Andrew Jackson.
And while others say 'Orl Korrect' - military reporting indicating troops were in good order.
[ Last edited by pacey on 6-5-2005 at 11:37 AM ] |
dunia This user has been deleted
take a squirt = to urinate. (Where's the bathroom in this joint? I have to go take a squirt.")
york= to vomit. ("I drank so much last night, I yorked all over myself.")
Da Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.= an expression used to indicate someone is in denial.
bling-bling = fancy. Often suggests that a person is showing off. |
Mod.. thank you.
On with the lesson.
Many of us submit the Income Tax assessment at the 11th hour.
11th hour - Late; shortly before an anticipated event.
It's impossible to work under a shoestring budget when the client wants the whole nine yards.
Shoestring - limited resources.
The whole nine yards - everything.
"Yeah, I'll come to your birthday party in a monkey-suit", he said to Anna tongue in cheek.
Monkey suit - Tuxedo
Tongue in cheek - Kidding. Not to be taken seriously. One definition also give tongue in cheek as suppresing a laughter.
[ Last edited by pacey on 9-5-2005 at 08:10 AM ] |
some words that I know.....
where your be at?- where's your location?
shorty-galz...sum say lil brother...and some say.....guy's lil thing..... |
Some hip-hop slang.
Jet - leave We gotta jet.
1. Dude, we gotta jet, or we'll miss the concert.
- Swaggin' lor - evading the law
Feds - short for Federal Agents, refers to cops or other law enforcement agencies
2. You're crazy for swagging lor, the Feds are everywhere.
- beanie
Bodega - corner store
Kickin' - Beyond gnarly. Right above nifty-keen. The epitome of cool. If someone calls you a kickin' dude/dudette, cherish it.
Lex - Lexus
3. I'meeting my beanie outside the bodega, she's cruisin in her kicking Lex.
- Nuke - to microwave something, usually food (one of many meaning of nuke)
4. Man, I need to nuke some pizzas.
...ok...my turn plak...more of American slangs...
1...armpit (undesirable place)..eg..this town is really an armpit..
2...bent out of shape (become upset)..eg..dont get so bent out of shape..
3...clip (cheat)..eg..watch out or they will clip u at that bar...
4...dork (strange person)..eg..he is such a dork...
5...easy mark (likely victims)..eg..the Japanese are an easy mark because they usually carry cash...
6...face-off (confrontation)..eg..the two sides were headed for a nasty face-off..
7...gig (job)..eg..i have a gig on saturday nite from 7 to 10...
8...huffy (angry)..eg..i will do it soon, so please dont get huffy...
9...in deep (deeply involved)..eg..they are really in deep with each other...
10..just off the boat (naive)..eg..he acts like he is just off the boat..
11..klutz (stupid and clumsy person)..eg..he is a real klutz...
12..love handles (rolls of fats around the stomach)..eg..i exercise everyday but i cant get rid of these love handles...
13..make waves (cause trouble)..eg..try not to make waves around the office...
14..nark (narcotic/drug police)..eg..watch out for the narks in the airport..
15..pit stop (stop and go to the bathroom)..eg..lets make a pit stop at the next rest area...
16..quick buck (some easy money)..eg..i need to make a quick buck...
17..rug rat (children)..eg..my sister has three rug rats...
18..schmuck (jerk)..eg..dont be a schmuck...
19..take a hike (leave)..eg..i am tired of all your complaining, take a hike..
20..up for grabs (available)..eg..this is a sale, everything is up for grabs..
21..veg out (relax and do nothing)..eg..i want to veg out in front of the tv today...
22..wussy (weak person)..eg..dont be such a wussy all the time, say what u are thinking...
23..yukky (bad)..eg..this food tastes yukky...
24..zapped (exhausted)..eg..i am too zapped to help u rite now..
:bgrin::bgrin::bgrin: |
...oh yes...one more...when pple call u 7-11...this means that u have a big mouth that can never stop talking...just like seven eleven...never closes its shop...hehehehe.... :bgrin:
thingy = thing
lovey-dovey = feeling the mood for love
shiver me timber = my goodness
nag nag nag = talk/nag too much
yapping = talk/nag too much
rambling = inconsistent/useless talk/ideas |
...to throw in the towel...meaning...to give up, to acquiesce, to stop fighting...eg...It's about time that we throw in the towel...
...to shoot off one's mouth...meaning...to blab, to talk out of turn, to be indiscreet...eg...Will you please stop shooting off your mouth. You're going to get us in a lot of trouble...
...to be jive...meaning...to be a jerk, a drip or a yo-yo, to be stupid or not cool...eg...He is so jive that he's definitely not invited to my party...
...to get knocked up...meaning...to get pregnant, to become pregnant...eg...I got knocked up when I was seventeen...
...to have it down cold...meaning...to completely understand, to know the ropes, to know totally...eg...You can ask me anything about the job. I have it down cold....
...to goof off...meaning...to knock off, to take it easy, to waste time, to do nothing at all...eg...I'm not doing anything special; I'm just goofing off....
...to jinx...meaning...to put bad luck on, to bewitch, to curse, to cast a spell on...eg...Don't invite her. She will jinx the party and, as a result, no one will come....
...to be a goody-two-shoes...meaning...to be too good or nice...eg... She is such a goody-two-shoes that she has never done anything daring....
... to have diarrhea of the mouth...meaning...to talk too much, to be indiscreet...eg...I think my problem is that I have diarrhea of the mouth....
... to jar...meaning...to upset, to throw off balance, to dismay, to perturb...eg...He always jars me....
... to call it a day...meaning...to stop working for the day, to close shop or shut down until tomorrow...eg...Im tired; Let's call it a day....
chow down = something to eat
drawer = underwear
torch = anger
chillin' = cool down/relax |
not sure if this already posted..
24-7 means seven days a week all day non-stop (24 hours). |
9 to 5...usually refers to office hour working...
caling card is up = die... |
...when pple say u are phat (pronounce as fat)...that means u are pretty, hot and tempting... |
gag me (wanna vomit) = please stop ur nauseating conversation |
Love this thread ! :bgrin:
Sometimes quite a few slangs are used in one sentence.
For example:
I抦 so bushed that I think I抦 just going to kick back, veg out and watch some solid stuff on the tube.
bushed - tired/exhausted
kick back - relax
veg out - also relax/not doing anything, related to the couch & tv
solid - good
stuff - things
tube - TV |
My famous one liners to the kids when they are out of control:
Knock it off and stop goofing around!
knock it off - stop it
goofing around - being silly or wild
[ Last edited by Nessa_fornow on 25-7-2005 at 08:46 AM ] |
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