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Author: Bedah.Cun

[Politik] ‘Kerakyatan Melayu’ untuk semua kaum – Ku Li

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 Author| Post time 27-12-2020 08:03 PM | Show all posts
                                                                                                                        The Malayan Union and its impact
18 Jul 2007 12:00 am                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
©The Sun (Used by permission)
by Dr Cheah Boon Kheng

THE Malayan Union, which the British Labour Government inaugurated in post–war Malaya on April 1, 1945, lasted slightly more than two years. Although it was a shortlived constitutional experiment, it led to dramatic political developments.

In present–day Malaysian history textbooks, the Malayan Union is regarded as having awakened political activity, and heightened ethnic consciousness and nationalism among the peninsula’s different ethnic groups.

For the Malays, their opposition to the Malayan Union led to the birth of the United Malays National Organisation or Umno – which was inaugurated on May 11, 1946 in Johor Baru – and the emergence of Datuk Onn Jaafar as its first president.

Umno obtained support from all strata of Malay society in opposing the Malayan Union – the aristocrats, the radical Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (Malay Nationalist Party or MNP), Islamic groups, civil servants, rural leaders like the penghulus (village heads), and even the police and ex–service personnel.

Umno opposed the Malayan Union because it restricted the Malay rulers’ powers and Malay special privileges, and granted citizenship and equal rights to non–Malays who qualified on birth, residential and other terms.

Umno demanded a return to the prewar political structures, set up in the Malay states according to treaties signed with the Malay rulers under which the British “protected” the Malay states and advised the rulers in all matters except Islam and Malay customs.

The protests and demonstrations against the Malayan Union saw Malay women breaking tradition by joining marches and carrying placards. Many Malays wrapped white cloth around their songkok (cap) as a symbol of mourning. Umno urged Malay civil servants to boycott the Malayan Union government by refusing to carry out any work. Also at Umno’s urging, the Malay rulers boycotted Sir Edward Gent’s inauguration as Malayan Union governor.

Non–Malays were also prompted to fight for their rights, and organised political parties such as the Malayan Indian Congress (MIC) and the Malayan Democratic Union, which came under an umbrella organisation – the All–Malaya Council of Joint Action (AMCJA) – headed by prominent Chinese leader Tan Cheng Lock.

Several trade unions and women’s groups aligned with the then semi–legal Communist Party of Malaya also joined the AMCJA.

For the first time, politics during the Malayan Union led to the formation of a multi–racial alliance between the non–Malay AMCJA and the Malay–based Pusat Tenaga Raayat (Putera), a coalition under the MNP’s leadership that comprised its youth and women wings, and Malay cultural bodies.

Dr Burhanuddin Al–Helmy became Putera–AMCJA president, with Tan as deputy president.

This followed the MNP’s departure from Umno over differences regarding Umno’s flag. The MNP decided to team up with the AMCJA to fight for an independent United Malaya with equal citizenship for all, and an elected Parliament in which the Malay rulers would become constitutional monarchs.

The coalition’s parties also agreed that Malay would be the national language, and all citizens would be known as “Melayu” nationals.

The proposed “Melayu” nationality was controversial, but it was quite different from bangsa Melayu and was not a racial but a national identity. The Malays opposed the term “Malayan” because it was associated with the Malayan Union, so Putera’s non–Malay partners agreed not to use it. At the same time, the term “Malaysian” did not yet exist.

The AMCJA–Putera “People’s Constitution” which incorporated these points was a blueprint for Malaya’s future.

Many observers were surprised that Chinese and pro–communist groups were willing to make such major concessions to accommodate the MNP’s Malay nationalism, and equally surprised that the MNP was willing to accept non–Malays as equal citizens if they demonstrated their loyalty to Malaya.
However, the British government rejected the AMCJA–Putera proposals, and decided to concede instead to the demands of Umno and the Malay rulers. The British were not yet ready to grant self–government and independence and attempted to negotiate a deal that would not endanger its political, economic and military interests.

Umno and the Malay rulers had taken up their grievances with the Colonial Office in London by writing petitions to British members of Parliament and waging a public relations campaign.

They received support from prominent former British government officers like Sir Richard Winstedt and Sir Frank Swettenham.

The British finally agreed to the Malay demands for the return of sovereignty to the Malay rulers, and a tightening of citizenship laws for Chinese, Indians and others. In return, Umno and the Malay rulers agreed to the British proposal to set up the Federation of Malaya as a mutually acceptable frame of government to replace the Malayan Union.

Dr Cheah Boon Kheng is a retired professor of history of Universiti Sains.

An Anti–Malayan Union demonstration. Malaysia in Penang.

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 Author| Post time 27-12-2020 08:04 PM | Show all posts
Impact nye takkan se-simple yang ditulih oleh si Cheah Boon Kheng tue jer? Statement si Ku Li neh pon impact nye jugak hasil dari konflik yang tak habis-habis dalam Federal Constitution Malaysia snirik.

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Post time 27-12-2020 08:12 PM | Show all posts
Bedah.Cun replied at 27-12-2020 08:04 PM
Impact nye takkan se-simple yang ditulih oleh si Cheah Boon Kheng tue jer? Statement si Ku Li neh po ...

sebenarnya , kalau u tengok balik kan kesan penjajahan inggeris ni dalam beberapa aspek amatlah serious and teruk, yups, i am serious. especially dari pada segi undang islam dan ekonomi masyarakat pribumi. ini pun dah cukup.
dalam beberapa aspek lain kita redha je lah ada hikmahnya kita dijajah Inggeris daripada belanda, ni kalau belanda lagi teruk.


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Post time 27-12-2020 09:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Datuk Abdul Azeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez Abdul Rahim cakap keling dalam Parlimen Mulayu

tambi, ning gasorling gena woli teri noregenna soringge

anney, anney lagi, anney lagi, ini tambi anney tara dengar

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Post time 27-12-2020 09:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I in my fingerrss...i in my toess

Federation is around us...and so the feeling goesss....

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Post time 28-12-2020 12:38 AM | Show all posts
pyropura replied at 27-12-2020 01:22 AM
Majoriti cina kena bantai di pulau jawa lar. Kepri macam Bangkabelitung semua tu malah banyak cina ...

Apa hang merepek ni labu?? p baca post asal aku tu bagi paham.. serupa budak terencat akai tapi nak tunjuk pandai..

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2020 12:47 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 27-12-2020 12:12 AM
sebenarnya , kalau u tengok balik kan kesan penjajahan inggeris ni dalam beberapa aspek amatlah se ...

Deme gabungkan negara yang patutnya boleh independent sendiri jadi negara lain pulak. Kesnya macam negeri2 Melayu neh lar. Kebebasan deme dah dikurung dalam Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan Malaysia pulak lagi sekarang. Kesannya memang tak fair dan tak just pun kat rakyat negeri2 neh yang kebetulannya berbangsa Melayu. Bukan masalah orang Melayu ketinggalan ekonomi ker kek kewangan bagai ker no, sis. Neh bukan isu besarnya. Isu yang terbesarnya, negeri2 weols neh kena jajah oleh Federal pulak lepas British. Sape yang jadi eksekutif federal, itu lar penjajahnya. Ahli2 politik bangsat yang menyemak dalam Parlimen Malaysia tuh.


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 Author| Post time 28-12-2020 12:50 AM | Show all posts
Say, lepas neh kalau PH yang majoritinya parti2 cina / tamil tue pegang federal. Komer rasa deme akan biarkan ker negeri2 weols wujud? Or deme akan pupuskan dengan ubah parlimen dengan sign treaties dengan tak buat consultation dengan negeri2 weols macam yang British buat.

Mak rasa, kita kena rethink balik Perjanjian Malaysia 1957 dan Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu 1948. Mak hairan takde criticism dalaman mengenai kedua2 treaties neh yang ada semua benda2 positive secara theories saja padahal nampak jelas depan bijik mata kita ade konflik yang manifest dalam proses politik di sini. Benda2 neh maybe dihalang masa zaman Mahathir, but now dah bukan zaman dia. Weols patut analyze this matter, fellow forumers hei.

Koser sopannya bahasa mak hahaha

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2020 12:56 AM | Show all posts
Kalau ada terma federalism, ade jugak terma defederalization. Acu komer pikior di luar kotak buku teks komer yang tak habih2 duk promote ali, ah cong dan muthu. Bosannye alahai, lepas tue dalam dunia sebenar duk berhentak enne gedigo dalam parlimen macam si azeez tamil baling tue. Menyammmpahh nyerrr lahaiiii.

defederalization(also defederalisation)
Pronunciation /ˌdiːfɛd(ə)rəlʌɪˈzeɪʃn/ /ˌdiːfɛd(ə)r(ə)lʌɪˈzeɪʃn/ /diːˌfɛd(ə)rəlʌɪˈzeɪʃn/

See synonyms for defederalizationnoun
  • The action, fact, or process of removing an organization, industry, etc., from the control or jurisdiction of a federal government or any central governing authority; (also) the action, fact, or process of dissolving any federation or federal state or association.

OriginEarly 20th century; earliest use found in Joplin (Missouri) Globe. From de- + federalization.


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 Author| Post time 28-12-2020 01:01 AM | Show all posts
Mak rasa this book bagus juga untuk rujukan mekomer.

Federalism and Defederalisation in RussiaAuthored by:Cameron Ross
Routledge Handbook of Russian Politics and Society

In December 1993 Russia ratified its first post-communist Constitution, which in Article 1 proclaimed that it was “a democratic federative rule of law state with a republican form of government”. However, there are now major concerns over the current regime’s commitment to the principles of federalism. As is demonstrated below, the major challenge to the Russian state today is not confederalism or the threat of ethnic disintegration, as was the case during the Yeltsin era, but rather defederalisation and the creation of a centralised and quasi-unitary state under the Medvedev and Putin tandem which has been in power since 2008.

Bandingkan daripada komer setakat menyembang pasal benda2 trivial macam melayu miskin daripada cina, cina maju lari gi ossie gi canada sebab takde better ground dalam Malaya neh, Cina pandai Melayu bodoh lembap, Black Tamil tertindas asek2 kena SOSMA takde kuota pendidikan tingi bagai. Issue neh semua trivial kepada masalah yang besar lagi.

Issue besar yang utama sebenarnya adalah identiti negeri2 / negara / kesultanan Melayu yang masih wujud lagi dalam Malaya neh.


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 Author| Post time 28-12-2020 01:07 AM | Show all posts
Selain daripada tue maybe komer akan kata mak compare an apple to langsat. But mak masih rasa benda ni plausible sebab mak menengok konsepnya hampir sama dengan konsep Malaysia yang wujud sebab perjanjian. Cuma bezanya perjanjian di Tanah Melayu ni dipaksa dan bukan dibuat dengan consultation.

European Union dengan membership negara2 Eropah deme. Deme tak surrender kuasa hubungan luar deme jer kepada Luxembourg. Kalau deme kena paksa sign surat serah kuasa dengan ugutan macam kesultanan2 Melayu Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Terengganu bagai masa zaman British Military Administration, komer rasa apa akan jadi dekat negara deme?  

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2020 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Semua penjajah2 tue menyemak kat negara orang lain masa zaman perang dunia tue sebab utamanya bukan "agama" sangat. Tapi sebab "ekonomi". EU, Malaysia bagai neh semua wujud sebab "ekonomi". Dorongan ekonomi  jugaklar deme buat keja2 jijik deme yang menyusahkan orang Melayu peringkat negeri2 Melayu dalam Malaysia neh.

Mak bosan taw mekomer duk sebut pasal Melayu masih bergantung kuota bagai etc. Mak nak jer jawab, hei babi! Benda2 tue bukannya benda yang pelik pun sebab majoriti semilan negeri dalam Malaya neh memang negeri punya bapak bangsa Melayu. Ngkaw dari koloni Dinding (Perak), Penang, Melaka bagai merayap masuk dalam tanah orang sesuka hati ngkaw boleh bukak bisnes, menyamun pecah rumah orang tembak mampos orang dalam negeri orang sesuka hati. Takde pulak orang pelik!

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Post time 28-12-2020 01:17 AM | Show all posts
bangcak replied at 27-12-2020 08:25 AM
kuli nih ejen dapig ka??
kenapa heol tetiba cadang idea dapig??

mungkinkah jg ejen rejehilir perak.. berbangga sungguh ank sulung pilih kwen leluhur geng dapig sdg gigih kumpul sekutu agar nama anknya yg sdh xlayk masih inline jd successor kemudian hari.. moga2 mejelis yist negeri berakal jgn smpi leluhur dapig menguasai title bergelar.. hanya lkibini melayu sahaja yg layak inline motif ku li berckp tentang ini lepas kejadian nkah bln nih... sesuatu jerr

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Post time 28-12-2020 01:27 AM | Show all posts
Bedah.Cun replied at 28-12-2020 01:11 AM
Semua penjajah2 tue menyemak kat negara orang lain masa zaman perang dunia tue sebab utamanya bukan  ...

bangsa cai dpt msuk sesuatu kawasan terus claim hak diorg.... melayu jer bagi muka kt cai nih sbb tuh cai berani ceroboh tanah haram pastu dia plak g court dakwa balik pihak berkuasa... cina nyer aim tanah malaya ni sume nama cai agar terhapus hak melayu bole hapuskn rukun negara tuh sekali...tgk lah indon ckp cina keling pun xbole satu bahasa saje... cai g us ke uk negara2 lain tau bawak diri sbb negara lain jaga hak warga tempatan.. bkn tempatan govt xbagi kebenaran mcm sek cina sek keling tuh sume... kt malaysia ni jer cina besar kepala tuntut mcm2...

ooh yaaa under UNHCR 24k warga china pemegang kad unhcr tinggal malaysia.. warga ke3 tertinggi... motif smpi 24k jd pelarian padahal punye besar tanah china sana.. bkn negara berperang atau problamatic mcm kes rohingya tuh


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Post time 28-12-2020 05:49 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 27-12-2020 04:12 AM
sebenarnya , kalau u tengok balik kan kesan penjajahan inggeris ni dalam beberapa aspek amatlah se ...


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Post time 28-12-2020 07:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mustahil nak dibuat di Malaysia. Orang melayu mesti mengamalkan adat melayu,beragama islam dan bercakap melayu. Itu definisi dalam perlembagaan.Kenapa dari awal dibuat distinction begitu kalau bukan untuk separation dengan kaum lain. Kaum lain ni di rumah pun bercakap bahasa lain yang tak difahami orang melayu. Lagi satu kaum lain tak ingin pun dilabel sebagai bangsa melayu kerana mereka bangga dengan asal-usul mereka dan tak mahu budaya mereka hilang


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Post time 28-12-2020 08:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Adakah wujud kekhilafan sewaktu menulis perlembagaan negara? Atau kekhilafan orang yang datang kemudian dan menakrifkan ia menjadi semakin sempit? Kalau tengok situasi sekarang memang akan menuju kegagalan. Gagal dari segi dasar dan pelaksanaan.

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2020 11:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ultra78 replied at 27-12-2020 12:04 PM
Adakah wujud kekhilafan sewaktu menulis perlembagaan negara? Atau kekhilafan orang yang datang kemud ...

Boleh jadi proses konsultasi tak ada. Semua bwnda macam bidan terjun. Ai setuju, memang lambat laun akan gagal. Menengok keadaan sekarang neh pon.

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Post time 28-12-2020 02:37 PM | Show all posts
org bukan melayu nak ke digelar sebagai melayu ? ......makin dekat dia ke alam barzakh makin merepek si yoda star wars ni

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Post time 28-12-2020 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Bedah.Cun replied at 28-12-2020 01:11 AM
Semua penjajah2 tue menyemak kat negara orang lain masa zaman perang dunia tue sebab utamanya bukan  ...

Thisss... tepat sangat-sangat sis. Penjajah ni guna pecah & perintah asingkan Melayu kat kampung-kampung which majority terlibat dgn pertanian. India kat estet & Cina kat bandar. Tang ni dah nampak, bila pembangunan tertumpu kat bandar sapa yg dpt benefit nya?
Skrg masing-masing duk laung kuota bagai. Aku pelik sbb aku yg dari kampung ni tak pernah dpt pun kuota or tongkat yg jd bahan geng tak guna tu semua duk laung. Yg aku nampak bertongkat ni geng bangsawan Melayu & Cina yg duk dpt project sana sini. Ada la sikit time 70an/80an yg dpt biasiswa sambung study kat oberseee. Tp balik mai depa dah tukar jd geng urban yg perjuang meritokrasi tu semua. Maklumla apa barang perjuangkan kepentingan Melayu, tak urban la. Ikutkan biarla negeri2 Melayu mundur dari bergabung dlm persekutuan yg tak pernah dpt apa benefit pun. Asik kena jaga kepentingan "negeri emas" federal buat hapaaa

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