Edisi Prihatin : Selepas di vaksin ......ini berlaku (AEFI) .
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manzilla replied at 24-8-2021 12:16 AM
Saya teringat akan kata-kata Dr. Mohd Hosni, semoga Allah merahmati beliau.
Ape dia ckp |
jahcomel replied at 24-8-2021 12:25 AM
Ape dia ckp
Lapar luarbiasa itu adalah kerana tubuh terpaksa 'berkerja keras' untuk menghasilkan spike protein; yang sepatutnya dilawan oleh antibodi, setelah butang 'on' ditekan oleh mrna, malangnya tiada butang 'off'. |
manzilla replied at 24-8-2021 12:29 AM
Lapar luarbiasa itu adalah kerana tubuh terpaksa 'berkerja keras' untuk menghasilkan spike protein ...
Tq sis... Bhaya gak lapar sokmo tuh |
jahcomel replied at 24-8-2021 12:34 AM
Tq sis... Bhaya gak lapar sokmo tuh
Sama-sama & selamat malam. |
blastoff replied at 20-8-2021 11:41 AM
Kalau masuk KPJ , pesakit covid wad ICU perlu bayar nearly 350k. Tapi walau hospital kerajaan di seb ...
Mak aii. Mahalnya charge klu masuk private sbb covid ni. |
fatinandreanna replied at 24-8-2021 12:40 AM
Mak aii. Mahalnya charge klu masuk private sbb covid ni.
"Bisnes is bisnes!" - Tok Abas Boboiboi. |
blastoff replied at 22-8-2021 05:11 PM
Experiment vaksin booster
Result kajian : Maut
Ini satu kes yg amat menyedihkan. Aku wonder, why booster shot tu different brand? Bukan ke by principle Itu merbahaya?
slavehunter replied at 23-8-2021 09:11 AM
You kalau siapa ada jual Ivm original Pm i yea.
Aku semalam sangat down and terkesan knowing m ...
Slavehunter pernah terbaca tentang Vax yg dihasilkan gov Cuba? Semuanya dibuat menggunakan sumber tumbuhan. Kira nya vegan Vax. Semasa lawatan academician kita kesana, pihak Cuba mengatakan konsep Vax mereka adalah Rahmat ke seluruh Alam. Suci & bersih. Benda ni pernah kluar paper Malay last year. Ini diberitahu oleh academician tu pd newspaper.
Tak tau la diorg ada buat ke Vax covid. Tapi hati kecilku mengatakan, klu wujud, bersumber kan tumbuhan mmg sesuai utk negara majority Islam.
Tapi tulah diorg kan negara komunis. |
manzilla replied at 24-8-2021 12:57 AM
"Bisnes is bisnes!" - Tok Abas Boboiboi.
Tak sangkalah semahal ini. Ada health insurance pun entah2 tak dpt cover semua 350k tu. Sstengah policy ada annual limit kan. |
"Many inactive ingredients found in animal products aren’t evaluated for use in people. Or they are included in much greater quantity than those used in people. In some cases, we don’t know how those inactive ingredients will affect how ivermectin is absorbed in the human body."
Bwh ni compare bahan utk tablet ivm . Satu brand mectizan yg diguna utk rawat river blindness. Boleh pergi sini https://mectizan.org/what/milestones/ utk tgk info like history etc . Byk juga negara yg guna , bukan afrika ja. Satu lg ivm utk haiwan. So jgn beli ivm kat klinik haiwan. Nanti dpt penyakit lain plak.
Ivm Mectizan (rawat river blindness)
Ivm haiwan
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blastoff replied at 20-8-2021 11:28 AM
kalau nak di sekat segala kemudahan terhadap yg tak ambik vaksin, then yg tak di vaksin tak perlu ba ...
So yg antivac ni nt agak2 bole p mengundi tak bang blas...
Bahaya kot..membahayakn komuniti klu dorg pn p jgk beratur masa pru nt...sama bahaya mcm dorg masuk mall |
Edited by blastoff at 24-8-2021 09:06 AM
Awat lambang yg berkaitan dgn farmasi guna simbol yg di ambik dari gambar patung sembahan setan yg terdapat kat perut nya tu ? Sayap ada , dua ular tu pungg ada gak , yg tengah tu macam bentuk jarum ada gak, cuma badan dan muka "setan" tak di boh sekali je kalau tidak memang sebijik sama? Big pharma idea yg dicetuskan setan kot ?
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Wow, betoi ka ni .....elok pi buat experiment yg dah di cucuk lepas bekam jadi camni dak darah ..... geli tengok
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Edited by blastoff at 24-8-2021 09:30 AM
AEFI : Sakit kepala dan pening2 yg berlarutan lama
Tak dialami satu jenis brand vaksin saja ye . Antara luahan yg alaminya kat bawah ni ...itu kesan jangka pendek tapi kalau dah seteruk itu tidakkah kesan jangka panjang lagi teruk boleh berlaku di masa depan kelak?
Itu membabitkan otak lah tu, pineal gland kalau terganggu teruk memang boleh menyebabkan simptom camtu so itu ler yg membawa kepada sel otak yg membabitkan pemprosesan pemikiran jadi terbantut tuuu. Atau berlaku barah otak di kemudian hari ? Mana pernah sakit di area kepala berlarutan lama camtu dalam keadaan biasa di anggap normal tak berlaku pepe pada otak ?
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Edited by blastoff at 24-8-2021 09:59 AM
nampak gaya depa tu asyik dok kena telan panadol je walau tak hilang pungg sakit tu cuma reda sekejap je .... so panadol makan selalu camtu bukan boleh bawak side effect gak kaa ?
Ivm gakkk yg di phobia kan side effectnya padahal dah jadi tahap ketagih panadol lepas di vaksin tak plak di riuhkan bahayanya tuh.... kuang2
Edited by blastoff at 24-8-2021 11:03 AM
yg kerajaan pungg akan caj jugak, tapi bukan kat patient lah sebaliknya kat budget yg telah di luluskan, pasti di mark up tak hingat dunia ..... so duit negara aka duit rakyat di jarah gak lah walau hospital kerajaan caj singgit pungg pada patient.
Edited by blastoff at 24-8-2021 11:09 AM
mana ada demokrasi lagi dahhh, MP nak masuk parlimen utk berdebat atau luluskan pepe undang2 pungg tak boleh , dan DG lah yg paling berkuasa kerana PM pungg perlu ikut kehendak dia , dia tak benarkan sesuatu di buat nescaya di guna alasan jangkitan tinggi berlaku lalu semua MP akan turut patuh suka tak suka terhadap apa saja sekatan yg dikenakannn, tapi dia suka buat muka victim padahal dia mastermind
bankrap lah syarikat insuran kaalu perlu cover semua, bukan sorang dua yg kena covid yg perlu ke ICU tapi ramai .
Edited by blastoff at 24-8-2021 12:43 PM
Adakah sebab ini yg DG nak semua pakai double mask dan ramai2 sentiasa di swab test tak henti2 agar mende fiber pelik ada hook boleh lekat kat paru2 utk bagi lebih ramai alami sesak nafas agar boleh di hantar ke ICU utk beratus ribu hinggit kos satu kepala pesakit itteww boleh di jarah duit negara oleh KKM ?
Camna nak elak dari mask ada mende alah nih ? Dgn guna mask di perbuat dari kain ler.
https://plague.info/2021-04-26-a ... strange-fibers.html
April 26th: Covid swabs and masks appear to contain “hooks” and strange fibers that can be inhaled directly into the lungs
04/26/2021 / By Mike Adams
Over the weekend we published a series of nearly 40 microscope photos showing strange fibers, structures and even “hooks” that are embedded in the fibers of covid nasal swabs and masks. Many of these fibers appear to possess properties that would cause them to adhere to soft tissue such as lung tissue. Their presence in covid masks is very disturbing, given that these fibers are very likely easily inhaled and may lodge in lung tissue.
There are currently zero standards of efficacy or quality control enforced against covid masks. No studies that we know of have looked closely at mask contaminants and how they might interfere with healthy respiration in humans. Despite the complete lack of quality control, safety or effectiveness testing, masks are now being pushed onto infants as young as two years old.
Those who claim masks prevent transmission of the coronavirus are lying. There is no evidence to support the propaganda, and just like with social distancing, the “masking” push is rooted in quackery and fraud, not legitimate science.
In today’s Situation Update podcast, I narrate the microscopy photos that show bizarre structures in masks and swabs. Here are just a few of the photos to give you a glimpse of what we found.
What is this egg sac-like structure in this first photo from a carbon fiber mask?
Why are there red and blue fibers scattered throughout the mask materials?
And why do some black or gray fibers resemble hooks?
Why do nasal swabs appear to contain fields of “spikes” when viewed under ultraviolet light?
And what is the spiked “gripper” end of this blue fiber that was found in a covid mask from China?
These unedited microscopy photos raise serious questions about the safety and composition of covid masks and nasal swabs. It’s clear that the masks and swabs are transferring materials to the body, not merely sampling materials or filtering materials. In other words, masks and swabs are themselves medical interventions with unknown health consequences.
In today’s Situation Update, I explain all the photos and how they were taken, using iodine stains and ultraviolet light in certain cases:
Check the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com for a new podcast each weekday:
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