Midsummer Warmth (Joe Cheng, Cai Yi Qin, Ethan Ruan and Tang Yu Zhe)
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Reply #92 miss_mulan77's post
hahaha..lwk gle mulan..pndai ko wat fiksyen ek...kmbr terpisah ekk?? |
Reply #100 airahthislove's post
jambu la ethan nih kan..lam hanakimi tk nmpk sgt ensemnyer.. |
Reply #102 irie^nad's post
tgk dia dlm Hana Kimi special tu pun lagi ler hensem.. |
Reply #103 isabel's post
a'ah..lam HK spesel tuh nmpk kecomelan die kn..tp tk thn ar yg die lpe sifir tuh..ehehe |
Lepas ni layan citer ni plaks.. minta2 best ler... tak ler sunyi malam ahad ku ini.. |
x de gmbr tang yu zhe ker??? |
camne nak tgk online nie...ada sesapa leh ajarkan? kul brp? |
Reply #109 PrincessFiona's post
lum start ler.. ahad ni baru nak mula.. dia ganti citer hana kimi.. |
Originally posted by ckucin at 6-3-2007 10:06 AM
lum start ler.. ahad ni baru nak mula.. dia ganti citer hana kimi..
yelah ...nnt kau ajar aku k...aku nie peminat setia Joe...  |
Reply #111 PrincessFiona's post
ehehe..peminat joe rupernye ko ni..ak tk pnah tgk cite taiwan on9..kalo goong s tuh biase ar gaks..ckucin pro bab2 ni...
casper..ak tk jmpe lg trailer yg ade gmbr yu zhe ngn ethan.. |
Reply #112 irie^nad's post
ooo yer ker...
tp kalu ade jgn lupe paste kat cni yerk |
lepas nih sur aku melekat kat sini hehehe |
Reply #113 PrincessFiona's post
gle minat ni..aku tgk ISWAK ngan the rose jek..tp ak start ske pon ms the rose ar..aku berhenti tgk the rose pon sbb tk snggop tgk ending die.. |
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Intangible FS' Subteam yg akan subkan drama ni nnt. Klu nak check status sub, gi laman ni
[ Last edited by hhhhh at 6-3-2007 04:20 PM ] |
rasa dah tak sanggup mengejar live show...kena cek eps 1 dulu nnti..
nampak lain plak ethan dalam ni...watak dia macam naive dan bodoh2 sikit |
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