"CLOVERFIELD" - unknown movie from J.J. Abrams
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YES! It's gonna show kat theater 17th January! But I can't see la. I go Genting with my family. Dammit. Oh, well, maybe a few days later! And yeah, citer nie mmg kene book belakang skali, or you will get headache. |
Reply #101 `pSyCho`'s post
Reply #73 `pSyCho`'s post
o mcm ikan paus la tapi monster kecik2 tu adalah sengkenit yg melekat kat badan dia kan? |
tengok iklan kat paper tulis yg nak tyg 17hb ni 'uncut version'. uncut version tu sama dgn director's cut ke? |
Wah, x sangka citer ni akn tayang kt mesia. X sabar nk tgk. |
Reply #104 sayangidaku's post
ntah.. tak paham... lgpun nak cut apa citer mcm ni??? takkanlah masa bumi kena serang makhluk asing, nak buat seks plak???
maybe aksi ganas tu tak dicut kot... |
Originally posted by buiscasey at 15-1-2008 01:35 AM 
ntah.. tak paham... lgpun nak cut apa citer mcm ni??? takkanlah masa bumi kena serang makhluk asing, nak buat seks plak???
maybe aksi ganas tu tak dicut kot...
aksi ganas maybe gak kena cut |
Reply #109 philipinoe2's post
tak nak..... aku nak tgk citer ni gak... sweeney todd aku kurang minat tgk...
aku dpt rasakan citer ni kalau sucks pun sikit jer.. sbb jj abrams tak pernah mengecewakan aku.... |
Reply #110 buiscasey's post
But like I said, don't get your high all up. Nnti disappoint. Haha.
Anyway, uncut version ke aper ke I'm still gonna see it! It's gonna rocks! I hope! Please don't let it disappoint me!
Oh, BTW that monster pic I posted a few pages before this IS fake. Not real monster punye. Someone just got too much times on their hands and draw that ugly pic, but it does kinda look realistic and believable, don't it? Haha. But nope, NOT true. |
Reply #110 buiscasey's post
aku nak tengok raksase dia |
Review of some people who have seen them! Wow! Amazing!
will knock your cinema-going mind into the floor of the theater.
CLOVERFIELD is a bold genre-reinvention unlike anything we抳e ever seen before.
The movie is fcukin' brilliant. It抯 what we were told it was going to be. An intimate perspective on an impossibly grand scale human disaster beyond most human levels of comprehension.
[quote]As many of you people know, I am in a wheelchair |
Reply #113 `pSyCho`'s post
ni lg aku tak sabar ni....
ko kata jgn letak high hope, tp ko pergi paste review2 awal ni buat apa?? lg aku high hopes ada la....
Pendapatan aku la.... bagi aku kadang2 nak tukar selera pulak cara melihat jalan cerita ni..maksud aku dari segi camera...tak banyak movi mcm ni ..masa org project blair tu pun..aku sangkakan macam real saja....itu lah yg nak dikehendaki oleh pengarah...
kalau dlm youtube macam2 org teka fasal raksasa dia...raksasa dia antara nampak dan tak nampak .... yg tu lah nampak macam real...
Aku memang dah tak sabar tgk movi ni...walaupun org kata macam gozilla.. tapi gozilla lain... |
Reply #115 kacamata's post
ko dah baca belum review kat aintitcool yg link kat atas tu... cuba ko baca, mesti lagi teruja...
anyway, monster dia tak mcm godzilla.... |
dah booked!:pompom: yea...  |
wa x pasti wa nak gi tgk wayang cite yg kameranya sentiasa bergerak dan x stabil..kalo kat dvd tu mmg wa x kisah |
Reply #116 buiscasey's post
monster dia ikan paus ke? |
adakah monsternya macam citer LOST
bunyik lebey kurang je |
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