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Author: kambeng_masam

Pernah terjatuh cinta kpd orang lain ketika masih mempunyai bf/hubby?

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Post time 23-10-2011 07:18 AM | Show all posts
pernah kot
tapi at last masih stick dengan yang 1 tu.yg terjatuh cinta tu buat melempias bosan dan tempat tension bile steady bf buat hal kot

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Post time 23-10-2011 09:17 AM | Show all posts
x maw ingt lik...cUme kenangan yg menggilakan..
saat nk kawin smpat lg berchinta ngn org lain...
last jUmpe bl sOk akU nk nikah..
kira brpisah ngn cara baek cOz dier pOn taw akU nk kawin dh..
bl ajk kndUri kawin dier x maw dtg cOz x maw nengOk akU brsanding...
nt jd pelamin angan kU mUsnah plak..
p skUnk dier pOn da kawin...
msng2 da de ank n kami epy d smping yg trsayang..

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Post time 11-4-2013 10:56 AM | Show all posts

jatuh hati kat org laen,bercinta ngan org lain.. kahwin ngan org lain..
hahaha.. sampai sekarang boleh baik dgn deols..
hanya sebagai kawanlah..
lagipun semua dah ada family masing2..
kalau dulu frust sangat x blh bersama dgn org pertama
yg aku jatuh cinta...
tp akhirnya sedar aku bukan tulang rusuk miliknya..

bila berkawan ni..
dgn sendirinya hati tu boleh terubat..
drp kita merana sendiri...
lebih baik jadi kawan..
cuma kita kena pandai2 jg diri..maruah dan ingat batas agama..
yg paling penting.. kalau boleh jgn keluar berdua..
takut memori bersama dulu kembali berbunga..

sekian buletin cinta



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 Author| Post time 11-4-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
ahnafnia posted on 11-4-2013 05:56 AM

jatuh hati kat org laen,bercinta ngan org lain.. kahwin ngan org lain..{ ...

Hamboihhhh....selama ni ko katne? Ni tred zaman lama dahhhh...

anyway, Tahniah kerana dah jumpa pemilik tulang rusuk anda. Buat sup tulangggggg..


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Post time 11-4-2013 11:23 AM | Show all posts
kambeng_masam posted on 11-4-2013 11:17 AM
Hamboihhhh....selama ni ko katne? Ni tred zaman lama dahhhh...

anyway, Tahniah kerana d ...

selama ni bertapa kat fb jer..

baru 40 hari bertenggek kat forum ni..
tu pun kat umah shn jer..

saja mencari terjumpa page ni..

kongsi pengalaman gitew

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Post time 17-4-2013 12:39 PM | Show all posts
aku dulu pernah jer terjatuh cinta dgn laki lain neh... tapi masa tu belum kawen la. Nama pun masa tu Bujang kan.. pilihan banyak.

ada yang aku stay ngan bf aku, ada yang aku tinggal bf aku utk bersama dia...

bagi aku, the best man win lah...

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Post time 24-4-2013 02:10 AM | Show all posts
First of all I would never do such a thing

How would you feel if someone did the same thing to you??? Broke your heart???

Love is love...Lust is not Love

Know the difference between Love & Lust

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Post time 24-4-2013 05:45 PM | Show all posts
ader kot

tapi x ingat lah haha

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Post time 28-11-2013 05:59 PM | Show all posts
tak pernah sbb sy jenis setia pd yg 1..cume ex2 bf sy tu jer yg asyik main kayu tiga..last2 sume sy tinggalkan..

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Post time 29-11-2013 08:38 AM | Show all posts
susah nak terjatuh cinta.. masa single dulu nak trima bakal suami pun ambik masa nak balas i luv u too. bila dah kawin & skrg ni dah single balik lglah susah rasanya nak terjatuh cinta lg sekali.. tak terjatuh cinta lg pun tak apa kot sbb anak2 sudah mengisi kekosongan hati. tp siapa tahu perancangan allah taala itu rahsia NYA..

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Post time 29-11-2013 07:09 PM | Show all posts
salam TT..

manja suke term "terjatuh cinta"..tu...

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Post time 3-2-2014 09:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
X penah sbb slAlunye pas kawen bz itu ini... Lelaki je x bz balik umah jd raja ... Agaknye sbb tu byk lelaki yg berpaling kit haha

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Post time 16-2-2014 11:04 PM | Show all posts
admire dari jauh jelah..tapi apa yang saya nampak tu dari luaran. saya kenal bf saya luaran dan dalaman (inshaAllah).. so saya dah tutup hari saya untuk lelaki lain.. hope kami ada jodoh yg berkekalan, amin..

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Post time 16-2-2014 11:13 PM | Show all posts
pernah je.. dlu lg truk.. cepat sgt tersuka kat org, lg2 kalau tau org tu suka balik kat kita.. wlaupon da ada yg 1.. skrg da ok sikit.. hihi.. berkawan tp xde nak klua berdua ke apa. klua in a group of friends tu ok lah..

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Post time 18-2-2014 03:09 PM | Show all posts
keretaapi posted on 16-2-2014 03:13 PM
pernah je.. dlu lg truk.. cepat sgt tersuka kat org, lg2 kalau tau org tu suka balik kat kita.. wlau ...

Sama la kita TT-TT

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Post time 19-2-2014 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Aku tak paham kenapa manusia jatuh cinta ...

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Post time 19-2-2014 10:53 AM | Show all posts
Loxlaxman posted on 19-2-2014 10:03 AM
Aku tak paham kenapa manusia jatuh cinta ...

lumrah manusia.....


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Post time 19-2-2014 12:00 PM | Show all posts
intriQue posted on 19-2-2014 10:53 AM
lumrah manusia.....

Love, Explained
By Judy Dutton

Have you ever wondered how much of love is about the heart… and how much is about hormones? Whether love at first sight really exists… or is just something Hollywood conjured up? And what about chemistry—can you create it, or does it just happen? Most of us have pondered such issues, and we decided to get some answers. That’s why we sat down with noted anthropologist, Dr. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University, who is also the author of such books as Why We Love. Her noteworthy career has been dedicated to understanding love—how and why it functions for us humans—and she sat down with us to share her fascinating insights.

In a nutshell, why do we fall in love?
Dr. Fisher: I’ve come to think that romantic love is one of three basic brain systems that evolved for reproduction. Each evolved for a reason: The sex drive evolved to get you out there looking for partners. Romantic love evolved to enable you to focus your energy on just one person at a time, conserving time and energy. And attachment, the feeling of security you can feel with a long-term partner, evolved to help you stay together long enough to raise kids.

Q: Why does being in love feel so good?
Dr. Fisher: Because some of the most powerful brain circuits for pleasure are triggered. The main chemical involved is dopamine, which produces feelings of euphoria, energy, sleeplessness, and focused attention on your beloved. Biologically speaking, you’re experiencing something similar to a cocaine high.

Q: Is there such a thing as love at first sight?
Dr. Fisher: Yes. It probably happens to men more than women because men are more visual, but I think we can all remember times when we felt an instant attraction to someone we barely knew. It has a practical purpose: In the animal kingdom you can’t spend three months discussing your résumé; you need to feel instant sparks to start the breeding process.

Is falling in love all about timing?
Dr. Fisher: Timing is important. The perfect partner can sit right next to you at a party, and you might not notice him or her if you’re too busy at work, enmeshed in another relationship, or otherwise preoccupied. But if you’ve just moved to a new city, recovered from an unsatisfying love affair, begun to make enough money to raise a family, are suffering through a difficult experience, or have a good deal of spare time, you are ripe to fall in love.

Q: Is there anything we can do to make someone fall for us (or make ourselves fall for someone)?
Dr. Fisher: Do new things together. Novelty and excitement all drive up the activity of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. These neurotransmitters are associated with energy, elation, focused attention and motivation—central traits of romantic love. So as you do novel things, these chemicals hop into action and may just push you over the threshold to fall in love.

Q: Is there anything you can do to make yourself stop loving someone?
Dr. Fisher: Some people, especially women, tend to talk about a failed relationship so much that they re-traumatize themselves. Instead, get rid of your ex’s cards and letters. Don’t call or write. Get some sunshine and exercise, because both can change brain chemistry.

Q: What’s the difference between love and lust?
Dr. Fisher: Lust generally dissipates after having sex and returns hours or days later. You can feel it for several people at the same time and not necessarily feel jealous. But when you’re in love, you are very possessive. And romantic feelings don’t dissipate after having sex; in fact, they can intensify.

Q: Does having sex make people fall in love?
Dr. Fisher: Having sex can trigger love—probably because after orgasm, there’s a peak in dopamine activity. So watch out if you casually bed down with someone—you might unintentionally fall for them.

Q: Do feelings of love die over time, and is there any way to bring them back?
Dr. Fisher: The first intense period of love can last one to three years. After that, these feelings subside. But if two people are compatible, there are many ways to renew a flagging partnership. Novelty can spur romance; sex can trigger it, too. Do some of the things that you used to when you were first dating.

Q: How important a role does chemistry play in love?
Dr. Fisher: I believe that when the chemistry of one personality meshes well with the chemistry of another, it will continually combust throughout the relationship—keeping both partners together and happy during dry spells when feelings of romance are low.

  Q: How do men and women experience love differently?
Dr. Fisher: Men fall in love faster than women do. Women take longer because they have to create a “memory trail” of their mate’s behaviors. She has to remember what he promised, what he’s done for the partnership, and what he failed to do.

Q: What do men look for in a mate?
Dr. Fisher: Men are more likely to choose women who display signs of youth and beauty—the first time that they marry, men around the world tend to marry women who are three years younger than themselves. Men are also attracted to women who “need” them. Men want to be helpful.

Q: What do women look for in a mate?
Dr. Fisher: Women are attracted to partners with money, status, and ambition—one study found that American women seek partners who offered financial security twice as frequently as men do. If men look for “sex objects,” then women look for “success objects.”

Q: Can someone truly love more than one person?
Dr. Fisher: No. I think you can feel lust for more than one person, and feelings of attachment for more than one person. But not love. As the Indian aphorism goes, “The lane of love is narrow; there is room for only one.”

Q: What’s the biggest mistake people make when it comes to love?
Dr. Fisher: Some people fall in love before they really know their partner and marry in this state of romantic rapture. They should probably wait until that intense early phase wears off so they can see the flaws in the relationship before they dive in for good.

Q: Having reviewed so much scientific data on love,what would be the most important thing we’ve learned?
Dr. Fisher: To me, the most important thing that scientists have learned is that romantic love was not invented by the troubadours in 11th century France. We have now found love poetry from the ancient Sumerians written some 4,000 years ago, as well as evidence of romantic love in over 150 societies. It’s given me a deep sense of connection to people everywhere: We’re all alike in some basic and beautiful ways.


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Post time 19-2-2014 12:40 PM | Show all posts
Loxlaxman posted on 19-2-2014 12:00 PM
Love, Explained
By Judy Dutton

rasanya ni dapat menjawab persoalan TT

Q: Can someone truly love more than one person?
Dr. Fisher: No. I think you can feel lust for more than one person, and feelings of attachment for more than one person. But not love. As the Indian aphorism goes, “The lane of love is narrow; there is room for only one.”

dan ini menjawab soklan @Loxlaxman

Q: In a nutshell, why do we fall in love?
Dr. Fisher: I’ve come to think that romantic love is one of three basic brain systems that evolved for reproduction. Each evolved for a reason: The sex drive evolved to get you out there looking for partners. Romantic love evolved to enable you to focus your energy on just one person at a time, conserving time and energy. And attachment, the feeling of security you can feel with a long-term partner, evolved to help you stay together long enough to raise kids.

Last edited by intriQue on 19-2-2014 12:42 PM


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Post time 20-2-2014 04:20 PM | Show all posts
dgn tucing bawah rumah...tucing warna oren...dia lah yg telah mencuri hati mama...tapi sombong nak mampuih...belagak ja....melepak atas bumbung kereta haku!

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