tengok gamba lebih kepada romen jer tuk mobi ketiga dier |
btambah2 x sabo nak tgk eclipse!!!!
suke la tgk diorg bdua ni makeout {:1_116:}
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
I love it love it.... |
kaedahnya skang, biler trailer nyer nak kuar |
walaweh... sayang la sama lu orang... mesti ada je update dr korang.... |
Post Last Edit by btho at 16-2-2010 16:41
hebat, hebatttt{:2_71:} !!!
edward ngan bella ker....atau rob ngan kristen?
keliru sat!
tgk cara rob aka edward polok2x kristen ak ...
btho Post at 16-2-2010 16:39 
kesempatan terbuka luas.. apa lg baju pon terbuka luas hahahah |
108# naqies
NM dvd kuar april nanti
bile nak blk sini? kitorg dh booking tiket premier kt kl ni
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
wahhh....byknyaaaaaaaa scene yg bakal kna potonggggggggg
tinggal braper minit jelah kt Mesia nnt????
kalo ikut script....bella akn bukak baju edward smpai tertanggal abissssss
sori geng...terspoiler plak....tak tertahan aku |
wahhh....byknyaaaaaaaa scene yg bakal kna potonggggggggg
tinggal braper minit jelah kt Mesia nnt????
kalo ikut script....bella akn bukak baju edward smpai tertanggal abissssss
sori geng...terspoile ...
cheesepastry Post at 18-2-2010 10:01 
humang aiiiii
dlm buku ada ke baju edward smp tertanggal abis?
mcm takde je kan
yg ada edward marah bella sbb tak abis2 berusaha nak bukak butang baju dia
kan kan kan? |
humang aiiiii
dlm buku ada ke baju edward smp tertanggal abis?
mcm takde je kan
yg ada edward marah bella sbb tak abis2 berusaha nak bukak butang baju dia
kan kan kan?
.N.A. Post at 18-2-2010 16:59 
dlm buku mmg takde...
dlm script dia dah polish kasi tambah scene bg fan lebih excited
bila baju dah tetanggal barulah edward stop...
ditekankan di sini...baju je yg tanggal ok
agaknya breaking dawn nnt pun sure dia polish scene honeymoon kt isle esme...
hadoiii... |
naqies...scene yg tinggal adalah scene membebel je
bella start kiss edward...tut...edward dah butang baju balik n bebel2 (sekian utk tayangan mesia)
pstu ada scene jacob dgn bella dlm sleepi ...
cheesepastry Post at 18-2-2010 20:50 
agak2 kt spore kena potong tak? hehehehe |
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