Originally posted by Sarah_Radzi at 2003-8-26 07:38 PM:
fiber optik biasa mana ada lubang kat dalam dia .. :stp::stp:
yang baru baru ni yang ada lubang .. tapi i tak tahu camne buat lubang tu
ye lah kena tinggi .. nak bagi fiber tu jatuh sampai ja ...
aku citer fiber yg baru ler..hole fiber...
kecik jer lubang dia, micron ka apa kaa...
macamana laa depa buat lubang besaq tuhh?..
hang dulu kat UK ka? southampton ka?... |
Originally posted by zuas at 2003-8-26 07:30 PM:
solvay conference:stp::stp::stp: IEEE/EDS conference ade le..
IEEE ka?
hang ada present paper ka?
ka poster ?
ka pi tgk jer...
ada org kena tanya kaw2 ka masa conferernce tuhh? |
Originally posted by mail golok at 2003-8-27 06:06:
aku citer fiber yg baru ler..hole fiber...
kecik jer lubang dia, micron ka apa kaa...
macamana laa depa buat lubang besaq tuhh?..
hang dulu kat UK ka? southampton ka?...
ok .. dah tanya ... tapi bukan pakar .. dia duduk kat lab U yang i citer tu ..
kalau dia tak silap ... block polymer asal utk buat fiber berlubang tu dah ada lubang siap siap .. jadi bila "tarik" .. lubang tu pun mengecik sama nan fiber optik tu sekali ... proceding dia lebih kurang sama saja macam fiber biasa ... maybe ada benda lain yang kena jaga.. dia tak tahu ler .. |
salam integra...
okay ..setelah membaca sekali lalu , bukan kah ini seperti yg diceritakan oleh Sarah kepada saya di dalam thread betulkah teori ini oleh FieZdane?:bg: |
Originally posted by mail golok at 2003-8-27 12:08 PM:
IEEE ka?
hang ada present paper ka?
ka poster ?
ka pi tgk jer...
ada org kena tanya kaw2 ka masa conferernce tuhh?
aku acah jeee.. jangan mare. |
ini lama punya info..sekarang ni dah ade EDFA sekecik kotak mancis je..
plak tu mostly for long haul..skrang ni sibuk pasal metro plak ..short haul... |
zuas , pasai MM Chips,, Mahathir Mohamad Chips....
Originally posted by mail golok at 2003-9-5 10:40 PM:
ada tau citer ka?..
first time aku dengar..kot dari mimos kut?? mane bole..mimos selalu ketinggalan perahu..
kalau ade MM chips, dapat nobel prize kut..![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
mail, bila hang sebut MM chips ni, aku ada vision lain skit la mail... dalam kepala otak aku la..
dalam kepala otak aku ni, aku ada fantasi bahawa satu hari cahaya bole bawak satu satu benda dari satu tempat ke tempat lain ngan cepat..jadi tak payah pakai kapalterbang lagi..hehehe camne..
kalo kita tengok, iblis bole larii laju (dibuat dari api kan)..same ngan buro?? yang nabi naik ke angkasa...so,sume tu berkiatan ngan cahaya..cume kite tak leh nampak...apacam satu hari kite jumpa satu 'power' yang power giler, macam puting beliung..bule angkat sume bende..cuma puting beliung is chaos, tak leh di controll..ni cahaya or power yang bule control..macam laser gak le compared ngan cahaya biasa..satu dicipta dan satu lagi natural...
apabila cahaya tu atau sesuatu gelombang kena pada satu jasad, serta merta jasad tu bule di'transport' ngan cepat, tanpa sebarang cacat cela...
:stp: |
Originally posted by mail golok at 2003-9-5 10:40 PM:
ada tau citer ka?..
ato MM potatoes chips..![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
MM Chips ni lah zuas...
:58pm Thu Sep 4th, 2003
A Japanese firm unveiled plans to produce a revolutionary microchip in Malaysia as Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad held talks here with global hi-tech chiefs.
FEC (M) Sdn. Bhd chief executive Kunioki Ichioka was quoted by the Malay-language Utusan Malaysia as saying the patent for producing and marketing the MM chip would be shifted to Malaysia in six months.
Measuring 0.5 of a square milimeter and produced at less than 38 sen each, he said the chip would cut the production cost of Malaysia's national "smart identity card" from RM7 to RM1.
Replacing bar codes
The smart card, the world's first for citizens, launched two years ago, wraps passport, identification, driver's license, medical and other personal details in a piece of plastic the size of a credit card.
Ichioka said the MM chip can also be inserted into the human body, bullets, credit cards and other items for verification purposes, and can replace price bar codes used to tag products.
The chip will be manufactured in FEC's factory in Kedah.
Asked if MM was an acronym for Mahathir Mohamad, he said: "Maybe, it can also stand for Microchip Malaysia."
Officials said further details would be announced later today by Mahathir after his annual talks with members of the International Advisory Panel on development of Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), which aims to make the country a high-tech hub.
Only 17 out of some 50 members of the MSC panel were attending today's session while another 14 had sent representatives.
On the agenda are business strategies in the new economy, global outsourcing, broadband technologies, research, nanotechnology and biotechnology, officials said.
Lacking focus
The MSC, a hi-tech enclave modeled after California's Silicon Valley, was launched in 1996 by the 77-year-old Mahathir who wants to see Malaysia become a developed nation by 2020.
Stretching about 50 kilometres south from Kuala Lumpur to the new international airport, it now houses 887 technology firms, 29 institutions of higher learning and nine incubator companies.
Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who will takeover from Mahathir when he retires at the end of October after 22 years in power, earlier this week said the MSC had achieved much success.
He said a total of 21,102 jobs were expected to be created within the MSC this year, up almost ten-fold from 2,190 jobs on offer in 1997.
Total revenue of MSC firms is expected to surge from RM3.93 billion in 2002 to an estimated RM5.83 billion this year, and RM7.98 billion in 2004, he said.
Mahathir previously said the hub had not contributed to the economy as much as he expected. Critics have complained of a lack of focus, excessive bureacratic red-tape and a shortage of skilled labour.
But investment in the MSC has recently picked up pace with British banking group HSBC and Sweden's telecoms firm Ericsson launching regional centres in the zone in July. - AFP |
huyooo..dasyat vision hang nih...
Originally posted by zuas at 2003-9-8 09:59 PM:
mail, bila hang sebut MM chips ni, aku ada vision lain skit la mail... dalam kepala otak aku la..
dalam kepala otak aku ni, aku ada fantasi bahawa satu hari cahaya bole bawak satu satu bend ...
einstein kata apa.." Imigination is more important than knowledge.Knowledge is limited, imigination is encircles the world.."
ni kira hang nak buat transport la nih...
apa cahaya nak pakai haa?![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) |
Originally posted by mail golok at 8-9-2003 10:50 PM:
:58pm Thu Sep 4th, 2003
A Japanese firm unveiled plans to produce a revolutionary microchip in Malaysia as Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad held talks here with global hi-tech chiefs.
FEC ...
apsal jepun plak buat? MM dah tak percaya Mimos kut? |
Originally posted by mail golok at 2003-9-8 10:51 PM:
hahahah...zuas, termasuk hang dah 23 org yg kata macam tu..
apsai koman sangat ka MIMOS tuu?..![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
mail, ko tau tak apa kesilapan Mimos?..aku malas lah nak gossip kat sini tapi untuk kebaikan orang melayu dan malaysia am nya, what i can say is mimos kena resuffle la...
kita tengok silicon valley di usa sudah le,,the highest paid/salaried income workers are chips designers or any designers berkiatan photonics etc..Mimos produce apa???
this is good learning experience for photonics industry actually, so mistakes would not be repeated.
biarlah photonics/ict diberi cuma ratusan juta ringgit (compared to mimos dah berbillion) tapi satu hari nanti ada the best designers can be produced...
the only thing is adakah semua pihak bersedia? |
Originally posted by mail golok at 2003-9-8 10:58 PM:
einstein kata apa.." Imigination is more important than knowledge.Knowledge is limited, imigination is encircles the world.."
ni kira hang nak buat transport ...
kalo ko tengok einstein sekalipun, camne dia 'arrive' at equation e=mc2 ? memang tak ada bukti waktu tu dan dia ber'pusat' kat mane?..yang aku tau la, dia mula mula develop long equations, begitu lama, sebelum dia dapat simple equation tu..jadi, macammane dia sampai kat situ??...susah mail, kalo knowledge je digunapakai...
pikir pakai logik, memang tak logik kalo pikir beberapa kg mass bole bertukar energy yang terlalu besar, kalo mengikut equation tu le..tapi sekarang dah ade bom tu..jadi camne einstien bole terfikir cam tu...
same gak cam fiber dari glass..dulu orang tak percaya cahaya laser bule propagate dalam kaca, even untuk hanya 2 atau 3 kaki...tapi, theory telah di buktikan dulu oleh kalu tak silap aku prof. dari taiwan ke china?..dia kata, jika impurities di buang dari kaca, propagation bole..tapi, waktu tu fiber belum ada..mungkin dia dah develop fiber sendiri di lab. tak tahu le... |
Originally posted by Sarah_Radzi at 26-8-2003 07:42 PM:
EDS rupanya .. hehehe ..dulu i ComSoc ngan IT .. hikkk...
u pegi conf mana satu ? skarang kat malaysia banyak conf IEEE (Aug/sept)
sorry lambat jawab...ni salah satu, tengah bersidang..lepas tu trip pi thailand![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
yang lepas aug 2003, aku rase kat palm garden kat putrajaya kot.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi