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Author: yuhuu

[Edisi Lobenak Dah Mula] Julripin Mangsa Terkini Lopak?

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Post time 16-2-2018 03:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
princess_mia replied at 15-2-2018 06:46 PM
Walaupunn ko kononnya dh xnak balas....aku nk jugak bg opinion pasal opinion ko ko. Xsalah kan b ...

Okay syg..u menang lah. Dua kali lima jgk u dgn I pn.hehehe..walk the talk jgk tau...sbb u ckp jgn provoke jgn reply kita sama la.hehe.

Tkejut kita tau pnjg sgt u bls.mcm mgelaabh je.jgn la..chill chill la..ok tu pndgn u,td pdgn I...adil tau..nm pn forum yg pnting kita sm sm jaga bahasa.alhmdulillah tk ni I xprnh guna bhse truk kt sini.hehe. just bg opinion je.jgn la marah cpt naik angin.tkjut kita tau.kita ckp elok elok kot.chill la u...mcm nk ajk I gduh je u ni.haa jgn ckp I tgh play victim plak tau.sbb I btul btul bg pdpt je.hmmm

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Post time 16-2-2018 03:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Badigol replied at 16-2-2018 01:40 AM
I mgkin ada bunga bunga haters fanatik lofa.I xksh pn lofa nk buat apa.I jd kisah dn t ...

Natural?? Ko semula jadi ke??? Neutral la....patut la big deal sgt F word tu...

Patutla bias...

Again...ur judgement is clouded by biases..nk baca opinion ko pun geli geleman sbb penuh dgn point observation ko yg mana ko mmg peminat faz... xyah la ada hati nk nasihat fans lofa. Kitorg mmg oeminat neelofa dr zaman dewi remaja lagi. Dh masak sgt dh kisah lofa-fake ni. Dari gaya ko ni cam bbnu je pun...klu x..xkan ko xtau sbb apa org kata acah acah suci la nk bajet neutral sgt k. Nk muntah baca. Nk argue pun xselera. Of course nnt merepek melalut and last2 play victim.padahal dia yg serang orang tetiba. Mana fans lofa yg ko claim teruk sgt smpi buat dia ramai haters sgt kt cari ni? Yg gigih membekap ni ke? Baru bekap kadang2 je pon...setahun berapa kali je..dh kata teruk sgt.ko bukak x benang haters lofa..konfirm ko blh kenal pasti mana fans fattzura kt situ. Tp ofcoz la ko relakan je...ko seronok je baca kan? Tau dh...

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Post time 16-2-2018 03:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Badigol at 15-2-2018 07:28 PM
princess_mia replied at 15-2-2018 07:21 PM
Natural?? Ko semula jadi ke??? Neutral la....patut la big deal sgt F word tu...

Patutla bias... ...

Mrh nye syg...bkn kt fans lofa kt sini tp kt ig tu la syg.yg bang mat tepek tu ss.dr situ la I punya observation yg mybbkn lofa mkin rmai haters sbb fans lofatah tu. I mne ade tduh u sbb I thu org mcm u,adeqo,sepat ungu tu smua fans lofa dr dlu. U ni...garang sgt.terprovoke plak. Jgn opinion I..xsmstinya btul kn.nm pn forum.slh ke?oklah...xnk la gaduh sbb artis. Dlu slalu tgk komen komen u baik mlm ni grg plak.sbr la..jgn cpt gelabah dgn komen I tu.xefek pn komen I kt sr yg bc bng ni.huhu

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Post time 16-2-2018 03:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Badigol replied at 16-2-2018 03:14 AM
Okay syg..u menang lah. Dua kali lima jgk u dgn I pn.hehehe..walk the talk jgk tau...sbb u ckp jgn ...

Aku suruh ko yg walk the talk..again..ko ni faham english x? Ko yg cakap kalau org provoke jgn reply. Bukan aku. So..sukati aku la nk reply. Aku xde cakap macam ko cakap tu. So..xde la dua kali lima tu. Ko je..ko la chill kan diri ko sndr..nmpk cam xchill pun ko. Cam sibuk jugak mereply nmpknye...igtkan nk reply nnt2...gigih jugak rupanya pagi2 ni....chill k. Xde sapa marah2 pun. Ko boleh bg opinion..aku xboleh? Klu neutral..xde la menang kan satu pihak je. Faham??? bukan marah k. Ni ialah nk kasi ko faham..

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Post time 16-2-2018 03:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Badigol replied at 16-2-2018 03:14 AM
Okay syg..u menang lah. Dua kali lima jgk u dgn I pn.hehehe..walk the talk jgk tau...sbb u ckp jgn ...

Reply panjang sbb nk justify kat ko yg jump into conclusion....ko pun masuk2 bebel, kena la loint out balik semua... sape ajak gaduh? Bukan ko start dulu tetiba kata fans lofa lgi teruk?? So, as a fans patut diamkan je ke camana? Chill k...chillllllllll...tu je la ko tau...konon suruh org chill...bila di reply kata org menggelabah pulak...u have ur right to give opinion..i have mine too. Panjang ke pendek asalkan maksud sampai. Daripada melalut2 point ke laut....

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Post time 16-2-2018 03:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Adoi aku nak tahu news psl lakonan Lopa dgn Zul. Yg korang ni tak hbs bertekak pehal. Sampai Abg Jamil mampos pun takkan habis pun so udah-udahlah tu.

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Post time 16-2-2018 03:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Badigol replied at 16-2-2018 03:27 AM
Mrh nye syg...bkn kt fans lofa kt sini tp kt ig tu la syg.yg bang mat tepek tu ss.dr situ la I p ...

Reallyy???? Cuba ko baca ayat ko tu. Aku dh siap tlg ss lagi. Ko kata bergasak menegakkan benang yg basah tu sapa? Then ko kata argue ngan abg mat ngan kak sama tu bukan kt cari ni ke?? Ke kt ig?? I cakap based on apa yg ko ckp td. Bukan nk garang xpasal2.i think i shoul back myself up. Sbb ko mmg tuju kat kitorg kata menegakkan benang yg basah tu...pastu ko kata xadil and xleh terima org sokong cercaaan in F word tu..rasanya weols bukan sokong..kitorg siap tlg explain maksud sebenar ayat tu ada lah...ko baca x? Ke ko nk jugak anggap maksud F kat situ mencarut jugak....pastu....sapa kata word pelacur???? Xde pon...pastuuuu...ko kata fans lofa teruk.......So????kena reply baik2 ke camana tu? Banyak tuduhan xberasas and bias ko ni.

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Post time 16-2-2018 04:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Badigol replied at 16-2-2018 03:27 AM
Mrh nye syg...bkn kt fans lofa kt sini tp kt ig tu la syg.yg bang mat tepek tu ss.dr situ la I p ...

Yes. Masa idolat kawen mmg i very positive and happy tgk dorg igtkan dh happy fans pun happy la xsibuk pasal lofa lagi...rupanya...sia sia je positive...masih xhappy lagi rupanya fans diorg ni. Why not u ceramah kat haters lofa supaya henti sebarkan kebencian. Why bother kecoh dekat org membekap lofa? U sokong org camtu means u mmg suka la baca hatred towards lofa? Spread love okay...faz ckp  ukan i ckp

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Post time 16-2-2018 04:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Badigol replied at 16-2-2018 03:27 AM
Mrh nye syg...bkn kt fans lofa kt sini tp kt ig tu la syg.yg bang mat tepek tu ss.dr situ la I p ...

Yes. Masa idolat kawen mmg i very positive and happy tgk dorg igtkan dh happy fans pun happy la xsibuk pasal lofa lagi...rupanya...sia sia je positive...masih xhappy lagi rupanya fans diorg ni. Why not u ceramah kat haters lofa supaya henti sebarkan kebencian. Why bother kecoh dekat org membekap lofa? U sokong org camtu means u mmg suka la baca hatred towards lofa? Spread love okay...faz ckp  ukan i ckp

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Post time 16-2-2018 05:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ksiannya fan lopa ni semua komen gigih nak reply hehehe. Nampak sgt kuat sentap hehe.

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Post time 16-2-2018 05:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
princess_mia replied at 15-2-2018 11:08 PM
Ha ha kannn...mmg la bimbo.i sooo kenot

Not  as bimbo as selling supplment to the babies to reduce wrinkles. That is way too bimbo. What word should i describe that?

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Post time 16-2-2018 05:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
boylondonn replied at 16-2-2018 05:46 AM
Ksiannya fan lopa ni semua komen gigih nak reply hehehe. Nampak sgt kuat sentap hehe.

Sokong you...sebelum nak ckap orang kat balik sapa yang bimbo ,check dulu diri.. bagi supplements to babies mmg paling bodoh sekali ...

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Post time 16-2-2018 06:26 AM | Show all posts
boylondonn replied at 16-2-2018 05:48 AM
Not  as bimbo as selling supplment to the babies to reduce wrinkles. That is way too bimbo. What w ...

malas nak cakap banyak. issue dah resolve dah pun....bimbo camtu la...kecoh2 je lebih,,bila issue dh resolve still in denial. xde pulak kecoh pasal statement CnG nih...time kecam kemainnnnn,



kalau xpuas hati gak, tu CnG dh invite berbincang ngan diorg. So far, xde pulak pengharaman penjualan produk CnG ni. xkan la KKm bengap sgt bila issue dh kecoh xnak pg siasat.
hey puak bimbs, research dulu la k before raise issue lapuk ni. kan dh malu...


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2018 06:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
princess_mia replied at 16-2-2018 03:33 AM
Aku suruh ko yg walk the talk..again..ko ni faham english x? Ko yg cakap kalau org provoke jgn rep ...

OMG kau ni kena bayar dengan Lopa ke hapa? Gigih mereply setiap forumer satu2. Cepat sentap pun iye jugak.

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2018 06:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
boylondonn replied at 16-2-2018 05:46 AM
Ksiannya fan lopa ni semua komen gigih nak reply hehehe. Nampak sgt kuat sentap hehe.

Kannnnn???? Gigih mereply semua forumer. Kiri kanan dok bergasak membekap lopa. iols rasa dia  sama ada Lopa sendiri, Sherot tak pun lagi satu pemenat gigih.

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Post time 16-2-2018 06:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
princess_mia replied at 16-2-2018 06:26 AM
malas nak cakap banyak. issue dah resolve dah pun....bimbo camtu la...kecoh2 je lebih,,bila issue  ...

But still does she has no commen sense at all showing that igs with the caption reduce wrinkes and stated the amount of tablets kid should take. Pls lah jgn nak back up sgt.

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Post time 16-2-2018 06:36 AM | Show all posts
yuhuu replied at 16-2-2018 06:28 AM
OMG kau ni kena bayar dengan Lopa ke hapa? Gigih mereply setiap forumer satu2. Cepat sentap pun iy ...

lagi sorang tuduh kena bayar tuduh kerabat, tuduh apa lagi...cepat sentap?? ko baca la dulu ayat si badigol tu sebelum ko tuduh org cepat sentap...yg korg pun sibuk nak quotes aku kenapa? sejenis gigih jugak la kan nk memprovoke? salah ke reply? aku tgh ada masa, sukati la. for sure ada lagi bimbo2 xpuas hati nk jugak reply post aku. No, sape sentap? why so bitter dgn bekapan weols?? bekap is sentap? so, ko pulak apa masalah tetiba nk tuduh kena byr la apa la...ceteknya pemikiran

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Post time 16-2-2018 06:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yuhuu replied at 16-2-2018 06:30 AM
Kannnnn???? Gigih mereply semua forumer. Kiri kanan dok bergasak membekap lopa. iols rasa dia  sam ...

What to expect from her. Hope mod @adeqo tapis komen dri princess mia ni. Such a bad influencer, cakap fu*k pun sheols halalkan plus post vid from tumblr yg blum tau kesahihan vid tu. That can be fitnah.

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Post time 16-2-2018 06:44 AM | Show all posts
boylondonn replied at 16-2-2018 06:36 AM
But still does she has no commen sense at all showing that igs with the caption reduce wrinkes and ...

nape?? ko goyang bila aku bekap?? at least aku backup with facts. dari ko, ikut hati dan perasaan je menaip. dah mmg boleh and dia ambassador produk tu promote la...xde pulak beria2 dia kata babies WAJIB makan. and wrinkles tu sah sahla kt gmbr lain yg mana OBVIOUSLY ptomote utk adults. dh nama pun haters benak..asal boleh buat modal hencap..nmpk bodo pun xpe la...ko yg tetiba quotes nama aku tanya pasal CnG...pastu srh jangan reply???????HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. dah malu la tu.

ni ha ko yg quotes nama aku td. pastu expect aku xreply? aku reply dgn facts siap...pastu cite common sense pulakkkkk...kah kah kah kah....lawak sungguhhh

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Post time 16-2-2018 06:51 AM | Show all posts
boylondonn replied at 16-2-2018 06:39 AM
What to expect from her. Hope mod @adeqo tapis komen dri princess mia ni. Such a bad influencer, c ...

meh tolong tepek bagi ko berilmu sikit : (ada byk definition tu. pilihla mana nak)
[color=#878787 !important]vulgar slang

[color=#878787 !important]verb: fuck; 3rd person present: fucks; past tense: fucked; past participle: fucked; gerund or present participle: fucking

  • 1.
    have sexual intercourse with (someone).

    • (of two people) have sexual intercourse.

  • 2.
    damage or ruin (something).

[color=#878787 !important]noun: fuck; plural noun: fucks

  • 1.
    an act of sexual intercourse.

    • a sexual partner of a specified ability.

[color=#878787 !important]exclamation: fuck
  • 1.
    used alone or as a noun or verb in various phrases to express annoyance, contempt, or impatience.

[color=rgb(135, 135, 135) !important]Origin

early 16th century: of Germanic origin (compare Swedish dialect focka and Dutch dialect fokkelen ); possibly from an Indo-European root meaning ‘strike’, shared by Latin pugnus ‘fist’.

From "Monty Python"

Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the english language today, is the word fuck. Out of all the english words that begin with the letter 'f' ...fuck is the only word refered to as 'the f word... It's the one magical word. Just by its soundcan describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. Fuck, as most words in the english language is derived from german ...the word fuieken, which means to strike.
In english, fuck falls into many grammatical categories:

As a transitive verb for intance ...John fucked Shirley.
As an intransitive verb...Shirley fucks.

Its meaning is not always sexual, it can be used as...

An adjective such as ...John's doing all the fucking work.
As part of an adverb ...Shirley talks too fucking much.
As an adverb enhancing an adjective ...Shirley is fucking beautiful.
As a noun ...I don't give a fuck.
As part of a word ...absofuckinglutely -or- infuckingcredible.
And as almost every word in a sentence ...Fuck the fucking fuckers.

As you must realize, there aren't too many words with the versatility of fuck...such as these examples describing situations such as:

Fraud ...I got fucked at the used car lot.
Dismay ...ahhh fuck it.
Trouble ...I guess I'm really fucked now.
Agression ...Don't fuck with me buddy.
Difficulty ...I don't understand this fucking question.
Inquiry ...Who the fuck was that?
Dissatisfaction ...I don't like what the fuck is going on here.
Incompetance ...He's a fuck-off.
Dismissal ...Why don't you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself...

I'm sure you can think of many more examples.
With all these multi-purpose applications, how can anyone be offended when you use the word. We say use this unique, flexible word more often in your daily speech.
It will identify the quality of your character immediately.
Say it loudly and proudly...


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