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Author: Rhyno

American Idol Season 10

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Post time 15-4-2011 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1220# belon_cumil

confirm dah pun..btw,suka duet Casey & Haley tadi.

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Post time 15-4-2011 10:35 AM | Show all posts

Haley Reinhart
Stefano Langone
Paul McDonald

Eliminated: Paul McDonald
fuhhyoOoO Post at 15-4-2011 09:07

    aku dah agak haley dgn stefano mst dlm bottom 3 tp yg ke 3 tu aku tak pasti...rupa2nya paul n the end paul yg tekuar...

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Post time 15-4-2011 10:48 AM | Show all posts
paul out....
sayang..lupa lak nak undi dia smalam...

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Post time 15-4-2011 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Yg belum prnah bottom 3


Antara ni mungkin ke final

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Post time 15-4-2011 11:14 AM | Show all posts

Haley Reinhart
Stefano Langone
Paul McDonald

Eliminated: Paul McDonald
fuhhyoOoO Post at 15-4-2011 09:07

hehehe...ramalan ku betul

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Post time 15-4-2011 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply  belon_cumil

confirm dah pun..btw,suka duet Casey & Haley tadi.
cyclops_psycho Post at 15-4-2011 10:14


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Post time 15-4-2011 01:22 PM | Show all posts

Two couples + 3 stooges

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2011 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Next week’s theme : Songs of 21st century

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2011 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Rhyno at 15-4-2011 15:22

Rhyno’s picks:

for James Durbin:

for Haley Reinhart:

for Lauren Alaina:

for Casey Abrams

for Stefano

for Jacob



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Post time 15-4-2011 10:15 PM | Show all posts
Live at American Idol: Hot New Couple Alert…Casey and Haley?!

Thursday night was full of surprises behind the scenes at American Idol, most of all the undeniable flirting going on between Haley Reinhart and Casey Abrams!

So what's going on between those two crazy kids and what kind of reception did Pia Toscano get when she showed up to watch the show?

Spring is here and love is in the air. The Idol contestants have been living together for weeks now, so it's not a total surprise that romance has blossomed between two of the singing star hopefuls. We've heard a buzzing rumor that Haley and Casey are more than just friends, but tonight they weren't hiding their affection!

As judge Randy Jackson would say, they "slayed" their duet, but the happy smiles didn't last long when Haley was sent to the bottom three. After Kelly Clarkson performed, she openly admitted to crushing on Casey. However, after Kelly snapped pics with Randy, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler, Casey didn't hang out by the couch in hopes of snagging a hug and a smile. Instead he crossed the stage to Haley to give her a pep talk, and from the look on Casey's face it didn't look like just a friendly gesture.

Trying to keep things cool, they just gave each other a tight hand squeeze before Casey went back to the couch. After Paul McDonald and Stefano Langone joined Haley in the bottom three, the show cut to commercial, and then it was Haley who crossed the stage and made a beeline for Casey.

As the two chatted and laughed, Casey tried a few times to grab her hand and even attempted to get Haley to sit on his lap. When that didn't work, he reverted to touching her whenever he could and kept a steady eye on her as she talked with the other contestants with body language that pretty much said, "Hey look at me."

We gotta admit it was totally cute, and we could help but laugh a little at their thinly veiled attempt to cover up their crushing. If you don't believe us, maybe Casey's reaction to Haley being deemed safe would convince you. We thought his hands were going to go flying off his arms from the exuberance of his clapping, and the look of relief on his face doesn't lie; he really cares about her.

Speaking of elimination, last week's Idol eliminee, the shockingly booted Pia, sat next to the judge's table to support the remaining competitors. Randy had a mini freakout when he saw her. Pointing and saying, "You should be here, dawg!"

It seems Pia has settled into her new celebrity status, carrying a Louis Vuitton purse with a bodyguard by her side, looking every bit the part of a head turner. Audience members were getting up out of their chairs to get a glimpse, and show producer Nigel Lythgoe gave her a very warm welcome. She was smiling, chatting with her gal-pal and saying hello to fans. It seems like her elimination actually did her more good than if she stayed on the show.

Other tidbits you didn't see:

    After Scotty McCreery and Lauren Aliana performed the opening duet, he informed production that his ear piece wasn't working.
    We saw the judges have a picture sheet of all the contestants at the table. When Ryan Seacrest brought Lauren, Haley, Casey and Scotty to center stage, Jennifer pointed to a picture of whom she thought would be in the bottom three to Randy and he agreed. Too bad we didn't see who she pointed to!
    Postshow, James Durbin began crying on stage over the loss of Paul. It was totally endearing and made us love James even more!
    Rihanna looked stunning, but on her way backstage from the judges table, she had a near tumble down the stairs. Fortunately she caught herself and was able to get backstage without incident...Oh wait, she tripped one more time, but still didn't fall.

What do you think of Haley and Casey as a couple? Is there an Idol contestant you'd want to date? Who do you think should go home next week? Let us know in the comments!

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Post time 15-4-2011 10:21 PM | Show all posts
'American Idol' on the scene for Top 8 elimination show: Celebrities and Idols and celebrities, oh my!
by Tanner Stransky

American Idol is about the contestants, of course. But when you’re inside the Idoldome — especially amongst the throngs of fans who’ve come from the depths of the country for a little taste of Hollywood glamour, and especially when it’s a results night where one of their beloved potential Idols will bite the dust — it’s also about something else, something that somehow evokes something happier and more indulgent: the celebrities. And what a glittery, star-studded night at American Idol it was last night: Rihanna! Kelly Clarkson and Jason Aldean! Rob Reiner (yet again)! Chaka Kahn! Anita Baker! Mary Hart! And, of course, there were the regulars: Ryan Seacrest! Steven Tyler! Randy Jackson! Jennifer Lopez!

Inside the Idoldome, it was celebrity overload in the best way, and the crowds just loved it. And honestly, who wouldn’t get a little giddy over the chance to see what J.Lo is wearing; or a quick peek at Chaka’s hair; or the chance to be within reaching distance of Steven Tyler? Or, as this picture right here illustrates, the iconic meeting of Rihanna and J.Lo after the pop star performed her latest single “California King”? Fierce! Let’s take a glimpse at my time in the studio last night, an evening that was punctuated by celebrities, but as always and of course, defined by the singers who are vying to be the next American Idol and possibly future celebrities themselves. Here are the highlights from both ends of the spectrum:

• Lauren + Scotty = Cuteness: Could you even on any level with these two last night? First they performed Lady Antebellum’s “American Honey” superbly, and from that point on, I couldn’t consider them as anything but … a pair, a couple if you will. During Kelly Clarkson’s performance, they were the only two on the couches who had the gumption (or the respect? hello, she’s an Idol legend!) to stand and rock out a bit. Classy. Scotty, ever the country fan, was singing along the entire time. And: When Lauren got the news that she was safe, Scotty sweetly patted the spot on the couch next to him, with a grin on his face. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m just sayin’!

• Pia’s Here! When the warm-up comic told the crowds that bit of news, they went crazy. Last week’s cast-off was officially in the house! Actually, I saw her after the show, too, in the bowels of the studio, and she was wearing the most killer blue, tiny, slouchy mini-dress with classic Louboutins on her feet and a classic Louis Vuitton on her arm. One word: hot!

• Chaka Has the Best Fans: Jacob loves Chaka Kahn — is anyone surprised by that? You definitely didn’t see it on TV, but during one of the commercial breaks, Jacob made a beeline for the legendary Chaka to give her a hug, take a photo with her, and generally talk her ear off for most of the break (she didn’t seem to mind). And speaking of fans, Chaka was sporting the most delicious lady-fan of all time. She kept flapping it through most of the evening, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off it.

• Props to the Casey-Haley Collab, Too: I don’t want to give all the duo-love to just Lauren and Scotty. Where was this roaring Haley on performance night? The only distraction for the crowds was Randy, who wouldn’t stop ferociously pointing at the two of them (out of happiness) throughout their performance of  Charles Mingus’ “Moanin’.”

• Mary Hart Represents: The outgoing Entertainment Tonight anchor was also in the audience. During a break, warm-up comic guy gave her an introduction to the crowd, and like you might expect, she, in that very Mary Hart kinda way, regally waved to everyone. But note: She wasn’t in one of the front rows. She was somewhere in the middle, which seemed sort of strange. But then afterward, it all made sense about why she was even there in the first place: I spied her doing a walk-and-talk interview with J.Lo through backstage about an hour after the show was over. (J.Lo seemed to be talking about what a nice life it is working on Idol!) Expect to see that on ET very soon.

• Comfy Kelly: She was in her element in the Idoldome, which makes sense since it was the place that initially made her a star. After her dazzling number, she headed straight for the judges’ table, natch, where she gave a big bear-hug to Randy and less-than-bear-hugs to J.Lo and Steven. She spent a lot of time talking to Randy, then the four snapped a photo before Kelly ran off the stage to cheers from the crowd, not too long before the show was about to come back from commercial break. Interestingly enough, she didn’t stop to dish with the contestants, even though she jetted right by their couch. But I’m guessing she spent a little quality time with them backstage. Or at least I hope she did! If anyone has advice for them, it’s probably her.

• The Bottom 3 Is Chilly: Maybe there was a blast of cold air on that side of the stage from the air-conditioning system, but did you all notice how frigid it was over in the Bottom 3 area? I know it can’t feel good to be over there, knowing that there’s a real possibility that you might go home. But when Stefano made his way over there, he and Haley didn’t even share a hug, or really a look at each other. And Paul didn’t give her one either when he sauntered over after he got the news. Weird? I thought so, but maybe I’m reading into it too much. Probably.

• Rihanna, the Runaway Star: After her sultry performance, Rihanna did the usual dog-and-pony show at the judges’ table, taking photos and making nice and all, but then she tried to run right backstage. Nu-uh, said stage manager Debbie, who grabbed her quick and — it seemed like she was almost doing a favor — introduced her directly to Lauren Alania. Then all the rest of the contestants huddled around, and Rihanna made nice with them for a couple of minutes. Not sure if she would have done that had Debbie not given her the hook.

• Idol Reactions: When Haley got the news she was safe? Casey went crazy, clapping like a nutbag. And when Stefano made his way back over to the couches? His big embrace came from James.

• Standing-O Central: Not sure if you pick up on this on TV, but literally, every single performance inside the studio seems to get a standing ovation these days. Like, not even kidding. I love a lot of what happens on the Idol stage (hello!), but does everything deserve a standing ovation? Um, no. But it’s something that always happens. It’s tiring being in there, all that up and down! Not sure if this is so much of a behind-the-scene observation or more of just a rant from Tanner.

• Wait, Who’s Safe? The interesting thing about being inside the Idoldome is what you can’t hear, actually. When Ryan made the announcement about who was going home — Stefano or Paul — there was literally five seconds where no one in the crowd even knew, partly because of sound issues (maybe?) but also partly because of the cryptic way in which Ryan likes to deliver the news. Anyway, it wasn’t until we saw Stefano heading back to the safe couches that we realized it was indeed the jovial Paul whose time was done. Hopefully you all at home could have figured it out a little bit sooner than we all who were on the inside did.

Do you have any further observations from the show? Questions? Sound off below, if you do!

Tanner on Twitter: @EWTanStransky



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Post time 15-4-2011 10:25 PM | Show all posts
ai baru dapat lihat, paul boring, lauren pun boring, stefano tidak boring walaupun bagi ai boring , kiranya 3-3 kalau orang bagi single free pun ai takmo...

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Post time 15-4-2011 10:25 PM | Show all posts
'American Idol' Recap: 15 Things You Didn't See on Thursday's Show
Eliminated contestant Pia Toscano makes an appearance, Jacob Lusk bows down to Anita Baker and Chaka Khan, and Rihanna trips on her dress -- twice. And why is Casey Abrams' beard disappearing?

1. At the very beginning of the show, fans are excited to see last week's eliminated contestant Pia Toscano walk in and sit in the audience to enjoy the show. I am not sure that 13-year-old girls are deciding the results each week, but I do think people want entertainers as well as great vocals. That being said, the talent this year is amazing, and in another season, Pia could have surely taken the title (like last year, for example. Ahem, Lee Dewyze).

2. It must be mentioned that the entire evening is marked with Jennifer Lopez's fans yelling out that they love herm and she always turns and gives them a smile and a wave. People Magazine's most beautiful woman looked incredible tonight, wearing a stunning gold Gucci mini dress, sleek high braid and red lipstick. Her hair and makeup people descend on her at each commercial break, but honestly, the woman is perfection. There, I said it.

3. The viewer saw this, but you didn't feel the room when Casey Abrams and Haley Reinhart nailed an amazing jazzy scatty performance that made the judges give yet another standing ovation, this one well-deserved. Did I mention Casey is my favorite! I miss his beard, though. It has been slowly disappearing, and at this rate he's going to be completely bald by next week. I am starting a Save Casey's Beard campaign tomorrow.

4. After Casey's duet with Haley, the first person in the bottom three is revealed, and it is Haley, who is no stranger to the bottom. Jennifer has said that she doesn't want anymore girls going home, and after Haley's soulful duet with Casey, the judges and the fans definitely want more of her sexy sultry voice. Randy Jackson throws out his catchphrase of the season, when he likes something, "That's the way you do it!"

5. Ryan Seacrest announces that Grammy Award-winning singers Anita Baker and Chaka Khan are in the audience, but what you didn't see is contestant Jacob Lusk crossing the stage during commercial break to literally bow down on the ground at their feet and pose for pictures with them.

6. American Idol and Rob Reiner? That's what I thought too, but he was funny, and he gets big laughs from the audience, especially when he says From Justin to Kelly was overlooked for an Academy Award because of politics. Anyone remember Season 1 runner-up Justin Guarini? Let's just say, America got it right long before conspiracy theories about rigged results.

7. Next up, Kelly Clarkson and Jason Aldean perform their No. 1 country hit" Don't You Wanna Stay." Scotty McCreery and Lauren Alaina sing along on the sidelines, and we get a glimpse of two idols who will head down the country path along with Season 4 winner and country superstar Carrie Underwood.

8. Next, Ryan and Kelly have a little on-air playful spat about him "rephrasing her tweets" about Casey where reportedly she has a crush on Casey. Casey makes a heart-pumping move with his hand, and Ryan heads off backstage without talking to Kelly again.

9. Kelly seems fine. though. and heads over to judge's table to hug Randy, Jennifer and Steven Tyler. Producer Nigel Lythgoe also comes over for a hug. and Kelly seems to hold court as the Idol who started it all and continues to put out hit records.

10. At the next break, Haley seems to keep up her spirits, although she is in the bottom three again. Save the girls! Save Casey's beard! I've got posters to make for next week.

11. Next the other bottom two are announced. It's Paul McDonald and Stefano Langone, so no surprises here. I am predicting that Stefano will go home tonight because although he is a great singer he is a little self-indulgent (as Simon would have said if there was any criticism this year.) Casey hugs everyone who returns safely back to the couches while Lauren and Scotty offer fist pumps.

12. The bottom three (Paul looks especially nervous) mingles with the five safe contestants shortly before Rihanna takes the stage with her hit single "California King Bed." (That's the size that fits me, my husband, my 4-year-old daughter and the cat, right?)

13. Rihanna belts out the power ballad about the king-sized, bed but we miss Pia in this moment. After a standing ovation from the judges and the audience (standing O's are the new black, I guess), Randy jumps on stage to give her a hug, and then she proceeds to give a hug to all eight contestants. Lauren seems particularly excited to meet the superstar, and Paul's nerves are getting to him as he barely hugs her back.

14. Then Nigel jumps onstage, shakes Rihanna's hand and says something to her which I believe is, "Go say hi to J.Lo," because she changes her course and walks over to judges table and hugs J.Lo over the table and then walks around the table to hug Steven. As she descends the stairs, she trips on her dress twice before exiting the room.

15. Finally, results are announced, and Paul is sent home. The audience is sadly unmoved about it. I guess since the past few weeks have been tumultuous with vocal virtuoso Pia being sent home last week, and the judges needing to use the save on their favorite, Casey three weeks ago, this seemed like the normal progression of things. I don't think anyone thought Paul would go to final three, but he sure is cute, and I think he can do more than just sell toothpaste, something Jimmy Iovine once quipped. (Where were the 13-year-old girls' votes this week?) Paul tells us not to be sad and sings Rod Stewart's "Maggie May" at J.Lo's request, though the music comes up before it leaves her mouth. After the performance, all of the contestants and judges hug Paul, and we are asked to stay in our seats, and the most beautiful person in the world exits the room.



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Post time 15-4-2011 10:40 PM | Show all posts

From TMZ:

    “American Idol” finalist Jacob Lusk threw himself at the mercy of a court back in November — begging a judge to end his probation from a 2009 arrest so he could compete on “A.I.” … TMZ has learned.

    It all started back in February 2009 — when cops cited Jacob for riding on an L.A. metro train without buying a ticket. Jacob blew off his court hearing and an arrest warrant was issued.

    Fast forward to Nov. 2010 — a day after Jacob auditioned for “Idol” and got his golden ticket to Hollywood — Lusk was pulled over for a traffic stop. The cop discovered the warrant and arrested him.

    Jacob went to jail and then to court the next day and pled no contest to the train-hopping charge. He was sentenced to 3 days in jail and 2 years probation.

    Jacob served his time and then went back to court, telling the judge “Idol” wouldn’t let him on the show if he was on probation. After his emotional plea, the merciful judge terminated his probation.

    On night one in the pokey, Jacob sang to 170 inmates, who liked it a lot. Thing is, the guard wasn’t a fan, screaming through the loud speaker, “This isn’t a f**king singing contest.”

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Post time 16-4-2011 09:57 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 16-4-2011 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Beautiful studio version


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Post time 16-4-2011 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Heavy metal anyone....


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Post time 16-4-2011 04:24 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 16-4-2011 11:07 PM | Show all posts
bila laaaaa stepano tu nak kuaq weyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! bejanggut dah aku tggu niiiiiiii  

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Post time 17-4-2011 08:44 PM | Show all posts
paul ..

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