Post time 17-3-2014 06:23 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
iolss malas nk tgk belakang2 page.. tp uolss semua. dh tgk. ke. blum ksh nyanyi kat fan meeting smlm? hehe best kan.. suka dia. nyanyi lagu wondergirl : nobody tu hehe
Post time 17-3-2014 07:54 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
cess posted on 17-3-2014 04:48 PM
tak jumpe lak yg singapore nyee ni lio..yg cess jumpe thailand nih...selamat tak nk gi thailand... ...
Baru nampak plak yg ni...tiket thai no da bole lupa kan sbb 5 min ke sold out ye. Harapan kite jakarta dgn spore je. Tp jakarta mmg daku xdpt pegi memandangkan baru pulang cuti2... Kang bos suh benti je kang. Huhu
lionsleepin posted on 17-3-2014 05:08 PM
mel, oppa ni refer pada sape?? kookie dtg iols buat bodo je...sbb lebih pada 1n2d season 1. klu bu ...
oppa tu ksh lah ke...mel minat running man hehe...dr situ mel kenal oppa sbb 2 kali dia datang rm hehhe..masa tu x minat tapi lepas cite alien terus jadi madu heheheh
This guy looks pretty young for his age, too, considering he's only one year younger than Ahn Jae Hyun. Kim Soo Hyun just turned 26 and I frankly thought he looked too young to play a professor. I know, I know, he's actually an alien over 400 years old, whatever. He still looked too young in my opinion and this is not going to be a popular opinion, but I thought Jun Ji Hyun, as beautiful as she is, looked like his aunt most of the time. This is because Kim Soo Hyun has a tiny, ridiculously tiny face. He could still play a high school student except his very deep, masculine voice. That might give it away a little.
(D.O.B: February 16, 1988)
I mean, if you compare him and Suzy whenever they're filming together for dramas or CFs, they seem relatively close in age, but he's almost six years older if that helps put things in perspective at all.