V26 MH370 Usaha Mencari Kotak Hitam Diteruskan
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.. isyarat "akustik" = Ping .. ek? |
Chinese, Australian ships try to verify potential 'pings' from Malaysia jet MH370

Chinese and Australian ships hunting for a missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner have picked up separate acoustic signals in different parts of a vast Indian Ocean search area and are trying to verify if one could be from the plane's black box recorders.
Australian search authorities said on Sunday a Chinese patrol vessel, the Haixun 01, had picked up a fleeting "ping" signal twice in recent days in waters west of Perth, near where investigators believe Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 went down on March 8.
More planes and ships were being sent to assist in that area, but meanwhile, Australia's HMAS Ocean Shield had reported a separate "acoustic event" some 300 nautical miles away.
The Ocean Shield is carrying sophisticated US Navy equipment designed to pick up signals sent from the black boxes, which may hold the key to why the aircraft ended up thousands of kilometres off course.
"We are treating each of them seriously. We need to ensure before we leave any of those areas that this does not have any connection with MH370," Retired Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, head of the Australian agency coordinating the operation, told a media conference in Perth.
A black box detector deployed by the Haixun 01 picked up the signal with a frequency of 37.5kHz per second - the same as emitted by flight recorders - at about 25 degrees south and 101 degrees east, Xinhua reported on Saturday.
Australian search authorities said such a signal would be consistent with a black box, but both they and Xinhua stressed there was no conclusive evidence linking it to the Boeing 777.
"The 37.5kHz is the specific frequency that these locator pingers operate on," said Anish Patel, president of Sarasota, Florida-based Dukane Seacom, which made the black box locator.
"It's a very unique frequency, typically not found in background ocean noise," such as whales or other marine mammals, he told Reuters.
Mr Houston said analysis of earlier satellite data had again led investigators to refine the search area towards the southern part of the corridor.
"The area of the highest probability is, what we think, the southern part where Haixun 01 is operating. That is why we are really interested in the two acoustic encounters that Haixun 01 has had."
The water was around 4,500 metres deep in that part of the search area, Mr Houston added.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said he was "hopeful but by no means certain" that the reported pulse signals were related to MH370.
"This is the most difficult search in human history. We are searching for an aircraft which is at the bottom of a very deep ocean and it is a very, very wide search area," Mr Abbott told reporters in Tokyo, where he is on a visit.
Up to a dozen planes and 13 ships will be scouring three separate areas about 2,000 km northwest of Perth, Australia's Joint Agency Coordination Centre said on Sunday.
Authorities have not ruled out mechanical problems as a cause of the plane's disappearance, but say the evidence, including loss of communications, suggests it was deliberately diverted.
Malaysian authorities have faced heavy criticism, particularly from China, for mismanaging the search and holding back information. Most of the 227 passengers were Chinese.
Malaysia said on Saturday it had launched a formal investigation into the plane's disappearance that would include experts from Australia, the United States, China, Britain and France.
Normally, a formal air safety investigation is not launched until wreckage is found. But there have been concerns that Malaysia's informal investigations to date have lacked the legal standing of an official inquiry convened under UN rules.
Under International Civil Aviation Organisation rules, the country where the aircraft is registered leads the investigation when the incident takes place in international waters.
Malaysian Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the investigation would comprise three groups: one would examine maintenance records, structures and systems; an "operations" group would study flight recorders, operations and meteorology; and a "medical and human factors" group would look into psychology, pathology and survival.
MH370 flew north of Indonesia and around its airspace, senior Malaysian govt source tells CNN
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 flew north of Indonesia and around Indonesian airspace in its journey to the southern Indian Ocean, a senior Malaysian government source told CNN.
The conclusion was reached by investigators after reviewing radar track data from neighbouring countries, CNN reported.
The plane did not fly over Indonesia or its airspace after making a westward turn in the South China Sea and flying across the Malaysian Peninsula, the source said.
According to the source, the plane may have purposely been flown along a route designed to avoid radar detection.
MH370 flew north of Indonesia, around its airspace in journey to Indian Ocean, Malaysian government source says - @cnnbrk |
NURMIMIE posted on 6-4-2014 04:43 PM
i lebih harap dijumpai..
sekurang2nya jadi contoh bahawa tidak ada suatu pun yang mustahil untu ...
Sekurang-kurangnya tak yah la berteori sampai berjela, sampai www3 bagai.. |
ida88 posted on 6-4-2014 04:02 PM 
Kalau jumpe, mule pulak chapter baru
Siasat ape jadi slps transponder dimatikan
Itupun belum tentu ...
siasatan aviasi di publish secara umum untuk public kot.
apa yg buatkan sis rasa siasatan tidak akan di umumkan?
coba cerita kemalangan aviasi mana yg berlaku di dunia modern hari ini tidak di dedah kan?
show air crash investigation pelbagai itu based on hasil siasatan lah sis. |
aurora273 posted on 6-4-2014 04:48 PM 
MH370 flew north of Indonesia, around its airspace in journey to Indian Ocean, Malaysian government ...
kalau ikut segala bukti yg ada sekarang, memang obviously pesawat itu tiada masalah, ianya di pandu oleh ummah yg arif tentang B777 atas tujuan apa, hanya elohim yg ketahui pada saat ini.
aurora273 posted on 6-4-2014 04:50 PM 
Sekurang-kurangnya tak yah la berteori sampai berjela, sampai www3 bagai..
itu belum lagi teori pasal manggis sis.
akak nak pitam lehat kebimboan pemikiran ummah melayu sunni ini.
yg paling penting bagi mereka adalah manggis, pesawat nak cari kat mana tidak penting bagi mereka.
Changa posted on 6-4-2014 05:03 PM
itu belum lagi teori pasal manggis sis.
akak nak pitam lehat kebimboan pemikiran ummah melayu sun ...
Serupa bani israel. X psl2 supplier manggis td dh terganggu bisnes dia sbb competitor dh tau manggis dpt dr indon yg repacking kt muar.
tp ummah bimbo tetap la serupa bani israel |
tapibukanaku posted on 6-4-2014 07:14 AM
cek in..
ada perkembangan baharu kah?
ada 3 isyarat ping dikesan
pencarian mebbe berakhir x lama lagi |
satriastendet posted on 6-4-2014 07:40 AM
Kalau betul jumpa, najib blh tersenyum sbb sekali lg buat keputusan yg tepat.
org2 yg kutuk najib ...
keputusan tepat apa najib buat?
umum ended ke? umum crashed
kikiki |
lorelai posted on 6-4-2014 05:14 PM
keputusan tepat apa najib buat?
umum ended ke? umum crashed
Pencarian di koridor selatan la bebal. Itu pun x blh nk fikir. Pegi la cari manggis tu smpi dpt hahaha |
satriastendet posted on 6-4-2014 05:09 PM 
Serupa bani israel. X psl2 supplier manggis td dh terganggu bisnes dia sbb competitor dh tau mangg ...
akak ada nampak kawan akak ada share artikel pasal ummah suci yahudi sembunyi kebaikan daging pelbagai katanya.
ujung2 semua yahudi yg salah kata mereka. sekarang masalah nya yahudi sembunyi kebaikan daging kambing pula.
nak pitam akak tengok kebodohan ummah melayu sunni ini, bodoh tak boleh nak ajar seolah mereka langsung tiada akal untuk berfikir.
satriastendet posted on 6-4-2014 09:17 AM
Pencarian di koridor selatan la bebal. Itu pun x blh nk fikir. Pegi la cari manggis tu smpi dpt ha ...
manggis mmg la x dapat cari
sbb xde manggis pon yg naek..
mmg la cari kt koridor selatan dah inmarsat kata kt situ..takkan buat kerja gila cari kat lcs,selat melaka,koridor utara dan koridor selatan.
lorelai posted on 6-4-2014 05:23 PM
manggis mmg la x dapat cari
sbb xde manggis pon yg naek..
Statement inmarsat mana yg ckp gitu? Cer tepek skit |
Changa posted on 6-4-2014 05:20 PM
akak ada nampak kawan akak ada share artikel pasal ummah suci yahudi sembunyi kebaikan daging pelb ...
Bani israel ni bangsa paling bimbo sekali. Kalah pprt......disuruh sembelih lembu, lg mau tanya lembu mcmn.....dh dibgtau lembu sekian2, lg nk tanya lembu bgmn2....akhirnya susahkan diri sendiri. |
mcm kaum melayu jugak.. kalau org lai memerintah nnt melayu x dpt cari makan..
bukan nk pecaya kt Allah
yahudi percaya dia kaum terpilih melayu percaya bani tamim datang dari nusantara (spesifik malaysia) |
Tabik spring pd korang yg masih setia dgn rumah mh370 ni...mokcik saluteeee!!!" |
Changa posted on 6-4-2014 05:03 PM 
itu belum lagi teori pasal manggis sis.
akak nak pitam lehat kebimboan pemikiran ummah melayu sun ...
masih ader ke yang berteori manggis bagai tu sis?
Changa posted on 6-4-2014 05:03 PM 
itu belum lagi teori pasal manggis sis.
akak nak pitam lehat kebimboan pemikiran ummah melayu sun ...
dah tentu laa manggis tu di pack elok... nama pon utk eksport... takkkan la nak letak longgok dlm kargo tu... kalau dah dlm laut, tak de maknanya nak timbul manggis tu... kan dah dipakaikan sit belt... 
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