[tvN] Emergency Man and Woman ~ Song Ji Hyo, Choi Jin Hyuk
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YoonArang posted on 13-2-2014 11:50 AM 
hehee.. tajam sgt ibu jari smpi lubang..
pastu CG tu mcm ade sesuatu je kisah die.. sbb kate di ...
aaah yoon..... chief mcm ade kes je dulu2........
mcm yg doktor pompuan tu ckp chief ni pentingkan pesakit......... same mcm JH.... rasenyer chief mungkin penah kene gantung tugas....
mass_mirza posted on 13-2-2014 12:29 PM 
ohh..iye ker.... harap2 minggu depan... jgn kena cut sudah....
camne ler chief leh naik bu ...
kasik chance kat chief lak nak mengendeng kat JH...... sblm ni JH je asik meroyan kat chief........... hehehehe
ayushuhada04 posted on 13-2-2014 02:42 PM 
tau tk per..
mcm ayu ni writer yer mass...
bawa bersabar okay...
kak ayu jumaat dgn sabtu ni acara red carpet........... mcm ne nak tgk chief nih.......
ichi posted on 13-2-2014 10:03 PM 
kak ayu jumaat dgn sabtu ni acara red carpet........... mcm ne nak tgk chief nih.......
red carpet?? ermm...apa tu??
ayushuhada04 posted on 14-2-2014 07:52 AM 
red carpet?? ermm...apa tu??
ek kak ayu tak dpt jemputan ke...........
mlm kang ade acara kvariety awards.... esok mlm lak kdrama award.......
ni tgh try baju nak melaram kat red carpet ptg kan 
ichi posted on 14-2-2014 09:22 AM 
ek kak ayu tak dpt jemputan ke...........
mlm kang ade acara kvariety awards.... esok mlm lak kdr ...
ohh ye ker..laa..naper kak ayu leh terlupa ek..
mmg dpt jemputan...
report to this topic plak.. ketinggalan a bit. baru tgk citer ni from epi 1-6. im officially in love with Chief Gook.. nak kata handsome tak, tak handsome pun tak.. tapi he's something .. masa Jin Hee minum Soju and Chief ada tuh, lama betul director focus kat muka Chief. feeling2 tgk muka sampai la dengar suara Gary??? kacau betul.. But good plot jugak lah diorang masukkan Gary dlm epi ni..
Anyone tau tak lagu yang selalu main masa montag citer ni? every episode baru nak start ada lagu tuh. Mcm sexy gitu.. Thanks.. |
ichi posted on 13-2-2014 10:01 PM 
aaah yoon..... chief mcm ade kes je dulu2........
mcm yg doktor pompuan tu ckp chief ni pentingka ...
tu la.. dorg x bongkar lg tu.. hehehe.. nnt2 kot msti die gthu psl tu..
pasal tu yg agknye CG leh suke kt JH.. die rasa cam dia.. |
tvN reps stated on the 14th, "As viewers' interest in 'Emergency Couple' rises, we needed time to increase the quality of the drama. Thus, the 7th episode will air regularly on the 14th but the following episode set to air on the 15th will be canceled and replaced by a 'Emergency Couple Special' broadcast."
"We apologize to the viewers who are waiting for the 8th episode and we ask for your understanding. We will return [your patience] with a better broadcast."
The special episode titled, 'The Reason Why We Broke Up', will recap the squeal-worthy moments of the drama so far on the 15th following the new episode airing on the 14th at 8:40 PM KST.
i know this is unfortunate but let's cheer on our favorite drama..
at least, they didnt leave us empty handed and replaced missing episode with a special
hwaiting ER couple ! |
Esok dan ahad ada appt dgn CG hehehe
nasib baik dah keep track
tak sabar ni nak tunggu new ep |
WeAiNe posted on 14-2-2014 04:17 PM 
Esok dan ahad ada appt dgn CG hehehe
nasib baik dah keep track
tak sabar ni nak tunggu new ep
aine...minggu ni hanya ep 7 je....8 tkder..
so appt dgn CG hari esok je le yer..
ayushuhada04 posted on 14-2-2014 04:30 PM 
aine...minggu ni hanya ep 7 je....8 tkder..
so appt dgn CG hari esok je le yer..
lor......napa lak kak?
aishhhhhhhhhhhhh sesuka hati production ni tauuuuu
WeAiNe posted on 14-2-2014 04:36 PM 
lor......napa lak kak?
aishhhhhhhhhhhhh sesuka hati production ni tauuuuu
laaa..ni mesti tk baca apa yg kak ayu tepek kan..
ni amik ni..baca yer aine...
tvN reps stated on the 14th, "As viewers' interest in 'Emergency Couple' rises, we needed time to increase the quality of the drama. Thus, the 7th episode will air regularly on the 14th but the following episode set to air on the 15th will be canceled and replaced by a 'Emergency Couple Special' broadcast."
"We apologize to the viewers who are waiting for the 8th episode and we ask for your understanding. We will return [your patience] with a better broadcast."
The special episode titled, 'The Reason Why We Broke Up', will recap the squeal-worthy moments of the drama so far on the 15th following the new episode airing on the 14th at 8:40 PM KST.
i know this is unfortunate but let's cheer on our favorite drama..
at least, they didnt leave us empty handed and replaced missing episode with a special
hwaiting ER couple !
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ayushuhada04 posted on 14-2-2014 04:39 PM 
laaa..ni mesti tk baca apa yg kak ayu tepek kan..
ni amik ni..baca yer aine...
aine masuk2 terus tepek komen hehehe
tenkiu akak
nak tingkatkan kualiti tu, apa bondo dorang nak buat ye
WeAiNe posted on 14-2-2014 04:48 PM 
aine masuk2 terus tepek komen hehehe
tenkiu akak
patut ler..
benda2 mcm ni kena alert..
klu tk nti kita akan tertunggu2 kan...
mana yg kak ayu jumpa..kak ayu tepek ..
ntah ler..apa yg special pun tk pasti..
tp mmg related le dgn cite ni...
yeahhhhh, baru abis layan ep 7! lawak giler  |
touching sgt part chief ngan JH tlg emma. jatuh chenta ngan chief, comei jer ttdo kat bahu JH, tp sian gak kan CM, huhuhuhu, dia col bateri JH kong lak! |
berjaya juga habiskan ep 7...
wah best....JH leh peluk CG lak yer..
ermm..nampaknya mcm CG ada perasaan je kat JH
tk sabar nk tgk ep 8 minggu ni...
CM dh mula jeles lak... |
CM ni sayang lagi pada JH, tapi ego tinggi, nak pulak JH banyak peningkatan dan lebih berkaliber dari dia as interns. Lelaki mcm CM ni jenis yg suka perempuan biar low dari segala segi dari lelaki, tak boleh terima hakikat perempuan mcm JH ni boleh override dia.
Kalu tidak buat apa dia lepaskan peluang date ngan Jessica tu, dahlah cantik, anak orang kaya, bijak bahkan lebih dari JH. CM ni jenis dia boleh kontrol orang tapi dia tak boleh dikontrol hehehe..... |
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