V26 MH370 Usaha Mencari Kotak Hitam Diteruskan
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sayawifenikmie posted on 6-4-2014 04:43 PM 
.. isyarat "akustik" = Ping .. ek?
Mereka cari menggunakan acoustic sensors dimana audio/sound (ultrasound) signal akan dipancarkan , isyarat tersebut akan memantul balik bila kena objek dan akan di ukur oleh acoustic sensors ni.- ini bila pings dah lemah.
Masa ada pings, isyarat diukur menggunakan scope biasa aje.
lorelai posted on 6-4-2014 05:34 PM 
mcm kaum melayu jugak.. kalau org lai memerintah nnt melayu x dpt cari makan..
bukan nk pecaya k ...
betul.betul/aku setuju.
Credit To :
KUALA LUMPUR, April 6 ― The disappearance of MH370 may not paralyse Malaysia Airlines (MAS), its former managing director and chief executive officer Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman said, but the flag carrier cannot afford to rest on its laurels when trying to regain public trust after the disaster.
In an exclusive interview with Malay-language daily Berita Harian, Abdul Aziz, who was with the company for more than 20 years before retiring in 1992, said MAS has no room for mistakes as the world has trained its eyes on the company.
“MAS will now have to rebuild public confidence and strengthen its existing services. Do not be complacent and increase campaigning efforts to improve its image.
“It is not a good financial situation MAS now but they can restructure the company,” he said.
Prior to the disappearance of the Boeing 777-200ER on March 8, MAS, one of Asia’s oldest flag carriers, was bleeding red ink and struggling to operate on a loss for three consecutive years.
A turnaround plan meant to steer the airline back to black produced less-than-satisfactory results amid intense competition from low-cost carriers in the region, while efforts to lower prices to fill up the planes were done at the expense of profits.
Blame has been heaped on alleged government interference in the airlines business, poor management and even unions for MAS’s losses, which was not long ago described as a national carrier in “crisis”.
In 2011, MAS recorded a record RM2.5 billion ringgit in losses. Last year, the flag carrier struggled through four successive quarterly losses.
Abdul Aziz, who was cautiously optimistic of the company’s future, said there is no need for a total rebranding of the company but it should step up efforts to improve the company’s image.
“With this incident, it will not disable MAS and the incident is not intentional, this is called an accident and it can happen to anyone or any other airline.
“MAS has to find a way and work hard to ensure there is no negligence.
“Show the world that MAS is a professional company and is able to handle any crisis and at the same time, maintain business as usual without any mistakes,” he was quoted as saying.
The MAS flight MH370 first dropped off radar screens nearly a month ago on March 8, in what global experts have continued to label as one of the most baffling aviation mysteries in history.
The Boeing 777 aircraft, described as one of the safest plane to fly, was carrying 239 people to Beijing when it disappeared some 120 nautical miles off the coast of Kota Baru in Kelantan.
Today, 30 days on and scores of false leads and missteps later, the hunt for MH370 continues.
Yesterday, a Chinese patrol ship picked up a pulse signal in the southern Indian Ocean at a frequency consistent with that of an aircraft black box.
However, it has not been established whether the ping is related to the disappeared Flight MH370.
In a statement here, Australia's Joint Agency Coordinating Centre (JACC) said the pulses picked up yesterday by the Chinese vessel Haixun 01, still "cannot be verified at this point in time".
A day's worth of battery life is said to be left on MH370's black boxes, and if at all the pulses had come from the aircraft's recorders, they will likely fade by tomorrow.
Experts have weighed in with positive opinions on the likelihood that it was indeed MH370's black boxes that were calling for attention but families of those aboard have so far chosen to treat the news cautiously.
Meanwhile, searches in the southern Indian Ocean off Australia's coast resumed this morning with 10 military planes, two civil planes and 13 ships.
According to the JACC, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) planned three separate searches for today about 2,000 kilometres northwest of Perth, which total some 216,000 square kilometres.
Weather in the search area is reportedly expected to be good, with a cloud base of 2,500 feet and visibility greater than 10 kilometres.
Err...ada tak saper2 yg terrer sini boleh explain knapa garisan merah tu dimulakan kat point dan radius spt rajah d bawah...kalau dah kata trbang kat utara Indon'sia bukan kah kat radius 55 deg or mungkin juga 60 deg?

jetrofa posted on 6-4-2014 06:11 PM 
Err...ada tak saper2 yg terrer sini boleh explain knapa garisan merah tu dimulakan kat point dan rad ...
aiyoh sis,
itu bukan flight path, itu adalah arc last ping, makna nya pesawat itu last sekali boleh berada di mana2 antara garisan merah itu
Changa posted on 6-4-2014 06:15 PM 
aiyoh sis,
itu bukan flight path, itu adalah arc last ping, makna nya pesawat itu last sekali bol ...
yupp i know...cuma nak tahu kenapa radius 40 deg tu di pilih...mungkin ada article/laporan sebelum ni yg ai terlepas pandang menjelaskan pemilihan radius 40 deg tu...*I sedang gigih mencari*
still sticking to teori ...awacs ...lpas tu thrown kt sw perth..tempat bunyi ping |
Kat CNN skg depa sceptical dan tertanya-tanyal pasal alat yg China guna utk kesan signal pulse tu...sbb alat tu simple sangat. Unit pengesan diikat di hujung satu batang (besi lebih kurang 15 kaki mcm tu) dan direndam dalam air... (I hope there will be photo available soon)
Sophisticated lah sangat... |
agaknya cmner la ghopa manggis dah sebulan duduk dlm air.. |
jetrofa posted on 6-4-2014 10:29 AM
Jauh kann...
Adakah selepas dikatakan lalu kat pinggir2 utara Sumatera akan diubah lingkuk ...
pesawat tidak dikesan di mana2 bahagian indonesia
jetrofa posted on 6-4-2014 06:29 PM 
Jauh kann...
Adakah selepas dikatakan lalu kat pinggir2 utara Sumatera akan diubah lingkuk ...
akak yg bimbo tak faham arc itu.
arc itu adalah kemungkinan lokasi akhir pesawat, tiada kaitan dengan first ping, nama pun lokasi akhir sis. sperti yg akak bilang garisan merah itu bukan flight path.
sis ingat garisan merah itu berdasarkan first ping hingga ping terakhir ke sis?
aiyoh....arc dan garisan merah itu adalah berdasarkan penerimaan ping terakhir oleh satelit mereka dan lokasi satelit itu pada waktu terima dan juga jumlah fuel yg ada dlm pesawat itu.
gimana pesawat itu terbang untuk sampai ke arc itu wallahualam, mereka hanya boleh assume spt mereka assume kelajuan pesawat terbang sbb ping data tidak boleh detect itu semua.
pesawat itu might as well terbang zig zag, in circle ke apa untuk sampai ke arc itu.
Last edited by Changa on 6-4-2014 06:55 PM
jetrofa posted on 6-4-2014 06:36 PM 
Kat CNN skg depa sceptical dan tertanya-tanyal pasal alat yg China guna utk kesan signal pulse tu ...
ya ka..?? mohon sangat tepek sini gambornye..
monreyes posted on 6-4-2014 10:44 AM
agaknya cmner la ghopa manggis dah sebulan duduk dlm air..
nnt uols dicerca k..
sebut2 manggis |
Changa posted on 6-4-2014 06:48 PM 
akak yg bimbo tak faham arc itu.
arc itu adalah kemungkinan lokasi akhir pesawat, tiada kaitan ...
semua tu andaian je kan... yg ada titik2 ping tu je... macam budak2 punya buku dot to dot tu kan kekdahnya..
NURMIMIE posted on 6-4-2014 04:43 PM 
i lebih harap dijumpai..
sekurang2nya jadi contoh bahawa tidak ada suatu pun yang mustahil untu ...
Ya ambo paham apa yang nak disampaikan cik mimie...sama dgn kepercayaan ambo dr minggu pertama lagi... harapan menggunung blackbox dijumpai utk mengukuhkan bukti... cuma penganut konspirashit aka "sembah berhala jer sis" sahaja yang sukar menerima kenyataan...
lorelai posted on 6-4-2014 05:14 PM 
keputusan tepat apa najib buat?
umum ended ke? umum crashed
Apakah najib akan umumkan pd rakyat jelata tentang mh370 ...masih waras ker najib dan akaq pink tuk membuat pilihan demi mempertahanan sesuatu tuk negara islam...dan kemelayuan
sedih nak tunggu najib umum ....masa tu terbayang makin hilang melayu di bumi msia...makin terpinggir islam yg sepatutnya tunggak utama
dan adakah tun mahathir beri komen lg tentang pemerintahan najib...adakah tdm org yg najib takut selepas us....
aku harap. Najib mampo mempertahankan apa perlu jgn hanya utk kepentingan diri tergadai apa yg telah lama m'sia simpan dan pertahankan
*** jap lg ada yg declare aku bodoh lak hek3
nyampuk posted on 6-4-2014 10:55 AM
Apakah najib akan umumkan pd rakyat jelata tentang mh370 ...masih waras ker najib dan akaq pink tu ...
relax je.
janji ko da nampak gambaran yg besar.
hasil siasatan mcm sebelom2 punya siasatan takkan dpt ke public..
royal comission laen2 ada ke yg boleh dibaca ditatap publik? |
aurora273 posted on 6-4-2014 10:52 AM
semua tu andaian je kan... yg ada titik2 ping tu je... macam budak2 punya buku dot to dot tu kan k ...
yup semua2 tu andaian..
bukanlah fakta yang tepat. |
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