Reply #1300 Nesta13's post
patutnyer nbr 3 x leh dipakai oleh mana2 player lain lagi :lol |
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 17-5-2006 01:00 AM
aduuus... sadis nya no 3....
sure rasa pressure pakai nombor 3 ni.. |
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 17-5-2006 01:00 AM
aduuus... sadis nya no 3....
hehhe, apa la kau nesta, brhrp sgt takde player amik no 3, mmg dh rule fifa mcm tu, takleh reserve2 no from 1 to 23. semua kena pakai
matrix? damn! ade jugak dia ni. silap2 dia bg satu own goal lg dlm world cup ni. aku rasa bonera tu lg bagus dr dia. harap2 la dia patah kaki time2 ni, bley ganti dgn bonera. hahaha
iaquinta byk main peranan dlm qualifying kot, tu psl yg lippi masih amik dia lg. tp mmg kesian kt luca gak, dia dh perform gila baik thn ni.
amelia over de santis? hmmm... ni pun bg aku takde la surprise sgt. memandgkn udinese pun merudum thn ni
yg lain rasanya dh sprt yg dijangka
dlm the star arini ade complete world cup squads, cantekk.... |
The Kops This user has been deleted
Heran , kenapa si cassano kena drop?.Mamat tu kalo betul, bole ganti totti yg injured.Ni la payah policies Italy nya F.A.Utamakan pemain series A.Dulu Zola .Tp kops tetap pilih Italy sejak zaman baggio .Go azzuri(walaupun tgh ada scandal) |
2 mlm lepas , haku mimpi baca paper... muka depan ..maldini mengemudi italy menjadi jore piala dunia 2006 ... siap ader gambo.. maldini tgk piala donia ngan renungan mata helang... :lol |
mesti terasa kekosongan tahun ni sbb maldini takde... hilang dah satu tonggak azzuri..
tapi aku fed up tol tengok azzuri main, kalau dah satu gol tu.. mula lah defend memanjang.. malas nak sumbat gol lagi! |
The Kops This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 17-5-2006 11:29 AM
hallo KOPSTER... ko ni bole sangat geng dgn Pirlo tu... dalam setahun ada la 2-3 kali muncul lol
komander... aku bukan apa.. dok termimpi2 Maldini pergi WC... jersi no 3 tu sinonim dgn ka ...
alo nestaboy, besala... aku ni masuk je bila musim dah abis
eheheh.. dah 2 thn ni milan asyik no 2 scudetto apa citer? siap chenko pun nak blah.issue scandal lagi.Ni cam kes tthn 1982 .Paolo Rossi yg baru je lepas banned 2thn, di bawa join italy squad di spain,terus menang piala dunia.Rasanya sejarah berulang kembali ke?Maybe Alberto Gilardino pulak jadi wira milan bawa blk piala dunia ke italy. |
The Kops This user has been deleted
ada la harapan .rasanya patut adala
setiap kali italy menang piala dunia, mesti ada kontroversi sebelum tu
sekarang ni bisin pasal rasuah.
hehe |
aku lak mimpi first game italy lwn ghana, italy menang 3-0. tu sebab aku dh contact sepp blatter, dia dh janji dgn aku nk bg 'good' referee utk game tu. lgpun, aku dh bg wife dia hadiah, keta fiat satu. hahhaha |
Originally posted by komandermaut at 17-5-2006 04:04 PM
aku lak mimpi first game italy lwn ghana, italy menang 3-0. tu sebab aku dh contact sepp blatter, dia dh janji dgn aku nk bg 'good' referee utk game tu. lgpun, aku dh bg wife dia hadiah, keta fiat ...
ko ni kena siasat sekali nanti.... |
Originally posted by komandermaut at 17-5-2006 10:08 AM
hehhe, apa la kau nesta, brhrp sgt takde player amik no 3, mmg dh rule fifa mcm tu, takleh reserve2 no from 1 to 23. semua kena pakai
matrix? damn! ade jugak dia ni. silap2 dia bg satu own goa ...
matrix..huhu..dia yg patahkan kaki org ada ar nanti..:lol |

Presiden FIGC yg baru Guido Rossi ganti carraro -->aku ingat Gianni Rivera jadi presiden FIGC ..cisss rupa-rupanya .....Guido Rossi bukan ahli sukan pun dia ahli politikus -----> ex presiden antiTrust |
Originally posted by chowski at 17-5-2006 07:33 PM

Presiden FIGC yg baru Guido Rossi ganti carraro -->aku ingat Gianni Rivera jadi ...
ok ker politician ketuai figc ni? patut post yg penting mcm ni bg la ahli sukan jugak...:hmm: |
sekarang ni lippi pulak yg tgh kena question. media italy pulak dah speculate kalau keadaan nampak teruk, lippi ntah2 bole kena ganti untuk germany 2006 ni dgn coach lain. : how dare media italy speculate mcm ni when world cup tinggal brapa hari jer lagi? pressure squad world cup tu. mana tak pressure, tgk jer la nama2 yg dicadangkan untuk "ganti" lippi. ada dlm article ni...
Lippi to assist in probe
Thursday 18 May, 2006
Italy boss Marcello Lippi will be spoken to by magistrates on Friday as the various probes into the game threaten to disrupt the Azzurri抯 World Cup preparations.
Lippi will be interviewed as part of the Rome-based enquiry into the workings of the GEA World football agency.
The tactician, whose agent son is also connected to GEA, will only be asked for his informed opinions and is not under investigation himself.
Lippi has been brought into the chaos after a number of telephone calls between himself and former Juventus director general Luciano Moggi were intercepted.
Some of the conversations published have suggested that Moggi allegedly tried to influence the tactician in which players to pick,a claim clearly rejected by the former Juve Coach
"After eight years working together, could you imagine that after I left Juventus he wouldn't call me?" said Lippi.
"If they had intercepted all the calls I got you would see that it was not only Juventus directors who call me. I get calls from all the clubs, from their directors and Coaches.
"But I have never had any kind of pressure," added Lippi.
Nevertheless, the Italian media are speculating that the Coach could be sensationally replaced on the bench before the World Cup Finals if his situation becomes more complicated.
Under-21 boss Claudio Gentile, Milan Coach Carlo Ancelotti and even ex-Azzurri tactician Giovanni Trapattoni are being suggested as possible replacements for Germany 2006.
However, there is nothing to suggest at this moment in time that Lippi will not be leading the nation抯 World Cup bid.
Reply #1317 fairy_hobbit's post
suruh lippi tarik je Azurri keluar dari WC.. baru puas ati FIGC... politician.. apa diorg tau? |
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 19-5-2006 12:07 AM
suruh lippi tarik je Azurri keluar dari WC.. baru puas ati FIGC... politician.. apa diorg tau?
can u imagine kalau trapattenuk tu jadi coach semula? :geram: or tgk muka ko punya coach tersayang sepanjang musim (ance)? :lol |
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