antara yg aku teringin nak wat is scrap book, macam dalam kar ...
hitamputih Post at 1-6-2010 10:55 AM
kita semua dikekang dek faktor masa.. so kene gunala apa yg paling update, yg plaing dekat, yg paling cut cost..yang penting matlamat tercapai..
tang kene usaha lebih sket la nak mencari tu.. tambah plak dah beli hp baru yg boleh ada kapasiti menyimpan aplikasi nih. so kene make use laa..skrang kan hp dah dikira sebagai keperluan, bukan lagi kehendak..
so its time to evolve to new era..
kadang2 terpikir nak wat diary dalam bentuk suara.. tapi takut cakap yg merapu2..makan masa plak nak edit bagai..kalau tulis senang je nak edit content.. tapi who knows.. anak cucu nak dengar wasiat peninggalan atok nye yang celik IT.. heeheh..
dh lama install awktu solat ni.. dh lebih sthn pakai.. tp arah kiblat tu x pan ...
pavlova Post at 1-6-2010 10:09
pav, dia simple gini jer.
tp tam guna software yg lain utk arah kiblat. yg tu guna matahari.
refer here
utk HUDA
Download file.
- Unzip the ZIP file You may use WinZip or Winrar or 7-zip or any other utility to unzip the file.
- Ensure you have a Data-Cable or Bluetooth or Infra-red (along with its software) for transferring the file from your PC to your Mobile phone.
- Transfer the Athan.jar file from the directory on your PC to your Mobile. For this step, you will need a data cable that came with your phone, a cradle or bluetooth. Please consult your phone's manual for further details on how to transfer files from your PC to your mobile. Once the file has been transferred to your mobile (you can transfer it to a storage card or main memory), open the transferred file from your mobile to begin installation. For more detail, please read the help file included in the installer.
yup! yg azan tu, mmg hp akak leh gne, tp yg arah kiblat tu?
balik ni nk try la : ...
anonymous5050 Post at 1-6-2010 10:46 AM
tang arah kiblat tu dia tunjuk west north east south ja.. pastu kita kene tau la mana utara dari tmpt kita berdiri tu..pastu baru la bleh gunapakai arah kiblat.. hp mana ada magnet nak direct link search ngan magnet bumi straight tahu arah kiblat..
tang tv HD tu baru baru nih usha tesco rege dalam 1800 fully HD.. tang astro beyond tu xmolaa..mahal.. dan rasanya xde keperluan ke arah tu lagi.. cukuplaa dengan tv 21 inchi flat screen utk tgk berdua.. nak besar besar.. skali skala tgk wayang bersama
aku rasa tang arah kiblat nih kalau nk pakai kaedah yg tradisional punya cucuk kayu atas tanah pastu tgk bayang bayang ..pastu buat garisan (sebab matahari terbt dari timur dan turun kat barat) so buat garisan la kat bayang tu dah taun mana utara-timur-barat selatan.. then bleh la guna software tu.. ( bleh la buat anggaran.. xde la terssar sgt kiblat tu)
kalo malam plak bleh tgk bintang di langit.. cari 3 bintang yang selari keadaannya ( dalam satu baris) untuk menunjukkan arah kiblat..
pengalaman & luahan hidup
nak jadikan panduan kekdahnye
tajul186 Post at 1-6-2010 10:58 AM
owh.. banyak lagi orang lain ko leh jadikan rolemodel, awatnya akunye kisah gak nak dijadikan bahan bacaan .. aku wat diary nih utk anak cucu jadikan aku role model ( utk sifat sifat yg baik je la) sebab aku nih bukannya alim ulama sufi maksum..hehehe
nangis kalo nak beli HD tv
tajul186 Post at 1-6-2010 11:09 AM
nangis lagi kalo dah beli..baru pakai sminggu, ilang kene kebas dek pencurik yg pecah masuk rumah.. ( sebab tv HD mostly semua bleh carry on straight je.. ringan)
tang arah kiblat tu dia tunjuk west north east south ja.. pastu kita kene tau la mana utar ...
hardeyboyz Post at 1-6-2010 11:04
dh ade kompas, tp kompas tu cm berat jek nk bwk kehulu hilir
wah! kekdah yg sgt2 manual... tgk matahari & bulan! bgitu mengimbau kenangan2 mse belajar agama dlu
yup! tgk pd kepentingan kekdahnye tp juz nk ckp, mmg sgt jelas, terang & nyata itu HD TV.. beyond asteruk lg
tp xleh kalah dgn wayang la............ sgt besar, puas! **uiceh... skali skale je ke skrg tgk wyg? **
Description:Best Dictaphone lets you record an important idea and even a phone conversation - just with one button press!
- Install the .SIS on your phone.
- Generate a Regcode with the supplied Keygen...
1. Assign hot key(s);
2. Open settings and customize the options you need;
3. Activate Best Dictaphone by Joystick click;
* After this you can close the configuration application and press an assigned hot key at any time. When Best Dictaphone starts recording you will see a small window with time counter.
* Start/Stop recording by one hotkey press at any time;
* Recording phone conversations;
* Unlimited record time! Limitation only by disk space;
* Custom hot key for recording start/stop;
* Multi hot keys;
* Shift (Pen) 3 times hot key;
* User defined folder for recorded files;
* Customize sound beep before and after recording;
* Customize default record file name;
* Autostart option;
* Custom record file format (wav or amr);
* Play records directly from application;