Puasa is the best time for me coz semua adik-beradik, saudara-mara and friends dapat berkumpul. Berjumpa utk berbuka puasa dan sambil tu dapat bertanyakan khabar & update story masing2. Hari ni Lofa nak cuba sediakan somethg for berbuka. Ada tetamu nak dtg ni. Sekali sekala dapat masak best juga. Tapi yg pastinya Lofa akan hidangkan Heavan and Earth Iced Lemon Tea. Barulah lengkap hidangan berbuka nanti. Ermmm... rasanya nak tak Lofa share recipe Lofa today? #HeavenandEarth
Post time 7-6-2017 09:55 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
I terbaca something kat twitter harinie (boleh percaya or tidak). Tak tau kenapa me mcm tak suka pulak benda tu. Kak love move to someone else yg much better plsss
Crush, just like the name, is something that you can't resist! This wool chiffon shawl is very simple at the front but dramatic at the back ❤ Sesuai untuk gaya raya tahun ni! #NHTrueLove #naelofaraya2017 . In case you missed it, I will be at TTDI boutique tomorrow from 12-1pm. Come shop and chill with us!
Post time 7-6-2017 10:56 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
chami replied at 7-6-2017 10:41 PM
terus dan terang .....tak dek selindung2
Till now jelas, yg Lofa definisikan as love/cinta ialah yg 5 thn dgn hans dan seketika dgn FA.
Dlm BH (metro pun), lofa mengakui berkawan ( she has friends) tp tak lebih dari tu. Dia tak tahu kiranya jodoh dia among who she feel as kawan saja....itu my understanding
Post time 7-6-2017 11:02 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
nnz replied at 7-6-2017 09:55 PM
I terbaca something kat twitter harinie (boleh percaya or tidak). Tak tau kenapa me mcm tak suka pul ...
What I learn dari yg apa yg telah berlaku
- jgn percaya apapun selagi tak keluar dari mulut lofa
- jgn fikir, kenen, obses, judge if she is with sesiapapun. Anggap Allah lorongkan yg terbaik utk dia. Yg luaran kita tak suka boleh berubah di penghujung or with her. Asal org tu ikhlas sayang dia & she is happy