{ALL ABOUT ZUL ARIFFIN} : ZA's current project - Misteri Dilaila, Sangkar &
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harumanis replied at 15-4-2018 10:28 PM
Amboii...ZA celebrate bday org kuat ZAFC...
Sweet kan? |
Best kan kalau dpt celebrate bifday wif him. Zul nyanyikan happy bifday song jgk for this girl. Ari tu pun minahyoga brought tis gurl out for lunch. |
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Ni klakar.. |
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yg sorang masih post to attack si ex. yg sorang lg post to heal his heart.
the girl is still struggling to move on
the boy is struggling to mend his heart
obviously, both are at the different state of feeling. |
cheesepastry replied at 16-4-2018 01:28 PM
yg sorang masih post to attack si ex. yg sorang lg post to heal his heart.
the girl is still strug ...
Pity both of them... |
ZA ada new drama coming soon?
Fr ZAFC website. |
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Nana_Man replied at 16-4-2018 02:09 PM
ZA ada new drama coming soon?
Fr ZAFC website.
Tak sabar nak tonton drama baru heroin baru..ada gossips ckp zul n fawwa in between zm.Whatever la uols as long as our zul is happy n move on.When the goings get tough,the tough gets going. |
Nana_Man replied at 16-4-2018 06:36 AM
Best kan kalau dpt celebrate bifday wif him. Zul nyanyikan happy bifday song jgk for this girl. Ari ...
Sapa ckp zul tak layan zafc...dlm ig zafc zul ada je reply.N zafc bagi semangat utk zul...so we as die hard fan zul better move on or just move out.For the haters up to them..haters will be haters.Takde keje kita nak tanamkan kebencian dlm hati muka cepat tua berkerut je.Inside happy content that is pure pleasure.Ur face will glow smiling the sweetest smile.Zul muka kerek sombong?takkan org sado duk tersengih 24jam kan..bila org tegur of coz dia senyum. |
brums08 replied at 16-4-2018 02:18 PM
Tak sabar nak tonton drama baru heroin baru..ada gossips ckp zul n fawwa in between zm.Whatever la ...
Lol.. kat thread sebelah tu kan? Watever lah.. tapi yg pasti hanya kak G di hati.. kn mcm i ckp, maybe Jodoh Itu Milik KakG.. |
brums08 replied at 16-4-2018 02:24 PM
Sapa ckp zul tak layan zafc...dlm ig zafc zul ada je reply.N zafc bagi semangat utk zul...so we as ...
Air muke jer mcm sombong. I pun samer jgk, nasib i bkn artis. Teruk kene kutuk jgk.. haha..
i rasa dia ok jer. Tgk kat fraser ni pun ramai jgk yg amek pic ngan zul. He's ok ngan zafc, but he was not there kat AME last week untk jumpe fans. I feel it be better if he just meet them for awhile,snap a pic or 2 before quickly leaving. Luckily his sisters were there to be with the fans instead, and this still shows the family appreaciates his fans.
His die hard fans will not leave him. Kalau u notice, muke2 yg samer yg slalu ada. Haters will always haters. U bace their comments kat thread sebelah pun buat sakit hati. Kutuk2 zul mcm lah zul tkde mak bpk. But not surprising lah kan. Tkde ape2 pun dia kene kutuk, ada hal gini lg teruk kene kutuk. |

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Post time 16-4-2018 05:28 PM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 16-4-2018 03:56 PM
Air muke jer mcm sombong. I pun samer jgk, nasib i bkn artis. Teruk kene kutuk jgk.. haha..
i ra ...
Kaka baru khatam wad sebelah....kesiannn ZA....tapi nyampah laaa team hjh dok laaa usha merata alam nk jodohkan zulofa....adehh..malu laa baca komen2 dorang.... |

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Post time 16-4-2018 05:42 PM
From the mobile phone
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Kaka musykil laa....kenapa baru sekarang (lepas official breakoff) ZA liked post2 cenggini....yg ada kaitan dgn hjh? Adakah hjh bakalan gf?
Dulu2 ada je iger ni post gambar2 ZA n hjh and tag ZA...tak.pernah plak.dia like....emmmmm....
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harumanis replied at 16-4-2018 05:28 PM
Kaka baru khatam wad sebelah....kesiannn ZA....tapi nyampah laaa team hjh dok laaa usha merata ala ...
Terus terang i'm quite upset yg zul kuarkn hal selfie tu. Part tu jer, but not angry at him. Wish he could control himself more masa tat interview. Even part pasal going back to gaya, i wish he shuld not even mention abt tat. Pasal benda blm tentu akan terjadi. Takot tak jadi, ada another round of kutuk2 yg dia dpt. but then, i'm not in his shoes. Can't say much.
Fans that LADY tu, omg, they are betul2 crazy.. no words to describe. I rather he settle down ngan kak G. |
harumanis replied at 16-4-2018 05:42 PM
Kaka musykil laa....kenapa baru sekarang (lepas official breakoff) ZA liked post2 cenggini....yg ada ...
Pelik kan?? |
ZA- ckp ZM "berselfie" 20m dari jenazah his mum.
Bpk ZM - ckp ZA kurang ajar ngan mak ZM.
Ok lah, win mcm ni.. 0-0
Harap both move on.
Nari i nk jadi alysha ok. Pasal zul nyanyi happy birthday song for his fan, alysha.. hehehe |
Nana_Man replied at 16-4-2018 05:45 PM
Terus terang i'm quite upset yg zul kuarkn hal selfie tu. Part tu jer, but not angry at him. Wish ...
I can imagine berbunga2lah hati kak g skrg...harapan cerahhh. cuma i x brapa respect kalau kak g convert semata2 nak kawin dgn ZA. Kalau x jd kawin x convertlah ya. Yelah hidayah tu mmg milik Allah. Sapa kita nak judge org. Cuma nnt jgnlah liberal sgt ya kak g, sian ZA. |
Nana_Man replied at 16-4-2018 08:14 PM
ZA- ckp ZM "berselfie" 20m dari jenazah his mum.
Bpk ZM - ckp ZA kurang ajar ngan mak ZM.
Ok lah ...
Rude tu msti sbb mulut dia suka menjwb2kan? Mcm dia buat kt pacit jenol. Kdg pelik...org yg rapat n syg mak slalunya cukp sweet jga dgn org2 tua. Pandai ambik hati. Tp napa ZA lain ya? |
Nana_Man replied at 16-4-2018 05:45 PM
Terus terang i'm quite upset yg zul kuarkn hal selfie tu. Part tu jer, but not angry at him. Wish ...
Dia lom matang sgt tu. Ikut2kan hati marah lg. Kalau dia jawab...sebabnya biarlah hanya kami yg tau. Minta maaf sy tak bole beritau apa2 lg. Close case. Ppl will respect him more. |
cheesepastry replied at 16-4-2018 09:42 PM
I can imagine berbunga2lah hati kak g skrg...harapan cerahhh. cuma i x brapa respect kalau kak g c ...
tapi kn most ppl memang convert pasal nk kawin. But ada yg dibimbing ngan baik, jadi dorang jadi a gd muslimah. Better than born as muslim. I kenal a few of them. Hopefully zul can guide her well kalau btl2 convert. Tapi takot kak G confused pulak.. |
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