mbhcsf posted on 29-12-2013 02:51 AM
tu lah yg saya dengaq dari yg buat lasic - ada yg okay you know , ada yg kata it is just temporar ...
cuba baca ni...mb..saya selalu tepek perkara fakta disini..bukan main cakap ajer...w/pun sy xder pengalaman bak kata CK...
Long-Term ResultsLaser eye surgery offers numerous benefits and can dramatically improve your quality of life. Most people achieve 20/20 vision or better after the surgery, but LASIK results do vary. Some people may achieve only 20/40 vision or less.
You may still need to wear glasses or contact lenses following laser vision correction, though your prescription level typically will be much lower than before.
While the procedure has an excellent safety profile, post-operative LASIK complications can occur and may include infection or night glare (starbursts or halos that are most noticeable when you're viewing lights at night, such as while you're driving).
A small percentage of people have an enhancement, or "touch up," LASIK procedure for further improvement in vision.
You also may still need reading glasses once you reach your 40s, due to a normal age-related loss of near vision called presbyopia.
While LASIK surgery has a high success rate, it is important that you discuss all facets of the procedure with your surgeon prior to consenting to the surgery.