Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 24-5-2006 06:43 PM
mudanya ko.. 94 tu aku sekolah lagi tp da bole la aku dukung ko, timang2 n bawak jenjalan.. :lol
aku ko tak dukung sama ka?:nyorok: |
Originally posted by bbkss at 25-5-2006 09:30 AM
aku ko tak dukung sama ka?:nyorok:
ko berat.. :lol |
Originally posted by shadowmoon at 24-5-2006 06:48 PM
dukung?timang2?bwk jejln?:mll:
masa ko kecik2 bole la.. comel jer, kanak2 riang.. dah besar2 ni takmo la.. :lol |
Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 25-5-2006 09:41 AM
ko berat.. :lol
inzaghi lagi berat |
uish, tu x kira vieri lg tu. lg berattt... |
Originally posted by bbkss at 25-5-2006 09:48 AM
inzaghi lagi berat
inzaghi tu berat ke..? apasal senang tergolek dlm penalti box..  |
Italy keeper Buffon quizzed in illegal betting probe
First Published: May 24, 2006
Italy keeper Gianluigi Buffon was called away from preparing for the World Cup to be quizzed by prosecutors investigating alleged illegal betting.
Magistrates in Parma and Turin want to determine if the Juventus player - the world's most expensive keeper - struck bets on his team through unauthorised bookmakers.
Buffon is one of four people under suspicion of floating the law on illegal gambling.
The Italian football federation (FIGC) has tried to clamp down on the practise, introducing a law last year forbidding players to gamble on matches organised by the FIGC, UEFA or FIFA.
Buffon has already admitted placing bets when he voluntarily appeared before prosecutors in Turin on May 13.
But he insists he stopped when the FIGC clamped down on the practise.
"I'm clean and I want to go to the World Cup," he said after leaving the magistrates' office last week.
"I've always respected the rules. I've bet on international football because here in Italy it's not possible to do so.
"But when players weren't allowed to bet, I stopped immediately. That was in the autumn of 2005."
If found guilty of breaking FIGC's rules on betting, Buffon could face a ban from between three months and three years. :
The other players at the centre of the inquiry are Mark Iuliano (Sampdoria), Enzo Maresca (FC Seville/ESP), and Antonio Chimenti (Cagliari). |
Italy 3- 3 Denmark
Potenza 15
Palladino 61
Bianchi 90
Wurtz 21
Kahlenberg 33
Andreasen 41
gilo aahh... leading 1-0 kena bantai 1-3... apa dah jadi Gentile...? |
Reply #1365 komandermaut's post, Reply #1366 Nesta13's post
kalau nak dukung vieri n bawak jalan2 kena pakai buggy.. :lol
aside to nesta.. tu ada kena mengena dgn daya tarikan graviti dia la.. |
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 25-5-2006 12:07 PM
Italy 3- 3 Denmark
Potenza 15
Palladino 61
Bianchi 90
Wurtz 21
Kahlenberg 33
Andreasen 41
gilo aahh... leading 1-0 kena bantai 1-3... apa dah jadi Gentile...?
ala... ruginya.. :geram: |
Reply #1367 bbkss's post
Enzo Maresca
semua ex-Juve :hmm: |
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 25-5-2006 12:08 PM
Enzo Maresca
semua ex-Juve :hmm:
semua yang berkenaan dengan Juve akan disiasat...termasuklah Van der Sar, Zidane, Miccoli, Fairy |
Originally posted by bbkss at 25-5-2006 12:10 PM
semua yang berkenaan dengan Juve akan disiasat...termasuklah Van der Sar, Zidane, Miccoli, Fairy
tp betul la semua yg berkenaan dgn juve akan disiasat. syok jugak kalau kacau zidane dgn VDS tu.. :lol |
inzghi jgn di lupa.. :cak: |
mungkin Ancelotti juga akan disiasat...bahagianya aku:love: |
Originally posted by bbkss at 25-5-2006 12:39 PM
mungkin Ancelotti juga akan disiasat...bahagianya aku:love:
yg ni paling best.. siasat pastu siat-siat :clap: |
pics from channel4.com
azzurri squad berposing pakai suit dolce & gabbana (D&G).
azzurri squad pakai jersey world cup. (knapa gatusso tak tuck in? :hmm: )
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Reply #1376 Nesta13's post
pendapat haku yg ikhlas.. seandainya korang wish anceloti kena investigate.. akan memudaratkan kesihatan club sendiri.... mungkin tidak wajar untuk harap dia kena investigate (kalau milan fans la). so, tadi korang ada makan benda2 masin tak? :stp:
ff: td aku makan kat klsentral.. sorang2 kat chicken rice shop. ada mamat gay ni pakai low rise jeans ketat mcm yg pompuan slalu pakai tu. bila berjalan terkepit2 n low rise habis nampak belah. bila dia duduk.. yucks.... habis selera makan aku okay.... nak muntah la pasal makin byk belahan yg nampak. dah la bontot leper n karat. terpaksa aku tukar seat, takmo tgk supaya ada selera mkn semula.. suwei punya geng gay. oh yer.. kena mengena nya dgn post aku diatas ialah kerana "masin". tadi soup kat kedai tu campur dgn sayur sawi jeruk masin tu. tq.
[ Last edited by fairy_hobbit at 26-5-2006 12:34 AM ] |
Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 26-5-2006 12:16 AM
azzurri squad berposing pakai suit dolce & gabbana (D&G).
azzurri squad pakai jersey world cup. (knapa gatusso ...
wah..jersey wc yg biru nih lawa ar..aku tak suker yg putih tuh.. |
hahaha... itulah dia team azurri kesygan kita nih... penampilan mesti diutamakan...
berbalik kepada cerita makan masin dan gay bontot karat ko tadi.. aku pon pernah jumpa gay pakai low-rise jeans nih.. lagi teruk bila bukan tayang boxer dah tp tayang thong.. nasib baik aku tak menikmati makanan....
oh ye.. experience aku makan kat KLSentral (foodcourt) amatlah mendukacitakan... |
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