Sekarang aku faham kenapa ramai bebenor diserang sesak nafas ...... dah setahun lebih dok pakai mask jenis yg ada hooked fibre itteww tentu paru2 contaminated dgn mende alah tuu la lalu menyebabkan sesak nafas jadinya .....simply di labelkan kena covid di intubate je lah di ICU ...mak aihhh tu diaaa punca sesak nafas dah terbentang depan mata.
Aku punyalah dok fikir apa penyebab yg boleh senang membawa sesak nafas..... ingatkan dalam air ke punca nya , rupa2 nyaaa mask memang logik lah utk berlaku paru2 rosak kerana berjam2 sari punya dok sedut fibre ittew kannn dah setahun lebih plandemik so tahun nih la jadi manyak bebenor end up di ICU sesak nafas
err yg kat swab tu aku yakin ia di boh nanoparticles yg boleh menyebabkan jadi positif senang je ler result dan nanoparticles tu mimik virus so akan memberi simptom jangkitan virus pada yg dah di swab dgnnya lah atau menerukkan keadaan depa ler yg pada mulanya tiada simptom sebelum di swab tup tup lepas swab ke ICU jadinyaa.
Patutnya swab test tak leh di paksa pada sesiapa pungg kerana ia satu bentuk treatment atau procedure yg perlu consent tuan punya tubuh terlebih dulu ler. Kalau tak izin tak boleh di swab....
Ini dah paksa macam tuu memang senang lah setan gunanya utk menjahanamkan hidup manusia jadinyaaa. Ia jugak satu bentuk bioweapon kekdahnya.
Post time 24-8-2021 01:07 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
blastoff replied at 24-8-2021 12:57 PM
err yg kat swab tu aku yakin ia di boh nanoparticles yg boleh menyebabkan jadi positif senang je ler ...
Sok sek mengatakan dekat PCR test tu ada Hydrogel dan Lithium, katanye bila hydrogel mixed dengan saliva dia akan jadi crystalize seperti 3D, dua dua ekor malaon hydrogel dan lithium ni semua tengah berenang nak target pergi Pineal Gland tu. Jadi apabila manusia tido pun "Umbrella Corp" tu tahu apa yang anda mimpi. Dengan dapat access ker Pineal tu kira complete semua boleh tahu. Dengan bantuan cecair holly water tu juga dapat tembus ke Pineal itu.
tapi kannn, kalau pakai mask kain lama2, cepat berpeluh dan ketebalan kain membawa keadaan lebih kepada menyedut waste semula lah apabila CO2 di sedut kembali manyak2 , dah la oksigen fresh disekat oleh kain itu dari freely disedut masuk oleh hidung .....lama2 boleh kena penyakit gak lah camtu pungg.
well, dah wujud unsur sabotaj selama nih kann pada kandungan vaksin hingga maut banyak manusia di buatnya , maka tentu sabotaj style tu jugak boleh di buat pada berbagai objek lain yg di promote KKM ler, termasuk swab, mask, ubat2an etc .....yg kat pusat kuarantin pungg boleh di sabotaj gakkk kat situ supaya apabila kluar kena penyakit itu ini yg dinamakan long covid tapi sebenarnya ketika di pusat kuarantin dah di beri something yg menjadi punca apabila kluar suffer illness itu ini ler.
KKM dah terbukti jadi puppet kepada penyelidik vaksin kerajaan china ler, so apa saja yg KKM promote boleh aje jadi bioweapon kekdahnyaaa kerana penyelidikan ittewww cuma alasan yg di guna pakai kerajaan china utk dapat access spital2 senang je bagi melancarkan program senjata bio ke dalam negara menggunakan KKM sebagai kuda tunggangan lah.
Tips utk kekal sihat adalah jauhkan diri dari apa saja yg di promote oleh KKM , dan jauhkan diri dari spital2 dan apa saja produk yg di beri melalui nya lah ....amalkan cara hidup sihat dan seimbang yg dianjurkan Quran Sunnah, terutama herba asli sebagai kaedah penyembuhan dan bersabar menggunakannya hingga di beri Allah asbab sembuh penyakit.
Ivermectin actually ubat bersifat alami yg datang dari tanah di jepun bahannya.
The origin of one of the world’s foremost, revolutionary, versatile yet relatively unknown drugs lies in Japanese soil—literally and metaphorically. Ivermectin, a multipurpose drug derived from a single microscopic organism discovered in Japanese soil, is being taken free of charge annually by over 250 million people—twice as many people as the entire Japanese population.Its impact on improving the overall health and welfare of hundreds of millions of men,women and children, mostly in poor and impoverished communities, remains unmatched. It continues to defy many preconceived concepts, with no drug resistance developing in humans despite years of extensive monotherapy. Tis hasled to it being included on the World Health Organization’s “List of EssentialMedicines,” a compilation of the most important medications needed in anybasic health system. Several international public health experts have also takenthe unprecedented step of recommending mass administration of ivermectin to all members of of en polyparasitised communities in developing countries as asimple, prophylactic and curative public health intervention
Kat america mahkamah dah larang vaksin ke atas semua rakyat .......lawsuit dah dimenangi oleh yg tak mahu di vaksin ! Bill Gates dan sewaktu dgnnya dah kalah lawsuit ..... aku rasa depa akan pulun fokus kat negara2 lain ler agar rakyat negara lain di vaksin plakkk ......
Has not been in the news anywhere. Looks like we are getting closer to the Final Scene in the movie.
Please ALERT everyone in the family, friends and relatives! BREAKING NEWS ! Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination In the United States, the Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci, and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens!
The lawsuit was filed by a group of scientists led by Senator Kennedy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr .: “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs. I urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime.
What has always been a vaccine? It was always the pathogen itself – a microbe or virus that was killed or attenuated, that is, weakened – and it was introduced into the body in order to produce antibodies. Not even a coronavirus vaccine! It is not that at all! It is part of the newest group of mRNA (mRNA) allegedly “vaccines”. Once inside a human cell, mRNA reprograms normal RNA / DNA, which begins to make another protein.
That is, nothing to do with traditional vaccines! That is, it is an instrument of genetic influence. Genetic bioweapon! That is, they were going to destroy from earthlings, and the survivors will become GMOs! Following the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, the vaccinated will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in an additional way.
Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because the genetic defect is forever!
This clearly means: if a symptom of vaccination develops after mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because DAMAGE CAUSED BY VACCINATION WILL BE GENETICALLY Irreversible.
Vaccination – Bio-weapons of genocide of the 21st century. Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Mike Yeedon has once again expressed his position that it is too late now to save those who have been injected with a substance publicly called “the Covid-19 vaccine.” He encourages those who have not yet received the lethal injection to fight for their lives, those around them and the lives of their children.
The internationally renowned immunologist goes on to describe a process that he says will kill the vast majority of people: “Immediately after the first vaccination, about 0.8% of people die within two weeks. The average life expectancy of survivors will be a maximum of two years, but it also decreases with each new “injection”.
” Additional vaccines are still being developed to cause deterioration in certain organs, including the heart, lungs and brain. After two decades at Pfizer, Professor Yedon was familiar with the functions and research and development goals of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, and states that the ultimate goal of the current “vaccination” regime can only be a massive demographic event that will make all world wars put together, like Mickey’s staging Mouse.
“Billions of people have already been sentenced to certain, inevitable and painful death. Anyone who receives the injection will die prematurely, and three years is a generous estimate of how long they can survive.”
Vaksin mRNA gi ubah genetik manusia...... jadi yakjuj dan makjuj yg sukakan kejahatan dan apa saja yg merosakkan kehidupan manusia ....yg dah di vaksin dgnnya the damage is irreversible.
Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because the genetic defect is forever!
This clearly means: if a symptom of vaccination develops after mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because DAMAGE CAUSED BY VACCINATION WILL BE GENETICALLY Irreversible.
Post time 24-8-2021 09:16 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
rayriff replied at 24-8-2021 07:59 PM
I rasa u boleh je citer secara general. Ilmu kot.
Mrna tu genetically modified you punya Dna untuk create spike protein, yang sudah di ON button takde butang OFF, bila dah teroverloaded dia akan attack immune sistem you balik dan attack organ you balik.
Sebab apa ada AEFI? Sebab orang2 tu ada KOMORBIDITI.
Dgn erti kata lain, majority antivaxx ni adalah GEMOKS, OBES, ada darah tinggi, diabetes, lemah jantung, etc.
Tu la melantak lagi nasi kandaq 4 pinggan, lepas tu pi taram minum ayaq teh ais gula boh double shot, then kalau masak mesti nak taram boh garam 2 guni,konon nak bagi sedap, so hadap ja la hgpa antivaxx yg ada KOMORBIDITI ni.
Blastoff hg ni mesti gemok gedempol kan? Mai tunjuk pic skit kat porum sini.
Post time 26-8-2021 06:11 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
blastoff replied at 24-8-2021 07:46 PM
Vaksin mRNA gi ubah genetik manusia...... jadi yakjuj dan makjuj yg sukakan kejahatan dan apa saja y ...
Ada ko tengok latest Aefi tu tak? Paling latest 24.8 cucuk Sino pukul 1.30pm, balik rumah dah siap mandi 3pm rebah terus meninggal. Memang tottaly poison tu lah.
Memandangkan di thread nih kita membincangkan mengenai AEFI maut ....maka aku paste sini penerangan aku yg aku ambil dari thread satu lagik mengenai bukti teknologi 5G bakal menyebabkan ramai yg di cucuk vaksin yg mengandungi graphene oxide turut bakal maut ketika teknologi 5G di on kan nanti ler.
Di FB post peguam nih, ada video yg menjadi bukti 5G ada link dgn cov 19, seorang 5G installer tunjukkan yg terdapat kat circuit board SG tuh terang2 sebut cov. 19 ....sampai dia pungg heran apa link cov 19 dengan teknologi 5G yg nak di install ke tiang pemancar ittew.
Salah satu tujuan penggunaan graphene oxide dalam teknologi 5G adalah utk bagi efektif aliran haba di mende yg di letakkan graphene oxide itteww.
Makna ia akan panas kaw kaw dalam beberapa saat saja, sebab graphene oxide mampu attract haba yg amat tinggi dalam sekelip mata, dan mampu transfer haba itu ke seluruh mende yg dia ada dalamnya dgn cepat dan berkesan hinggakan apa saja yg terkandung graphene itu boleh panas kaw kaw gak lah jadinya.
Jadi sekarang apa kaitan circuit board 5G tertera cov 19 dgn penemuan graphene oxide dalam kandungan vaksin oleh kerajaan jepun itteww ?
2.7. Thermal ManagementThe data transmission volume of 5G mobile phones has greatly increased, which increases the risk of overheating of the devices. Electrical interconnects with enhanced thermal management properties are also highly needed. Thermal interface materials (TIMs) can provide consistent thermal relief to ensure a long service lifetime and reliable performance. The function of TIMs is to fill the air gaps, establish an effective heat conduction channel between electronic components and the radiator, reduce the heat transfer resistance, and improve the heat dissipation performance. Various thermally conductive materials have been developed, such as heat conducting gels, graphene, printed gaskets, silica gel sheets, silicone grease, graphite sheets, and phase change materials. Among them, graphene has a high thermal conductivity, a soft texture, good processability, and low interference with electromagnetic waves, making it a good candidate for 5G thermal management materials.
Soalan cepumas : Berapa GHz 4G ? 300 MHz - 3 GHz saja maaa....5G plak berapa GHz ? 28GHz - 39GHz mak aaihhh tingginyaaa
Kalau korang jawab phone letak kat telinga lebih kurang sejam, korang akan rasa panasnya tu ye .... itu baru sekitar 300 MHz - 3GHz je dah panas camtu .... bayangkan kalau 28 GHz sepanas mana jadi phone !
So kenapa di guna setinggi tu GHz utk 5G ?
Kajian dah menunjukkan yg 300 MHz - 3 GHz pungg boleh menyebabkan haba wujud pada kepala dan leher sekira kita letak di telinga lebih dari 50 minit telefon yg kalau daily di buat boleh menyebabkan penyakit pelupa teruk kerana haba tu dah pi bakar glukos dalam otak di buatnya, selain dari boleh kena kanser in long term.
So apa kaitan kepanasan terlampau diakibatkan 5G dgn cov 19 ?
Many people are not aware of the harmful effects of radiofrequency waves (RF) and their role in cancer and other serious risks. Scientific evidence suggests that cancer is not only linked to mobile phone radiation and that other factors also may be involved in its development. Most mobile operators use from radiofrequency waves in the range up 300 MHz to 3 GHz that can be harmful for human health
Many scientific studies have been done on the radiobiological effects of RF waves, and most of them have reported the rare relationship between RF exposure and risks posed by mobile phones on the body in the last 15 years.
However, they could lead to increased body temperature, especially in the head and neck, who have a low threshold dose and increases the probability of injury if there is long-term exposure to these waves.
Mobile phones emit RF waves even when they are in standby mode. When using mobile phones, various factors should be considered, such as the duration, location, and method of use, in order to reduce the possible effects of exposure to radiation in the RF. Because of the risk of mutation and sexual trauma and to prevent infertility due to the effect on male sexual cells, the mobile phone should be away from the waist. In this study, we measured the emitted dose from a radiofrequency device at different frequencies using a scintillation detector.
The results of this study and International Commission of Non Ionization Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) reports show that people who use cell phones more than 50 minutes a day face early dementia or other thermal damage due to the burning of glucose in the brain.
Currently, the ranges of subjects related to occupational and public exposure of electromagnetic fields have been increased. Due to the possibility of adverse effects on human health, performance study of these devices has significant importance.
There are two types of electromagnetic fields based on the frequency range, i.e., extremely low frequency (ELF) and very low frequency (VLF) fields. ELF and VLF fields’ frequency ranges are between 3 and 300 Hz and 3 and 300 kHz, respectively. Due to the nature of static electricity, electric and magnetic fields at these frequencies operate separately from each other and will be measured in the different circumstances.
Electric and magnetic fields can be produced by carrying of electric current at any wiring or equipment, such as overhead or underground power lines, home wiring, medical equipment, and electronic devices.
The most important factors that influence human exposure are power density of the frequency generator source, distance from the source, type and thickness of the exposed beams, and frequency (penetrated depth) of the RF input signal to the body.
Setahu aku unsur dalam cecair yg berlogam serta boleh respon pada magnet hanya graphene oxide je .
Memandangkan apabila di tanya pada moderna , reaksi yg diperlihatkan adalah tidak menafikan kewujudan bahan itu malah back up kewujudan nya dgn cuma simply labelkannya sebagai "bahan zarah je" tanpa rasa terkejut punggg , tunjukkan depa memang expect bahan tu ada dalam vaksin ler ..... itu tunjukkan ia memang di boh dalam vaksin sesaja ler, bukan secara tak sengaja masuk dalamnya. Zarah bermakna saiznyaaa amat2 kecil yakni nano
Persoalannya kenapa boh graphene oxide dalam vaksin , utk tujuan apa ? Adakah ia got to do dgn 5G ? Aku akan menjawab persoalan ini dalam thread nih. Of course kerajaan jepun tak nak ngaku ia graphene oxide tapi tarak mende lain yg berbentuk zarah yakni teramat kecil dalam cecair yg boleh attract magnet melainkan graphene oxide je so kita ambik yg realiti lah ye kerana pengakuan memang payah nak dapat terutama dari kerajaan2 yg menyokong WHO .
So sekarang nampak tak kenapa di circuit board 5G tertera cov 19 ? Sebab kepanasan terlampau yg berlaku pada badan yg dah di cucuk dgn vaksin yg mengandungi graphene oxide itu akan dipersalahkan pada cov 19 per se lah sebab tu ia termasuk dalam projek berlabelkan cov 19
Kerana apabila 5G di on kan dari pemancarnya tuh , badan yg dah di cucuk dgn vaksin yg ada graphene oxide akan jadi panas kaw kaw kerana graphene tu dah attract haba dari gelombang itteww ler, lalu haba tuh di transfer ke seluruh badan si penerima vaksin hingga body dia akan jadi panas tak terhingga macam di panggang hidup2
Lalu kematian mereka akan simply di labelkan kerana demam panas terlampau akibat cov 19 je laaa kelak di sebabkan "varian baru" yg menyebabkan panas tak terhingga .....lalu lagi ramai akan berlari ke arah vaksin booster itteww utk di cucuk kerana di anggap penyelamat.
Menteri Kesihatan Jepun menggantung penggunaan vaksin COVID-19 Moderna selepas menemui bendasing dalam beberapa botol. - Foto EPA
TOKYO: Bendasing dalam bekalan vaksin Moderna yang dihantar ke Jepun dipercayai mengandungi unsur logam, lapor media rasminya, NHK, memetik kenyataan Kementerian Kesihatan.
Jepun semalam menggantung penggunaan 1.63 juta dos vaksin Moderna, lebih seminggu selepas pengedar tempatannya menerima laporan terdapat bahan cemar dalam beberapa botol.
Laporan NHK yang disiarkan semalam memetik kenyataan Kementerian Kesihatan sebagai berkata, unsur itu bertindak balas terhadap magnet, justeru disyaki sebagai logam.
Moderna menjelaskan ia sebagai 'bahan zarah' yang tidak mengundang sebarang isu berkaitan keselamatan atau keberkesanan vaksin berkenaan.
Jurucakap Kementerian Kesihatan berkata, identiti bahan tercemar itu masih belum disahkan setakat ini.
Berita berkenaan dijangka memberi kesan kepada sambutan terhadap program vaksinasi di Jepun yang ketika ini bergelut untuk meyakinkan masyarakat khususnya dalam kalangan generasi muda, untuk divaksinasi.
Hari ini, lapan lagi wilayah memasuki perintah darurat, menjadikan 80 peratus penduduk di Jepun kini berada di bawah sekatan bagi menangani penularan COVID-19.
Kerajaan melaporkan 25,000 jangkitan baharu dan 2,000 kes kritikal direkodkan setakat semalam.
Kementerian Kesihatan berkata, tindakan menggantung kumpulan vaksin Moderna itu adalah sebagai langkah berwaspada, namun ia mendorong beberapa syarikat membatalkan keputusan mevaksinasi pekerja mereka.
Perkara itu turut mendapat perhatian pengawal selia ubat-ubatan di Eropah, yang melancarkan siasatan mengenainya.
Sementara itu, syarikat farmasi Sepanyol, Rovi, yang melakukan pembungkusan vaksin berkenaan bagi pasaran selain Amerika Syarikat (AS), berkata pencemaran itu mungkin disebabkan isu pembuatan di salah sebuah kilangnya dan siasatan sedang dijalankan.
Dalam pada itu, pegawai Kementerian Kesihatan berkata ia mungkin mengambil masa untuk mengesahkan berapa banyak suntikan daripada kumpulan botol tercemar itu sudah diberikan di negara itu.
Menurut agensi berita Kyodo, sekurang-kurangnya 176,000 dos suntikan sudah digunakan berdasarkan jumlah yang dilaporkan oleh perbandaran tempatan.
Setakat ini, sekitar 54 peratus penduduk Jepun sudah menerima sekurang-kurangnya satu dos suntikan vaksin coronavirus. - AGENSI
An Adverse event following immunization (AEFI)
AEFI ada kaitan dgn org2 yg di cucuk vaksin je, the fact that kau kaitkannya dgn yg tak di cucuk tunjukkan kau tak faham aefi pe dia ler.