kata la ye... yg ofer murah ni AP set.
It is safe klu nak beli. ada yg ckp klu fon mcm ni jgn beli AP set - susah nanti.
Betul ke? |
Balas #128 budaktua\ catat
Xder masalah nakbeli AP bro......byk gak yg aku dgr set Ori pun ada masalah....mmg la ada waranti....tp bila dah start rosak....walau ori...hati dah tak senang ...gundah gulana..hati berbisk.." HP ori aku beli lebih 3 riban lebih pun boleh rosak....aduhai..."
Betul tak???......."kesedapan" nak guna HP ni skit sebanyak merudum.....
Lain hal nya kalau beli AP....hati berkata.." alaa....AP set ....:
Tp masih ada wranti leh pergi kedai repair....Lagipun AP set Company skang ni dah reliable....x mcm dulu....  |
Handphone xperia aku...
Ni hah, aku baru beli telepon...

Sorry la geng, aku ambik gambar ni atas katil...hehe |
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Reply #130 ifanonline's post
braper reganya tu ifa???wowwwwwwww  |
Balas #130 ifanonline\ catat
Hah ? ... smp ke atas katil ?
any way nama ringkas bg hp ni SEX.. |
Mr Google Al Go Go .
"Several Armenians of Peria were butchered to death for refusing to become Muslims"
Fereydan, also called Peria, is a county in the Province of Isfahan, Iran
Peria, Northland, a locality in the Far North District of New Zealand The Peria River flows through here
Peria = Butterfly
Reply #133 WarHammer's post
errr |
Reply #130 ifanonline's post
wow |
aku beli Xperia ni RM2900...original tawww... |
Balas #131 medangmru\ catat
aku dulu pakai Nokia Communicator...so basicly aku suke style and design dier. I like the qwerty board...tak lari dari communicator cuma mungkin kecik skit, basicly function dan harga nya pun mcm sebijik laptop...ala-ala mini lapotop gitu...tapi aku puas hati la sebab aku travel a lot, function 3G, wi-fi, bluetooth, semua ada la... |
Reply #138 ifanonline's post
kalau requirement macam tu maka Peria ni seswai sangat  |
Reply #130 ifanonline's post
aku jeles
2.9k ke??
besnyyeee |
rega phone ni skang bape ekk??2.9k??isk tak mampu teman..baek beli lcd panel tv.ahahaha |
aku akn trus mndoakn kejatuhan hrga x1 ni |
mungkin dalam masa setahun jatuh harga skit, tapi dengan mana2 alat elektronik sekalipun, harga tetap jatuh sebab akan ada alat yg baru akan muncul...mcm intel processor la, akan keluar every 6 month or so...yg baru...even PS 3 pun akan turun below RM1k, same goes with its game...Asia cannot afford original game, kita kaki pirate... |
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