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Post time 14-1-2023 11:57 AM
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leenaz replied at 13-1-2023 10:43 AM
x teringin pun
kawan2 yang ada ni pun kadang2 boleh kena serangan jantung
Keris2 & badik2 yg ada khadam2 tu ustaz darusyifa dah ambil utk lupus...
Ada 1 keris kosong.... ustaz tu ckp nak kasi sesapa or nak simpan pun sukati lah... dah ada orang amek.... |

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Post time 14-1-2023 12:03 PM
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Semoga istiqomah setiap kali lepas solat fardhu
1. Alfatihah
2. Ayat kursi
3. 3 qul
4. Albaqarah 102 |
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dah jadi khurafat pula nak tanam2 duri pelbagai
just sembahyang puasa baca quran zikir attach to the God like regular Moslems do. thats all you need.
the more you believe in your step mother's syirik and khurafat things, the more you feel it haunts you.

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Post time 14-1-2023 10:02 PM
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Edited by green~tea at 15-1-2023 12:22 AM
addamnor replied at 14-1-2023 09:44 PM
dah jadi khurafat pula nak tanam2 duri pelbagai
just sembahyang puasa baca quran zikir attach to t ...
Khurafat tanam pokok bidara??
Wow, thanks for the reminder.. 
Regardless, i mmg nak kena tanam pun sbb masa dirawat darusyifa depa rekemen tanam pokok bidara, limau or durian belanda... senang utk buat mandi2 and one of natural remedies for cancer.. nak tanam canabis kang kena tangkap pulek... hahaha
Bidara is Jujubes... an ancient chinese traditional medicine... ramai tak tahu rupanya.... i pernah tahu tp abaikan sahaja benefit pokok nie.. buah dia boleh buat teh...

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Post time 14-1-2023 10:14 PM
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Edited by green~tea at 1-1-2025 03:09 PM
This evening dapat news BF exmak tiri eksiden berdarah parah sampai pecah muka...

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Post time 14-1-2023 10:41 PM
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Edited by green~tea at 14-1-2023 10:45 PM
One of the things that i noticed.. bila kita dianiaya (samada kita sedar atau tidak) semakin berlipat ganda rezeki dan rahmat Allah....
Allahu Akbar..
Sblm ni i selalu baca ayat seribu dinar ni dalam doa setiap kali lepas solat.. makin lama makin lagha, i cuma baca fatihah & kursi sahaja... skipped the zikr and doa2 from ayat suci alquran... ok lepas ni nak amal setakat yang termampu.. termasuk tips2 dari forumers and ustaz2 darusyifa...
Small step changes, yang penting consistent... dan yang penting FAHAM maksud bacaan.. bukan sekadar ikutan dan sebutan
TQ Allah for this beautiful reminder |
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Post time 14-1-2023 10:46 PM
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Lagi satu.. kena avoid golongan2 yang suka mengumpat berbicara pasal orang lain....
Sbb yang mengumpat ini biasa juga memfitnah....
Dan kena jauh elak bergaul dari orang2 yang terbiasa buat dosa and rasa maksiat yang dilakukan itu ringan.. suka2... later boleh taubat kata nyeh????
Seriously.. choose your circle |

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Post time 14-1-2023 11:10 PM
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Edited by green~tea at 15-1-2023 12:08 AM
Started back diffusing my essential oil utk mewangikan rumah dan bilik tidur...
Mixture of hojari luban, myrrh (manna), and flowers (geranium rose, ylang-ylang, lavender, etc)
Some mixture i buat diffuse utk rumah
Some mixture i buat wangian sendiri (letak kat nadi)
Some mixture i buat beauty regime utk badan dan muka... (olive oil as carrier oil utk badan.. rosehip seeed oil as carrier oil utk serum muka... and bidara, pandan, rosemary, bergamot leaf are also considered as herba utk rawatan...
Orang2 perawat biasa rekemen wangian mandi bunga and what nots...
But for me.. essential oils and perfume extracts ni adalah one of the oldest medicine yang dikaji oleh Egyptians 3500- 4000 BC.... zaman2 tamadun dahulu kala...
Nnti i will explain some more mengenai rawatan essential oils ni..
Actually i dah lama amal consistently semenjak 2013.. sehingga kini... cuma i only buy essential oil untuk rawatan perubatan sendiri je.. seperti mixture of spices (cinnamon pil, blackpepper oil, star anises) utk antivirus.. eucalyptus for paru2 well being.. peppermint utk migraines... lavender for calming stress...
Geranium lavender frankincense for my beauty...
Now i dah add on few other flowers oil utk positivity and therapy |

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Post time 14-1-2023 11:17 PM
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Post time 15-1-2023 12:09 AM
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Park... tomorrow i nak paste info about Bidara aka Jujubes...
Yeszzaaaa.. that chinese red dates is Jujubes aka Bidara!!!! |

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Post time 15-1-2023 12:23 AM
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Edited by green~tea at 1-1-2025 03:10 PM
addamnor replied at 14-1-2023 09:44 PM
dah jadi khurafat pula nak tanam2 duri pelbagai
just sembahyang puasa baca quran zikir attach to t ...
I rasa u salah faham pasal i focus pasal orang lain...
i sebenarnya lebih kisahkan family i sendiri... i nak diorang berjaya, selamat dunia dan akhirat...
green~tea replied at 15-1-2023 12:23 AM
I rasa u salah faham pasal i focus pasal orang lain... kat forum ni, even bod gossip pun i tak je ...
Tanam benda berduri avoid penaggal itu.. |

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Post time 15-1-2023 07:13 AM
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Edited by green~tea at 1-1-2025 03:10 PM
addamnor replied at 15-1-2023 02:09 AM
Tanam benda berduri avoid penaggal itu..
Ohhhh.... itu kan yg org2 selalu duk bercerita...
Its a statement not my intention

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Post time 15-1-2023 07:58 AM
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Anyway, update on the keris2 and badik tu..
Cara kitorang buang....
1. Baca fatihah kursi, surah 3 qul
2. Ambil dgn sarung tangan NBL (standard nitro latex tu je).. lepas pakai, dispose
3. Rendam dlm air yg ustaz darusyifa provided selama 3 mlm
4. Keris yg kosong, ada orang mintak.. well kitorg takmo simpan bende bukan2 and we're museum
5. Keris & badik yg ada khadam, ustaz dah ambil utk dispose and leburkan... kitorang takmo orang2 lain plak kena ganggu |

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Post time 15-1-2023 01:52 PM
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Edited by green~tea at 1-1-2025 12:34 AM
Nak hapdet pengalaman lucu anak & nephews i masa perawat2 darusyifa datang few days ago... diorang datang lepas isya...

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Post time 15-1-2023 01:59 PM
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Edited by green~tea at 1-1-2025 03:10 PM
Selesai for now... meaning we have found and disposed kesemua bahan2 sihir yang dijumpai di premises kami
TQ to forumers yang share tips yang bagus & teguran yang membina... i really appreciate it |

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Post time 15-1-2023 04:53 PM
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green~tea replied at 14-1-2023 10:14 PM
This evening dapat news BF exmak tiri eksiden berdarah parah sampai pecah muka...
Dpt gambar.. and ...
Heols dah MENINGGAL just now...
Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rojiun |

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Post time 15-1-2023 10:27 PM
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Hapdet sedikit rawatan self-healing i mlm ni..
Diffused 5 essential oil mix sendiri
Geranium rose
French lavender
Untuk paru2 and general well-being... utk harumkan bilik tidur and mood husband & wife...  |
wah ada ilmu essential oil rupanya dlm ni..ptt la sentiasa di atas..btw, semoga bekas mak tiri GT cepat berambus dr muka bumi ni..haihh baca pun sesak napas.. |
xde rezeki

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