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Author: sangap123


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Post time 7-7-2012 10:47 PM | Show all posts
ai suka yg baru ni, dulu pun ok gak. tp dulu ai rembes ngan kawan peter si harry, skrang rembes ngan si peter plak. rupernya andrew ngan emma ni kapel rupernyer, chenta lokasi la ni. tp sedih part uncle ben mati tu , mase yg 1st dulu tu x rasa sgt.

That's more like it! Spider-Man couple Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield finally give fans a glimpse of that chemistry on the red carpet

We all know they fell in love on set and are now one of the hottest couples in Hollywood.
But during the promotional tour for The Amazing Spider-Man, Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield have been very careful about keeping their feelings under wraps - refusing to answer questions on their romance and avoiding any PDA on the red carpet.
Tonight though, the couple let their guard down ever so slightly and gave fans a glimpse of their close relationship at the premiere in Madrid.

They put their heads close together and smiled happily, looking every inch the couple in love.
When Emma turned away to flash the cameras a dazzling smile, Andrew kept a firm grip on her waist.

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Post time 7-7-2012 10:50 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-7-2012 10:57 PM | Show all posts
rasanye avanger mmg mantop sesagt  laa..
from beginning until the end mmg x bosan lgsg..
ini x,fla ...
tripple_M Post at 7-7-2012 14:10

aaa apsal citer avanger lak nih?

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Post time 7-7-2012 11:00 PM | Show all posts
'She keeps me on my toes!' Andrew Garfield talks love for girlfriend Emma Stone as pair attend Spider-Man world premiere in Tokyo

They quickly became one of the hottest young couples in Hollywood after starting a relationship while filming The Amazing Spider-Man.
And now Andrew Garfield has revealed exactly what he loves about girlfriend and co-star Emma Stone, admitting that he first fell for her when the pair did their very first screen-test together.
Andrew made the admission as the duo continued promoting the summer blockbuster movie alongside Rhys Ifans in Tokyo.
The actor told MTV of his relationship with Emma: 'We got on really well as people, in between takes. That was the fun stuff. In between, we'd just mess around, and I felt, "Ah, this is different." I wasn't really aware what was happening in the screen test.

'She keeps you on your toes, and that wakes you up. That was the beginning. Obviously I was so happy that she got the role and decided to do it.'
He added: 'It's like in life ... you can either sense if you guys have a kind of chemistry or rapport right away no matter what the relationship. Whether it's love interest or not.'

The look of love: The pair couldn't take their eyes off each other as they met fans and posed for photographers at the event

Andrew, 28, added being around Emma, 23, on set helped him relate to his character - Peter Parker - as well as making him look forward to their romantic scenes together.

He added: 'Those are the days I'd look forward to, you know? For Peter as well, because Peter goes through some horrible stuff in the movie.

'There's some joy to be had when experiencing his first love.'


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Post time 7-7-2012 11:02 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-7-2012 11:04 PM | Show all posts
iols dah tengok mobie ni tadi ...
for me.. this is the best version of sipderman...
terlampau banyak melibatkan emosi (yang membuat mobie ni best)...
actions pun terbaek...

iols bagi 8/10

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Post time 7-7-2012 11:24 PM | Show all posts
yg ni dorang kata electro


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Post time 8-7-2012 12:54 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Donatello86 at 8-7-2012 01:01

Aku dah tgk tadi The Amazing Spider-man ni..

So far aku rase film ni sgt best sarat dgn action dan cgi...

Entah nape aku rase wtk Andrew Garfield sbg peter parker ni sgt sesuai sekali...body dan karakter die mmg secocok skali..

mmg ada bbrp scene emosi yg blh buatkan penonton menangis...

Emma Stone pon best nmpk sweet jer...dgr kate die ni mmg loving couple dgn Garfied...

Tp aku nak bagik credit kat Sally field pemenang oskar ni...menerusi mata die aku dah rase sebak...

Takleh stori pjg2 nnti x thrill laks..

Tp bg peminat filem Hindi mst terkejut coz ade sorg aktor berlakon skali..siape?..kene la tgk sdri..

So aku bagi 4.5 from 5 pd film ni....

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Post time 8-7-2012 08:56 AM | Show all posts
ok..aku rasa hero ni cocok bangat watak spiderman. jalan cerita taklah bosan mana & berjaya buat aku tak ngantuk kecuali minit2 akhir aku terlelap kejap .

rating 4/5

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Post time 8-7-2012 02:56 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok....better than Spidey 1 Sam Raimi tapi masih tak sampai tahap Spidey 2 Raimi' kita tunggu lah Amazing Spiderman 2 pulak nanti kalau2 boleh celen Raimi's punya 2nd film......

sapa super villain nya nanti? Eletro?

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Post time 8-7-2012 10:22 PM | Show all posts
Ada scene yang rasa macam nak mengantuk.
Ada beberapa adegan yang tak sesuai untuk budak2.
Aksi bergayut tak berapa feel sgt.. Mungkin nak kena tengok yang 3D kot.
Anyway.. Tetap layan.

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Post time 9-7-2012 12:44 AM | Show all posts
errr sorry to say....spiderman ni adalah superhero plg cengeng la bagi aku....dlm filem ni jah 4 kali aku detect peter parker nangis sungguh2... aku plak yg menyampah rasa cam nak kasi penampar sedas je kt heols

ade part yg aku terlelap tp bg aku spiderman 2 gak yg terbaik kalau banding 4 filem spiderman yg dah kuar ni

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Post time 9-7-2012 12:59 AM | Show all posts
yaa..mmg fans luar US mmg suke tobey jadi spiderman... tp kalo kt US dorang x suker sgt... pasal x ikut komik.
"Line" yang aku tersenyomm senget dalam pelem ni ialah semasa scene Gwen mencuci luka di dada Peter selepas Peter berlawan dengan that ugly monstrous lizard kat dalam lobang lonkang.Sambil mencuci luka,..Peter tried to kiss Gwen, Then Gwen sebut "slow down bug boi"..pastu Peter dengan muker yg cute tanya Gwen "what did u just say"

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Post time 9-7-2012 08:33 AM | Show all posts
yaa..mmg fans luar US mmg suke tobey jadi spiderman... tp kalo kt US dorang x suker sgt... pasal x i ...
bluezink Post at 9-7-2012 00:59

mayb sbb andrew garfield ni briton kot....

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Post time 9-7-2012 12:30 PM | Show all posts
dah tgk smlm..BEST!!!part sedih mmg sedih!!and bru la I suka tgk spiderman..spiderman dl" I x layan peter&gwen..

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Post time 9-7-2012 01:45 PM | Show all posts
aku beria-ia nak tgk spiderman hasilnya agak lagi spiderman 1 tobey maguire....

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Post time 9-7-2012 01:46 PM | Show all posts
x best pon..
byk sembang jer..
aksi ok-ok and so-so jer..
xdak la byk kesaspenan nyer..
huhuhu.. ...
tripple_M Post at 7-7-2012 12:11

   aku pun rasa perasaan yg sama masa tgk filem ni..tak macam tgk spiderman yg memula dulu...

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Post time 9-7-2012 04:36 PM | Show all posts
x tengok lagi

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Post time 9-7-2012 08:26 PM | Show all posts
aku pun rasa perasaan yg sama masa tgk filem ni..tak macam tgk spiderman yg memula dulu...
budakcikangcute Post at 9-7-2012 13:46

   aku pun join nak ckp perkara yg sama.hihii..
masih jauh dengan tobey punye version...
aku minat tobey lagipun..
keh keh

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Post time 10-7-2012 01:38 AM | Show all posts
dah tgk hari 1st kuar and stuju lg suka tobey pgg watak spiderman ni,,

sbb tobey mcm ala2 manja sikit dan naive giler!!
yg ni bila dia senyum mcm plek sikit and suara bila dia ckp masa tgah pakai costume xbrape best..

nak tobey jugak!!

agak slow sikit citer ni tp emosi mmg best..

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