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prefer heols mcm ni |
rasanyer kena create satu thread dekat Gosip Antarabangsa untuk abam Ben ni ...  
thread sherlock BBC pun dah merundum jatuh..xder sapa nak meriah kan.. |
hironakamura76 posted on 19-3-2013 08:34 AM 
rasanyer kena create satu thread dekat Gosip Antarabangsa untuk abam Ben ni ...
thread sherl ...
sherlock tu nk tyg pun bulan 12.. awatnye lama bebenor abam ben tinggalkan iols nk gi shooting ni? shooting pun stakat 3 episod jah.. mehla kite pindah thread sherlock tu...cer tepek link thread tu.. segan plak iols nnt kuar kt notification pakcik sulur bidar ni ha.. thread die kene spam gambo abang ben jah..
new stills from star trek

Last edited by hironakamura76 on 21-3-2013 10:06 PM
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first premier of TREk I D on the 23 rd April di sydney...Sydney!...blardy hell....i'm mad as hell...huahuahua...spock,kirk,nyota akan dtg ke sydney for the premier and i cant be there!..huaaaaa...that is so not fair.... |
banyak jugak negara JJ ni pergi yer, after sydney gi moscow plak..lepas tu kat mana pulak lepas ni? |
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