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Author: Debmey

The War Crimes of the Palestinians

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Post time 24-3-2004 01:43 AM | Show all posts
[Where you get this info from? Give me the source. I want to read it myself

It is all in the news that time. That is their forms of punishment. Tehy deemd it as a very effective way to deter those people form striking Israeli targets. That is the way US did just a little in Iraq, following Israel, so you see, you ask me to do my reading, it is you who is ignorant and so stupid that you only rely on your Israeli friends.

Precisely. Why punish other people's loved ones who walks in the street & children sitting in the bus going to schools? Collective punishment by Arab terrorist. But again, you tried good amount of effort to help lessen their evils by telling lies that Israel is the one who doing all the 'first' thingy remember?

Oh you are wrong!!! I did not tell lies. That is the truth. EU condemns the inappropriate killing of the Hamas spiritual leader by Ariel Sharon. What is that???? Hmmmm???? He is a wheel chair guy you know????

If everyone is wrong then stop finding excuses for the Arabs! If you do, I'll stand by the other side to shoot at you. Taste your own medicine.

The Israelis with their sophisticated weapons kill innocents and the Arabs are only retaliating. They are wrong but Israel is to be blame for the start of the conflict while all are to be blame for the escalation of the conflict. You want to shot me??? Go a head. As the buddha teach, the truth will always win. I am not finding excuses for the Arabs, can you find anywhere in my postings that I say go Arabs, kill those Jews??? Never can you find such post. Just that they I have great sympathy. What have I got against you???? You are fighting against me or fighting with the Israelis??? From what I can see that you are also being unfair, siding only with the Jewish, I do not think Confucias teaches you that!!! I do not side with anyone on the issue, however, my sympathy side mostly with the Arabs for I have come to know what had been done to them, also at the same time, what, not all but just some small part of them did to the innocent Israelis. So, you are fighting against me or siding by the Jews. YOu can shoot me all you want for you will never be able to hit the bull's eye.

Why not?? Since Arabs are always at fault first, why should I continue to side with Arabs. However, like I said earlier, You've only taken face value till now. When I condemn Israel and USA you're not even born! Grow up!

Is it???? How old are you by the way????? Don't mind telling all of us here??? Ah... that is where you are wrong. You claim that Arabs are always at the wrong first. As from your postings I can see that you know not all about the middle east conflict. The collective punishment of destroying the homes of those familis of those terrorist who go suicide bombing. Those terrorist are at fault for killing Israelis, not their family, why hit on their family??? Do you know exactly how the middle east conflict arose???? That is the main question!!! Isn't your claim, slanderous in nature???

You only see Israelis & American fault. What you do not see is the Arabs fault. Like I said, in this thread, you're siding with the Arabs overwhelmingly. Thus, I have to side with the Israelis to counter your lies.

Lies??? Did you read properly?? This is what I have said in the statement that you replied: "You only see the faults of the Arabs for they have their faults. I admmit that all have faults too. I did not lie!!! You did when you simply accuse me of lying when you have not fully understood what I meant. As, why talk about Israel and US. US is too powerful and too greedy that they are doing something like neo-colonialism. Israel, the soruce of the conflict.

This is precisely why I am going after you on & on. Israel aggression on Palestinian eh? Then tell me about Arabs aggressions on Jews. Arabs are also migrants to Palestine. Arabs persecuted Jews in Palestine. Arabs started the first large-scale attacks on Jews as posted & affirmed by Sonny on my claim. Arabs always initiated wars against Israel. Israel never STARTED any war against Arab states in history! Arabs is started terrorisms. But you sought to reverse the whole issue around by castigating as if the Jewws are the one who persecute Arabs during the founding years of Palestine. As if Israelis started each wars against Palestine & Arabs. As if Israel STARTS the first terrorisms. All in all you keep stigmatizing Israel aggression on their people while in fact it was the Arabs who are aggressing the Jews & Israelis. still... i know... you refuse to acknowledge & accept whatever I said because you said it before eventhough they are wrong... bla bla bla...

Prove your claim!!! I said PROVE YOUR CLAIM!!!!! sonny~~ posted something from a soucer, not his own. Now your turn to do the same. I SAID PROVE YOUR CLAIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You seem to have forgotten that it was YOU who calls for tit-for-tat when you say Israelis are the one doing all the 'first' thingy. Isn't that punishing the innocent? Slap your own mouth

Oh no...... I did not call for a tit-for-tat. I am saying why the Arabs behave that way and also the sources of the conflict. Yes, I say the first tingy thing. Is there any problem???? Why should I be so stupid as to slap my own mouth??? Rather, I find that it is you who should slap your own mouth, for making slanderous remarks, for wrongly accusing people.

If you are trying to hit on me only, save the trouble. If you are championing your views, then I have nothing to say. Hmmm... I didn't even know I am soooo great as to be able to cause someone to have the opposite views from his initially just for him to hit on me.

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Post time 24-3-2004 05:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-22 07:55 PM:

Yes I agree that Jews entered Palestine in the throng. However, the one you're trying to obfuscate is that Arabs were not immigrants themselves. That is misleading. As HARDfact, Palestinian people numbered only 141,000 people in 1882. Nobody wanted to live there.

liar.  somebody did wanna live in PALESTINE.  otherwise PALESTINIANS wouldn’t number 141,000 in 1882 n 1000000000 by 1948.  btw can u guess how many jews in PALESTINE in 1882 n 1948?  am waitin

This is the fact collected from observers, embassies in the Middle East and Ottoman government in 1880's. Here, Palestinian means Jews, Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs. How the hell do Arabs surge 800% to 1948 by giving birth?! Thus, they came from elsewhere much the same like the Jews. I also agree that Arabs have always been the majority at any one time. But that is not the capitalizing point for anyone to commit hostilities against minorities.

agin ure lyin.  hostilities dont start from the PALESTINIANS n arabs but from the jews when they imported emselves in systematic manner.  otherwise their number wouldnt have increased drastically from 100s to 500000 by 1948.  some PALESTINIANS may have been imported too but dont forget the jews started the importin first backed by britain then usa.  n who gave britain n usa the right to allow imported jews to clutter PALESTINE?  since the jews r minority at all times, they should behave as minority.  right? yet they wanna behave like rapists n terrorists to the natives -  PALESTINIANS from then till now. right?  exactly wot  white americans did to native americans.  shame

So, who is actually in fear at that time? The Jews are. They are being persecuted by the hapless pious terrorist cum rapist Arabs in Palestine. You're lying by saying the MAJORITY Arabs are in fear. So, who is bias? There you go.

commonsense tells u if minority jews live in fear they wouldnt have imported emselves into PALESTINE.  right?  the HARDfact is the jews know they have the backins of impoten un, sympathetic world at that point of time, the holocaust, britain n usa  to infiltrate PALESTINE systematically.  they know they r not wanted in europe n europe knows they have no choice but to let jews infiltrate rape PALESTINE. right?  as history has proven its minority jews who r persecutin PALESTINIANS.  read

One of the Zionist mottos was "A country without people for a people without land". Notice the words "... a country WITHOUT people...": for the Zionists, millions of Palestinians simply DIDN'T EXIST, as is still the case today.

When they DID notice the local inhabitants, the Zionists viewed them as neglecting their country. To prove this Zionists love to give a quote by Bernard Shaw from "Innocents Abroad" about one of his travels. In it he describes a desolate, dry, desertified country, where he "... never saw a human being on the whole route". This was, and is still seen as good enough a reason for taking the region over...

There your bigotry shows. "ALESTINIANS n jews". As if there are no original and natural inhabitants in Palestine. Calling bias who? Then again. The conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews ensued right? Then Arabs poke their nose into Palestine's conflict FIRST right? Then only USA came into the picture right?

how u wanna twist me HARDfacts to suit ur own deceptive bigotry.  when one talks bout israeli PALESTINIAN conflict, theyre talkin bout israelis per se n PALESTINIANS per se.  right?  n this PALESTINIANS as u’ve admitted comprise majority muslims, jews, Christians.  right?  hence when SONNY talks bout PALESTINIANS n jews, its NOT bout PALESTIAN arabs n PALESTINIAN jews.  uh huh.  its bout PALESTINIAN natives n imported jews.  read.  as me said its imported jews backed by britain n usa, that started the conflict.  get that into ur thick skull.

One example of how the political power was abused can be seen in the fact that in 1920 England appointed to the position of High Commissioner a Zionist, Herbert Samuel, who was one of those who had worked at formulating the Balfour declaration. Thanks to the Zionist lobby, and notwithstanding the fact that Jews were still a small minority in Palestine, he got one of the most powerful positions of the region. And he didn't waste time to make himself useful, inciting Palestinians to leave certain regions while encouraging Jews to come there, using new regulations and his special powers whenever needed.

Although the Zionists were still a small minority, anti-Palestinian decisions could be enforced thanks to the British troops who embarked on the territory in 1917, after the creation of the Balfour declaration.

To the despair of the Palestinians, in 1922 the British even made it possible for any person who'd come to live in Palestine to automatically obtain the Palestinian nationality.

A reaction from the Palestinians was unavoidable, and so, in 1920, a violent revolt broke out to which the British army and the Jewish/Zionist community responded with great violence.

When the Israelis say that "the Palestinians started" the violence, then they usually refer to the period that was started by this revolt (1920-1930); obviously, they don't mention the fact that perhaps there was a good reason for it! The Zionists left no method untried to provoke the Palestinians...

continue ;)

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Post time 24-3-2004 06:02 PM | Show all posts
Yes yes yes. They seem to have the tendency leaning towards Jews as you said as if true in the first place right? Then Arabs started the whole leaning FIRST isn't disputable in your book right? If Arabs can be nosey parker why can't the USA? Who started the first leaning?

commonsense tells u arabs nosiness to PALESTINIANS sufferin is termite compared to superpower usa’s billions worth of arms nosiness to imported jews. as me said the conflict was started by imported jews backed by impotent un, sympathetic world, holocaust, britain n usa.  read me postin n cut n paste above

In the above you said the British are leaning towards Zionist right? Then the creation of Israel or the division of Palestine is done in the name of UN right? As stated in the above quote by you right? So, not only Britain is responsible for the division of Palestine right? The world decided to split it because of Arabs hostilities right? If no hostilities there won't be division right?

wrong.  the hostilities were started by the influx of imported jews into PALESTINE.  its further aggravated by britain’s forked tongue.  read.  

in 1914 with the outbreak of ww1, britain promised the independence of arab lands under ottoman rule, including PALESTINE, in return for arab support against turkey which had entered the war on the side of germany. in 1916 britain and france signed the sykes-picot agreement, which divided the arab region into zones of influence. lebanon and syria were assigned to france, jordan and iraq to britain and PALESTINE was to be internationalized.  this is colonialization of the worst kind despite arabs nationalism aspiration.  but the world overlooked that.  they only c jews nationalism not PALESTINIAN nationalism.  

The British had made promises to both Arabs and Zionists. The 1917 Balfour Declaration supported the establishment of a "national home" for the Jews, while pledging that nothing would be done to " prejudice the civil and religious rights" of the Arabs. But the very presence of a Jewish homeland would, Arabs insisted, infringe on those rights. (delete)

With World War II over and the Nazi death camps open for the world to see, Zionists redoubled their demands that Britain open its Palestine mandate to unlimited Jewish immigration.

Jewish terrorist groups the Irgun Zvei Lumi and the Stern Gang escalated their campaign to force Britain's hand.

So, it's the Arabs who started the whole inferno right? Then you might want to say who ask Jews to enter Palestine right? Then I shall ask you why Arabs can? So, you'll say Palestine belongs to Arabs right? Then I'll say Palestine belongs to British and the UN never to the Arabs right? So, why can't Jews enter Palestine while Arabs can? Bigot!

quite spammin.  imported jews started the inferno.  read me postin n cut n paste above.  n nope me question is NOT who ask jews to enter PALESTINE.  butt who r britain n usa to allow jews enter PALESTINE?  PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS.  hence commonsense tells u, its up to PALESTINIANS who they wanna allow to enter PALESTINE.  right?  shame on u for bein blind to that HARDfact.  

I see. So, here we have one official figure and depiction that Arabs started the first large-scale attack.

n its caused by drastic influx of imported jews into PALESTINE.  they’ve raped PALESTINE n yet u expect the PALESTINIANS to lay back n enjoy the rape.  right?  deceptive bigory

I see. It affirmed my stance that Jews are the real victim and should rightly be the one living in fear not that of the Arabs.

commonsense tells u if the jews leave in fear of  PALESTINIANS, they wouldn’t have continued rapin PALESTINE n PALESTINIANS till now.

I see. First you mention that British lean towards Jews right? THen here British inflicted 133 death on the Jews while Arabs suffered 166 right? So, British really are leaning and loves the Jews by killing them right?  Lolololol.... oh my god.. I had a good belly laugh!!!

commonsense tells u the amout of sufferin britain inflicted to jews is termite compared with the amount of sufferin british inflicted to PALESTINIANS.  if u’re not deceptive bigotry blind, deaf n dumb, u would c the rape n terrorism that PALESTINIANS have to endured eversince PALESTINE is divided so that Israel can exist.  n whose fault is that?  imported jews into PALESTINE backed by impotent un, impotent world, holocaust, forked tongue Britain, jewish usa.  simple

So, the ROOT of the violence is due to Arabs silly suspicions right? As mentioned to you that Arabs misunderstood the whole thing first right? Thinking they would get Palestine right?

bigotry liar.  the ROOT of the violence is due to the drastic influx of imported jews into PALESTINE.  n don’t twist me postin.  me never say the arabs misunderstood.  they have been promised by britain (n who the hell is britain anyhow to make promises on PALESTINIANS land?) that arabs n PALESTINIANS will attend their nationalism.  yet history has proven zionists callous lobbyin has won the day over PALESTINIANS nationalism wish.  as me said imported jews rapin PALESTINIANS to get PALESTINE is liken to white americans rapin native americans to get america.  

But in fact I've told you earlier British and Balfour NEVER intended to make Palestine ruled by Jews right? The cause of Palestine's division is due to Arab's hostilities and atrocities right? So, the world is voting to split Palestine because of Arabs uncontrolled idiotic paranoia right?

deceptive bigotry spammin.  drastic influx of n genocide commited by imported jews into PALESTINE n forked tongue britain’s promises have caused much sufferin to PALESTINIANS till now.  look at the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict now.  who raped who?  is there any illegal PALESTINIAN settlements in israel proper?  is there PALESTINIAN apartheid wall in israel proper?  where? n read me postins n cut n paste above with humility

continue2 :nerd:

[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 24-3-2004 at 06:03 PM ]

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Post time 24-3-2004 06:13 PM | Show all posts
No wonder Islamic militants who fights for Palestine holds the world ransom right? Arabs continues their mistakes by spreading myths right? Then you're one of the many million simpletons who shoot themselves in the foot by giving self-flagelating articles as ammo for anyone who is fair-minded capable to judge and then gladly receiving the ammo to shoot at bigots right?

if the arabs n PALESTINIANS hold the world to ransom why the jews n israelis able to rape PALESTINIANS n PALESTINE since 1900 till now?  intelligent response now.  no spammin

I see. So, Jews enter a WASTELAND which only stands 141,000 people not wanted by Arabs previously means Jews are committing hostilities right? Your reasoning is that anybody who enters a WASTELAND is equivalent to HOSTILE right?

deceptive bigotry liar.  PALESTINE is never wasteland n its PALESTINIANS land n its very much wanted by PALESTINIANS be they majority muslims, christians, jews etc.  get ur HARDfacts correct.  n read me postin n cut n paste above.

Then tell me the millions of Arabs who entered Palestine are not hostile towards the original Jewish inhabitants?? Who is calling who bias Sonny? Jews enter the WASTELAND is HOSTILE while Arabs enter the WASTELAND is not called HOSTILE? I see. You need medical check up! On the thing between your ears.

me HARDcounter is simple.  if only britian n usa have not allowed imported jews from enterin PALESTINE there wouldnt be all those years of conflict.  right?  as usual britain n usa play the judge n jury in somebody else land precisely arabs n PALESTINIANS lands.  n u expect the PALESTINIANS to lay docile as theyre raped by any one who comes along includin imported jews.  right?  shame on u for bein bigot donkey blind deaf n dumb

Humble me. I failed to find any article you pasted above showing that Jews provoked first. But I do find that you showed a paste copy that Arabs started the first large-scale attacks on Jews. Perrrspective!!

commonsense tells u the socalled arabs large scale attacks on jews is caused by the influx of n genocide committed by imported jews aginst PALESTINIANS.  u should take heed of ARI’s call on u to look for the ROOTS OR CAUSE of the israeli PALESTINAIN conflict.  denyin that HARDroots or HARDcause gonna turn u into terrorist n rapist like ur jews under ur cloak of wanna bein fair to both sides.

You must be living in Lalaland. Where is your source saying Zionism is formed to rape Palestine?


The crimes committed by the Zionists against the Palestinian Arabs were verified in their own unguarded remarks.

For example, Levi Eshkol “went on a tour of the Arab villages which had recently been abandoned and captured.” As he put it, he saw “the traces of what had been and was no longer-- the houses broken into, plundered and burned. The sight sank through my head, brain, blood and heart.”
Many cases of robbery committed against Palestinian Arabs during their expulsion by Israeli soldiers acting under the orders of their commanders have been reported.

For example, Aharon Cohen, the director of Mapam’s Arab Department, recalls that Israeli “troops at the checkpoints out of Lydda had been ordered to take from the expelled Arabs every watch, piece of jewelry or money.”
The homes these people were forced to leave behind them were then systematically looted by Israel.

Cabinet Minister Bechor s***rit confirms this official looting. He stated, “The army from Lydda alone had taken over 1,800 truckloads of property.”
David Ben-Gurion recorded in his diary entry for July 15, 1948: “The bitter question has arisen regarding acts of robbery and rape in the conquered towns. Soldiers from all the battalions robbed and stole.”
Yosef Lamm, a Member of the Knesset, officially admitted on November 22, 1949: “None of us behaved during the war in a way we might have expected the Jewish people to behave, either with regard to property or human life, and we should all be ashamed.”

What choice? Palestinian Arabs have been living with Palestinian Jews for thousands of years long before Zionism is formed. Oh i see

n u don’t c illegal jewish settlements n israel apartheid wall in those days.  right?
Their CHOICE is to force a Jews-free Palestine right?

deceptive bigotry liar.  PALESTINIANS  be they majority muslims, jews, christians etc r forced to made the choice for free terrorist cum rapist imported jews PALESTINE when they c no end to the drastic influx of imported jews n the genocide committed by these imported jews aginst the PALESTINIANS.  read me postins n cut n paste above

When Jews came in great number their dream is shattered right? Thus, they go berzerk right? Round and round merry go round. Arabs are paranoid!

agin ure exposin ur deceptive bigotry self.  the HARDfact remains if forked tongue britain n jewish usa dont allow imported jews enterin PALESTINE non stop, there wouldnt be israeli PALESTINIAN conflict.  right?

Once again, you've been caught shooting off your dumb mouth Sonny. Israel is defending herself when 5 Arab state plus Palestine attack them. 6 on 1. USA is STILL far in the West recuperating from World War. Liar...

ur forked tongue wiggles waggles deceptive.  israel is born thru callous lobbyin n thru un donkey decision to divide PALESTINE so that israel can exist.  donkey un dont take into account the enormous gap between 500000 jews against 1000000000 PALESTINIANS be they majority muslims, jews, christians etc.  holocaust, impotent world, forked tongue britain, jewish usa is beside the point.  the PALESTINIANS knew they gonna be raped once israel is formed.  hence even though they n their brother arabs r handicapped (in that their arms couldnt compete jewish usa billions worth of arms fed to israel) they made the choice to attack israel.  consequently they lost miserably.  n as expected n as history shows, the PALESTINIANS n PALESTINE r raped merciless. n u dont wanna acknowledge the heinous act of luv thy neighbour as thyself. too bad.  n usa still recuperatin is plain bullshi*t.  ure denyin HARDfact.  read

Today there are approximately 5 million Palestinian refugees throughout the world. There are about 3.5 million Palestinian refugees registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 33% live in 59 UNRWA refugee camps and 67% are scattered throughout various countries. There are approximately 1.5 million non-registered refugees scattered throughout the Arab world.

Oxymoron statement again. I wonder where you get this source from. Must a lift-off from anti-Israeli website. Show me please. At the mean time, I would like to point out that nobody is fooled. Anyone with half a brain would know Palestine is inhabited. Only simpletons like the author of that source's article and you would be willingly be fooled.

inhabited means theres people in PALESTINE right?  n u should say urself, there only 141,000 PALESTINIANS in PALESTINE in 1882.  though me source says different ie

1850 - PALESTINIANS        480,000 - jews 17,000       
1890 - PALESTINIANS        530,000 - jews 43,000

hence as usual u’re lyin thru ur teeth.  simple

Jews came with the dream of making the desert bloom. That is the most famous manifesto still heard around. Who is not willing to share Palestine? The outsiders Arabs who came with filthy agenda and greed in an attempt for land grab. Then tells the Muslim world that they are already there as if they never migrated AT THE SAME TIME AS THE JEWS myth. Gullible pea-brained simpleton like Sonny would believe it. Not me.

liar.  PALESTINE is occupied.  it may be underdevelop like any developin nations at that point of time.  nonetheless it still is inhabited.  n imported jews came along to rape PALESTINIANS out of their PALESTINE.  read

"WE MUST EXPROPRIATE gently THE PRIVATE PROPERTY on the state assigned to us [ed.: Palestine]. WE SHALL TRY TO SPIRIT THE PENNILESS POPULATION ACROSS THE BORDER by procuring employment for it in the transit countries [ed.: outside of Palestine], while DENYING IT EMPLOYMENT IN OUR COUNTRY. The property owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out DISCRETELY AND CIRCUMSPECTLY. Let the owners of the immovable property believe that they are cheating us, selling us things for more than they are worth. But WE ARE NOT GOING TO SELL THEM ANYTHING BACK."
Source: "America And The Founding Of Israel", by John W. Mulhall, p. 49, and "Righteous Victims", by Benny Morris p. 21-22.
(Emphasis mine).

There you go. Palestine NEVER was a state self-ruled in the history of mankind. Yes, their people were there. Remnants of Jews lived there all the while. Nothing wrong with that. What is not right here??

where did me say PALESTINE is state self-ruled?  where?  the HARDfact remains PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS n never for imported jews.  n who gave forked tongue britain n jewish usa the right to let imported jews in when PALESTINIANS dont wanna em. intelligent response now

Ok ok... I will never make this comparison again. Take my word for it. Sorry.


continue :cak:

[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 25-3-2004 at 05:07 PM ]

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Post time 24-3-2004 06:15 PM | Show all posts
You're prevaricating again. Israel made peace with Egypt. The others are still feet-dragging. Why wouldn't it do any good for Israel-Palestine conflict? The conflict is all about Jordan's turf. Syria's turf. If the owner of the land agree with peace, Israel would withdraw from Palestine. Isn't that good for Palestinian?

simple solution really.  only ur retarded brain dont cumpute. if israel genuinely honestly  wanna peace with PALESTINIANS, then stop rapin PALESTINE.  simple.  how they gonna do that?  only retarded brain wouldn’t know how

No problem. I have no guilt as I stand by the truth. I fear not God judge my words in this board for I'm doing my part righting truth from lies. Only those who spreading filthy personal agendas have to answer for their sins. If you want to go on, I'll let you do it. Let everyone reads them and judge for themselves.

o yes u have lots of guilt.  Come doomsday then we gonna know who gonna rot in deepest pit of hell or who gonna go up to heaven  


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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 24-3-2004 08:09 PM | Show all posts

By now you should have known tht you're continuing to make yourself less palatable in contributing by continuing with lies. I have utter disrespect for liar & bigot.

PALESTINIANS wouldn抰 number 141,000 in 1882 n 1000000000 by 1948

Before I address this issue, the first thing I would like to point out is your gross fiction of 1 billion Palestinian living there by 1948! There are 1.6million people in Palestine by 1948. Where you get tht figure??

can u guess how many jews in PALESTINE in 1882 n 1948?

Official consensus showed about 10,000 Jews lived in Palestine by the middle of 19th Century. More than 8,000 of them lived in Jerusalem. The rest are Arabs. That is the earliest record known (in modern times). It also showed Jews have been living in Palestine for thousands of years as where a few hundred lived in the holy city of Safed in the north in the mountain village of Peki'in in the nearby Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee which had a tradition of continuous Jewish settlement since Roman times. Several hundred in Jaffa & 140 in Acre. The rest which make up the majority are Arabs (Christians & Muslims).

Stated in the British Mandate for Palestine & the Mandatory censusses conducted in 1922 - 1931:
1992= Muslims(589,177) 78.34%; Jews(83,790) 11.14%; Christians (71,464) 9.5%; Others (7,617) 1.01%. Total=752,048 Palestinian of all 3 races/religions.

1942=Muslims(995,292) 61.44%; Jews (484,408) 29.9%; Christians (127,184) 7.85%; Others (13,121) 0.81%. Total=1,620,005.

So, Sonny, how do you get 1billion people from 1942 -1948? Idiot!

am waitin

I'm waiting for tht 1 Billion people figure you get from.

hostilities dont start from the PALESTINIANS n arabs but from the jews when they imported emselves in systematic manner

If Arabs can MIGRATE systematically to Palestine to counter weight Jewish arrivals why can't Jews MIGRATE on their own?? You faggot! Jewish arrivals to the WASTELAND of desert & swamp are called hostile. Arab arrivals to the WASTELAND should be equally labelled hostile! Oxymoron.

otherwise their number wouldnt have increased drastically from 100s to 500000 by 1948

Arabs number also drastically increase from around 130k to 1million. MUCH MORE.

some PALESTINIANS may have been imported too but dont forget the jews started the importin first backed by britain then usa

There you go. Classic! The 'import' is backed by Britain then... USA?? My never cease to amuse readers/visitors to this board. Next, I thought it was the Arabs who challenged Zionist's claim tht Palestine was "a land without people". They begin migrating to Palestine soon after Zionist announced their wish to return to their "ancestral homeland". If Arabs didn't migrate FIRST, how do they challenge the Zionists? bonehead.

n who gave britain n usa the right to allow imported jews to clutter PALESTINE?

Palestine was mandated to the British by the League of Nations then United Nations. Is that enough, Sonny? Then... if Palestine is under British, then who gave the Arabs the right to illegally migrate into Palestine?

since the jews r minority at all times, they should behave as minority

They behaved as what you expected. There never was any official document citing Jews persecution of Arabs upon arrival. Instead, Jews bought lands & employed Arabs to develop the lands since 1882 with first modern agricultural settlements. You can easily get this from Encyclopedia, websites(officials ones like UN, BBC... not anti-Israeli faggotism sites). On the other hand, Arabs are the ones who starts the hostilities forgotten they themselves are also immigrants refusing to share Palestine with Jews as if Jews were never living there at all. Truly bigot. Do Arabs behaved like majority?


Shame to the Arabs & Americans.

commonsense tells u if minority jews live in fear they wouldnt have imported emselves into PALESTINE.  right?

Common sense tells you if Jews remained in Europe they would be in even greater fear right? Why? Because there happen Holocaust in Germany, Poland, Austria... at least in Palestine they are under British & UN supervision & protection. Right? Sonny right?

Notice the words "... a country WITHOUT people...": for the Zionists, millions of Palestinians simply DIDN'T EXIST

Yes. I know. I understand. However, it does not prove anything to support your claim that they wanted to persecute Palestinian Arabs. Right? At the time when Jews are experiencing Holocaust by the millions, they are in fear. Surely, they would not want another Holocaust elsewhere on them. Thus, Zionists had to convince them of a threatless place. Is Arabs that clean? Arabs never embellish matters to their advantage or to advance something?

When they DID notice the local inhabitants, the Zionists viewed them as neglecting their country

I have no idea why you disagree with this one. It seems to me you're in disagreement with whatever words spoken out of Jews/Zionists/Israeli Jews. Simply faggot!

It is a fact known to you that Palestine is an under-developed territory. It is a known fact to you that Palestine is in dire need of people. Extremely lacking population. What's wrong?! Everything is wrong with you!

its bout PALESTINIAN natives n imported jews

Palestinian natives=Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs and Jews. These 3 are natives of Palestine or Palistina since Roman times! Imported Jews right? Imported Arabs also right? Idiot! Get that into your bonehead!

inciting Palestinians to leave certain regions while encouraging Jews to come there, using new regulations and his special powers whenever needed

Finally Sonny. I must admit. This really is something new to me. I never read anything about this calling for Palestinian Arabs to leave. I'll check it out.

in 1922 the British even made it possible for any person who'd come to live in Palestine to automatically obtain the Palestinian nationality

Again, what is wrong with British who govern Palestine giving away nationality of that turf? If Palestine is to be independent, it need people. Even 1.6 million people is too damn few. British are not stupid like you. If you grant independence to Palestine with too few a population, it would be grabbed by someone else. As proven, Jordan took Palestine!

A reaction from the Palestinians was unavoidable

What is unavoidable? They are paranoid to say the least! They themselves are immigrants. At least we see that Jews are coming with approval & permission from the person-in-charge whereas the Arabs are swarming in like Red Indon illegal immigrants into Malaysia!

commonsense tells u arabs nosiness to PALESTINIANS sufferin is termite compared to superpower usa抯 billions worth of arms nosiness to imported jews

5 Arab nations + 1 Palestine attacks Israel is called termite. They are for destruction of Israel whereas Israel just chase them back! Your bigotry shows all over. Disgusting!

britain promised the independence of arab lands under ottoman rule, including PALESTINE

Britain did promise to liberate Arabs from Ottoman rule. But Britian even today never promise an independent Palestinian Arab state. That is misunderstanding from the Arabs. Balfour assures Arabs would govern "their own state". The state here meaning "negeri" not "negara"!!! That is how it roll.

The British had made promises to both Arabs and Zionists

There you go again. Here you acknowledge British made promises to Arabs & Zionists but on another post you said British only promise the Arabs of an independent Arab state. Yet another oxymoron statement. I can't believe what happen to you.

1917 Balfour Declaration supported the establishment of a "national home" for the Jews

Malaysia is also Malaysian Chinese & Malaysian Indian's national home. Balfour promises Palestine as Jewish national home. Be sensible. You're a grown up man!

But the very presence of a Jewish homeland would, Arabs insisted, infringe on those rights

What about the very presence of Arabs infringed Palestinian Jews rights? Silly!

Zionists redoubled their demands that Britain open its Palestine mandate to unlimited Jewish immigration

I acknowledge that. They further their demands like anyone would. Muslims also further their demands in Europe today. That is one issue. But that alone shouldn't give any excuse for Arabs to kill them like chickens or cows. Moreover, Jews are fleeing from European Holocaust. Palestine is extremely lacking population. That is why they chose it.

imported jews started the inferno

As stated by yourself, Arabs started the inferno! Short fuse you are. Both are immigrants!

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 24-3-2004 08:09 PM | Show all posts
nope me question is NOT who ask jews to enter PALESTINE.  butt who r britain n usa to allow jews enter PALESTINE?

League of Nations & United Nations gave Britain the mandate to govern Palestine!!! Again, where in the picture USA get into Jewish migration policy?!

PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS.  hence commonsense tells u, its up to PALESTINIANS who they wanna allow to enter PALESTINE.  right?  shame on u for bein blind to that HARDfact.

SHAME ON YOU! You keep giving half-fact half-lies! Palestinian is for Palestine right? Native Jews also Palestinian right? Native Arabs also Palestinian right? Then why the hell Arabs wanna enter Palestine?! If they can, why can't Jews?! Idiot!

they抳e raped PALESTINE n yet u expect the PALESTINIANS to lay back n enjoy the rape.  right?  deceptive bigory

Give me your source. Stop pretending you don't want to give it to me. I'll read it first. I never read any official account of Jewish raping Palestinian women prior to 1948. Please. Stop avoiding me on this.

the ROOT of the violence is due to the drastic influx of imported jews into PALESTINE

Damn bigot! The root of the violence is due to Arab paranoia as THEY THEMSELVES are IMMIGRANTS TOO.

don抰 twist me postin

All the while you're the ONE who is twisting HARDfact! You give one thing but interpret INSIDIOUSLY according to your sick taste!

me never say the arabs misunderstood.  they have been promised by britain

Where did I say you said Arabs misunderstood the British? I said Balfour & Britain accuse Arabs of misunderstanding! Where in the document Britain promise an INDEPENDENT ARAB PALESTINE?!

I have to go dinner with my beau... goodnite to all readers & Sonny.

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Post time 24-3-2004 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 24-3-2004 20:09:

League of Nations & United Nations gave Britain the mandate to govern Palestine!!! Again, where in the picture USA get into Jewish migration policy?!

SHAME ON YOU! You keep giving half-f ...

I think the word SHAME on you should be applied to you, ACH. For one thing, you had made slanderous remarks towards me, General Tan and false accusations too. You only know hot to say "you are lying" when you have not do a very detailed investigation. Instead of doing so, you say people lying here and lying there. Just as the same you claim that I am a fake. If you want, you should present your proof, a file, attachment or if from a book, just tell us the title and publisher or also from a media, it is ok, but I do not see it so far. Correct me if you did post those proofs. If I am not mistaken, you said that you have Israeli friends right???? Well, perhaps you listen too much from them without having making investigations throuugh other more reliable sources. You might be correct, your Israeli friends might be correct too, as though I do investigate, there are too many sources. However, you must also remember, sonny~~ might be also correct too. With you calling him a liar is very unappropriate.

To be frank, I find sonny~~ quite reliable.

[ Last edited by ariyamusafir on 24-3-2004 at 08:36 PM ]

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 24-3-2004 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Correct me if you did post those proofs

Of all the post i've made, you can easily find it in United Nations website, CNN, BBC, ChannelNews Asia, etc... government websites, encyclopedia and books. If all are consistent, it should be true.

perhaps you listen too much from them without having making investigations throuugh other more reliable sources

I do check what they say from the sources, encyclopedia, books, websites, government documents etc... its all consistent. Nothing embellished as oppose to what Sonny said which is clearly a lift-off from anti-Israeli hate website.

sonny~~ might be also correct too. With you calling him a liar is very unappropriate

I have shown him that he twisted the sources he reads from.

To be frank, I find sonny~~ quite reliable

Its because you find it palatable to your bigoted paradigm!

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Post time 24-3-2004 11:29 PM | Show all posts
Worng wrong wrong, if you want, please post the website here, not just say it down here. Also, channelnews asia I do not trust. Channel News Asia too pro Israel. We are Johoreans, I have seen their news before, about Malaysia, about many great thing. Singapore support Israel what!!!!! Also, whcih government website??? US??? United Nation, please post the link or site. I will check it later.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 24-3-2004 11:53 PM | Show all posts
Worng wrong wrong, if you want, please post the website here, not just say it down here. Also, channelnews asia I do not trust. Channel News Asia too pro Israel. We are Johoreans, I have seen their news before, about Malaysia, about many great thing. Singapore support Israel what!!!!! Also, whcih government website??? US??? United Nation, please post the link or site. I will check it later.

1) On Israel's call for peace negotiation: Resolution242 and Resolution 338. Download it from UN website.
From here, it is very clear Arabs refuse to negotiate for peace for 37 years which ended Palestinian stateless. Also it is clear Arabs always initiate war against Israel in 1948, 1957, 1967. On guerilla attacks, Sonny made the post several times. On terrorism, no need say further. You can read it almost every week in the paper.

2) On Jordan's discrimination against Palestinian: Resolution 194. Again, easily downloadable from UN website.

what else have I said?....

3) There never was Palestine: CNN Special Edition.

4) Arab League formed AFTER Zionist publicly express their intention to return to their ancestral homeland. Also hostilities ensues henceforth: CNN Special Edition

5) Jordan occupy Palestine with its Arab Legion army: my Joy of Knowledge Encyclopedia.

Note: Most of the sources are consistent you can find elsewhere never contradicts with each other. I don't have all the time to find out the sources for you. I'm giving one, you verify it with the rest. Do your own homework.

I'm sure I'd miss alot. It's nearing 12am. Let me know if you need to know anything with verifiable sources especially websites. However, like I said, most of them I verify against United Nations website, CNN, BBC, government websites, books, encyclopedia.. all of which are consistent. I do not get info from anti-Arab & anti-Israeli websites.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 25-3-2004 12:36 AM | Show all posts
On Arabs also migrants to Palestine:
MidEast Web Organization with figures of British Mandate for Palestine and the Mandatory censuses of Palestine's population. Sonny's account is 1 billion people in Palestine by 1948.

On Arab hostilities and continuing persecution before 1948: CNN Special Edition(at the bottom of the left pane only). The Joy Of Knowledge Encyclopedia. Any history books. Any Resolutions on United Nations website under Israel-Palestine category. King Hussein Jordan government website=

On Arab's first guerilla attacks: posted by Sonny "In August 1929, the century's first large-scale attack on Jews by Arabs rocked Jerusalem" 21-3-2004 01:25 PM.

On Arab's first to initiate wars against Israel: Countless Resolutions from UN websites under the category of Israel-Palestine. Israel never start the first war on Arabs.

On terrorisms: can read it almost every week.

Arabs always are the first in all aggression against humanity. It can be easily found in any form of sources you want to find.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 25-3-2004 01:25 AM | Show all posts
1) Another proof that Sonny lied: "PALESTINE was to be internationalized".

My source from United Nation: "General Assembly endorsed a plan for the partition of Palestine, providing for the creation of an Arab State and a Jewish State, with Jerusalem to be placed under international status." It should be Jerusalem to be internationalized. Not Palestine. You may ask him where he get his HARDfact from. Mine=

Another fact from me: "The UN adopted in 1947 the Partition Plan for Palestine (Resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947) which retained the unity of Jerusalem by providing for an international regime under UN control"
Source= Againt, it is Jerusalem. Not Palestine to be internationalized. He lied. Go ask for his source. Pressure him.

2) He mentioned about 1 Billion people by 1948. Perhaps you should ask for his source too. My claim is 1.6million people BY 1948. Already given you MidEast Web Organization available in Arabic too.

3) On Arab hostilities again before 1948: from UN Human Right website=

"Jewish refugees from Arab countries -- and their descendants -- who fled or left their ancient homeland when massacres, arrests, and ostracism made life impossible (a further 300,000 emigrated to Europe and the Americas, where they number over a million today). These are the forgotten Jewish refugees from Arab lands, countries that risk becoming totally cleansed' of Jews ('Judenrein') as in Saudi Arabia, and Jordan since 1922"

Isn't that enough?

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Post time 25-3-2004 01:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 25-3-2004 01:25:
1) Another proof that Sonny lied: "PALESTINE was to be internationalized".

My source from United Nation: "General Assembly endorsed a plan for the partition of Palestine, providin ...

Jerusalem is part of Palestine!!!!

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2004 06:13 AM | Show all posts
Jerusalem is part of Israel.
There was never a Palestinian nation.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 25-3-2004 08:34 AM | Show all posts

Jerusalem is partially part of Israel and partially part of West Bank. It was divided into 2.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 25-3-2004 08:54 AM | Show all posts

Jerusalem is part of Palestine!!!!

Jerusalem is partially Palestine and partially Israel. Jerusalem is a city. Palestine is not a country but a state territory (wilayah/negeri) owned by Ottoman, Egyptian Mamluks, Jordanian's West Bank, Roman's Syria-Palistina...etc etc etc.

1) how do you compromise Sonny's claim that Palestine is to be internationalized and not Jerusalem instead as credible & reliable with facts, proofs and sources?

2) how do you answer with facts, proofs & sources that Jerusalem is part of Palestine alone?

It has becoming very clear that you are evading.

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Post time 25-3-2004 01:06 PM | Show all posts
I was refering to before the creation of Israel!!!!!!!! Jerusalem was in Palestine before the creation of Israel. I am not evading. He was saying that Palestine was to be internationalised before the creation of Israel. Before the creation of Israel, Jerusalem was part of Palestine. So you see, it is you who has been a litle inaccurate. sonny~~ was refering to before the creation of Israel and after arguing, you take after the establishment of Israel facts and mix up with before establishment. Correct me if I am wrong. Also, correct me if I am wrong about your interpretation sonny~~

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2004 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Jerusalem exists in Israel since 3000 years ago.

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Post time 25-3-2004 01:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 25-3-2004 13:16:
Jerusalem exists in Israel since 3000 years ago.

Israel was not even established back then. If I am not wrong, Israel was established after World War 2. Correct me if I am wrong. At least I am sure it was established in the 20th century. There you go twisting and manipulating again.

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