Post Last Edit by maui_wifey at 18-7-2011 13:08
Reply 1380# Dv3
Kalo sblm sign up ins./takaful dah tau ader hernia..mmg xcover.. sbb dh dicategorykan under pre-existing illnesses ni:
Pre-existing Illness shall mean disabilities that the Participant has reasonable knowledge of. The Participant may be considered to have reasonable knowledge of a pre-existing condition where the condition is one for which: a) the Participant had received or is receiving treatment; or b) medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment has been recommended; or c) clear and distinct symptoms are or were evident; or d) its existence would have been apparent to a reasonable person in the circumstances.
Cuba tgk dlm definisi specified illnesses ni....penyakit hernia ade stated in item (d)..kalo penyakit2 di bwh ni berlaku DALAM TEMPOH 120 HARI selepas tarikh permulaan polisi, bermakna XCOVER..KALO LEPAS 120 HARI, e.g 130 hari..maknanya COVER Specified Illnesses shall mean the following disabilities and its related complications, occurring within the first hundred twenty (120) days of Takaful of the Participant: a) Hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Cardiovascular disease b) All tumours, cancers, cysts, nodules, polyps, stones of the urinary system and biliary system. c) All ear, nose (including sinuses) and throat conditions d) Hernias, haemorrhoids, fistulae, hydrocele, varicocele e) Vertebro-spinal disorders (including disc) and knee conditions
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