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Author: wongedandotcom2

INDONESIA - Defence, Military and Police Issues [Part 3]

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Post time 16-11-2010 02:25 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1400# botakgundul

    seeing is beliving..tabah sampai akhir bro..

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Post time 16-11-2010 01:22 PM | Show all posts
belanjaan TNI

• Sign Kerjasama PAL dengan Schelde Belanda untuk membuat light fregat PKR se ...
eltoro Post at 16-11-2010 00:45

    Wow, senarai panjang. Bagus utk Military .
    Tapi tiada usang utk MRT Jakarta ??

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Post time 16-11-2010 04:35 PM | Show all posts
RI–China Jajaki Kerja Sama Produksi Rudal

JAKARTA (SINDO) – Indonesia menjajaki kerja sama produksi peluru kendali (rudal) dengan Republik Rakyat China. Pemerintah telah menawarkan kerja sama tersebut dalam pameran pertahanan beberapa hari lalu. 

“Misalnya pengadaan misil C 802 dan C 705. Kalau mau perbanyak, kenapa tidak dibangun di Indonesia saja,” kata Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro di Kantor Kementerian Pertahanan kemarin. Purnomo mengatakan, kebutu*an akan rudal jenis tersebut cukup besar untuk ditempatkan di kapal-kapal perang milik TNI Angkatan Laut.Penjajakan kerja sama ini selaras dengan strategi pembangunan industri pertahanan.

Menurut Purnomo, pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan yang belum dapat diproduksi di dalam negeri sedapat mungkin diupayakan transfer teknologi untuk meningkatkan content lokal dan substitusi impor. “Yang belum bisa untuk dalam negeri, kita akan joint production dulu pelan-pelan kemudian kita dapat lisensi jadi kita ingin yang kita impor itu kita substitusi pelan-pelan sehingga impornya berkurang,local content-nya naik, pada suatu saat nanti kita bisa ekspor,”katanya.

Namun, lanjut Purnomo, kerja sama produksi bersama rudal tersebut belum dapat dipastikan dalam waktu dekat karena masih cukup banyak tahapan yang harus dijalani.“ Tentunya China pun masih hitung-hitungan investasinya akan seperti apa,”ujarnya. Ketika ditanyakan peningkatan kerja sama militer dengan Chi-na apakah muncul tekanan dari negara- negara tertentu,Purnomo menegaskan, Indonesia menjalin kerja sama berdasarkan prinsip bebas aktif.

Kita lakukan kerja sama militer kepada siapa saja. Prinsip kita million friends zero enemy. Dan saya kira mereka juga mengapresiasi cara-cara kita itu,”ujarnya. Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin menambahkan, pihaknya telah mengirimkan tim untuk melihat fasilitas pendidikan dan latihan pasukan khusus di negara itu.

Kerja sama antarpasukan khusus TNI dan militer China itu bisa dilakukan dalam berbagai bentukdi antaranya latihan bersama atau pendidikan perwira. “Kerja sama pasukan khusus antara militer Indonesia dan China juga menyangkut kerja sama pemberantasan terorisme,” katanya

Berita yang bagus untuk pengembangan teckhnologi rudal nasional kita..

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Post time 16-11-2010 04:43 PM | Show all posts
KRI Banda Aceh tahap finishing..PKR Sigma baru bulan lalu di kerjakan
KCR 40 belom punya wang ; ...
botakgundul Post at 15-11-2010 19:48

yang ini apa bro??

TNI-AL Pesan Kapal Rudal di Batam

BATAM - Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) memercayakan pembuatan kapal cepat rudal nasional kepada PT Palindo Marine Shipyard Batam. Galangan yang memproduksi kapal-kapal aluminium fiberglass dan perahu itu mendapat pesanan satu kapal yang berbiaya Rp 60 miliar.

Kemarin Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana Madya TNI Agus Suhartono meninjau PT Palindo Marine yang terletak di Seilekop, Sagulung. Selama di galangan, KSAL dan rombongan menanyakan perkembangan pengerjaan kapal pertama itu. Kapal rudal cepat atau KCR-40 itu mulai dibuat pada 9 Oktober 2009 dan rencananya selesai dalam tempo 52 pekan.

''Kami pesan di sini karena sesuai kebijakan industri pertahanan, pengusaha dalam negeri harus diajak bekerja sama. Dan pemenang tender, PT Palindo ini. Perusahaan swasta nasional yang bisa dibina untuk memenuhi kebutu*an alutsista kita," jelas Agus di lokasi PT Palindo Marine kemarin.

Menurut Agus, kapal ini berbahan aluminium baja pada bagian bawah dan fiberglass pada bagian atas. Penggunaan bahan aluminium baja itu, lanjut dia, karena lebih tahan lama. Sementara fiber usianya tidak tahan lama, tidak bagus untuk lingkungan, dan tidak kuat. Biaya pembuatan kapal ini Rp 60 miliar. ''Itu baru flatform saja, termasuk pendorong, alat navigasi, dan komunikasi. Belum termasuk senjata dan rudalnya," kata KSAL.

Untuk sistem persenjataan, ungkap Agus, TNI-AL akan memesannya dari Eropa. Peluru kendali (rudal) bakal diimpor dari Tiongkok atau Korsel. Biaya untuk pengadaan senjata dan rudal ini senilai USD 200 juta. Alat persenjataan baru dipasang setelah kapal jadi.

TNI-AL akan memesan 22 kapal sejenis ini. Pengadaannya secara bertahap. Sampai 2014, direncanakan bertambah antara empat atau enam unit.

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Post time 16-11-2010 05:16 PM | Show all posts
yang ini apa bro??
shantika Post at 16-11-2010 16:43

   wah , one down another 20+ to go

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Post time 16-11-2010 07:23 PM | Show all posts
ane panas dingin bacanya yg prioritas yg mana nih?
botakgundul Post at 16-11-2010 02:19


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Post time 16-11-2010 08:46 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by jf_pratama at 16-11-2010 19:52

Indonesian Armed Forces: Continued Modernisation (1)
15 November 2010

BTR-80A (photo : Seasickers)

In mid-August, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono announced the FY20 1 1 defence budget would undergo a significant 13 percent hike. The budget will rise to IDR45.2 trillion ($5billion), compared to IDR42.3 trillion this year. This will be welcome news for the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia, TNI), which has endured severe under funding and neglect for years. The funding increase will be allocated to, “improve the welfare of soldiers and revamp systems to meet the minimum essential force,” stated President Yudhoyono. This latest budget represents a doubling in defence spending since FY2005 when IDR21 .97 trillion was allocated.

After 32 years of Suharto autoc­racy, Indonesia has made a rather stunning transition to democracy. In power since October 2004, President Yudhoyono was re-elected on 8 July 2009 with a 60.8 percent majority. Indonesia’s first democratically elected principal has to a large extent been consolidating control over the 432,000-strong military. He has moved carefully to cultivate friends in high military posts, as illustrated by the September 2009 inauguration of Army Chief of Staff, Lt.Gen. George Toisutta. Yudhoyono’s brother-in- law, Maj.Gen. Pramono Edhi Wibowo, was also promoted to Siliwangi military com­mander in December 2009.

Under the tutelage of President Yudhoyono, the TNI is witnessing greater cohesion and more balanced development. The government is implementing a “Minimal Essential Force” (MEF) programme designed to defend the state’s ideology and territorial integrity, protect the nation’s honour and safety, and enforce the law in Indonesian ter­ritory. Professionalism of the military was to be enhanced by Law No.34/2004, which decreed all military businesses be surren­dered by 16 October 2009. Official data from 2007 (the latest available) disclosed the mili­tary as having $350 million in gross business assets reaping an annual profit of $28.5 mil­lion. All businesses were to shut down or be handed over to the Indonesian Military Business Management Body (BPBTNI). However, with the 2009 deadline having passed, this had still not fully occurred. On 15 April 2010, a review was announced to ensure all remaining TNI business interests would come under governmental control by the end of this year. It is hoped this divesti­ture of entrepreneurial activities will result in a more professional military force.

Since 2000, more people have been killed by terrorists in Indonesia than in any country except the US. The most recent attack was the bombing of Jakarta’s JW Marriott and Ritz- Carlton hotels on 17 July 2009. However, the nation has enjoyed success in the fight against Islamic extremism. The Malaysian Noordin Top, Southeast Asia’s most-wanted terrorist, was killed in Central Java on 17 September 2009. This success struck Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) a mighty blow, followed three weeks later by the death of his accomplices, Syaifudin Zuhri bin Jaelani and his brother. Dulmatin, another senior JI figure, was killed in March 2010. However, whilst these successes have put pressure on militant organisations, Islamic extremism is far from banished.

Sea Changes

Indonesia would like a more significant regional influence, and with the army essen­tially an internal security force and the Air Force hampered by high capital costs, per­haps the Navy has the greatest potential to project power. The Indonesian Navy (TNI Angkatan Laut, TNI-AL) has pinpointed three strategies to fulfil its MEF obligation: procure new weapon systems by prioritising domestic industries; increase existing system capabilities; and phase out ineffective sys­tems. “Our main priority now is security in sea border areas and the outer islands of Indonesia,” Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Agus Suhartono, said, especially the crime-prone western waters. Regular patrolling with India, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia has resulted in dropping maritime crime in the Malacca Strait area. ADM Agus claimed the Navy prevented IDR13.8 trillion in state losses in 2009 by preventing illegal activities such as fishing and logging.

PKR-105 light frigate (photo : Defense Studies)

The Navy envisions a 274-ship green-water navy divided into: a Striking Force (110 ships), Patrolling Force (66 ships) and Supporting Force (98 ships) located at 59 naval bases. To cre­ate such a force, the TNI-AL will be procur­ing corvettes and fast missile boats, at the same time replacing older vessels. The fourth and final Dutch-built Sigma 9113-class corvette was commissioned in March 2009, armed with MM40 Exocet Block II and MBDA Mistral missiles. Indonesia’s National Corvette programme stalled because of funding issues, but it has been resurrected by a contract on 16 August 2010 to locally build a Sigma 10514-class corvette. Called Guided Missile Escort 105 M (Perusak Kawal Rudal, PKR), it will take four years before the first 2,400-ton corvette is delivered by PT PAL. Local content will be around 35 percent. This is a small but signif­icant step for the navy, especially as Indonesia needs to standardise weapon plat­forms; the TNI presently operates 173 main weapon systems from 17 countries!

For years the local shipbuilding industry has been ailing, but led by PT PAL there is cause for optimism. PT PAL has previously developed fast patrol boats, and in March 2010 the second of two new 125m-long Landing Platform Dock (LPD) ships was launched in Surabaya. The Makassar-class LPD was developed in conjunction with the Daewoo in South Korea, this company having already built two 7,300-ton LPDs for Indonesia. These four LPDs will be vital assets for domestic missions and disaster relief mis­sions around the disaster-prone archipelago. Growing in confidence, Indonesia’s shipbuild­ing industry has set its sights on developing a 190m 35,000-ton helicopter carrier. PT PAL has also been enlisted to construct seven tank landing ships (LST) to replace six US-built LSTs that have been serving more than 40 years. However, the resurgence of PT PAL comes at a cost, with the once struggling com­pany undergoing a two-year restructuring programme. The process will be severe, with up to half of the company’s 2,400 employees expected to be dismissed. In March alone, 900 jobs were cut during the rationalisation.

CN-235 maritime patrol (photo : Defense Studies)

The TNI-AL will receive a trio of CN235- 220 maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) from PT Dirgantara after a $80 million contract was signed on 11 December 2009, bringing to six the number of such aircraft in service. The aircraft sensor suites will allow fishery and marine traffic surveillance, search-and-res­cue, anti-smuggling, anti-terrorism, and anti- surface and anti-submarine warfare mis‑sions. Indonesia has a huge 7.9 million square-kilometre EEZ to protect, and these new aircraft will allow retirement of the GAF N-22 Nomad aircraft fleet that has been rav­aged by accidents.

Indonesia fitted Chinese C-802 anti-ship missiles onto PB-57 large patrol craft in 2008, but the Navy announced it will be ordering dozens more C-802s in the future, possibly via local production. They are destined for use on fast patrol boats and Van Speijk-class frigates. Discussions also took place on pur­chasing the smaller C-705 anti-ship missile for fast patrol boats. Indonesia remains dependent on foreign suppliers for such sophisticated weaponry, although PT PAL is capable of integrating weapon systems onto existing vessels.

As neighbours like Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam develop submarine fleets, Indonesia is seeking to do the same. The country is reactivating plans to acquire two diesel-electric submarines by 2014. The Russian Kilo 636 and South Korean-built Type 209 had been shortlisted, but the pro­gramme was curtailed by a lack of funds. According to reports in April, this project is to be retendered, with PT PAL to act as local contractor for technology transfer. The 20 Russian BMP-3F infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) ordered previously are now entering service with the Marine Corps.

(Asian Military Review)

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Post time 16-11-2010 08:49 PM | Show all posts
Indonesian Armed Forces: Continued Modernisation (2)
15 November 2010

T-50 Golden Eagle (photo : Airliners)

Up in The Air

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI Angkatan Udara, TNI-AU) has down-selected three competing advanced trainer designs to replace its depleted BAE Hawk trainer fleet: the T-50 Golden Eagle from South Korea, L- 159B from the Czech Republic, and Yak-130 from Russia. This trio was confirmed in early August for this long-standing requirement, and a decision by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is expected before the year’s end. The TNI-AU ordered eight Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano aircraft for use in the light ground attack role. These will replace OV­10F Broncos, and another eight could possibly be ordered in the future.

The purchase of expensive Su-27 and Su- 30 fighters has stretched the Air Force budg­et, and these few fighters, poorly equipped with weapons, provide only marginal mod­ernisation. Three new Su-27SKM fighters were due to arrive around September to join two Su-30MKs already in service. Indonesia’s fleet of ten Sukhoi fighters also consists of three Su-30MK2s and two Su­30MKs. Now the TNI-AU is also seeking new F-16C/D fighters to strengthen its fighter squadrons. Talks with the US were held mid-year, with any possible sale being funded by Foreign Military Financing. Indonesia needs to replace its Northrop F­5E/F Tiger II aircraft, and various fighter options are available. The MoD has already turned down Dassault Mirage 2000-5 fight­ers from Qatar, although the Chinese are aligning the J-10 and Pakistan has proffered the JF-17. Interestingly, PT Dirgantara and AVIC of China are in preliminary talks about forming a partnership to develop a military transport aircraft.

The TNI-AU has signed deals to upgrade its C-130 Hercules fleet, as well as pursuing the idea of buying new C-130Js, in an effort to improve weak airlift capabilities. The air force only has four missile types – KS-1 Komet, AIM-9 Sidewinder, AGM-65 Maverick and AA-2 Atoll. It would like more advanced air-to-air missiles, with Russian munitions likely to be the best option. Locally, CV Sari Bahari is developing weapons like the P-100 air-to­ground bomb, which has been successfully tested on the Su-27 and Su-30.

There are serious reliability issues with the Air Force, as revealed by a Fokker F-27 crash on 6 April 2009 that killed all 24 occupants. A Lockheed L-100-30 crashed on 20 May 2009, killing 97. As with the shipbuilding industry, the aerospace industry under PT Dirgantara is showing resilience. South Korea recently ordered four more CN-235-110 MPAs, with Indonesia seeing off competition from US, Spanish and Israeli competitors.

Anoa 6x6 with CMI's 90mm cannon (photo : Army Recognition)

The Indonesian Army (TNI Angkatan Darat, TNI-AD) has ordered 154 Pindad APS-3 “Anoa” 6x6 armoured personnel carri­ers (APC). A total of 60 were delivered in 2009 and a further 33 in January 2010. This APC design is based on the French VAB, which was procured urgently for peacekeep­ing in Lebanon. Malaysia has ordered 32 APS-3 “Anoa” vehicles for its peacekeeping force in Lebanon too. Spurred by this success, there is a chance PT Pindad may attempt to develop a light tank in the future. It is report­ed Doosan of South Korea signed an Indonesian contract in November 2009 to deliver 22 Black Fox 6x6 vehicles within two years. The vehicles will mount a CSE90 90mm gun from CMI in Belgium.

International Connections

South Korea has established itself as a prime partner in Indonesian defence sales. Furthermore, on 11 August the two coun­tries’ defence ministers reached an agreement in Jakarta on expanding defence ties, with a key focus being development of South Korea’s next-generation KFX fighter. An existing collaboration framework dating back to 1999 is to be redrawn.

Super Tucano (photo : Airliners)

To the south, Australia has long been con­cerned about illegal migration by boat from and through Indonesia. From 16-27 April 2010, the two countries completed an inaugu­ral round of a Coordinated Maritime Security Patrol aimed at improving security on the shared maritime border to the south of West Timor. Commodore David Gwyther of the Royal Australian Navy stated: “It sends a message to those who may contemplate conducting illegal activities in our maritime zones, that the Indonesian Armed Forces and Australian Defence Force are working together - so beware.” The exercise incorpo­rated a HQ staff, naval vessels and MPAs, with further patrols planned.

On 22 November 2005, the US restored full military ties with Indonesia, ending a six-year ban on arms sales. President Obama’s administration has been making special efforts to reach out to the world’s most muslim populous nation, although the President has thrice cancelled visits to the country of his childhood due to domestic emergencies. On 22 July 2010, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates announced during an official visit to Jakarta that the USA was resuming ties with Indonesian Special Forces after a twelve-year hiatus. “The United States will begin a gradual, limited programme of security cooperation activities with Indonesian Army Special Forces,” said Gates. Kopassus had been implicated in atrocities in East Timor and Aceh, but Human Rights Watch asserts the Special Force Command continues to perpetrate abuses in Papua province. Obama considers Indonesia a vital Muslim ally, as well as an important influence in Southeast Asia.

However, remembering the recent arms embargo, Indonesia will be coy about relying too heavily on the US. At some stage, too, the TNI will need to relinquish its internal securi­ty duties to the police in order to reduce man­power. However, it is not yet ready to do this. Indonesia is still far from being able to project power, but it is making progress in improving its strategic situation and in securing its own archipelagic territory. A greater green-water defensive capability will certainly aid its status as gatekeeper to the Indian and Pacific Oceans, straddling as it does, the Malacca Strait.

(Asian Military Review)

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Post time 16-11-2010 11:36 PM | Show all posts
shantika Post at 16-11-2010 19:23

6 bijik lontong? tp lama utk terealisasi gan.sementara menunggu lontong nasional, yah tambah baksonya dolo......

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Post time 17-11-2010 12:02 AM | Show all posts
6 bijik lontong? tp lama utk terealisasi gan.sementara menunggu lontong nasional, yah tambah bak ...
botakgundul Post at 16-11-2010 23:36

Kata pertapa sebelah, lontongnya lama jadi soalnya bisa berubah jadi herder. Herder yg menggigit dan sakit bgt kalo smpe ke gigit..

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Post time 17-11-2010 02:51 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ayahanda at 17-11-2010 02:56
Kata pertapa sebelah, lontongnya lama jadi soalnya bisa berubah jadi herder. Herder yg menggigit ...
shantika Post at 17-11-2010 00:02

    hihi..ngomongin benda item yang bisa nyelem lama itu yaaah..
hmm..kabar burung sementara ini yg jalan2 pake rentalan papa bear yg betel propen dolo tuh??..buat nyiapin kedatangan herder..

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Post time 17-11-2010 07:52 AM | Show all posts
kalo memang herder ya sukur lah, tapi asal jangan kayak poodle sebelah yg tingkah lakunya seperti anjrit kampung gan.

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2010 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1412# botakgundul

Kalau lihat ini 2025 masih kurang 180 sukhoinya bro.. harusnya ditambahin lagi... 300 kek...


RI Masuk 10 Raksasa Ekonomi, 2020
Kekuatan Cina menggeser Amerika Serikat, yang pada 2010 menjadi negara terbesar.

Rabu, 17 November 2010, 07:07 WIB



Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia                          
VIVAnews - China akan menjadi negara adidaya ekonomi dunia pada 2020. Kekuatan Cina bakal menggeser Amerika Serikat yang pada 2010 masih menjadi negara dengan kekuatan ekonomi terbesar dunia.

Dalam laporan terbaru Standard Chartered Research yang berjudul "The Super-Cycle Report" pada 15 November 2010, bank terkemuka internasional  itu menilai dunia tengah berada dalam sebuah kelanjutan periode waktu  dari pertumbuhan ekonomi tinggi.

Negara-negara berkembang akan menjadi  pendorong utama pertumbuhan. Bahkan, negara-negara berkembang akan dapat melampaui negara maju dengan lebih  baik. Akibatnya, keseimbangan kekuatan global ekonomi akan bergeser  tegas dari Barat ke Timur. "Asia akan mendorong sebagian besar dari pertumbuhan  global selama 20 tahun ke depan," kata Stanchart.

Dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi China akan menjadi 6,9  persen selama dua dekade mendatang, China menyalip Amerika Serikat  untuk sebagai negara adidaya ekonomi dunia pada 2020.

Total PDB China saat itu sekitar US$ 24,6 triliun, meningkat dibanding 2010 sebesar US$ 5,9 triliun. Sedangkan, PDB Amerika sendiri diperkirakan mencapai US$ 23,3 triliun meningkat dibanding 2010 sebesar US$ 14,6 triliun.

Pertumbuhan ekonomi India naik 9,3 persen dalam periode yang sama  dan mengekori Amerika Serikat sebagai perekonomian terbesar ketiga pada  2030. PDB India akan mencapai US$9,6 triliun. Posisi India langsung melesat, karena pada 2010 negara ini tidak masuk dalam daftar negara terbesar.

Selain China dan India, kekuatan baru yang bakal melesat adalah Brazil dan Rusia. Dalam satu dekade lagi, Brazil akan menempati posisi kelima dengan  PDB US$5,1 triliun. Sedangkan, Rusia akan menempati posisi kedelapan dengan PDB US$ 3,5 triliun.

Kejutan lainnya adalah masuknya Indonesia - seperti halnya India - yang tahun ini tak masuk 10 negara terbesar ekonomi dunia. Namun, pada sepuluh tahun lagi, Indonesia akan masuk urutan kesepuluh dengan total PDB US$3,2 triliun.

Sementara, negara-negara Eropa yang sekarang dikenal sebagai negara industri maju justru turun dari posisi saat ini. Bahkan, Italia dan Kanada justru terpental dari sepuluh besar.

10 Besar Ekonomi Dunia 2010 dan 2020
2010PDB (US$ triliun)2020PDB (US$ triliun)
Amerika Serikat14,6China24,6
China5,9Amerika Serikat23,3

Sumber: IMF dan Stanchart

Menurut laporan Stanchart, peta negara maju dunia selalu berubah tiap dekade. Pada abad 19, awalnya Inggris sebagai negara produktif memimpin secara ekonomi, lalu disusul oleh Amerikaan tersebut membuat standar hidup yang diukur dengan pendapatan per kapita akan meningkat sembilan kali lipat di China dan India dalam kurun waktu antara tahun 2000 hingga 2030. %0 Serikat menjelang akhir abad 19.

Namun, pasca era perang dunia, Jepang menjadi negara maju di bidang ekonomi. Sekarang, China menjadi negara yang ekonominya paling dinamis, sedangkan India akan menyusul secepatnya.

Sedangkan pada 2030, kekuatan ekonomi akan bergeser dari negara Barat ke negara Timur. Sedangkan AS, Uni Eropa dan Jepang yang mewakili 72 persen ekonomi global harus menyusut hanya 29 persen pada 2030. Saat itu, kekuatan ekonomi telah pindah ke kekuatan baru, seperti China, India, Brazil dan Indonesia. (hs)

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Post time 17-11-2010 11:00 AM | Show all posts
langkah tegap majuuuuuuuuuu jalan!!!!


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Post time 17-11-2010 06:30 PM | Show all posts
Saya suka artikel di atas bro..

Saya setuju kalo indonesia tahun 2020 di prediksi masuk 10 besar ekonomi dunia (prediksi kaya gini udah sering). Kalo kita liat ekonomi kita tahun 2000, pasti masih banyak yg inget kan waktu itu kita ada salah satu periode terburuk indonesia. Pemerintahan orde baru yg diktator baru ambruk, banyak kerusuhan di daerah2, ekonomi hampir mandek (setelah tahun 1998 ekonomi kita negatif). Seperti pepatah bilang periode 2000 - 2010 kita ibarat "from zero to hero".

Tapi hanya dalam waktu 10 tahun kita udah berhasil masuk ke G20, export - import kita terus naik sampai ke $140 milyar, FDI kita jg salah satu yg terbaik di kawasan asia tenggara. Angka GDP kita jg sudah mencapai $500 milyar (tertinggi se ASEAN).

Saat Indonesia masuk ke daftar ekonomi terbesar se dunia, maka hal ini akan berdampak ke budget militer kita yg (semoga) terus naik.

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Post time 18-11-2010 12:11 AM | Show all posts
BMP-3F Marinir Dijadwalkan Datang November 2010

Kendaraan tempur BMP-3F dengan kanon 100mm

Dijadwalkan bulan ini (November), sebanyak 17 unit ranpur amfibi BMP-3F pesanan Marinir TNI AL akan berlabuh di Surabaya. Selanjutnya ranpur buatan pabrikan Kurganmashzavod yang berlokasi di Kurgan, Rusia ini akan melaksanakan uji fungsi di Karangpilang, Surabaya.

BMP-3F adalah varian yang didesain khusus untuk beroperasi di laut. Mampu menerjang ombak pada level 2. BMP-3F mampu beroperasi melaksanakan operasi amfibi selama tujuh jam (ben).

(Majalah COMMANDO, Volume VI, Edisi No. 5, Tahun 2010)

Yaah..benernya brapa sih 20 ato 17..kok kecil amat jumlahnya...

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Post time 18-11-2010 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Reply  botakgundul

Kalau lihat ini 2025 masih kurang 180 sukhoinya bro..  harusnya dita ...
wongedandotcom2 Post at 17-11-2010 09:48

    I hope so..
    Mari kita wujudkan impian tersebut..Di mulai dengan diri sendiri lakukan yang terbaik sesuai dengan profesi masing2..

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Post time 18-11-2010 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Yaah..benernya brapa sih 20 ato 17..kok kecil amat jumlahnya...
ayahanda Post at 18-11-2010 00:11

17 yg bener gan, duitna cuman cukup segitu yg penting katana teknologinyasetara dgn para jiran. ntar di utak atik di Pindad kluar dah klonenganya.
namanya bukan lagi BMP, tapi dah jadi bemper

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Post time 18-11-2010 07:16 PM | Show all posts
Ursula Da Lopez dan Heppy Wahyudi

18/11/2010 06:12, Jakarta: Rencana hibah 24 unit pesawat tempur F-16 dari Amerika Serikat untuk memperkuat skuadron pertahanan udara Indonesia masih dipertimbangkan. Kementerian Pertahanan masih mempelajari untung ruginya dibanding membeli pesawat baru. "Plus minusnya itu yang sedang kita kaji secara cermat," kata Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro di Jakarta, Rabu (17/11).

Harga sebuah pesawat F-16 baru yakni US$ 70 juta. Sedangkan biaya untuk meng-upgrade atau menaikkan kemampuan pesawat hibah setiap pesawat dibutu*kan berkisar US$ 5 juta hingga US$ 7 juta.

Tim teknis Kementerian Pertahanan saat ini berada di AS melihat kondisi fisik pesawat. Mereka juga mengalkulasi angka perbandingan untuk menerima hibah dengan segala konsekuensinya atau membeli pesawat tempur baru. ... sih.Dipertimbangkan

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Post time 19-11-2010 02:32 AM | Show all posts
Ursula Da Lopez dan Heppy Wahyudi

18/11/2010 06:12, Jakarta: Rencana hibah 24 unit  ...
botakgundul Post at 18-11-2010 19:16

   bapak mcm mana dgn kapal selam, ada perkhabaran?

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