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Originally posted by neo-painkillerz at 20-6-2008 11:54 AM 
awek tu bukan sapa2 punya ka tu..........
ex gf aku jek tuh...wahahah... |
Reply #1445 carrie_connie's post
world's best playar?? :eek: |
sape yg world best player????  |
Reply #1426 ussopp's post
Reply #1451 carrie_connie's post
sayang la pulok kt pak leman nih... |
wa masih takde konfident kat pakcik leman nie...  |
swanstiger main 1st eleven baru la gempak tim neh  |
Reply #1457 swantiger's post
haku dah agak ..ko mesti reply  |
Reply #1458 epitome's post
oo ingtkn ckp pasal aku td....
btw schweini ni jd sebutan bile perform elok utk team german time tournament besar camni je.. |
Originally posted by swantiger at 21-6-2008 11:19 AM 
oo ingtkn ckp pasal aku td....
btw schweini ni jd sebutan bile perform elok utk team german time tournament besar camni je..
not really..club football pon dier masyuk wat |
next game --> Germany vs. Turkey
saper2 yg ader kt Germany skrg msti gempak, battle of the flags  |
Reply #1462 carrie_connie's post
yup, the most important thing is to stay alert until the final whistle is blown.. the Turks always surprise their opponents during the last minutes (but the Germans had that experience already ms game against Portugal kn )
both teams are highly motivated, highly spirited & very determine to win.. going to be a tough fight, esp. it's well known that the Germans performance usually depend on how strong their opponents are.. sbb tu lemau jer bila meka lwn tim2 underdog |
Reply #1465 izat123's post
selama ni bkn Klose x leh nk sumbat gol, dia x nk jd selfish jer
ms game against Austria tu, patutnya leh jer klu dia nk score.. tp terlebih baik hati pi passed lk bola tu kat si Gomez (who amazingly missed it w/pun pd ms tu dia berdiri betul2 dpn pintu gol :@ :@ ) |
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