[MANGA] ONE PIECE - Ver: 4.0 - Two Years Later (New Chapter!)
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mini rasa lanun yg dikatakan tembak queen tu dikambenghitamkan... mesti org lain yg tembak... hodi hodi hodi
minipuff Post at 3-6-2011 09:19
:@ btol tekaan mini pada 3 Jun 2011 bahawasanya yang si hodi yang bunuh queen otohime |
Post Last Edit by cmf_cluesan at 14-7-2011 07:38
- clue
Arghh..... bile la Luffy nk sampai ni.... Tak sabar nk tgk Hodi n the gang kena belangkung ngan Mugiwara kaizoku. {:1_144:} |
Reply 1460# sue_cinta
Jgn sakit mcm Togashi sensei da la.... asik hiatus je. Skali hiatus smp setahun dua. |
AKu pon tak sabar nak tengok Luffy beraksi... |
Reply 1464# cmf_cluesan
takpe...nanti aku lukis citer HxH tuh...watak baru: Featuring Swotworld & clue...ahaks ;) |
aku nak kuasa bole ghaib..dan hobi suka sekodeng!!! Hahahaha..... |
Reply 1466# sue_cinta
Character aku bagi style2 shoujo manga cket. Haha. |
risau aku terjadi apa2 kat eichiro oda ni... |
Reply 1469# kumbang7
Harap2 takde pape la. Klu tak merana kita suma weh... |
...harap maklum...kekeke |
Minggu depan pastikan ada. |
errr nak minta bantuan dri geng2 one piece kat sini,klu anime yg terbaru episod bape yer huhu.bkan per bru nak start kumpul anime one piece ni selalu dok kumpul bleach n naruto jer,
ni dah terpikat kt luffy start tengok anime kat ceria huhuhu, |
errr nak minta bantuan dri geng2 one piece kat sini,klu anime yg terbaru episod bape yer huhu.bkan p ...
jgfjhdjhg Post at 22-7-2011 08:37
ada la dlm 507 mcm tu... jom tukar2 x? aku sedut kau punya bleach n naruto, kau sedut aku punya one piece |
Reply 1473# jgfjhdjhg
Da episod 507. Kena amik cuti sebulan baru bole marathon smp dpt catchup. |
Aiyak.... anime 508 pun postponed gak ke...? |
Reply 1473# jgfjhdjhg
slmt bermarathon.... paling latest skrg 507, teringat mini dulu nak marathon OP ....kene plak masa free tak byk...berbulan baru abis.. |
Post Last Edit by devil_fruit at 27-7-2011 16:28
One Piece Otaku semua...
Spoiler Untuk Chapter 633 da out...enjoy...
coverstory: Island of Giants "Little Garden" Dorry and Broggy are still fighting.
The reason why Shirahoshi knew the perpetrator was because Megalo saw the whole thing, and told Shirahoshi
She kept it a secret because Hodi may vent his hatred towards someone for it, and her mother would be saddened by it
She followed her mother's last words which was not to hate anyone, and kept it to herself for 10 years
Hodi calls her a fool, and attacks the king and the princes with Yabusame (the water shot)
The fishmen children asks Madame Shirley when the pirate with the hat is coming to destroy the island
"I wish he'd come right now! If he rampages here right now, we'd be in trouble.. but those guys would be in bigger trouble right!?"
The adults who heard those words also wished the pirate would come right now
Hodi tries to finish the king off.
Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama!! Please protect my father!!
Luffy jumps out of Megalo's mouth! He darts towards Hodi, and kicks him.
Luffy: Hurry up, guys!!
Nami appears, and snatches the Tenryuubito's letter (the one Otohime brought back) and the keys to the King and Princes' locks
Robin uses them to release the princes
In the sky is Hoe and the Sunny.
Gaon cannon is shot to take out the fishmen pirates, and Hoe rescues Neptune
This whole attack was pre-planned with Jinbe.
The denizens of Fishman Island asks the strawhat pirtes if they are friends or foes.
Luffy: Friend or Foe...? Well, you decide yourselves!
The straw hat pirates all gather at the plaza. Jinbe gets ready to fight alongside them too!
Chapter end
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gambatte mugiwara |
alamak.. bestnye chapter kali ini
thanks for the spoiler
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