V26 MH370 Usaha Mencari Kotak Hitam Diteruskan
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dino posted on 7-4-2014 09:28 AM 
ala nama pun teori
wpun senah suh sembah berhala ke apa....ade aku kesah...
jgn dino............
tapibukanaku posted on 7-4-2014 09:34 AM 
jgn dino............
blackboard tu suka suki campak merata2 kan... 
dino posted on 7-4-2014 09:35 AM 
blackboard tu suka suki campak merata2 kan...
tau tak pe. saja je campak merata padahal dia yg campak jugakk.
Simunggu posted on 7-4-2014 09:25 AM 
jem...I hate Monday...
i love Monday
i pcaye ikan2 di lautan hindi yg xpernah merasa kesedapan buah manggis malayzia, pasti berdoyon2 ke laut china selatan spy lebih dekat dgn malayzia..anyway apakah pkambangan bunyian pinger itew , masih ber ping2 kah,kat sekabar kate bunyi makin lemah petanda bateri blackbox nak habis,ohh no please dont.. |
Kwn aku ad pos gambar.kt klia ktenyer..ad beratus askar us kt pintu msuk airport.dorg dtg tlg cari ke? |
The Chief Coordinator of the Joint Agency Coordination Centre, Air ChiefMarshal Angus Houston (Ret'd), said reports that the Chinese ship, Haixun 01,had detected electronic pulse signals in the Indian Ocean related to MH370could not be verified at this point in time.
“I have been advised that a series of sounds have been detected by a Chineseship in the search area. The characteristics reported are consistent with theaircraft black box. A number of white objects were also sighted on the surfaceabout 90 kilometres from the detection area. However, there is no confirmationat this stage that the signals and the objects are related to the missingaircraft,“ Air Chief Marshal Houston (Ret'd) said.
“Advice tonight from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority's RescueCoordination Centre (RCC) and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau is thatthey cannot verify any connection to the missing aircraft.
“The RCC in Australia has spoken to the RCC in China and asked for anyfurther information that may be relevant.
“The deployment of RAAF assets to the area where the Chinese ship detectedthe sounds is being considered.
“I will provide further updates if, and when, more information becomesavailable.”
elnor_81 posted on 7-4-2014 01:40 AM 
Kwn aku ad pos gambar.kt klia ktenyer..ad beratus askar us kt pintu msuk airport.dorg dtg tlg cari k ...
post la sini
gamba2 askar US kat KLIA
lorelai posted on 7-4-2014 09:45 AM
post la sini
gamba2 askar US kat KLIA
Xleh..nnt kwn i tau la i nnt.huhuhu.. |
elnor_81 posted on 7-4-2014 01:46 AM 
Xleh..nnt kwn i tau la i nnt.huhuhu..
ooo u undercover ya sini..
u edit2 la sikit bagi nampak ori
mcm dah slow je kan...sedeynyaaa...
bekpes jums  |
hai abam...lamanya tak nyembang  |
Gamba 1 : Here's a map from Chinese state media showing where the "pulse" signal was detected, which was not in the official April 5 search areas
Gamba 2 : Also, this CNN map shows where the pulse signal was detected in relation to the projected "southern arc".
Credit - GudSpellar
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Simunggu posted on 7-4-2014 09:23 AM 
4 tan zirafah berlari ria dalam kargo kapal terbang...hehehehe
hehehe riang ria la nak ke antaltik gamaknye main ice kat sana...mengarut la otak aku skrg nie..penat nak berserius2 berspeku...
beberapa cerita yang mungkin kita miss, sebab sebok dengan berita ping
- No One on Flight MH370 Cleared from Probe: The acting Transport Minister told today’s MH370 press briefing that all 239 people, including the 12 flight crew members, are still under a four-pronged probe for hijacking, sabotage and psychological and personal problems.
- Black box batteries on MH370 due for replacement in June, says MAS CEO: The group's chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya told a press conference at the Putra World Trade Centre today that the flight recorder was only due to be serviced in June. Earlier reports said they were overdue for replacement.
- Pinger maker sceptical that pulse signal in Indian Ocean from MH370, says CNN: Anish Patel, president of Dukane Seacom, which manufactured the batteries in the two black boxes on the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200ER, told the international broadcaster that his level of scepticism was high, after hearing reports that a Chinese patrol ship has detected a single pulse signal in the Indian Ocean... “(I’d) also would like to understand why not two signals. There should be a second beacon from either the flight data recorder or the voice recorder… so if the recorders are adjacent or near each other or in reasonable proximity… one (1.6km) or two miles (3.2km), they should have detected possibly two signals.”
- Avionics Workshop that Services MA Planes Experienced Fire on March 27: Meanwhile, MAS chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya told reporters that the avionics workshop that caught fire on March 27 services all of MAS’ aircraft.
“We do repair and service avionics equipment on board all aircraft. The workshop is certified to do so,” he said, when asked if the workshop had handled MH370’s equipment.
Avionics is a general term that means ‘aviation electronics’ and includes equipment such as airspeed indicators, altimeters, radios, and black boxes.
The minor fire reportedly occurred at a “confined area of the corridor” of the workshop in Subang.
yang penting pinger maker pon sceptical
Simunggu posted on 7-4-2014 09:27 AM 
bila mana manusia mula angkuh & lupa disitu akan menyusul ujian Allah...percaya lah...
percaya 100%. U cakap mcm Kpt. Norudin cakap je...
dino posted on 7-4-2014 09:28 AM 
ala nama pun teori
wpun senah suh sembah berhala ke apa....ade aku kesah...
walaupun dino atau orang2 lain tak kesah dianjur sembah berhala, tapi saya tetap tak berkenanlah cakap2 begitu. Adake orang2 Islam disarankan supaya syirik terhadap Allah s.w.t. Perkara syirik mcm 2 jgnlah dibuat main. Beristighfarlah banyak2.
nolya posted on 7-4-2014 10:24 AM 
walaupun dino atau orang2 lain tak kesah dianjur sembah berhala, tapi saya tetap tak berkenanlah c ...
Mmg pun sis... tp kalau dihadam apa yg dia kata tu kira mustahil sangatlah nak jadi... maksud konspirasi ni. Mcm kita orang islam ni... tak pernah terdetik pun nak sembah benda selain Allah ... mcm tu jugak dia... konspirasi serta passengers dan crew masih hidup mmg mustahillah baginya
Simunggu posted on 7-4-2014 07:55 AM 
mungkin radar mereka ada mengesan tapi takut nak admit sbb nanti org tanya kena tak response....ta ...
namun ikut pemahaman akak mereka conclude pesawat itu elak radar indon sebab nya mereka study radar data indon dan tak jumpa pesawat itu sebegitu.
yakni nya di sini indon pun bagi kerjasama la share radar data mereka.
azie.dz posted on 7-4-2014 09:48 AM 
hai abam...lamanya tak nyembang
hai uols...
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