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Author: CikNano

Jom Test Jenis Personality Burung

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Post time 29-7-2020 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Here's Your Results for the DOPE 4 Birds Personality Types Test [Online Version]:

You're Test Taker #: 1,212,450

Your Score: Owl (35%)

You are the Detail Seeker and have:
-- Low Assertiveness
-- Low Emotionality

Your type's description is:

Logical, mathematically minded, methodical and sometimes seen as a perfectionist. They can be slow to make decisions and inflexible if rules and logic says otherwise. They are not big risk takers but love detail..

Here's how you scored on the other types:
  • Peacock (25%)
  • Eagle (25%)
  • Dove (15%)


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Post time 11-9-2020 09:38 PM | Show all posts
Here's Your Results for the DOPE 4 Birds Personality Types Test [Online Version]:

You're Test Taker #: 1,261,145

Your Score: Owl (50%)

You are the Detail Seeker and have:
-- Low Assertiveness
-- Low Emotionality

Your type's description is:

Logical, mathematically minded, methodical and sometimes seen as a perfectionist. They can be slow to make decisions and inflexible if rules and logic says otherwise. They are not big risk takers but love detail..

Here's how you scored on the other types:
Eagle (25%)
Peacock (15%)
Dove (10%)

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Post time 1-10-2020 01:16 AM | Show all posts
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Post time 1-10-2020 01:54 PM | Show all posts
You're Test Taker #: 1,281,765

Your Score: Dove (35%)

You are the Harmony Seeker and have:
-- Low Assertiveness
-- High Emotionality

Your type's description is:

People-oriented, loyal, friendly, hard working and a great team player but tends to avoid change, confrontation, risk-taking, and assertiveness..

Here's how you scored on the other types:
Peacock (25%)
Owl (20%)
Eagle (20%)

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Post time 5-10-2020 04:49 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 5-10-2020 11:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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